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Veterinary Anatomy 1 Course

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
IPB University

Synarthrose Diarthrose

• Relationships between bone organized through
connective tissue, cartilage or muscle.
• There is no space between the bones.
• Possibility to moves very limited (no movement
at all).
1. Sutura : Sutura serrata
Sutura squamosa
Sutura harmonia
Sutura foliata

2. Syndesmose
3. Synchondrose
4. Synsarcose

Relationship between bone,

form joints
There is a joint space →
(cavum articularis)

Capsula articularis
→ Fibrous layers
→ Sinovialis layers

Articulatio simplex

Articulatio composita
Joints movement
1. Shifts (glide)
2. Cornered
3. Rotatio
4. Adductio and abductio

Classification of joints
(based on the type of movement):
1. Articulatio sphaeroideus (bullet joints)
2. Articulatio ellipsoideus (ellipse joints)
3. Articulatio sellaris (saddle joints)
4. Articulatio trochlearis
a. Ginglymus (hinge joints)
b. Articulatio cochlearis (screw joints)
5. Articulatio trochoides (rotary joints)
6. Sliding joints
7. Amphiarthroses

Persendian bingkas → resilient joints (elastic)

Example of joints sinovialis

1 A. Persendian geser : processus

articularis os vertebrae
cervicalis (kuda)
B. Persendian engsel : sendi
C. Persendian putar : sendi
atlantoaxialis, tampak cranial
D. Persendian sekrup : sendi
femorotibialis (anjing)
E. Persendian ellips : carpus
F. Persendian sela/pelana :
sendi interphalangis distal
G. Persendian peluru : sendi
panggul, tampak caudodorsal

• Discuss the structure of muscles (musculus)

and supporting elements
• The ability of self shortening (contraction)

1. Active Locomotor
2. Maintaining the balance
3. Fixation the extremity joints
4. Establish a body cavity wall
Morphological Classification of muscles:
1. Smooth muscle → autonomic nerve, not
according to whim
2. Transversely striped muscle (skeletal
3. The heart muscle → autonomic nerve
Muscle structure

Smooth muscle
1. Cell shape: long, thinning at the edges
2. Did not have a clear membrane
3. Protoplasm containing longitudinal fibers
(myofibril) and sarcoplasma
Skelet muscle
• Fiber in the form of muscle cells (syncytium),
cylinder, thinning to the end
• Contains many nuclei

Each fiber has:

Sarcoplasma :
→ Specifies the color of muscle
Myofibril :
• Sarcoplasma solidified in the form of
a fine thread
• The direction is elongated, determine
the nature of contraction
The structure is not uniform
Consists of segments
Nuclei :
• Oval shape
• Located at the periphery,
directly under the sarcolemma

Sarcolemma :
• Smooth membrane, not
structured, transparent
• On the outside wrapped by
Perimysium internum
Perimysium externum
Cardiac muscle :
• Modification of skeletal muscle
• Nuclei situated in the middle
• Branched fibers, relate to each other

Muscle color / muscle tone

Shape and part of muscle :

Depending on the location and function
• Legs: slim, oval
• Chest and abdomen: wide and flat
• Backs: Long and small round
• Hips and thighs: Strong and large
Oval muscle: Venter (abdomen)
Caput (head)
Cauda (tail)

Linkage muscle to bone:

• Origo (origin)
• Insertio (linkage)

Biceps, triceps, quadriceps muscles

Digastricus muscles (biventer)
Circular muscle (sphincter)
Unipennatus muscles
Bipennatus muscles
Multipennatus muscles
Functional classification of muscle
Muscle strength
The anatomical incision and physiological incision

Muscle excursion possibility

Motion/locomotor muscle (Otot gerak):

• Perform fast and smooth movement
• Unipennatus muscles, slender and long
• Physiological incision is small, power is not
• Length fibers, great excursion possibilities,
broad movements.
• Rapid contraction (contraction tetanis)
• Colour is generally pink
Example : m. extensor digitalis communis
m. flexor digitalis profundus
Retention muscle (Otot penahan) :
• Able to move long without feeling tired
• Multipennatus muscles, thick and short
• Physiological incision broad, big power
• Short fibers, small excursion
• Gently contraction (contraction tonis),
• Color generally dark red
Example : m. supraspinatus, m. masseter
m. serratus ventralis

Tonus otot (muscle tone)

Stretch level of a muscle at rest and in a normal
No need of energy, so it will not fatigue
Muscle development :
Depending on the mechanical function charged

Muscular work :
• Depending on the location of the origo and
• Defined by the location of the muscle to the
point of a rotary joint

Cooperation between muscle:

Controlled by the nervous system
Prinsip pengumpil otot Muscle lever principle
•Pengumpil satu tangan • Single lever arm
•Pengumpil dua tangan
• Two lever arms


• Connect muscles and bones
• The round shape like a rope
• If it is flat and thin called aponeurose
Connective tissue, spread throughout the body

Fascia superficialis
• Directly under the skin (subcutaneous)
• Loose connective tissue, less fat
• In some parts of the body found musculus

Fascia profunda
• Dense connective tissue (single ply or
• Lamellae infiltrate between the muscles,
and linked to the muscles (septa
• Could be an origo or insertio of a muscle
Bursa (slime pouch)
• Two hulls, fibrous and
synovial lining layer is
located between the
tendon or muscle and
• Containing the synovial
• Protect the tendon or
muscle to shift

Vagina (Vagina sinovialis tendinis)

Long pouch, wrap the tendon

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