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Cedeno’s Class Policies

and Procedures.
Morning procedures
1.- At the front patio, line up, maintain your distance, 3 feet apart.

2.- Walk in silence and orderly when you are lined up.

3.- Stay alert to Mr. Cedeno’s indications.

4.- Greet Mr. Cedeno.

5.- Hang up your backpack.

6.- Take your seat and remain in silence and orderly.

Classroom policies
1.- Always paying attention to Mr. Cedeno, in silence and orderly.

2.- Always raise your hand before speaking or asking for permi-

3.- After permission granted, go ahead and sharpen your pencil

Always in silence and orderly.

4.- After bathroom pass granted, you may proceed to the bathroom
And come back in no more than 8 minutes, always in silence and
Lunch policies

1.- Maintain your line from the door of the Lunch room, to Mrs.
Kimmy’s table, to your table. Always in silence and orderly.
2.- Your main goal is to eat, so eat in silence and orderly.
3.- As soon as you are done, pick up your trash and put it in the
bag. Wait for dismissal in silence and orderly.
4.- when instructed, stand up, grab your bag and put it in the trash.
do not throw the bag, you may miss and make a mess, proceed
to recess in silence and orderly.
Dismissal procedure.

1.- As soon as bell rings, you must achieve silence and order in the
2.- Wait for Mr. Cedeno’s instructions to line up.

3.- As soon silence and order is achieved, the class may proceed to
the front Patio for dismissal.
4.- Have a great rest of the day, see you tomorrow!

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