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MUSCULARSYST myosin myofilaments; joined end to end to form the

EM myofibril
Actin and Myosin Myofilaments
Functions (M2RPC3) Troponin molecules – binding sites for Ca2+;
1. Movement of the body. attached at
2. Maintenance of posture. specific intervals along the actin myofilaments
3. Respiration Tropomyosin filaments – cover the attachment sites
4. Production of body heat on
5. Communication the actin myofilaments; located along the grove bet.
6. Constriction of organs and vessels the
7. Contraction of the heart twisted strands of actin myofilaments
Characteristics of the Skeletal Muscle Myosin heads – resemble golf club heads;
Skeletal Muscle Ø Bind to attachment sites
§ Constitutes approx. 40% of body weight Ø Bend and straighten
§ Muscles are attached to the skeletal system Ø Break down ATP
§ Also called Striated Muscle; transverse bands or Sarcomere
striations § Basic structural and functional unit of skeletal
Major Functional Characteristics of Skeletal muscle
Muscle Z disk – network of protein fibers forming an
1. Contractility – ability to shorten with force attachment site for actin myofilaments
2. Excitability – capacity to respond to a stimulus I band – consists of actin myofilaments; spans each
3. Extensibility – ability to be stretched to their Z
normal resting length disk
4. Elasticity – ability to recoil to their original A band – darker, central region that extends the
resting length length
Skeletal Muscle Structure of the myosin of myofilaments
Connective Tissue Coverings of Muscle H zone – second light zone that consists of myosin
Epimysium/Muscular fascia – connective tissue myofilaments
sheath M line – dark-staining bands
that surrounds a skeletal muscle The arrangement of the actin and myosin filaments
Muscle fasciculi – numerous visible bundles that in
make sacromeres gives the myofibrils a banded
up the muscle appearance.
Perimysium – loose connective tissue that surrounds The alternating I bands and A bands of the
the sacromeres
muscle fasciculi are responsible for the striations in the skeletal
Muscle fibers – several muscle cells that composes a muscle
fasciculus fibers.
Endomysium – loose connective tissue that Excitability of Muscle Fibers
surrounds a Resting membrane potential – cell membranes have
muscle fiber a
Muscle Fiber Structure negative charge on the inside relative to a positive
Sarcolemma – cell membrane of the muscle fiber charge outside; occurs bcos there is an uneven
Transverse tubules (T tubules) – tube-like distribution of ions
invaginations 1. Concentration of K+ inside the cell CM >
w/c occur at regular intervals along the muscle fiber outside the CM
Sarcoplasmic reticulum – highly organized smooth 2. Concentration of Na+ outside the CM > inside
E.R.; the CM
has a relatively high concentration of Ca2+ (muscle Different types of Ion Channels
contraction) Ø Nongated/Leak channels – always open
Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of a muscle fiber Ø Chemically gated channels – closed until a
Myofibrils – threadlike structures composed of: chemical binds them and stimulates them to
Ø Actin Myofilaments (thin filaments; purple) open
Ø Myosin Myofilaments (thick filaments; green) Depolarization – the inside of the CM membrane
Sarcomere – highly ordered, repeating units of actin
comes contraction
more positive than the outside of the cell; Na+ ions that occurs when the frequency of stimulus is so rapid
move into cells that no relaxation occurs
Repolarization – the change back to the resting Ø Caused by Ca+ build up in the myofibrils
membrane potential; K+ ions moves out of cells Recruitment – the no. of muscle fibers contraction is
Action Potentials – the rapid depolarization and increased by the increasing no. of motor units
repolarization of the CM; results in muscle stimulated
contraction + muscle contracts with more force
Nerve Supply Stimulus frequency – no. of times a motor neuron is
Motor neurons – specialized nerve cells that stimulated per second
stimulate Energy Requirement for Muscle Contraction
muscles to contract Aerobic Respiration – requires O2; breaks down
Neuromuscular junction – a branch that forms a glucose
junction with a muscle fiber to produce ATP, CO2, H2O
Synapse – cell-to-cell junction bet. a nerve cell and Anaerobic respiration – doesn’t require O2; breaks
another nerve cell/effector cell down glucose to yield ATP and lactic acid
Motor unit – a single motor neuron and all the Creatine phosphate – high-energy molecule that can
skeletal be
muscle fibers it innervates stored in muscle fibers
Presynaptic terminal – enlarged axon terminal Fatigue
Synaptic cleft – the space bet. the presynaptic § A state of reduced work capacity
terminal Muscular Fatigue – when muscle fibers use ATP
and the muscle fiber membrane faster
Postsynaptic membrane – the muscle fiber than they are produced; when the effectiveness of
membrane Ca+ to
Synaptic vesicles – presynaptic terminal that stimulate actin + myosin is reduced
contains Physiological contracture – muscles may become
small vesicles incapable of either contracting or relaxing
Acetylcholine (ACh) – neurotransmitter contained in Psychological fatigue – involves the CNS; an
the vesicles; a molecule released by a presynaptic individual
nerve perceives that continued muscle contraction is
cell that stimulates/inhibits a postsynaptic cell impossible
Acetylcholinesterase – an enzyme that rapidly Type of Muscle Contractions
breaks Isometric contractions – equal distance; length of
down the synaptic cleft bet. the neuron and the the
muscle muscle does not change; the amount of tension
fiber increases
Muscle Contraction during the contraction process
Sliding filament model – sliding of actin Isotonic contraction – equal tension; the amount of
myofilaments tension produced by the muscle is constant during
