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Ayesha Faye M.

Belarmino 11-Blessed Frederic Ozanam

Mr. Cristopher Allan Reballos STEM


I am on an interstellar voyage, as I was passing the Yanib System suddenly a meteoroid hit my spaceship
causing it for a force landing. So I have to choose which among the 7 planets I should land on. To choose
among the planets, I have first to think of the factors that makes a planet habitable. What is a habitable
planet? A habitable planet also known as Goldilocks Zone is one that can sustain life for a significant period
of time around the star. The first factor that we should consider is the Temperature it influences how atoms
and molecules move. Liquid water can still exist at -15⁰C to 115⁰C but under certain condition. The next
factor that we should consider is the Atmosphere it traps heat, shields the surface, and provides chemicals
needed for life, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The next factor is Energy this is where organisms use
light energy to run their life processes, and they only need a steady input of either light or chemical energy.
The fourth factor is Nutrients, what a human being also needs, it is used to build and maintain an
organisms’ body. We may also consider the distance of the planet to the sun. Also, if it is covered with
interstellar gas and dust for it contains sample radioactive elements that produces magnetic fields that
protects the planet from solar flares. And also it’s moons which helps in moderating the degree of wobble in
a planet.

If I were to choose among the 7 planets I will choose the Planet 4 for it has most of the factors needed to
consider it as a habitable planet. It has a large amount of mass, and it also has an ozone layer which
means that can protect a living thing from UV Radiations. Even though the temperature is at 2⁰C there can
still be existence of water but in other forms, it’s also stated that there’s liquid water at the middle of the

I didn’t choose the other planet because: At the first planet, it may have a large mass but the temperature is
too high for a human living to exist also it’s so hard for water to existence. The planet 2 has dry riverbeds
and polar ice caps, so no liquid water existed. At the 3 rd planet this would probably my next choice, for you
can also see the other factors in here but the mass is lower than the 4 th planet. For the fifth planet it’s a gas
giant and also have a high temperature. At the 6 th planet also a gas giant and for the last planet, we should
also consider the distance of the planet from the sun, so it’s too far.

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