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Bahasa Inggris

Sharing an Opinion
Hi friends! Kalian tentunya pernah
mengemukakan pendapat, baik itu terhadap
teman atau orang yang lebih tua. Well, I don’t think so.
To me, he is cute
Nah bagaimana ya caranya mengemukakan
pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris atau I don’t like him.
sharing opinions ? I think he is ugly!

Yuk kita pelajari, semangat!

Dengan mempelajari materi ini kamu akan dapat memahami
bagaimana caranya meminta dan memberikan pendapat
dalam bahasa Inggris.

• How to ask and give an opinion

• How to express compulsion
• How to express prohibition
• Contoh soal
• Latihan soal
Untuk lebih memudahkanmu
Memahami materi ini, Yuk
No tonton dulu video journey-nya
Expression of Asking and Giving an Opinion di ruangbelajar!

Showing Compulsion

Showing Prohibition
1. Expression of Asking and
Giving an Opinion
Expression of Asking and Giving an Opinion

Expression of Asking and Giving an Opinion adalah ungkapan

yang digunakan saat ingin meminta atau memberikan pendapat
baik dalam situasi formal (resmi) maupun informal (santai).
Expression of Asking and Giving an Opinion

Asking and Giving Opinions in Formal situations

Asking for Opinions

• Would you give me your opinion on…?

• What are your views on…?
• Have you got any comments on…?
• What is your feeling about?
• Do you have any ideas?
Expression of Asking and Giving an Opinion

Asking and Giving Opinions in Informal situations

Asking for Opinions

• What do you think about…?

• What is your opinion on…?
• How about…?
• Do you think it’s…?

• “In my opinion” dan “from my point of view” dapat digunakan juga dalam situasi formal.
Shinta : which dress should I wear?
Maria : I think the white one is better.

From the dialogue above, we can infer that...

A. Shinta is asking for help

B. Maria is giving help
C. Shinta is giving an invitation
D. Shinta is asking for an opinion
E. Maria is asking for an opinion
Jawaban : D

Dalam percakapan tersebut Shinta meminta saran kepada Maria tentang gaun mana yang
harus dipakai, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah “asking for an opinion”.
If you want to ask someone's opinion, you will say the following expression, EXCEPT...

A. What do you think of my appearance?

B. What's your opinion of my appearance?
C. What do you feel about my appearance?
D. What do you see from my appearance?
E. What do you do?
Jawaban : E

Yang bukan ungkapan “asking for opinions”, yaitu “what do you do?” , karena ungkapan
tersebut biasanya dipakai dalam introduction, yang artinya “apa pekerjaanmu?”
Damar : What can you say about our new teacher? Ranran
: ____, she is okay.

A. She says
B. To my mind
C. I see
D. Don't say
E. I know
Jawaban : B

Dalam dialog, Ranran menyatakan opininya terhadap guru baru. Salah satu ungkapan yang
dapat digunakan dalam memberikan opini, yaitu “to my mind” .
1. Amy : How do you feel about the disaster in Aceh on December 26, 2004?
Nita : I feel so sad, and I think it is one of the worst human race tragedies.

The underlined words express...

A. An opinion
B. A request
C. An acceptance
D. An offer
E. A greeting
2. Would you mind telling me what you think of the test score?

The following answers are acceptable, EXCEPT...

A. As far as I am concerned, it is disappointing

B. What I have in my mind is it is disappointing
C. In my opinion, it is disappointing
D. I would say that it is disappointing
E. You’re welcome
3. “What do you think about my dress.”

The expression shows…

A. Showing appreciation
B. Asking opinion
C. Giving opinion
D. Giving invitation
E. Refusing an offer
4. Tina : _________________________?
Adam : I guess Indonesia will be the champion.

A. What can you say about the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
B. Do you know the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
C. Have you heard about the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
D. Do you watch the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
E. Do you see the Sudirman Badminton World Cup?
5. Indri : Look at the views! What do you think about the river?
Indra: I think …………

A. I can do nothing
B. I don’t think so
C. yes, of course
D. it is amazing
E. it sounds great
6. Ana : I think I have a headache and a stomachache. Do you think I should see a
Tomy : .................

A. I don’t think
B. I believe you should
C. Congratulations
D. I must take some rest, too
E. I would like some
7. “Give me your opinion about my new hairstyle. Am I beautiful with it?”

The underlined sentence is the expression of …

A. Giving opinion
B. Asking opinion
C. Giving invitation
D. Showing appreciation
E. Accepting an invitation
8. Murray : So, Emily your party has voted against raising wages, what do you
think of that?
Emily: Well, ________________. I believe people work very hard for their money and I
think they deserve even more than they get at the moment.
Murray : Interesting, that’s very different to your party’s view.

A. it’s a no for me
B. nope, i don’t like the idea
C. I have very different views on this issue
D. it is crazy
E. they wish
9. Dave: So, it’s agreed, we will go to the cinema and then we will eat at the
Italian restaurant next door?
Tony: ____________________!