past myosin myofilaments during contraction contraction; length of the muscle decreases
Cross-bridges – myosin heads attach to the myosin Ø Cocentric contractions – isotonic; muscle
attachment sites on the actin myofilaments tension increases as the muscle shortens
Muscle Twitch, Summation, Tetanus, Recruitment Ø Eccentric contractions – isotonic; tension is
Muscle Twitch – contraction of a muscle fiber in maintained in a muscle; the opposing resistance
reponse to a stimulus causes the muscle to lengthen
1. Lag/Latent Phase – time bet. the application of a Muscle Tone
stimulus and the beginning of contraction § Constant tension produced by body muscles
2. Contraction Phase – time during which the over long periods of time
muscle contract § Responsible for keeping the back and legs
3. Relaxation Phase – time during which the straight, the head in an upright position, and the
muscle relaxes abdomen from bulging
Summation – the force of contraction of an Slow-Twitch and Fast-Twitch Fibers
individual Classification of Muscle Fiber
muscle fiber is increased by rapidly stimulating them 1. Slow Twitch – contains type I myosin; contracts
Tetanus – convulsive tension; a sustained
slowly and resistant to fatigue respiration Orbicularis oculi – encircle the eyes, tightly close
2. Fast Twitch the
a. Type IIa – intermediate speed; more eyelids, and causes crow’s feet wrinkles
fatigue resistant than type IIb Orbicularis oris – encircles the mouth
b. Type IIb – contract 10x faster than type Buccinator – kissing muscles; pucker the mouth;
I flattens
Myglobin – stores oxygen temporarily the cheeks I whistling/blowing
Hypertrophy – enlarging of muscle fibers Zygomaticus – elevate the upper lip and corner of
Satellite cells – undifferentiated cells just below the the
endomysium mouth
Smooth and Cardiac Muscle Levator labile superioris – sneering; elevates one
Autorhythmicity – resulting periodic spontaneous side of
contraction of smooth muscle the upper lip
Depressor anguli oris – frowning & pouting;
Intercalated disks – specialized structures that depresses
facilitate the corner of the mouth
action potential conduction bet. cells Mastification (for chewing)
Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Temporalis – fan-shaped muscle
General Principles Masseter – seen & felt on the side of the head
Tendon – muscle connected to a bone Pterygoid (paired) – protraction, excursion, elevation
Aponeuroses – broad, sheet like tendons of
Retinaculum – a band of CT that holds down the mandible
tendons at each wrist and ankle Tongue and Swallowing Muscles
Origin – head; most stationary end of the muscle Intrinsic muscles – located within the tongue and
Insertion – end of the muscle attached to the bone change its shape
undergoing the greatest movement Extrinsic muscles – attached to and move the tongue
Belly – part of the muscle bet. the origin & the Hyoid muscles – hold the hyoid bone; elevate the
insertion larynx
Agonist – muscle that accomplishes a certain Pharyngeal elevators – elevate the pharynx
movement Pharyngeal constrictors – constrict the pharynx
Antagonist – muscle acting in opposition to an from
agonist superior to inferior (forcing food into the esophagus);
Synergists – a group of muscles working together to also open the auditory tube
produce a movement Neck Muscles
Prime Mover – muscle that plays the major role in Sternocleidomastoid – prime mover of the lateral
accomplishing desired movement muscle group; rotates the head; flexes the neck or
Fixators – muscles that hold one bone in place extends the head; prayer muscle
relative to Torticollis – wryneck; injury to the
the body sternocleidomastoid
Nomenclature Deep neck muscles – flexes/extends head and neck
1. Accdg. To Location – temporalis, frontalis, Trapezius – extends and laterally flexes neck
pectoralis, brachialis II. Trunk Muscles
2. Accdg. To Origin and Insertion – sterno Muscles Moving the Vertebral Column
(sternum), cleido (clavicle), mastoid (mastoid Erector spinae – responsible for keeping the back
process), brachio (arm), radialis (radius) straight and the body erect
3. Accdg. To Number of Origin – biceps (2), Deep back muscles – responsible for several
triceps, quadriceps movements
4. Accdg. To Function – flexor (flexion) of the vertebral column
5. Accdg. To Size – maximus (largest), minimus External intercostal – elevate the ribs during
(smallest), vastus (large) inspiration
6. Accdg. To Shape – deltoid (triangle), orbicularis Internal intercostal – contract during forced
(circular) expiration,
7. Orientation of Fasciculi – rectus (straight) depressing the ribs
I. Muscles of the Head and Neck Diaphragm – major movement produced in the
Facial Expression thorax
Occipitofrontalis – raises the eyebrows during quiet breathing
Scalenes – inspiration and rib elevation elbow
Abdominal Wall Muscles Brachioradialis – posterior forearm muscle; helps
Linea alba – tendinous area of the abdominal wall flex
that the elbow
consists of white connective tissue Supination and Pronation
Rectus abdominis – located on each side of the linea Supinator – supination of the forearm or turning the
alba flexed forearm so that the palm is up
Tendinous intersections – causes the abdominal Pronator – pronation, turning other forearm so that
wall of the
a lean, well-muscled person to appear segmented palm is down
Wrist and Finger Movements
External/Internal abdominal oblique & Retinaculum – fibrous connective tissue that covers
Transversus the
abdominis – flex and rotate the vertebral column or flexor & extensor tendons and holds them in place
compress the abdominal contents around the wrist
Pelvic Floor and Perineal Muscles Flexor carpi – flex the wrist
Pelvic Floor – pelvic diaphragm Extensor carpi – extend the wrist
Levator ani – muscle that forms the pelvic floor Flexor digitorum – flexor of the digits/fingers
Perineum – associated with the male/female Extensor digitorum – extension of the fingers
