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Học phần: Tiếng Anh 3

Họ và tên sinh viên thực hiện: NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG HẠNH

Mã số sinh viên: 611208254
Ngày tháng năm sinh: 09/10/2002
Khối: CNCQ20
Tổ: 10 - HS20
Điện thoại liên hệ: 0336903926

Năm học: 2020 – 2021

Điểm Điểm Giảng viên chấm 1 Giảng viên chấm 2
(bằng số) (bằng chữ) (Họ tên & chữ ký) (Họ tên & chữ ký)

Tiêu chí đánh giá

Category Scoring Criteria Score
Organization The layout is appropriate for the topic and audience. 5
(10 points) Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem
well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the 5
Technical terms are well-defined in language
appropriate for the target audience.
(30 points) Information is presented accurately. 5
Material included is relevant to the overall message. 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective,
and not distracting.
The writer completes the task with about 1,000 words. 5
The writer can exhibit a logical and coherent sequence
throughout and smooth transitions between ideas.
The writer can use a wide variety of vocabulary that
Language expands the topic.
Use The writer can use a wide range of structure with full
(60 points) flexibility and accuracy with rare minor errors.
The writer can fully address all parts of the task with
relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas.
Score Total Points 100


Present everything we should know about prenatal period. Your paper should
clearly present the following information:
 when pregnancy occurs and how the fetus develops
 description of 3 trimesters of pregnancy
 how the body changes during pregnancy and physiological changes the woman
may have
 description of discomforts of pregnancy and how to alleviate them
 10 fun facts about pregnancy
 description of some common medical complications of pregnancy
Your paper should contains about 1,000 words and 3 images with captions.

I. When pregnancy occurs and how the fetus develops
 Phenomenon of pregnancy: After fertilization, the egg forms a zygote, then develops
into an embryo and implants in the uterus to develop.
 Typical signs of pregnancy:
- Late period (since sex >2 weeks)
- The pregnancy test showed 2 lines
- Need to do more Beta HCG test < 5mIU/ml: combine with the above 2 signs to
confirm more definitely pregnancy to avoid false positive cases.

 Fetal development takes place in 3 trimesters: First trimester (1-12 weeks), Second
trimester (13-27weeks) and Third trimester (28-42 weeks). in which 3 most important
milestones: week 12, week 22, week 32
II. Description of the second trimester of pregnancy
1. Week 13: Urine is formed, essentially the phenomenon of the fetus swallowing
amniotic fluid and excreting it back in the amniotic chamber.

2. 14th week: sex formation begins
- Gender can be detected through 3D ultrasound, also at this time, the fetus is about
87mm long and weighs about 45g.
3. 15th week: scalp has hair growth
- The fetus is now developing like a miniature baby with the formation and completion of
the scalp, the developed muscles help them to move their limbs.
- The triple test at this time helps to detect the risk of fetal malformations
4. Week 16: Eyes and extremities
- The baby's head is stiff, the eyes can move slowly. The fetal ear is also entering the final
stages of completion.
- Fetal limbs are able to move together and can be seen during ultrasound. However,
these movements are too small for pregnant women to feel.
5. Week 17: toenail formation begins
6. Week 18: Formation of sensory and digestive function
- The ears begin to protrude outward, and the fetus begins to be able to hear. The baby's
eyes begin to look forward, and the digestive system also begins to work.
7. 19th week: Protection layer development and genital formation

- During this period, fetal growth slows down
- A greasy, cheese-like layer appears, covering the baby's skin called the vernix caseosa,
which protects the baby's sensitive skin from friction, cracking, or thickening. stiffness
due to contact with amniotic fluid.
- For females, the uterus and vagina are formed during this period
8. Week 20: There are basic human activities
- At this time, the pregnant woman can feel the movement of the fetus. The fetus will
alternate sleep and wakefulness, and of course, the fetus may be awakened by noise or
movements of the pregnant woman.
9. Week 21: the fetus can suck its thumb
- The whole body of the fetus is covered with a soft layer of hair. This layer of fluff plays
the role of helping to keep the substance on the baby's skin.
- Fetal sucking emission is also formed. The fetus begins to suck the thumb.
10. 22nd week: The golden time to evaluate malformations and fetal development in the
2nd trimester
- At this time, the fetus has a length from the top of the head to the heel of about 26.6 -
30cm and weighs about 360 - 500g.
- This is the period when the organs of the fetus continue to develop and perfect
4D ultrasound is used to evaluate fetal malformations, can be combined with Triple Test
to give better results.
11. Week 23: fingerprints and foot prints form
- Grooves also begin to appear in the hands and feet, which will later become an
extremely important biometric factor, that is, fingerprints and foot prints.
- The fetus may start hiccups, causing sudden jerky movements.
12. Week 24: Fetal skin has wrinkles
- Fetal skin appears wrinkles, is no longer transparent as before, and is pink or red (the
color of blood in the capillaries).
13. Week 25: The fetus responds to the mother's words

