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Laboratory apparatus and equipment Reviewer

1. What is Extraction?

A. Extract can be defined as preparation of crude drugs which contains all constituents which soluble
in the solvent.

B. The separation of medicinally active portion of plants and animal tissues from the inactive or inert
components by using selective solvent.

C. Method of removing active constituents from a solid and liquid by means of liquid solvent

D. Method the wanted components are dissolved by the use of selective solvent known as
menstrum and undissolved part is a marc.

E. All of the above

F.Both A and D are wrong

2. Which doesn’t belong to the type of extract??

A. Dry B. Liquid

C. Soft D. Gas

3. What are the factors affecting the extraction process?

A. Solvent B. Temperature

C. Nature of Dug D. Particle size

E. All of the above

4. What is Percolation?

A. It is continuous downward displacement of the solvent through the bed o crude drug material to
get extract.

B. It is the method of short successive maceration or process of displacement.

C. Frequently used to extract active ingredients in the preparation of tinctures and fluid extract.

D. All of the above

5. What Percolator is generally used?

A. A narrow, cone-shaped vessel closed at both ends B. A glass tube closed at both ends

C. A narrow, cone-shaped vessel open at both ends D. A glass tube opens at the both ends
6. What is the right order of the steps in percolation??

A. Imbibition ,packing, Maceration, Size reduction and Percolation

B. Size reduction, Imbibition, packing, Maceration and Percolation

C. Percolation, Size reduction, Imbibition, packing and Maceration

D. packing, Maceration, Percolation, Imbibition and Size reduction

7. The SOXHLET EXTRACTOR continuous extraction of component from

A. Carbon mixture B. Liquid mixture

C. Gas mixture D. Solid mixture

8. A process of separating the component substances from liquid mixture by selective vaporization
and condensation.

A. Distillation B. Simple Distillation

C. Fractional Distillation D. Sublimation

9. This is a technique used to separate a mixture of soluble substance and a solvent.

A. Distillation B. Fractional Distillation

C. Simple Distillation D. Sublimation

10. Used when the difference in boiling Point is quite less.

A. Distillation B. Simple Distillation

C. Fractional Distillation D. Sublimation

11. It can be separated a substance when it is mixed with others.

A. Extractions B. Mixture

C .Miscible C. Immiscible

12. Brought into the contact with a solvent in which the substance of interest is soluble, but the
other substance present in insoluble.

A. Immiscible B. Miscible

C. Mixture D. Extractions

13. A solution of accurately known concentration is gradually added to another solution of

unknown concentration until the chemical reaction between the two solutions is complete.

A. Extraction B. Titration

C. Equivalence point D. Indicator

14. The point at which the reaction is complete.

A. Extraction B. Titration

C. Equivalence point D. Indicator

15. Substance that changes color at (or near) the equivalence point.

A. Extraction B. Titration

C. Equivalence point D. Indicator

16. The neutralization of an acid with a base. It is used to find concentration of unknown solutions.

A. Extraction B. Titration

C. Equivalence point D. Indicator

17. Color change of indicators

A. Ph meter B. litmus

C. Equivalence point D. Indicator

18. Electrical conductivity

A. Ph meter B. litmus

C. Equivalence point D. Indicator

19. Requires weak acid indicators for equivalent pt.

A. Conductimetric titration B. Oxidation – reduction titration

C. Precipitation titration D. Acid-base titration

20. Difficult: equivalence point hard to spot (no ppt)

A. Conductimetric titration B. Oxidation – reduction titration

C. Precipitation titration D. Acid-base titration

21. Usually one or the other has a color change

A. Conductimetric titration B. Oxidation – reduction titration

C. Precipitation titration D. Acid-base titration

22. Relies on the different size of the ions reacted and excess

A. Conductimetric titration B. Oxidation – reduction titration

C. Precipitation titration D. Acid-base titration

23. Used to measure the exact amount of sodium hydroxide to go into the flask.

A. Pipette B. Beakers

C. Watch glass D. Funnel

24. What is the end point Ph range of the Strong Acid- Strong Base?

A. - B. 7-11

C. 3-10 D. 3-10

25. What is the end point Ph range of the Weak Acid- Strong Base?

A. - B. 7-11

C. 3-10 D. 3-10

26. What is the end point Ph range of the Strong Acid- Weak Base?

A. - B. 7-11

C. 3-10 D. 3-10

27. What is the suitable indicators of the Strong Acid- Weak Base?

A. Phenolphalein, thymol blue B. Any Indicator

C. Methyl orange, methyl red D. –

28. What is the suitable indicator of the Strong Acid- Strong Base?

A. Phenolphalein, thymol blue B. Any Indicator

C. Methyl orange, methyl red D. –

29. What is the suitable indicator of the Weak Acid- Strong Base?

A. Phenolphalein, thymol blue B. Any Indicator

C. Methyl orange, methyl red D. –

30. What is the suitable indicator of the Weak Acid- Weak Base?

A. Phenolphalein, thymol blue B. Any Indicator

C. Methyl orange, methyl red D. –

1. E 11. A 21. B

2. D 12. C 22. A

3. E 13. B 23. A

4. D 14. C 24. D

5. A 15. D 25. B

6. B 16. B 26. C

7. D 17. B 27. C

8. A 18. A 28. B

9. C 19. D 29. A

10. C 20. C 30. D

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