reproductive structures Intrinsic hand muscles – 19 muscles located within
Perineum bulbospongiosus – constricts the urethra; the
erects the penis, clitoris hand
Perineum ischiocavernosus – compresses the base Interossei – responsible for abduction and adduction
of of
penis/clitoris the fingers
Perineum external anal sphincter – keeps the Tennis elbow – inflammation and pain due to
orifice of forceful,
the anal canal closed repeated contraction of the wrist extensor muscles
III. Upper Limb Muscles Palmus longus – tightens palm skin
Scapular Movements IV. Lower Limb Muscles
§ Attach the scapula to the thorax and move the Thigh Movements
scapula Iliopsoas – flexes the hip
§ Acts as fixators to hold the scapula firmly in Tensor fasciae latae – helps steady the femur on the
position when the muscle of the arm contract tibi
§ Move the scapula into different positions when a person is standing
v Trapezius Gluteus maximus – extends the hip; adducts and
v Levator scapulae laterally rottes the thigh; contributes most of the mass
v Rhomboids Gluteus medius – extends the hop when the thigh is
v Serratus anterior flexed at a 45O angle; common site for injections in
v Pectoralis minor
buttocks (sciatic nerve lies deep to the g. maximus)
Arm Movements
Leg Movements
Pectoralis major – adducts the arm and flexes the
Quadriceps femoris – primary extensors of the knee
shoulder; extend the shoulder from a flexed position
Sartorius – tailor’s muscle; longest muscle in the
Latissimus dorsi – swimmer’s muscle; medially
flexes the hip and knee; rotates the thigh laterally for
and adducts the arm and powerfully extends the
sitting cross legged
Hamstring muscles – flexing the knee
Rotator cuff muscles – attached the humerus to the
Adductor muscles – adducting the thigh
scapula and forms a cuff/cap over the proximal
Ankle and Toe Movements
Gastrocnemius & Soleus – form the bulge of the
Deltoid – attaches the humerus to the scapula and
clavicle; major abductor of the upper limb
Calcaneal tendon – Achilles tendon; flexors and are
Forearm Movements
involved in plantar flexion of the foot
Triceps brachii – primary extensor of the elbow
Fibularis muscles – primary everters of the foot; aid
Biceps brachii & brachialis – primary flexors of the
plantar flexion
Intrinsic foot muscles – flex, extend, abduct, and
the toes
Extensor digitorum longus – extends 4 lateral toes,
everts foot

Extensor halluces longus – extends great toe; inverts

Tibialis anterior – inverts foot
Fibularis tertius – everts foot
Flexor digitorum longus – flexes 4 lateral toes,
inverts NervousSystem
foot Functions (CRIME)
Flexor halluces longus – flexes great toe, inverts 1. Controlling muscles and glands.
foot 2. Receiving sensory input.
Tibialis posterior – inverts foot 3. Integrating information.
Fibularis brevis – everts foot 4. Maintaining homeostasis.
Fibularis longus – everts foot 5. Establishing and maintaining mental activity.
Effects of Aging on Skeletal Muscle Divisions of the Nervous System
§ Decreased muscle mass I. Central Nervous System
§ Slower reaction time § Brain and spinal cord
§ Reduced stamina Peripheral Nervous System
§ Increased recovery time § Nerves and ganglia
Types of Muscular Tissue a. Sensory Division – afferent (toward)
I. Skeletal (striated voluntary) division; conducts action potentials
§ Large, long, cylindrical cells from sensory receptors to the CNS
§ Multinucleated • Sensory neurons – neurons
§ Attached to bones that transmit action potentials
§ Responsible for body movement from the periphery to the CNS
I i. Somatic Sensory Fibers – carry
Cardiac (striated involuntary) info from stimuli coming from
§ Cylindrical cells the skin, skeletal, muscles,
§ Branched and connected to one another by
ii. Visceral Sensory Fibers –
intercalated disks transmits impulses coming from
§ Single nucleated the visceral organs
§ Found in the heart b. Motor Division – efferent (away)
§ Pumps the blood division; conducts action potentials
III. Smooth (nonstriated involuntary) from the CNS to effector organs
§ End tapered cells • Motor neurons – neurons that
§ Single nucleated transmit action potentials
from the CNS toward the
§ Found in hollow organs: stomach, intestine;
skin, eyes
i. Somatic Motor Nervous
§ Regulates size of organs, forces fluid through System / Voluntary –
tubes, controls the amount of light entering the transmits action potentials
eye, produces ‘goose bumps’ form the CNS to the skeletal
Autonomic Motor Nervous
System / Involuntary –
transmits action potentials
from the CNS to cardiac,
smooth muscles and glands
1. Sympathetic – fight-or-flight system
2. Parasympathetic – protect the brain by removing bacteria and cell
resting and digesting debris
Enteric Nervous 4 – 5. Oligodendrocytes (CNS) and Schwann cells
iii. (PNS) – provide an insulating material that
System –
unique subdivision; both surrounds axons
sensory and motor neurons Neural Signaling
contained within the digestive § Communication among neurons
tract 1. Reception – stimuli received by visual receptors
Cells of the Nervous System in the eye
Neurons 2. Transmission – sensory neurons transmit info to
§ Also called nerve cells CNS
§ Receive stimuli, conduct action potentials, 3. Integration – info given is interpreted and an
transmit signals appropriate response is determined
Cell body – contains a single nucleus; source of 4. Transmission – the CNS transmits info to motor
information for gene expression n neurons
Dendrites – extensions of the cell body; receive 5. Actual response – muscle/glands receive info
information from other neurons; transmit the info and instruction from motor neurons
toward the neuron cell body Myelin Sheaths
Axon – single long cell process; conduct action § Highly specialized insulating layer of cells
potentials from one part of the brain or spinal cord to Unmyelinated axons – action potentials are