- In the 25th week of pregnancy (equivalent to 23 weeks after fertilization), the fetus can
move in response to familiar sounds such as the mother's voice.
- The baby's sleep at this time is mostly rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (a phase of
sleep, when the eyeballs move very quickly even though the eyes are still closed).
14. 26th week: fetal lungs develop
- At the 26th week of pregnancy (equivalent to 24 weeks after fertilization) the fetal lungs
begin to produce surfactant - a substance that keeps the alveoli open when inhaled and
does not collapse or stick when exhaled.
15. 27th week: end of the second trimester (second trimester)
- The 27th week of pregnancy (equivalent to 25 weeks after fertilization) is the end of the
second trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the nervous system of the fetus continues to
mature. The baby's fat layer begins to appear, making the baby's skin look smoother and
III. How the body changes during pregnancy and the physiological and
psychological changes of a woman
 Physiological and endocrine changes
- Nausea
- Constipation
- Increase in progesterone, causing decreased tone of the ureters and bladder,
causing hydronephrosis, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections, causing
polyuria, burning
- Estrogen increases sharply causing increased coagulation and increased risk of
venous thrombosis
- Cravings for strange foods
- Increased Progesteron causes an increase in body temperature, feeling irritable,
- Changes in thyroid function, increased levels of T3, T4, there are transient
episodes of hyperthyroidism
- Increased risk of gestational diabetes (Type 2 diabetes)

 Anatomical changes
- The nipples are darker and rougher, the breasts begin to grow larger
- The uterus grows bigger and heavier
- Appearance of Cladwick's sign in the vagina, here also appear white blood of

IV. Describe pregnancy discomforts and how to relieve them

1. Change breasts
 Breasts increase in size as milk glands and fatty tissue develop, causing engorgement.
Blue veins  may also appear as the blood volume increases. Nipples may darken, and
sometimes a thick fluid called colostrum may flow.
- Wear a maternity bra, made of cotton or natural fibres, in a firm, tight-fitting size
that won't irritate the nipples;
- Try wearing a comfortable bra at night;
- Insert a cotton towel or gauze pad into the bra to absorb any discharge from the
- Wash breasts with warm water and mild soap so as not to dry the skin.
2. Fatigue, Nausea and Vomiting
 The growing fetus requires the mother to need more energy, so it is easy to get
tired. Sometimes fatigue is also a sign of iron deficiency anemia - a common
problem during pregnancy. Combined with hormonal changes, it is easy to get
- Get plenty of rest and combine a moderate lifestyle and lifestyle
- Visit the hospital to check for iron deficiency anemia regularly.
- Can do light exercise
3. Frequent urination, burning urine

 The growing uterus presses on the bladder, causing the pregnant woman to urinate
a lot during pregnancy in the first 3 months. This will happen again in the last 3
months as the baby's head moves down the pelvis before the due date.
- Do not wear tight underwear or pants;
- If you feel a burning sensation while urinating, it may be a sign of a urinary tract
infection, requiring immediate medical attention.
4. Constipation
 Hormones, vitamins and iron supplements can make it difficult or infrequent for a
woman to have bowel movements. The pressure of the  uterus  on the rectum  is
also the cause of constipation.
- Add more fiber (such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables) to your diet;
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water and 1-2 glasses of fruit juice every day. It is
recommended to drink warm water, especially in the morning;
- Daily exercise;
- Avoid straining when defecating;
- Ask your doctor about using a laxative or stool softener.
5. Difficulty sleeping
 Finding a comfortable resting position can become very difficult later in
- Do not take sleeping pills, instead try drinking warm milk before going to bed;
- Take a warm bath or bath before going to bed;
- Use extra pillows to support pregnant women while sleeping to limit muscle
tension and provide comfortable support;
- It is recommended to lie on the left side to improve blood circulation throughout
the body.
6. Heartburn or indigestion

 Heartburn is a burning sensation that begins in the stomach and almost rises up to
the throat. During pregnancy, the change in hormone levels slows down the
digestive system, weakens the stomach and uterine sphincters, which can cause
gastric blockage. It is these factors that push stomach acid up.
- Eat slowly and divide into several small meals throughout the day instead of three
large meals;
- Drink warm water or milk;
- Avoid fried, spicy, or overeating foods that are difficult to digest;
- Do not lie down immediately after eating;
- Elevate your head above your feet or place a pillow under your shoulders to
prevent stomach acid from flowing up into your throat;
- Do not mix fatty foods and sweets, liquids and solids in one meal;
- Ask your doctor about certain medications such as Tums, Maalox, Titralac,
Mylanta, Riopan or Gaviscon.
7. Varicose veins

