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Level II|First Semester|Midterms


2. Decentralized Outpatient Services
 OPD  Services are provided in the
o Is defined as a part of the hospital with respective departments
allotted physical facilities and medical  Dispersed (nakahiwalay)
and other staffs, with regularly
scheduled hours, to provide care for TPH – psychiatric and HIV department
patients who are not registered as
o Working time: 8 am to 5 pm
 First point of contact between patient and
o Not open on weekends
o Less stress involved/less issues and
 It is the ‘shop window’ of hospital – face of
less toxic duty
healthcare facility and reflects the image of
o Less exciting and learning skills
o Promote wellness and prevent illness  Makes or mars the hospital image – first
or disabilities impression
o Patients receive diagnosis and  A good OPD service can reduce the load on
treatment but do not stay overnight in-patient services
 It is a place for implementing preventive and
Types of Health Care Services
promotive health activities
1. PRIMARY: Health Promotion and Illness  Facilitates teaching
Prevention  It contributes to reduction in morbidity and
a. Immunization (BCG Vaccine) mortality
2. SECONDARY: Diagnosis and Treatment  The cost of treatment in OPD is less than for
a. Screening and Treatment In-patient
3. TERTIARTY: Rehabilitation
a. Rehabilitation therapy of patient to FUNCTIONS OF OPD
prevent injuries and illness
 Control diseases – early diagnosis and timely
Three Levels of Prevention treatment
 Control and surveillance
1. PRIMARY  Facilitate screening and investigations –
2. SECONDARY screening, monitoring, and investigate
3. TERTIARY  Facility for training
 Provide effective treatment – medical,
Outpatient Department provides
paramedical, nursing staff
 Primary Health Care  Provide follow-up care
o Health promotion and prevent illness  Research – surveillance of communicable
or disability (Goal of Outpatient diseases, good source of statistics
Department)  Lying-in centers, possible for baby delivery for
 Comprehensive Health Care pregnancy with no complications
o Diagnosis/ Diagnostics (Laboratory
o Treatment (providing medications and  Well baby clinics
follow up care)  Marriage counseling
 Family planning
 School health clinics
1. Centralized Outpatient Services  Control of communicable diseases
 All services are provided in a compact  Early diagnosis and detection of chronic
area which includes all diagnostic and diseases
therapeutics facilities being provided in  Health education and nutritional advice
the same place  Rehabilitation and prevention of disabilities
 Diagnostic and Therapeutic