another part conducted
Ø Axon of sensory neurons – conduct action slowly bcos in travels along the entire axon
potentials towards the CNS Myelinating axons – action potentials are conducted
Ø Axon of motor neurons – conduct action rapidly by salutatory conduction
potentials away from the CNS Nodes of Ranvier – gaps in the myelin sheath; where
Axon hillock – where the axon leaves the neuron cell ion movement can occur
body Organization of Nervous Tissue
Nissl bodies – rough ER found in the cell body of a Gray Matter – groups of neuron cell bodies + their
neuron dendrites; very little myelin
Schwann cells – form a myelin sheath (increases Ø In the CNS;
speed v Cortex – GM on the surface of the brain
of impulse transmission) v Nuclei – GM located deeper within the
Collateral axons – branches of axons brain
Types of Neurons Ø In the PNS;
1. Multipolar neurons – many dendrites + a single v Ganglion – a cluster of neuron cell
axon bodies
2. Bipolar neurons – two processes: 1 dendrite + 1 White Matter – bundles of parallel axons + myelin
axon sheaths
3. Pseudo-unipolar neurons – single process that Ø In the CNS
divides into 2 processes: extends to the v Nerve tracts – conduction pathways;
periphery + extends to the CNS propagate action potentials from one
Neuroglia area of the CNS to another
§ Non-neuronal cells of the CNS + PNS Ø In the PNS;
§ More numerous than neurons v Nerves – bundles of axons + connective
§ Retain the ability to divide tissue sheaths
1. Astrocytes – major supporting cells in the CNS; Electrical Signals and Neural Pathways
stimulate/inhibit the signaling activity of nearby Resting Membrane Potential
neurons; help limit damage to neural tissue Polarized cell membrane – uneven distribution of
v Blood brain barrier – protects neurons from charge
toxic substances in the blood; allows Resting membrane potential – uneven charge
exchange of waster products + nutrients distribution in an unstimulated/resting cell; polarized
2. Ependymal cells – produce cerebrospinal fluid; Ø Higher concentration of K+ inside CM
help move the cerebrospinal fluid through the CNS Ø Higher concentration of Na+ outside CM
3. Microglia – act as immune cells of the CNS’ Ø Greater permeability of CM to K+ than to Na+
Leak channels – always open Reflexes
Gated channels – closed until opened by specific Reflex – an involuntary reaction in response to a
signals stimulus applied to the periphery and transmitted to
Chemically gated channels – opened by the
neurotransmitters CNS
Voltage gated channels – opened by a change in Reflex arc – neuronal pathway by which a reflex
membrane potential occurs
Sodium potassium pump – required to maintain the
greater concentration of Na+ outside the Excitatory or
Acetylcholine Alzheimer disease
CM and K+ inhibitory
inside Cocaine and
Norepinephrine Excitatory
Action Potentials Generally Mood, anxiety, and
inhibitory sleep induction
Excitable cells – RMP changes in response Excitatory or
Dopamine Parkinson disease
to stimuli inhibitory
that activate gated ion channels Gamma
Treatment of
Local current – Na+ diffuses quickly into aminobutyric Inhibitory
cell acid
Depolarization – a change that causes the Glycine Inhibitory Poison strychnine
inside of the Opiates morphine
Endorphins Inhibitory
CM to become positive and heroin
Local potential – result of depolarization Ø Sensory receptor
Threshold value – attainable local potential (critical Ø Sensory neuron
pt.) Ø Interneurons
Action potential – constitution of depolarization and Ø Motor neuron
repolarization Ø Effector organ (muscle or glands)
Hyperpolarization – the charge on the CM briefly Neuronal Pathways
becomes more negative than the RMP Converging pathway – two or more neurons
All-or-none fashion – threshold is reached = action synapse
potential occurs; if the threshold is not reached = with the same neuron
action Diverging pathway – the axon from one neuron
potential doesn’t occur divides
Continuous conduction – the action potential is and synapses with more than one other neuron
conducted along the entire axon CM Summation – allows integration of multiple sub
Saltatory conduction – action potentials jump from threshold local potentials; brings the membrane
one potential to threshold and trigger an action potential
node of Ranbier to the next Spatial summation – local potentials originate from
The Synapse diff.
Synapse – a junction where the axon of one neuron locations on the postsynaptic neuron
interacts with another Temporal summation – local potentials overlap in
Presynaptic terminal – end of the axon time
Postsynaptic membrane – membrane of the dendrite
effector cell
Synaptic cleft – space separating the presynaptic &
§ Extends from the foramen magnum to the 2nd
postsynaptic membrane lumbar vertebra
§ Provides a two-way conduction pathway to and
Neurotransmitters – chemical messengers
from the brain
Synaptic vesicles – where neurotransmitters are
Cauda equina – inferior end of the SC; spinal nerves
exiting there resemble a horse’s tail
Hyperpolarized – the inside of the postsynaptic cell
2 Main Functions
tends to become more negative
1. Transmits info to and from the brain.
Substance Effect Clinical Example
2. Controls many reflex activities of the body.
White Matter of the SC
1. Dorsal (posterior) the periphery
2. Ventral (anterior) Lateral corticospinal – muscle tone and skilled
3. Lateral Columns movements (hand)

a. Ascending tracts – conduct action S

I. Olfactory S: smell
potentials toward the brain
b. Descending tracts – conduct action S
potentials away from the brain II. Optic S: vision
Gray Matter of the SC (shaped like the letter H) M: 4-6 extrinsic
1. Posterior horns eye
2. Anterior horns Oculomot
III. M muscles; P:
3. Small lateral horns or
Central canal – fluid filled space in the center of pupils
the cord Trochlea M M: 1 extrinsic eye
Ventral root – formed by ventral rootlets; IV.