 Pregnancy can affect blood circulation, enlarging or swelling the veins in your
Some ways to prevent such as:
- Avoid standing or sitting still for long periods of time. It is important to move
- Avoid postures that restrict blood circulation in the legs, for example, crossing
your legs when sitting;
- Elevate your legs and feet while sitting;
- Exercise regularly;
- Wear supportive stockings for varicose veins, but avoid wrapping your legs too
8. Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing
 Pregnancy hormones will dry out the lining of the nose, causing the nose to
become inflamed and swollen. Therefore, pregnant women can have a stuffy nose
or feel like they have a cold, combined with increased pressure of the uterus on the
lungs, making it difficult for pregnant women to breathe.
- Apply a warm washcloth to your cheeks, eyes, and nose to relieve congestion;
- Avoid using nasal sprays unless directed by your doctor;
- Drink plenty of water (at least 6-8 glasses/day) to thin the mucus;
- Put an extra pillow while sleeping to raise your head and prevent mucus from
clogging your throat;
- Use a humidifier or mist in the room;
- Take a warm bath or soak in the tub.
- Walk slowly and often stop for a while;
- Avoid lying on your back and try to sleep with your head elevated;
- If shortness of breath persists or you feel sharp pain when you inhale, see your
doctor right away because you are at risk for a pulmonary embolism  (blood clot in
the lungs).

9. Vaginal discharge
 Normally, vaginal discharge will increase during pregnancy due to a larger supply
of blood and hormones. Normal vaginal discharge is white or clear, non-irritating,
and odorless. There may be yellow dry stains on the underwear of pregnant
- Choose underwear made of cotton or natural fibers;
- Avoid tight jeans or pants;
- Do not douche to avoid introducing air into the circulation or breaking the
amniotic sac;
- Clean the intimate area regularly with soap and water;
- Wipe dry from front to back;
- See your doctor if you experience itching, burning, irritation, or swelling in your
vagina, or discharge that is foul-smelling, bleeding, yellow, or green. These
symptoms could be signs of an infection.
10. False labor contractions
 The uterine muscles will contract (tighten) as early as the second trimester of
pregnancy. Irregular, infrequent contractions are called Braxton-Hicks
contractions. These are normal signs in  pregnancy.
- Try to relax;
- Change positions to relieve contractions;
- Call your doctor if uterine contractions don't stop.
V.10 interesting facts about pregnancy
- It only takes at least 1 sperm for the insemination process to take place, but more than
100,000 sperm must be involved each journey to find a “winner”.
- 24 hours is the time it takes for eggs and sperm to fertilize. Your pregnancy will begin
later, even if you don't even know it.

- Only 2% of pregnant women have a chance of conceiving twins, and your chance of
giving birth to identical twins is purely coincidental.
- Is it a princess or a prince? The decision maker is your brother, not you. All eggs
produced carry an X chromosome, while some sperm carry an X or a Y chromosome.
- After 6 weeks, although still as small as a pea, the fetus has its own heartbeat.
- At the 8th week of pregnancy, your baby is officially considered a "fetus".
- In the 10th week of pregnancy, if you touch your belly, you can feel your baby
"swirling" inside your body.
- All the major organs of the fetus including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain and
intestines have been formed at 10 weeks. This is also the right time to do some
important tests.
- 12 weeks, baby only weighs as much as a music player
- 13 weeks old, your baby forms his "unique" fingerprints
VI.Describe some common medical complications of pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Miscarriage
- Labor and premature birth
- Mesothelioma
- Preeclampsia
- Gestational diabetes
- Striker vegetables
Collection of references:
I) Vinmec, pregnancy signs to recognize,

II) Vu trang, 11/4/2017,


Vinmec, signs of good development in the middle 3 months:

III) Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Talikng, pages 927-928

IV) Vinmec, uncomfortsble symptoms of pregnacy and how:

V) Marybaby, 11/05/2015,


VI) Vinmec, some common complications in the process:

Mở đầu:
- Trước hết em xin gửi lời cảm ơn đến GV bộ môn av chuyên ngành đã đồng hành
cùng em trong suốt thời gian qua, đã dạy cho em nhiều kiến thức bổ ích và những
bài học chất lượng
- Bài tiểu luận này xem như là lời cảm ơn chân thành nhất của em giành cho các
GV, và em xin cam đoan lượng kiến thức, nội dung trong bài viết này là hoàn toàn
đúng sự thật, không hề có sự giả dối nào

Kết thúc:
- Av chuyên ngành đã cho chúng ta cái nhìn rộng mở hơn về thế giới y học, nó giúp
chúng ta rất nhiều trong việc có cơ hội được tiếp cận với cái gì mới nhất của nền
văn minh y học thế giới
- Lượng kiến thức em đưa ra trong bài viết này đã được kiểm tra và đánh giá một
cách kỹ lưỡng để đảm bảo đem đến được cho người đọc 1 cái nhìn về sự phát triển
của thai kỳ trong 3 thán giữa 1 cách chính xác nhất
- Hy vọng mọi người sau khi đọc xong bài tiểu luận này nếu đang trong quá trình
tiếp cận kiên thức y học sẽ có được những bước tiến xa hơn, còn những người
chưa bao giờ học y sẽ có được cảm hớn để có thể bắt đầu theo đuổi môn hoc thú vị


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