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

Level II|First Semester|Midterms

 Polyclinic and Referral Clinic  Salbutamol

 Outpatient clinics at hospitals or other medical o Classification: Bronchodilator
facilities o Pregnancy Category A
 Surgery centers o It promotes the production of
 Imaging centers intracellular cyclic adenosine
 Cardiac Catheterization centers monophosphate (cAMP), which
 Mental or behavioral health centers, which enhances the binding of intracellular
may provide substance abuse treatment calcium to the cell membrane. This
 Services and mental health services for adults action decreases the calcium
or children concentration within cells and results
 Medical group practices in the relaxation of smooth muscle and
 Lab centers bronchodilation.
 Gastrointestinal centers, which may provide o For relief of bronchospasm in
screening or other services such as bronchial asthmas of all types, chronic
colonoscopy and endoscopy bronchitis, emphysema
 Durable medical equipment rental facilities o Contraindicated in patients with
 Physical therapy centers hypersensitivity (allergy) to any of the
 Chemotherapy and radiation therapy centers active substances or the excipients
o Side effects: Nausea, nervousness,
ROLES OF AN OUTPATIENT NURSE tremor, increased heart rate, dry
mouth, inability to sleep
 Traditional Role o Nursing responsibility: Check patient’s
o Check vital signs rate, aspiration precaution
o Assist with diagnostic tests  Metoclopramide
o Prepares client for examination o GI Agent, Antiemetic
 Expanded Role o Pregnancy Category B
o Provides teaching and counselling o Accelerates intestinal transit, promotes
o Performs physical (or mental status) gastric emptying, and relieves nausea
examination and vomiting. Blocks
o In some settings, advanced practice dopamine/serotonin receptors in
registered nurses (APRNs) are the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the
primary care provider CNS. Enhances acetylcholine
response in upper GI tract,
DRUG STUDIES causing increased motility and
accelerated gastric emptying without
 Azithromycin
stimulating gastric, biliary, or
o Classification: Macrolide Antibiotics pancreatic secretion
o Pregnancy Category B o Prevention of chemotherapy-induced
o Route: Per Orem nausea or vomiting, gastroparesis,
o MOA: Inhibits bacterial protein gastroesophageal reflux diseases,
synthesis, quorum-sensing and facilitate small bowel intubation (single
reduces the formation of biofilm. It dose)
prevents and treat a very serious type o Contraindicated to patients with
of infection (mycobacteria or MAC). It Parkinson’s disease, GI hemorrhage
works by stopping the growth of and perforation, history of seizure
bacteria. disorders, epileptic patient,
o Treats chest infections such as pheochromocytoma
pneumonia o Side effects: Hypocalcemia,
o Contraindicated with patients that has Hypokalemia, Extrapyramidal
hypersensitivity to azithromycin, reactions, tardive dyskinesia, dystonic
hepatic diseases, might cause renal reactions
failure o Nursing responsibility: Monitor vital
o Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, signs, serum electrolytes, Monitor for
nausea, affects GI Tract hypocalcemia (muscle twitching,
o Can be taken with or without food

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

Level II|First Semester|Midterms

cramps, positive Trousseau’s or daily pattern of bowel activity, stool

Chvostek’s signs), hypokalemia consistency. Observe for occult blood
o Can be taken 30 minutes before meals loss
or at bedtime  Budesonide
 Naproxen o Classification: Glucocorticosteroid
o Classification: NSAIDs, Analgesic o Pregnancy Category B and C
Nonopioid o Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy
o Pregnancy Category C o Relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis,
o Nonprescription naproxen is used to asthma, Crohn’s disease.
reduce fever and to relieve mild o Not a drug of choice for asthma but
pain from headaches, muscle aches, possible for patients who has asthma
arthritis, menstrual periods, the o Side effects: Loss of muscle tissue,
common cold, toothaches, and fluid retention, swelling, dry mouth
backaches o Nursing responsibility: Maintain
o Treatment of acute or long-term hydration status
mild to moderate pain, primary  Phenobarbital
dysmenorrhea, rheumatoid arthritis o Anticonvulsant
o Inhibits prostaglandin cyclooxygenase o Pregnancy category D
enzyme, inhibit COX 1 and COX2 o CNS inhibits conduction of impulses
o Contraindicated to patients with history
o For patients with seizure, convulsing,
of asthma, urticaria; hypersensitivity to
naproxen, other NSAIDs.
o Increase activity of GABA and
Perioperative pain in setting of CABG
decreases activity of glutamate in the
brain – prevents seizure
o Nursing responsibility: Assist with
o Not for pregnant and elderlies
ambulation of dizziness, monitor renal
o Side effects: dizziness, anxiety,
function test in chronic use
hypotension, lethargy, drowsiness
o Side effects: Nausea, constipation,
o Yellow prescription and 2 licensed
abdominal pain, heartburn, dizziness,
headache, drowsiness
 Ibuprofen
o Take after meals
o Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
 Ketorolac
o Classification: NSAID, Analgesic,
o Pregnancy Category: Trimester, B/B/D
Intra-ocular, Anti-inflammatory
o For pain, inflammation, fever
o Pregnancy Category C, not advisable
o Blocks the enzyme that makes
o Produces analgesic, antipyretic, anti-
prostaglandin (a hormone that causes
inflammatory effect; reduces
inflammation and pain) causing a
intraocular inflammation. short-term
reduction in inflammation, pain, and
treatment of moderate to severe pain
in adults
o Contraindicated to patients with
o Inhibit prostaglandins synthesis, COX1
hypersensitivity to aspirin, pregnant
and COX2 arachidonic acid
third trimester
o Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic
o Monitor auditory pain, tinnitus
o Avoid use of aspirin and alcohol,
o After meal, take it with food
hypertensive medication
o 1.2 g a day maximum, 6 a day
o IV administration – slow IV push
o 200 mg
o Side effects: Headache, nausea,
o Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic
abdominal pain, dyspepsia
o Contraindicated to patients with  Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium
Intracranial bleeding, hemorrhagic Hydroxide
diathesis, incomplete hemostasis, high o Maalox
risk of bleeding o GI tract agent
o Nursing Responsibility: Monitor renal o For patient with hyperacidity,
function, LFT, urinary output. Monitor constipation, and diarrhea