r muscle
Dorsal root – formed by dorsal rootlets
B S: face + teeth; M:
Dorsal root ganglion – ganglion in a dorsal root Trigemin
V. muscles of
Relfex Action al
§ Predictable, automatic response to a specific
M M: 1 extrinsic eye
stimulus VI. Abducens
1. Reception of the stimulus. muscle
2. Transmission of info to the CNS. S: taste; M: facial
3. Integration (interpretation and determination B muscles;
VII. Facial
of P: salivary + tear
an appropriate response). glands
4. Transmission of info from the CNS to a Acoustic /
muscle. Vestibulo S S: hearing +
5. Actual response. coch balance
Spinal Cord Reflexes lear
Knee-Jerk Reflex S: taste + touch to
Stretch flex – simplest reflex; muscles contract back of
in tongue; M:
IX. aryng B
response to a stretching force applied to them pharyngeal
Knee-jerk reflex – patellar reflex; used to muscles; P:
determine if salivary glands
the higher CNS centers that normally influence S: pharynx, larynx,
this viscera;
reflex are functional M: palate,
Withdrawal Reflex X. Vagus B pharynx, larynx;
Withdrawal Reflex – flexor reflex; to remove a P: viscera of
limb thorax +
from a painful stimulus abdomen
Ascending Tracts Accessor M M: 2 neck + upper
§ Pathways that carry impulses form the y back muscles
periphery to various parts of the brain Hypoglos M
Spinothalamic tract – transmits pain, light XII. M: tongue muscles
touch, and Anterior corticospinal – muscle tone and movement
deep pressure of
Dorsal column – transmission of proprioception, trunk muscles
touch, Rubrospinal – movement coordination
deep pressure, vibration Reticulospinal – posture adjustment
Spinocerebellar tracts – proprioception to Vestibulospinal – posture & balance
cerebellum Tectospinal – movement in response to visual
Descending Tracts reflexes
§ Pathways that carry impulses from the brain to Cranial Nerves
§ Transmit info to the brain form the sensory Sciatic nerve – CT sheath that bounds the tibial and
receptors common fibular nerve
§ 12 pairs Autonomic Nervous System
Name Specific Function § Preganglionic neuron
Spinal Nerves § Postganglionic neuron
§ Arise along the spinal cord; contains mixed § Maintain internal homeostasis
nerves Autonomic ganglia – where preganglionic neurons
§ 31 pairs synapse with postganglionic neurons
v 8 Cervical I. Sympathetic ANS
v 12 Thoracic § ‘Fight-or-flight’
v 5 Lumbar § Prepares the body for action
v 5 Sacral § Most active during stressful situations
v 1 Coccygeal § Norepinephrine (main neurotransmitter)
Mixed nerves – contains both sensory and somatic II. Parasympathetic ANS
motor neurons § Activities result in conserving and restoring
Plexuses – where nerves come together and then energy
separate § Helps return the body to resting conditions
Ø Cervical plexus § Active during periods of calm and rest
Ø Brachial plexus § PS fibers are in the vagus nerve
Ø Lumbosacral plexus Autonomic Neurotransmitters
Cervical Plexus Acetylcholine – neurotransmitters of the
§ Originates from spinal nerves C1 to C4 parasympathetic division
Phrenic nerve – most important branc of the CP; Norepinephrine – postganglionic neurons of the
innervates the diaphragm (responsible for our ability sympathetic division
to Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System
breathe) Sympathetic Division
Brachial Plexus § Prepares a person for action by increasing HR,
§ Originates from the spinal nerves C5 to T1 BP, respiration, release of glucose
1. Axillary nerve – innervates 2 shoulder muscles Parasympathetic Division
+ the skin over part of it § Involuntary activities at rest: digestion of food,
2. Median nerve – innervates the anterior forearm defecation, urination
and intrinsic muscles Enteric Nervous System
3. Radial nerve – innervates all the muscles in the § Consists of plexus within the wall of the
posterior arm and forearm + skin over the digestive tract
posterior surface of the arm, forearm, hand 1. Sensory neurons – connect the digestive tract to
4. Musculocutaneous nerve – innervates the the CNS
anterior muscles of the arm + skin over the 2. Sympathetic & parasympathetic neurons –
radial surface of the forearm connect the CNS to the digestive tract
5. Ulnar nerve – innervates most of the anterior 3. Enteric neurons – located entirely within enteric
forearm muscles and some of the intrinsic hand plexus
muscles + skin over the radial side of the hand v Capable of monitoring and controlling
Lumbosacral Plexus the digestive tract independently of the
§ Originates from spinal nerves L1 to S4 CNS
1. Obturator nerve – innervates the muscles of the
medial thigh + skin over it
2. Femoral nerve – innervates the anterior thigh Brain
muscles + skin over it & medial side of the leg § Soft, wrinkled mass of tissue that is highly
3. Tibial nerve – innervates the posterior thigh complex and adaptive; 3 pounds
muscles, the anterior & posterior leg muscles, § 25 billion neurons
most of the intrinsic foot muscles + skin over the § Requires a continuous supply of oxygen and
sole of the foot glucose
4. Common fibular nerve – innervates the muscles I. Brainstem
of the lateral thigh & leg, some intrinsic foot § Connects the spinal cord to the remainder of the
muscles + skin over the anterior & lateral leg, brain
dorsal surface of the foot
§ Controls the heart rate, blood pressure, and Cerebrum
breathing § Largest and most prominent part of the brain
§ Damage can cause death influence
1. Medulla Oblongata
§ Most inferior portion of the brainstem the onset of puberty; role in controlling some long
§ Important reflex actions like vomiting, sneezing, term
coughing, swallowing cycles
§ Gray matter consists of various nuclei that serve 3. Hypothalamus
as vital centers § Most inferior part
v Cardiac centers – control HR § Consists of several small nuclei; maintaining
v Vasomotor centers – regulates BP bu homeostasis
controlling blood vessel diameter § Control of body temp., hunger, and thirst
v Respiratory centers – initiates and § Sensations such as sexual pleasure, rage, fear,
regulates breathing and relaxation
§ Pyramids – two prominent enalargements Important Homeostatic Mechanisms
2. Pons (bridge) 1. Control center of the ANS.
§ Relay information bet. the cerebrum and the 2. The link bet. the nervous and endocrine
cerebellum systems.
§ Resembles an arched footbridge 3. Helps maintain fluid balance.
§ Regulates respiration, swallowing, sleep v Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) –
3. Midbrain regulates water excretion by the kidneys
§ Smallest region of the brainstem 4. Regulates body temperature.
§ 4 mounds called the colliculi 5. Regulates food intake (appetite and satiety
v 2 inferior; major relay centers for the centers).
auditory nerve pathways in the CNS 6. Regulates sleep-wake cycles.
v 2 superior; visual reflexes and receive 7. Influences sexual behavior and emotional
touch and auditory input aspects of sensory input.
4. Reticular Formation Infundibulum – controlling the secretion of
§ A group of nuclei scattered throughout the
brainstem from the pituitary gland
Mammillary bodies – involved in emotional
§ Regulating cyclical motor functions; respiration,
walking, chewing
to odors and in memory
§ Damage can result in coma
III. Cerebellum
§ Reticular activating system – plays an
§ Second largest part of the brain; 2 hemispheres
important role in arousing and maintaining
§ Responsible for coordination of movements
§ Comparator – a sensing device that compares
Diencephalon data from two sources
§ Part bet. the brainstem and the cerebrum § Proprioceptive neurons – innervate joints,
tendons, muscles; provide info about the
1. Thalamus position of body parts
§ Largest part of the diencephalon 1. Helps in smooth and coordinated body
§ Major relay center for all sensory info (except movements (comparator function).
smell) to the cerebrum; plays a gating rol 2. Maintains muscle tone posture.
