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Exploration 3.5: The Sexes

Last name:
Cooke First name:
Jilly Student ID#:

1. Often, when trying to understand the sexual reproductive systems, it is helpful to think of the differences
between the sexes. Let’s begin with the differences at the cellular and informational level.

Female Male

b) a) a) b)




a) Place the correct sex chromosome composition inside the cells at the top.

b) Place the correct label on the only two cell types that are capable of undergoing meiosis
within a human.
c) Label the mature products of meiosis for each sex.
d) Label the cells.

Can they participate in fertilization?

e) What is the ratio of sex chromosomes in the female gametes? ________ In the male? _______
What is it on the Y chromosome that is primarily responsible for determining
sex (recall from Unit 3.4)?

2. Why are egg cells so much larger than sperm cells?

3. Why are there so many sperm if there is only one egg to fertilize?

4. What is the difference in the timing of meiosis between males and females?

Exploration 3.5: The Sexes
5) Let’s now consider the differences on the level of tissues and organs by imagining a journey of a gamete
through the respective female and male reproductive systems.

Female Male

a) a)

b) b)

Female Male
a) In which organ are the gamete cells generated?

Which sex hormone is produced in each of these organs?

b) The cells that support the gametes in these organs?

c) The tube through which the gametes will first travel?

6) The male gametes receive aid for their reproductive journey from several accessory glands. Provide the aid
functions below:

Gland Aid given to sperm’s journey

Seminal vesicles

7) The journey an unfertilized egg will take through the female reproductive system is correctly
depicted below as:
a. vagina, cervix, uterus, oviduct
b. oviduct, cervix, uterus, vagina
c. oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina
d. uterus, oviduct, cervix, vagina
e. Uterus, vagina, cervix, oviduct

8) You’ll notice that we didn’t say a lot about female breasts in the Material for the reproductive systems.
That’s because they are not actually part of the reproductive systems.

What system to they technically belong to (Google)?

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