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

Level II|First Semester|Midterms

o Direct effect on HCl acid – balances o Avoid vaccine with live or weakened
pH level of stomach, decrease gastric virus
pH, inhibits reaction of pepsin  Fluticasone Propionate
o Contraindicated: GI bleeding or o Anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory
perforation o Pregnancy Category C
o Side effects: constipation, diarrhea, o Inhibits cells involved in the
muscle weakness, headaches, rash inflammatory response of asthma,
hives, swelling of tongue, tightness in such as mast cells, eosinophils,
chest basophils, lymphocytes,
o Take after meal, at bedtime, as macrophages, and neutrophils, inhibits
needed production or secretion of chemical
o Antiflatulence mediators, such as histamine,
 Fosphenytoin eicosanoids, leukotrienes, and
o Anticonvulsant cytokines.
o Pregnancy category D o Contraindicated to achalasia, GI
o Should take less than 150 mg hemorrhage
o Treat epilepsy, tonic clonic seizure for o Side effects: Confusion, decreased
children concentration, dizziness, drowsiness,
o Acts on sodium channel fever, headache, nervousness,
o For convulsions, slows down vertigo, tachycardia
o Immunosuppressant
impulse/brain activity on seizure
o Side effects: dizziness, drowsiness,  Epinephrine
headache, burning of injection site o Sympathomimetic (alpha-, beta-
o Given IV and IM, as needed adrenergic agonist), Bronchodilator,
o Avoid overdosing, might cause Cardiac stimulant, anti-allergic,
o Pregnancy category C
o Needs yellow prescription – for
dangerous drugs o Relaxes smooth muscle of bronchial
o Contraindication: Sinus bradycardia, tree, produces cardiac stimulation,
sinoatrial block, 2nd or 3rd degree dilates skeletal muscle vasculature.
AV block, Adams-Stokes syndrome o Contraindicated: narrow angle
o Monitor ECG, BP, and respiratory glaucoma, hypertensions,
function continuously during and for cardiovascular disorders
10–20 min after infusion o Side effects: tachycardia, palpitations,
 Ranitidine anxiety
o Aminoalkyl-substituted furan derivative o Dizziness, lightheadedness, facial
o Antiulcer agent, gastric acid secretion flushing, headache, diaphoresis,
increased B/P, nausea, trembling,
insomnia, vomiting, fatigue.
o Pregnancy category B
o rotate sites because repeated
o Inhibits the action of histamine H2 to
injections in the same site may cause
parietal cell
vasoconstriction and localized
o For gastric ulcer and GERD
o Contraindication: acute porphyria –
o Avoid giving injection into buttocks
cannot process the medicine
because drug may be less effective
o Maintenance dose, IV should be
when given there, especially for
patent treating anaphylaxis
o Dizziness, drowsiness, fever, o Drug shouldn’t be given by intra-
headache, insomnia arterial injection because marked
 Methylprednisolone vasoconstriction may cause gangrene.
o Anti-inflammatory, asthma, o Monitor changes of blood pressure
Immunosuppressive, corticosteroids and heart rate. Assess lung sounds for
o Category C rhonchi, wheezing, rales.
o Suppresses immune system  Nistatin