§ Influences mood and registers an uncomfortable 3. Maintain balance and equilibrium
perception of pain 4. Important in learning motor skills.
§ Interthalamic adhesion – connects the two 1. Sensory Function – receives info from sensory
large, lateral parts of the thalamus receptors and interprets it
2. Epithalamus 2. Motor Function – responsible for all voluntary
§ Smallest area superior + posterior to the movement and some involuntary ones
thalamus 3. Association Function – responsible for all of the
§ Consists of few small nuclei (emotional and intellectual activities of brain
visceral response to odors) + pineal gland
Pineal gland – an endocrine gland that may
4 Lobes
1. Frontal Lobe mathematics
§ Control of voluntary motor functions, and speech
motivation, aggression, mood, olfactory Memory
reception Working memory – stores info required for the
§ Primary motor area: consciously move our immediate performance of a task; 7 digit phone no.
skeletal muscles Short-term memory – last longer; can be retained
§ Broca’s area – speech center for a
§ Prefrontal area – reposible for executive few mins. to a few days
functions Long-term memory – stored for only a few minutes
2. Parietal Lobe or
§ General Sensory Area – receives info from the become permanent by consolidation
sensory receptors in the skin and joints Consolidation – a gradual process involving the
§ Wernicke’s area – sensory speech area formation of new and stronger synaptic connections
3. Occipital Lobe Declarative memory – explicit memory; retains
facts and
§ Receiving and perceiving visual input
related emotional undertones
§ Primary visual area – receives visual info
Procedural memory – reflexive memory;
§ Visual association area – portion where visual
info is integrated
of motor skills
4. Temporal Lobe
Memory engrams – memory traces; long-term
§ Primary auditory area – center for reception of retention
auditory messages of a thought/idea
§ Auditory association area – where auditory Limbic System
messages are integrated § A group of interconnected nuclei involved in
§ Psychic cortex – abstract thoughts and memory and regulation of emotion
judgments Hippocampus – formation and retrieval of memories
Gyri – folds and convolutions; increase the surface Amygdala – filter sensory info and evaluates it in
area terms
of the cortex and intervening grooves (sulci) of emotional needs
Sulci – shallow grooves Meninges, Ventricles, and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Fissures – deep groves Meninges
Longitudinal fissure – divides the cerebrum into left § Surround and protect the brain and spinal cord
and right hemispheres 1. Dura mater – most superficial and thickest
Cerebral cortex – outermost layer of the cerebrum; meninges
consists of gray matter
v Epidural space – bet. the dura mater &
Corpus callosum – connects the right and left
the vertebrae
v Epidural anesthesia – clinically
Central sulcus – separates the frontal and parietal
important as the injection site of spinal
nerves; given to women during
Lateral fissure – separates the temporal love from
2. Arachnoid mater – thin, wispy, 2nd meningeal
Insula – fifth lobe; deep within the fissure
v Subdural space – space bet. the dura
Basal Nuclei
mater and the arachnoid mater; contains
§ Group of functionally related nuclei
small amt. of serous fluid
Corpus striatum – located deep within the cerebrum
v Spinal block – to inject anesthetic into
Substantia nigra – darkly pigmented cells in the
the area
Right and Left Hemispheres v Spinal tap – to take a sample of CSF
Right hemisphere – three dimensional or spatial 3. Pia mater – 3rd meningeal membrane; very
perception, musical ability tightly bound to the surface of the brain and
Left Hemisphere – analytical hemisphere; spinal cord; filled with CSF and contains blood
vessels Speech
Sensory speech area – Wernicke area; a portion of
v Subarachnoid space – bet. the the
arachnoid and pia matter parietal lobe
Ventricles Motor speech area – Broca area; inferior portion of
§ Fluid filled cavities the
Lateral ventricle – relatively large cavity in each frontal lobe
cerebral Aphasia – absent/defective speech/language
hemisphere comprehension
Third ventricle – a smaller, midline cavity Brain Waves and Consciousness
Fourth ventricle – located at the base of the Electroencephalogram (EEG) -
cerebellum Brain waves – wave like patterns
Cerebral aqueduct – a narrow canal that connects Alpha waves – awake but in a quiet, resting state
the 3rd with
and 4th ventricle eyes close
Cerebrospinal fluid Beta waves – occur during intense mental activity
§ Provides a protective cushion around the CNS Delta waves – occur during deep sleep in infants and
Choroid plexus – produces CSF; specialized in
structures patients
made of ependymal cells Theta waves – observed in children; also in adults
Arachnoid villi – structures that project from the who
arachnoid layer; where blood is reabsorbed are frustrated or have brain disorders
Hydrocephalus – accumulation of CSF in the Effects of Aging on the Nervous System
ventricles § Motor functions decline
Motor Functions § Mental functions (memory) decline
Involuntary movements – occur without a
Voluntary movements – consciously activated to
achieve a specific goal; walking, typing § Ability to perceive stimuli
Upper motor neurons – have cell bodies in the Sensation/Perception – conscious awareness of
cerebral stimuli
cortex received
Lower motor neurons – have cell bodies in the
Motor Areas of the Cerebral Cortex
Primary motor cortex – control voluntary § Have receptors distributed over the body
movements of § Senses for touch, pressure, pain, temp.,
skeletal muscles vibration, itch, proprioception
Premotor area – where motor functions are 1. Somatic Senses – provide sensory info about the
organized body and the environment
before they are actually initiated in the primary motor 2. Visceral Senses – provide info about various
cortex internal organs (pain & pressure)
Pre-frontal area – where planning and initiating Transduction – a receptor absorbs energy from
movements occur stimulus
Other Brain Functions Sensory Receptors – sensory nerve endings capable
Communication bet. the Right & Left of
Hemispheres responding to stimuli by developing action potentials
Commissures – connection bet. the two hemispheres 1. Mechanoreceptors – mechanical stimuli
Corpus callosum – largest commissure 2. Chemoreceptors – chemicals (odor molecules)
3. Photoreceptors – light
4. Thermoreceptors – temperature changes § Sense of smell
5. Nociceptors – sensation of pain Occurs in response to airborne molecules
6. Free nerve endings – simplest and most Odorants – airborne molecules
common receptors Olfactory neurons – bipolar neurons
Ø Cold receptors – decreasing temp.; stop Olfactory epithelium – lines the superior part of the
responding at below 12OC nasal cavity
Ø Warm receptors – increasing temp.; stop Neuronal Pathways for Olfaction
responding above 47 OC § Axons of the olfactory neurons form the
7. Touch receptors – structurally more complex; olfactory nerves, which enter the olfactory
enclosed by capsules bulb. Olfactory tracts carry action potentials
8. Merkel disks – light touch and superficial from the olfactory bulbs to the olfactory cortex
pressure of the brain.
