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LK 3.

5 Jurnal Mengajar Dan Kasus Pelaksanaan Praktik mengajar Ke-3

Tanggal : 23 September 2021

Tempat : SMPN 1 Gayam
Bentuk : Luring
Waktu : 07.15-08.15
Kompetensi Dasar: 3.4 comparing social functions text structure, and language features
of some procedural texts orally and in writing by giving and ask for
information regarding recipes food/drink and manual, short and simple,
based on contextual use
4.4 grasp the contextual meaning related to social functions, text
structure, and language feature of spoken procedure text and write,
very short and simple, in the form of recipes and manuals
Indikator : 3.4.1 students can identify the language features used in recipe
3.4.2 students can analyze the adverb of manner and imperative
sentence in the recipe given
4.4.1 students can criticize whether it is good or bad recipe in the form
of written
4.4.2 students can compose their own recipe

Jumlah Peserta Didik Hadir :12 siswa

Ketidaksesuaian antara
Kendala yang Kasus/Permasalahan
No. Rencana dengan
Terjadi yang Timbul
1. Video tidak terekam Activity 2 yang harusnya Siswa mengalami
beberapa menit menggunakan worksheet kesulitan mengirim
berupa paper, diganti hasil kerja melalui live
dengan penjelasan guru worksheet
terkait adverb of manner
dan imperative sentence

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