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

Level II|First Semester|Midterms

o Antifungal diaphoresis, acne, mood swings,

o Pregnancy category: Not rated increased appetite, facial flushing,
(lozenges, oral suspension, tablets, delayed wound healing, increased
topical), A (vaginal) susceptibility to infection, diarrhea,
o To treat oropharyngeal candidiasis constipation
(thrush) o Assess signs of increased intracranial
o Fungistatic pressure in children, including
o Binds to sterols in fungal cell changes in mood and behavior,
membranes, impairing membrane decreased consciousness, headache,
integrity. Cells lose intracellular lethargy, seizures, and vomiting.
potassium and other cellular contents  Albuterol (Salbutamol)
and, eventually, die o Bronchodilator, anti-asthmatic
o SE: Hyperglycemia (lozenge, oral o Pregnancy category C
suspension), abdominal pain, o Relaxes smooth muscles by
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting (oral stimulating beta2-receptors, thereby
forms), vaginal burning/itching, causing bronchodilation and
irritation vasodilation
 Acetaminophen o Relieves bronchospasm and reduces
o Analgesics, antipyretics airway resistance
o Pregnancy category B o Contraindication: hypersensitivity to
o Reduce the production of drug
prostaglandins in the brain. o SE: dizziness, excitement, headache,
o Relieves pain by elevating the pain hyperactivity, insomnia, hypertension,
threshold, that is, by requiring a palpitations, tachycardia, chest pain
greater amount of pain to develop o Give extended-release tablets whole;
before a person feels it. Also, reduces don’t crush or mix with food.
fever through its action on the heat-  Ipatropium
regulating center of the brain. o Bronchodilator
o Treats pain and reduce fever, o Pregnancy Category B
sometimes given with narcotic pain o Ipratropium is used to treat and
medication to treat severe to moderate prevent the symptoms of chronic lung
pain illness (wheezing and shortness of
o Caution with phenylketonuria breath) (chronic obstructive pulmonary
o Contraindicated: severe hepatic disease-COPD which includes
impairment or severe active liver bronchitis and emphysema). It works
disease by relaxing the muscles around the
 Prednisone airways, allowing them to open up and
o Adrenal corticosteroid allow you to breathe more freely.
o Pregnancy Category C o SE: Nausea, mouth dryness, skin
o Drug appears in breast milk. Women flushing, dyspnea, dizziness
shouldn’t breast-feed while taking this o Rinse mouth after using inhaler
drug  Montelukast Sodium
o Prevents/suppresses cell-mediated o Leukotriene modifiers
immune reactions. o Category B
o Decreases/prevents tissue response o Control and prevent symptoms caused
to inflammatory process. by asthma (wheezing and shortness of
o Use cautiously in patients with GI breath
ulcer, renal disease, hypertension, o Used before exercise to prevent
osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, breathing problems
hypothyroidism o SE: Headache
o Contraindicated: Patients with o Parents of phenylketonuric pts should
systemic fungal infections be informed. Assess lung sounds
o SE: Insomnia, heartburn, for wheezing. Assess for allergy
nervousness, abdominal distention,

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

Level II|First Semester|Midterms

symptoms. Question history of o Treats early onset-alcoholism.

