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Gay-Lussac’s Law or Amonton’s Law

Gay-Lussac’s Law or Amonton’s Law- at constant volume, pressure and absolute temperature
is directly related.

Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker is a sealed chamber that traps the steam generated as its contents
are heated. The science behind pressure cookers is based on the relationship between
temperature and pressure. The principle of pressure cooking is as simple as Gay-
Lussac’s Law. Applying heat to a pressure cooker increases the pressure inside the
device. The pressure and temperature continue to build until it exceeds the normal
boiling point of water. Once it exceeds that, the friction inside cooks the food faster. The
air cannot expand because of the fixed volume inside.
Aerosol Spray

Aerosol cans or sprays are devices which dispense an

aerosol (a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in the air). One of the components
in an aerosol can is a propellant. The propellant consists of high volatile compounds which are
liquefied with high pressure. When an aerosol can is subjected to a hot environment, the
propellant gets vaporize. These vaporized gases exert the pressures on the wall of the bottle.
The pressure on the wall increases with the temperature as per Gay-Lussac's law. the can
bursts when the pressure becomes intolerable. This is the reason why it is recommended to
keep the aerosol cans away from heat.

Car Tires (Tire Bursting)

Tire pressure drops on a cold day and soars on a hot day. Car tires could be over-pressurize
when they heat up or in an increased temperature for instance in hot summer days, the inflated
tyres of vehicles may burst. The bursting of tyres is caused by Gay-Lussac's law. The inflated
tyres are under high pressure. When the temperature of the air rises, the pressure of the gas in
the tubes increases.

Top 6 Real Life Gay Lussac’s Law Examples in SIX Minutes.

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