9. Hair follicle receptors – light touch Olfactory bulb – where olfactory neurons synapse
10. Meissner corpuscles – fine, discriminative with
touch; localizing tactile sensations interneurons
11. Ruffini corpuscles – continuous pressure in Olfactory tracts – relays action potentials to the
skin brain
12. Pacinian corpuscles – deepest receptors; deep Olfactory cortex – where each olfactory tract
pressure, vibration, position terminates
Pain Adaptation – feedback + temporary decreased
§ Unpleasant perceptual and emotional sensitivity
1. Superficial Pain – localized; rapidly conducted TASTE
action potentials Taste buds – detect taste stimuli
2. Deep/Visceral Pain – diffuse; action potentials Papillae – enlargements on the surfaced of the
are propagated more slowly tongue
Local anesthesia – injected near a sensory Taste cells – 40 specialized epithelial cells
receptor/nerve resulting in reduced pain Taste hairs – hair-like processes
General anesthesia – loss of consciousness is Taste pore – tiny opening in the surrounding
produced; stratified
affects reticular formation epithelium
Gate control theory – inhibits action potentials Taste sensations
carried 1. Sour
to the brain by the spinothalamic tract 2. Salty
Referred Pain 3. Bitter
§ Originate in a region of the body that is not the 4. Sweet
source of the pain stimulus 5. Umami (savory)
§ Clinically useful in diagnosing the actual cause Neuronal Pathways for Taste
of the painful stimulus 1. Facial Nerve (7) – transmits taste sensations
§ Occurs bcos the sensory neurons (from the from the anterior of the tongue
superficial area) to which the pain is referred, 2. Glossopharyngeal nerve (9) – carries taste
and the neurons (from the deeper, visceral area) sensations from the posterior of the tongue
where the pain stimulation originates, converge 3. Vagus nerve (10) – carries some taste sensations
onto the same ascending neurons in the spinal form the root of the tongue
cord; thus the brain can’t distinguish 4. Gustatory portion of the brainstem nuclei
5. Thalamus
SPECIALSENSES 6. Taste area (Insula)
§ Localized to specific parts of the body
§ Smell, taste, sight, hearing, balance
Orbits – bony cavities where the eyes are housed
OLFACTION Accessory Structures of the Eye
§ Protect, lubricate, and move the eye • Ciliary muscles – smooth muscles
Eyebrows – protect the eyes by preventing • Suspensory ligaments – attached
perspiration the perimeter of the lens
from running down • Lens – flexible, biconvex,
Eyelids – protect the eyes form foreign objects transparent disc
v Blinking – occurs about 20 times/min.; keeps o Cataract – opacity of lens
the eyes lubricated Ø Iris – colored part of the eye; regulates
Conjunctiva – thin, transparent mucous membrane diameter of the pupil
covering the inner surface of the eyelids; lubricate the • Pupil – controls the amt. of light
surface of the eye entering the eyes
v Conjunctivitis – inflammation of the o Parasympathetic – light
conjunctiva intensity increases; pupillary
Lacrimal Apparatus constriction
v Lacrimal gland – produces tears o Sympathetic – light intensity
Ø Lacrimal canaliculi – small ducts where decreases; pupillary dilation
excess tears are collected v Nervous tunic – innermost tunic
Ø Lacrimal duct – enlargement of Ø Retina – covers the posterior 5/6 of the
nasolacrimal duct eye
v Nasolacrimal duct – opens into the nasal cavity • Pigmented retina – keeps light from
Extrinsic Eye Muscles – 6 skeletal muscles that reflecting back into the eye
accomplish movement of each eyeball • Sensory retina – contains rods &
v Rectus muscles cones (photoreceptors) which
Ø Superior rectus – rolls eye upwards respond to light
Ø Inferior rectus – rolls eye downward a. Rods – can function in very dim
Ø Lateral rectus – turns eye outward light; doesn’t provide color
Ø Medial rectus – turns eye inward vision
v Oblique muscles – two muscles to the long axis; o Rhodopsin – photosensitive
superior and inferior pigment; breaks down into:
Ø Superior oblique – rotates counterclock § Opsin – colorless
Ø Inferior oblique – rotates clockwise protein
Anatomy of the Eye § Retinal – yellow
Eyeball – hollow, fluid-filled sphere pigment
Tunics – 3 layered wall of the eye o Night blindness – difficulty
v Fibrous tunic – sclera + cornea seeing in dims light; caused
Ø Sclera – firm, white, outer connective by vit. A deficiency
tissue; maintains the shape of the eye b. Cones – require more light;
provide color vision
Ø Cornea – transparent, permits light to
o Red, Blue, Green – major
enter; refracts the entering light;
types of color sensitive
‘window of the eye’
v Vascular tunic – contains most of the blood
o Color blindness – caused
vessels of the eye
by lack of three cone types
Ø Choroid – thin structure that consists of
o Partial color blindness –
melanin containing pigment cells
lack of one cone type
(causing black appearance); absorbs
o Retinal detachment –
light so that it is not reflected inside
separation of sensory retina
Ø Ciliary body – responsible for from the pigmented retina
accommodation; near objects = CM Regions of the Retina
contracts + lens become rounder; far 1. Macula lutea – small, yellow spot near the
objects = CM relaxes + lens become center of the posterior retina
Ø Fovea centralis – region of sharpest
vision; where light is most focused
2. Optic disc – white spot through which a no. of
blood vessels enter the eye; E
Ø Blind spot of the eye – contains no Anatomy and Function of the Ear
photoreceptor cells and doesn’t respond 1. External Ear – outer part we see
to light a. Auricle – fleshy part; collects sound
Chambers of the Eye waves & directs them toward the EAC
v Anterior chamber b. External auditory canal – passageway
Posterior chamber that leads to the eardrum
Ø Bet. the cornea and lens c. Ceruminous glands – lines the auditory
Ø Aqueous humor – watery fluid; helps canal
maintain pressure within the eye, • Cerumen/earwax – modified
refracts light, provides nutrients sebum; protects the lining of the
Ø Glaucoma – increase in the intraocular canal
pressure due to blockage of AH flow d. Tympanic membrane/Eardrum – thin
v Vitreous chamber membrane that separates the external
Ø Posterior to the lens from the middle ear; sound waves
Ø Vitreous humor – transparent, jelly-like causes it to vibrate
substance; helps maintain pressure 2. Middle Ear – air filled chamber
within the eye, holds the lens and retina a. Oval and Round window – connects
in place; does not circulate the middle to the inner
Functions of the Eye b. Auditory Ossicles – amplify vibrations
1. Light Refraction i. Malleus (hammer) – medial surface
Ø Focal point – crossing point of the tympanic m.
