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Nama : Putri Juliantri

Nim : 2119075

Kelas : PSIK 1B

Topik 1 (Medical Equipment)


1. Antiseptic : cairan untk mensterilkan (verb)

2. Bandage : kain pembalut luka (noun)
3. Bandage scissors : gunting pemotong kain kasa (noun)
4. Blood pressure monitor : tensi (noun)
5. Dressing : pembalut luka (noun)
6. Elastic tape : plaster elastis (noun)
7. Gauze : kain kasa (noun)
8. Scales : timbangan badan (noun)
9. Stethoscope : stetoskop (noun)
10. Thermometer : pengukur suhu tubu (noun)
11. Wheelchair : kursi roda (noun)
12. Infusion: infus (noun)
13. Infus stend : tiang infus (noun)
14. Oxygen tube : tabung oksigen (noun)
15. Examination bed: ranjang (noun)
16. Needle : jarum (noun)
17. Syringe : jarum suntik (noun)
18. Crutch : tongkat ketiak (noun)
19. Urine bag : penampung urine (noun)
20. Medicine: obat (verb)
A: Greetings
All: waalaikumsalam
A: Hello friends, this month we did not meet the cause of the corona. How are you guys?
B: Okay
C: I'm fine
D: never been better
E: I'm fine
A: So, how far did you learn about nursing? Did you learn about medical equipment?
C: Sure, we study it
D: yes
B: We have learned about medical equipment
A: Really? So how much do you know about medical equipment? Could you tell us?
B: I'll tell you. First, is the thermometer. Do you know the thermometer?
E: Yes, I know about thermometers. Thermometers are temperature gauges. But ... I'm not
sure I really know what it does
B: It's OK, I'll tell you. There are various types of thermometers based on their function.
Used in the medical world is a body thermometer, which functions to measure a patient's
body temperature when he has a fever. Thermometers also have digital and manual
(mercury) types.
E: Oh, thanks. Now, I know that
A: Next, what else?
C: Tensimeter
C: Tensimeter is the name of a medical device in a hospital that is very familiar to our ears. I
also think that the function of this tool most of you know about it. Tensimeter is a medical
device that serves to measure blood pressure. There are two types of tensimeter that we
usually encounter on the market, namely manual tensimeter and digital tensimeter. You
might also have a tensimeter at home to help you control your blood pressure.
D: Don't forget about the stethoscope. The stethoscope functions to conduct an acoustic
check (sound) in the human body such as breathing, heart rate, bowel movements and
stomach and other examinations.
D: Yes, it is a thermometer to measure temperature. If the fever is usually using a hot water
bottle can help compress if there is a fever
C: That's true, but if the heat does not go down to the hospital immediately, usually the
patient will be infused if he has been hospitalized.
E: Yes, I already felt it at the IV, when the needle was injected it would feel a little painful.
do you know?
A: Okay friend, thank you for sharing
A: I look forward to our next meeting
B: Let's talk again next time
A: See you later. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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