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 What do you think is the stand of the author?

Is he/she for or against the implementation of the

SHS? Justify your answer.

I think that the stand of the author is pro in the implementation of the SHS, because as you can
see in the given details on the second paragraph, he included the first word “Although” which
means he sees that K-12 Program as a good opportunity for students to develop skills,
knowledge and values. Furthermore, on the last paragraph indicating the statement of the
chairman looks like the author is trying to convince the reader that implementation of SHS will
bear fruit.

 What is the central claim of the text?

The central claim of the text is to persuade readers to see the implementation of k-12 as an
opportunity for the country to develop its educational system, develop more competent
students which will become professionals, though we are like scratching from the start.

 Who do you think the target reader of the text? Why?

I think that the target reader of the text are the teachers because in the body of his article it
discusses about the lack of preparedness which includes facilities, school materials and
professional teachers.

 What was currently happening when the text was written? What prompted the author to write
the text? Do you think there is efficient and valid evidence against and for SHS? Justify your

When the text was written it was the time when SHS was passed into law wherein some people
are still against it because of the negative view on the passage about K-12 Program. The
arguments between for and against prompted the author to write the article. There is no
efficient and valid evidence against SHS, because our Senior High School Program was only
implemented in 2016, it is too early to say that it is insufficient and invalid. Of course, there are
still many things that are lacking—teachers, facilities, and learning equipment—but as we
pursue the department's vision, things are slowly but steadily improving. It may still be hazy, but
I believe that if we give our legislators some time to adjust, we will see a brighter future as a
result of this program.

 Based on your own experience, should SHS continue to be implemented? Why?

Yes, because it helped me to become more competent in different fields which has my interests.
Before, I see the program as a burden as it will cost my parents to prolong their work from
another province. But it indeed helped me to develop some of my skills that I can use now such
as writing, though I am not that expert, at least I knew to myself that I developed my writing skill
which is one of the necessary skills we must have once we are already in our preferred job. My
communication skills also improved. K-12 is more than just a program, it helped me to become
prepared in facing the reality which will require a firm and strong standpoint to what I believe is
In this time of pandemic, us students are currently facing hurdles as we comply with the new
normal. It is a major issue nowadays as it affects the performance of the student as well as their
mental health. Different factors contribute to this challenge being faced by the student of our
school. Distance learning became the alternative way of delivering educational service. It
continued despite of the disapproval of most of the students because not everyone is privilege
enough to attend the online class.

The problems encountered by the students are the lack of resources such as gadgets that they
can be used for attending classes, load or internet and money, not conducive learning
environment, workloads which causes anxiety and worse is depression, mismanagement of time
and etc. As student leader and, me and my team are going to address this issue by proposing a
program wherein those who have a heart to help other students can donate any amount to
support their needs such as load for attending classes. Conduct a webinar with regards to
mental health tips and self-care as we are still battling with the impacts of Covid-19 in our lives.
And last is to submit a request to our principal for 1 week interval to let the students work on
their backlogs and get relax for the mean time.

It is still necessary that we consider the situation of our classmates or schoolmates. The unity we
create will make our student life more meaningful. Moreover, these time of pandemic we really
need to support one another as this already caused too many disruptions.

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