Ø Focusing – causes light to converge ii. Incus (anvil) – connects malleus to
2. Focusing Images on the Retina stapes
Ø Accommodation – causes greater iii. Stapes – its base is seated in the oval
refraction of light; enables the eye to window
focus on images c. Auditory/Eustachian tube – enables
Neuronal Pathways for Vision pressure to be equalized
§ Light passes through cornea, through the 3. Inner Ear – fluid filled chamber; for sound
aqueous humor, through the lens, through the waves, balance, equilibrium
vitreous humor, image forms on photoreceptors a. Bony labyrinth – interconnecting
in retina, breakdown of rhodopsin, signals tunnels and chambers
bipolar cells. i. Cochlea – hearing
§ Axons pass though the optic nerves to the optic ii. Vestibule – balance
chiasm, where some cross. Axons from the nasal iii. Semicircular canal – balance
retina cross, and those from the temporal retina b. Membranous labyrinth – smaller set of
do not. membranous tunnels and chambers
§ Optic tracts from the chiasm lead to the • Endolymph – clear fluid
thalamus. c. Perilymph – fluid bet. membranous and
bony labyrinths
§ Optic radiations extend from the thalamus to
the visual cortex in the occipital lobe.
Optic nerve – leaves the eye and exits the orbit § Contains receptors for hearing
Optic chiams – where two optic nerves connect § Snail shell shape
Optic tracts – the route of the ganglionic axons Spiral lamina – threads of the screw (base)
Optic radiations – formed by neurons from the Scala vestibuli – extends from the oval window to
thalamus the
Visual cortex – where vision is perceived apex of the cochlea
Visual field – image seen by each eye Scala tympani – extends in parallel with the scala v.
from the apex
Vestibular membrane – wall of the ML that lines Dynamic equilibrium – semi-circular canals;
the evaluating
scala vestibuli changes in the direction and rate of head movements
Basilar membrane – wall of the ML that lines the Vestibule
scala v Utricle
tympani v Saccule
Cochlear duct – space bet. the VM and the BM; Maculae – specialized patches of epithelium
filled Otolithic membrane – gelatinous mass
with endolymph Otoliths – gravity detectors composed of protein and
Spiral organ/Organ of Corti – specialized structure; calcium carbonate
contains hair cells Semicircular canals – involved in dynamic
Hair cells – specialized sensory cells; contain equilibrium;
microvilli enables a person to detect movements in any
Tectorial membrane – acellular gelatinous shelf direction
Cochlear/Spiral ganglion – contains cell bodies of v Ampulla – expanded base of each SC
hair v Crista ampullaris – specialized epithelium
cells formed within each ampulla
Cochlear nerve – formed by axons of sensory v Cupula – curved, gelatinous mass contained in
neurons each crista
Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN 8) – formed by Motion sickness – caused by continuous stimulation
cochlear of
nerve + vestibular nerve the SC; characterized by nausea & weakness
Glutamate – neurotransmitter for hearing Neuronal Pathways for Balance
Hearing § Axons in the vestibular portion of the
Higher pitches – causes max. distortion of the BM vestibulocochlear nerve project to the
Sound volume – function of sound wave amplitude vestibular nucleus and on to the cerebral
Conduction deafness – results from mechanical cortex.
deficiencies Vestibulocochlear nerve (8) – project to the
Sensorineural hearing loss – caused by deficiencies vestibular
in nucleus in the brainstem
the spiral organ/nerves Balance – a complex sensation involving sensory
Neuronal Pathways for Hearing input
§ Soundwaves enter external auditory meatus, Effects of Aging on the Senses
causing the tympanic membrane to vibrate. Presbyopia – lenses’ ability to change shape initially
§ Malleus, incus, stapes amplify the vibrations, declines and is eventually lost
causing the oval window to vibrate. Presbyacusis – age-related sensorineural hearing loss
§ Vibrations are conducted through perilymph,
and transmitted to the endolymph, causing the
basilar membrane to vibrate.
§ Hair cells in the organ of Corti are stimulated.
§ From the vestibulocochlear nerve, action
potentials travel to the cochlear nucleus and on
the cerebral cortex.
Cochlear nucleus – where the cochlear nerve sends
Inferior colliculus – where neurons in the cochlear
nucleus project to the other areas of the brainstem
Static equilibrium – vestibule; evaluating the
position of
head relative to gravity

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