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Task Of Making Conversation About "Making An Appointment"

Kelompok 1 :

1. Vera Yunita (2032001)

2. Lisa Meilinda (2032012)

Prodi : DIII Kebidanan

MK : Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Dosen Pengampu : Yohanes Maria Restu Dian Rahardjo, S.Pd.,M.Hum

Theme : You have a group assignment. You make an appointment with your group
members. You discuss where and when you will meet and Work on your assignment.

Lisa : Good morning Vera. May i talk to you for a while ?

Vera : Good morning too Lisa. Yes, you may talk to me. What happen ?

Lisa : Thanks. Do you have any spare time on this week ?

Vera : Let me check my schedule first

Lisa : Okay, i’ll wait.

Vera : Yes i have 2 days free this week.

Lisa : What days ?

Vera : Tuesday and Sunday, Lisa.

Lisa : What if we do our homework for pregnancy’s care subject on this Sunday ?

Vera : Ofcourse we can do it on Sunday.

Lisa : Then what about the time ?

Vera : On Sunday, if we will do in the morning i’m available started from 10.00 am .

Lisa : Sorry, but i cant do it at that time Vera. Because I already have an appointment
with my family for a vacation together. Would you be free to meet early Tuesday though

Vera : All right, then. Tuesday sounds fine. Shall we meet around 3.30 in the afternoon
in my home ?

Lisa : Of course. Tuesday afternoon it is, in your home.

Vera : Please, let me know if your plan changes and the time is not suitable for you.

Lisa : I will. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Vera : Don’t worry, Lisa. Thank you and good morning.

Lisa : Good morning

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