A. That sounds good to me

B. I believe that your decision is the best option
C. As far as I am concerned, it will be a good choice for us
D. My impression is that your opinion is outstanding
E. I am at one with you on that point
2. Showing Compulsion
Hi friends! Sebagai pelajar, kalian pasti memiliki
berbagai kewajiban seperti harus bangun pagi, Hi! I am a student of Clayderman High School.
harus mengerjakan PR, dan sebagainya. This is my new uniform.
I must take care of it because I have to wear it from
Dalam bahasa Inggris, ungkapan mengenai Monday to Friday.
keharusan dinamakan
expression of showing compulsion.

Yuk kita pelajari, semangat!

Showing Compulsion

Showing Compulsion merupakan ungkapan yang mewajibkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.

(untuk mengekspresikan kewajiban yang merupakan pendapat pribadi)
• I must win this contest! I don’t want to be embarrassed in front of other students!
• You must wash your feet before you enter my room.

(untuk mengekspresikan kewajiban yang merupakan suatu hukum yang berlaku)
• Students have to wear black shoes at school.
• In USA, Maggie has to drive on the right side of the road.

(sama seperti have to, tetapi untuk past event)
When I was your age, I had to join the military.

(artinya “diwajibkan untuk”)
Teachers are required to attend the training once a month.
Showing Compulsion


(ungkapan informal yang memiliki arti sama dengan must)
• I have got to buy that album or I will be mad.

(ungkapan informal yang juga memiliki arti sama dengan must)
• You are to stay here until the afternoon.

Note: Kedua ungkapan di atas hanya bisa dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Untuk penulisan makalah,
tugas, wawancara, dan lainnya yang bersifat resmi, kedua ungkapan tersebut tidak boleh digunakan.
Ben : Which suit looks better?
Stanley : It’s a prom night. You must wear the black one.

From the dialogue above, we can infer that...

A. Prom night rule is to wear a black suit

B. Ben thinks black suit is better
C. Stanley thinks it is appropriate to wear a black suite
D. Ben is inviting Stanley
E. Stanley doesn’t like black suit
Jawaban : C

Dalam percakapan tersebut Stanley berkata “must” yang berarti keharusan memakai black
suit hanyalah pendapatnya saja, dan bukan merupakan aturan baku, sehingga jawaban yang
tepat adalah “Stanley thinks it is appropriate to wear a black suite”.

• Appropriate = Pantas
10. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eve : Yeah, you _____ buy an air conditioner.

A. must
B. mustn’t
C. have to
D. had to
E. has to
11. Jacob : We are going to have a long holiday, I am thinking of going to Norway.
Peter : Well, we _____ renew our passports.

A. must
B. have to
C. had to
D. hasn’t
E. has to
12. Pam : I’ve Problem with my mobile Phone. I will return it to the store.
Jim : Make sure you still keep the warranty card, You are _____ show it.

A. have to
B. are to
C. must
D. required to
E. have got to
3. Showing Prohibition
Hi friends! Apakah peraturan di sekolahmu
melarang kamu untuk membawa handphone?
Apakah kamu juga dilarang untuk
Well, I guess
membawa makanan ke dalam kelas?
I can’t swim here
Dalam bahasa Inggris, larangan-larangan tersebut
disebut sebagai
expression of showing prohibition.

Yuk kita pelajari, semangat!

Showing Prohibition
• I must not fail the test!
• You mustn’t forget to bring the packet.
(Note: Penulisan yang benar adalah mustn’t, bukan musn’t)
(Can’t di sini bermakna tidak boleh) LARANGAN
• You can’t swim here. It is a private pool.

DON’T + V1
• Don’t leave the window open!


• Students are not allowed to park in this area.
• My brother is not allowed to drive the car.

• Visitors are forbidden to feed the animals at this zoo.
• I am prohibited to give you the information, sir.


• It is against the law to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
Jack : Hi Gemma. Have you seen Tornado Express?
Gemma : Oh. Hi Jack. Mm … no. Let’s see it in the theatre.
Jack : Pff … no, we don’t have to go. We can just download it from this link.
Gemma : You _______! That’s illegal.

The correct expression is…

A. can do that
B. could do that
C. can’t do that
D. must do that
E. can’t to do that
Jawaban : C

Gemma berpendapat bahwa yang dilakukan Jack adalah illegal atau melanggar
hukum, karena itu expression yang tepat untuk menegur Jack adalah “You can’t
do that!”
13. The sign says "NO PARKING". That means you…

A. must park your car here

B. are not permitted to park your car here
C. shouldn't drive your car here
D. cannot drive your car at the park
E. are allowed to park here
14. Ron : We’re going to Singapore, Mike. Don’t bring your bubble gum.
Mike : Why is that?
Ron : ________ to keep bubble gum in Singapore. They want their country clean.

A. You have to
B. You must
C. You cannot
D. It against the law
E. It is against the law
Meg : So what do you think of my piano playing?
Ryan : It's really good, but _____ play Mozart too often. Try to play other pieces.

15. The correct expression to fill in the blank is…

A. forbidden
B. don’t
C. not
D. thanks
E. had better

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