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Name: John William S.


Date: October 16, 2020

Year and Section: BSGE 1-B




Direction: Write T is the statement is correct and F if the statement is false.

True 1. Some secondary sources give conjectures.

True 2. The National Library of the Philippines is the government institution in the Philippines that
serves as an educational, scientific and cultural institution in preserving the various permanent national

True 3. External criticism refers to the genuineness of the documents.

True 4. Internal criticism refers to the authenticity of the documents.

True 5. Primary sources are contemporary accounts of an event.

True 6. The National Archives of the Philippines has 210,000 book collections.

True 7. Local studies center are dedicated for the enrichment and study of one locality``s history, culture
and related studies.

False 8. Asking the real author of a particular primary document is a question of internal criticism.

True 9. National Museum is the regulatory and enforcement agency of the government in preserving of
important cultural properties.

False 10. History is generally about the past, present and future.

False 11. Numismatics is the study of coat of arms.

True 12. Genealogy is the study of family relationships.

True 13. Oral statements include any form of statement made orally by someone.

False 14. Genealogy of a Document refers to what kind of institution or individual produced a source.

True 15. There are four major elements of history.


Direction: Identify the following sources as primary or secondary.

Primary Source 1. Diary of Ninoy Aquino

Primary Source 2. Oral Statements of Mae Delos Santos, survivor of Mt. Pinatubo eruption.

Primary Source 3. Memoir of Juan Ponce Enrile

36Secondary Source 4. 2010 TV Documentary about the imposition of Martial Law in the Philippines.

Primary Source 5. First class relic of San Lorenzo Ruis de Manila.

Primary Source 6. Photograph of the execution of Rizal in Bagumbayan.

Primary Source 7. Appointment paper of Emilio Jacinto signed by Andres Bonifacio.

Secondary Source 8. The History Textbook authored by Teodoro Agoncillo.

Secondary Source 9. 2017 News Article featuring the Bataan Death March.

Secondary Source 10. Research on the Philippine Revolution published in the journal of social sciences.

Name: John William S. Tolentino Date: October 12, 2020 Year and Section: BSGE-1-B

CRITICISM INSTRUMENT FOR PRIMARY DOCUMENTS (Please attach a copy of the primary document

Celoza A. F. (1997), Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippines: The Political Economy of
Authoritarianism Retrieved from

Title of Primary Source: Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippines: The Political Economy of

Type of Primary Source: Published Books

When written? 1997

Where written? Westport, Connecticut London

How did it survive? The said book of Albert Celoza was digitize to computer as a way of preserving. It’s
survive throughout the years because a lot of people have an interest to this kind of a book even though
it’s kind of old.

Who was the real author? Albert F. Celoza


Is the author an eyewitness or secondhand account holder? Eyewitness

Why was it written? For a case study of the Strictly rule of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines from
1972 to 1986, examining the levers of power available to absolute rulers and the development of
political economy in authoritarian rule.

Does the content have literal meaning or connotation? Explain.

Yes, because it has been preserved by means of publishing the statements of the persons who
experienced the Martial Law, Many authors decided to print it so that the next generations would have
a deep understanding on what happened when Ferdinard Marcos was still the President.


As a part Philippine History, We all know that Ferdinand Marcos was the President during 1965 to 1986,
and this document merely shows how he govern our country by instituting authoritarianism act were
people doesn’t have the freedom to speak against the govern act even radio broadcast centers were
closed and it highlights the downfall of the dictatorship and the end of his term as a Philippine President
who lead and ruled our country for 21 years.

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