depression, suicidal ideation. Improves symptoms of anxiety,
 Dexamethasone depression, and hostility. 
o Corticosteroid (glucocorticosteroid) o SE: Diarrhea, Headache,
o prevents/suppresses cell/tissue Constipation, Palpitations, Fatigue,
immune reactions, inflammatory Severe itching, Cold sensation,
process. Hiccups, Blurred Vision
o Contraindication: systemic fungal  Ampicillin
infections, cerebral malaria. o Penicillin - killing different bacterial
o SE: nausea, headache infection in adults and children.
 Morphine Sulfate o PC: B
o Opioid Analgesic o Ampicillin works by interfering with cell
o PC: wall synthesis by attachment to
Epidural/IM/IT/IV/Parenteral/PO/Rectal penicillin-binding proteins (PBP),
/SC: C (Prolonged use may cause inhibiting cell wall peptidoglycan
neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome.) synthesis, and rendering inhibitors to
o Binds with opioid receptors within autolytic enzymes.
CNS, inhibiting ascending pain o Ampicillin is used to treat bacterial
pathways infections. It is a type of penicillin
o Alter pain perception, emotional antibiotic. It works to stop the growth
response to pain. of bacteria.
o SE: Nausea, vomiting, sedation, o Contraindications: Allergies to
decreased BP penicillin, cephalosporins, Renal and
 Hydrocortisone hepatic function should be monitored
o Adrenal cortical steroid, Corticosteroid, and other allergies.
Glucocorticoid o SE: cute inflammatory skin eruption,
o PC: C redness and peeling of the skin, rash,
o This medication is used to treat a fever, diarrhea, nausea, inflammation
of the tongue, yeast infection in the
variety of skin conditions (e.g., insect
mouth, vomiting, Lethargy,
bites, poison oak/ivy, eczema,
hallucinations, seizures, pain,
dermatitis, allergies, rash, itching of
thrombosis at injection site
the outer female genitals, anal itching).
 Clindamycin Hydrochloride
Hydrocortisone reduces the swelling,
itching, and redness that can occur in o Antibacterial and antiprotozoal
these types of conditions. antibiotic
o Contraindication: systemic fungal o PC: B
infections, pre-mature infants, o Inhibits protein synthesis in
breastfeeding, peptic ulcer, renal susceptible bacteria by binding to the
failure, diabetes mellitus 50S subunits of bacterial ribosomes
o SE: Vertigo, headache, paresthesia, and preventing peptide bond
insomnia, seizures, psychosis, formation.
Hypotension, shock, HPN and heart o To prevent physical incompatibility,
failure secondary to fluid retention, don’t administer with aminophylline,
thin, fragile skin, petechiae, ampicillin, barbiturates, calcium
ecchymoses gluconate, magnesium sulfate, or
 Ondansetron Hydrochloride phenytoin
o Antiemetic, Selective 5-HT3 o Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to
Antagonist  this product or lincomycin, tartrazine
o PC: B dye; ulcerative colitis/enteritis
o  Prevents nausea and vomiting caused o SE: Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
by cancer chemotherapy, radiation diarrhea, dry, scaly skin
therapy, and surgery.  Blocks the o Culture and sensitivity testing
action of serotonin.   Levetiracetam
o Pyrrolidine derivative

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

Level II|First Semester|Midterms

o Distributed in breast milk.

Breastfeeding not recommended.
o Appears to inhibit burst firing without
affecting normal neuronal excitability
and may selectively prevent hyper
synchronization of propagation of
seizure activity.
o Prevent seizure activity
o All patients may increase the risk of
suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Renal
impairment, (dose reduction
recommended) if pts with depression
at high risk for suicide.
o SE: Drowsiness, asthenia, headache,
infection. Acute psychosis, agitation,
delirium, impulsivity have been
 Diazepam
o Anticonvulsant, anxiolytic,
o sedative-hypnotic, skeletal muscle
o PC: D
o May potentiate effects of gamma
aminobutyric acid (GABA) and other
inhibitory neurotransmitters by binding
to specific benzodiazepine receptors
in limbic and cortical areas of CNS.
GABA inhibits excitatory stimulation,
which helps control emotional
behavior. Limbic system contains a
dense area of benzodiazepine
receptors, which may explain drug’s
antianxiety effects.
o Diazepam suppresses spread of
seizure activity caused by seizure-
producing foci in cortex, thalamus, and
limbic structures.
o Anxiety disorders
o Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to
drug, other benzodiazepines, alcohol,
or tartrazine, Coma or CNS
depression, Narrow-angle glaucoma
o SE: dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy,
depression, light-headedness,
disorientation, anger, manic or
hypomanic episodes, restlessness,
paresthesia, headache, slurred
speech, dysarthria, stupor, tremor,
dystonia, vivid dreams, extrapyramidal
reactions, mild paradoxical excitation.

Sabal, Pearl Angeli M.

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