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Addressing the Comparison of Insomnia Severity and Internet Addiction of Grade 11 and 12 on
Distance Learning

Jayrine M Arcalas 1, 2, 3, Kc B Calano1, 2, 3, Althea Nicole P Dionisio 1, 2, 3, Maria Corazon Gabriel1, 2, 3,

Redelyn C Ocampo1, 2, 3, Ma. Kria F Priagola1, 2, 3, Alyssa Louise Erika D Riego 1, 2, 3, Zuriel Amerigo L
Timban1, 2, 3, Trisia Grace N Villegas 1, 2, 3, Ms. Ma. Alea Reesa De Vera LPT 1, 2, 3, 4

¹Basic Education

²Senior High School

³Our Lady of Fatima University

⁴Research Adviser

November 2021



1.0 Introduction

According to Anzaldo (2021) Education is one of the precious things inherited by students to their
parents. But all people know that they are living in a world that has a virus which is COVID 19. Since it is
harmful to each and every one, the Department of Education (DepEd) has implemented a new way to
keep the students educated which is distance learning or the online class. Students who choose online
classes will be using their gadgets as the main tools for their study. The students use some online
platforms like Zoom, Google meet, and so on just to meet their classmates and teachers virtually. The
World Health Organization has declared COVID 19 is a pandemic that represents a current threat to
humanity. This pandemic has caused several activities including education activities to be halted
worldwide, leading to massive migration of universities in response to crises with e-learning, serving as
an educational platform. The crisis response methods of universities, teachers, and students. Challenges
and opportunities have been discussed and it’s clear that online learning is different from emergency
distance education. Online learning will be more sustainable while educational activities will become
more hybrid, provided the challenges faced during this pandemic are properly explored and turned into
opportunities (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020)

According to Paracelsus Recovery (2015) many specialists are hesitant to use the term
“addiction” to describe a harmful internet obsession. Despite the fact that internet addiction is not yet a
formally recognized psychological condition, experts believe that many people use the internet
excessively, frequently at the expense of their homes, families, friends or school. People who have
unhealthy lifestyles often use the internet to escape their daily stresses. Kimberly S. (2010) Internet
addiction has become a serious topic of discussion. It may affect the mental health that many practitioners
are not aware of and sometimes it has a big impact on everyone that may affect their personal life. The
way students use the internet and having no control over it, is a bad habit and is considered internet
addiction. According to the current study of the recovery village (September 2021) People nowadays use
technology, especially gadgets that are connected to the internet to stay connected to the outside world.
Due to the pandemic, a lot of people get stuck at home and with no way of doing their usual routine, so
the internet serves as their way of their recreation. With exciting apps that teach about a lot of stuff which
is fascinating and really entertaining and most importantly, the internet keeps the ties between people
connected. COVID 19 has made their life miserable by making their interaction with other people hard.



This is the reason why people have been very addicted to the internet because it is the only way on how
they could vent out their needs for socialization. Years of being in a pandemic, people got used to it. They
love the internet because it is very accessible and convenient. On the other hand, their love for the internet
made them addicted to it. Little did they know, this affects their overall aspects including their sleeping
attitude or pattern. In the midst of a pandemic, they are not allowed to go outside especially the teenagers
because they are prone to the virus. So, the teenagers or the senior high school students are spending their
time inside their houses, using their gadgets, scrolling on their social media accounts.
Pathak, MD. (2021) Insomnia is a sleep disorder. Some symptoms of insomnia are, having a
trouble on sleeping, waking up so early and being irritable. There are also some causes of insomnia just
like stress. A stressed person can have insomnia because they know that if a person has a problem they
might not be able to go to sleep. They are thinking about some of their problems that trouble them until
midnight. Insomnia is a condition in which you have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep at night.
It is critical to get enough sleep for their health. Insomnia can have a negative impact on their daily life.
They may feel weary, angry, or unable to concentrate. Other cancer-related diseases and symptoms, such
as pain, exhaustion, sadness, stress and anxiety might be exacerbated by insomnia. Insomnia can make
coping with cancer more difficult and make them feel more isolated. Here are some tips to avoid
insomnia, people need to limit their eating large meals at midnight, making themselves comfortable
before they sleep and aside from making themselves comfortable also make sure that their place is also
comfortable for them to avoid distraction. People with insomnia don't fall asleep to the point that they
don’t get the rest they want. There are 3 types of insomnia. Short term insomnia which could last for
about a couple of days or weeks and is more likely caused by stress. Chronic insomnia is when the sleep
difficulties occur at least three times a week for three months or longer and short- term insomnia. Many
teenagers experience short-term insomnia at some point in their lives, which can remain for days or
weeks. It's usually caused by stress or having a problem. Some teenagers, however, suffer from long-term
insomnia that lasts a month or longer. It's possible that insomnia is the major issue with it. There is so
many ways to prevent insomnia such as, good sleeping habits can help you avoid insomnia and get a good
sleep. Maintain a consistent bedtime and waking time throughout the week. (ASCO 2020).
The aim of the study is to have knowledge about the comparison between the insomnia and
internet addiction of senior high school students grade 11 and 12. The importance of the study is to know
that these addictive behaviors can cause them in their physical and mental health. The focus of the study
is to measure the extent of insomnia severity and internet addiction of senior high school grade 11 and 12



in order to raise awareness and understanding about the problem and to have more in-depth understanding
and knowledge about the comparison of insomnia severity and internet addiction.

1.1 Research Problem 

1. What is the level of Insomnia Severity between grade 11 and grade 12?
2. What is the difference in the level of Insomnia Severity between grade 11 and grade 12?
3. What is the level of Internet Addiction between grade 11 and grade 12?
4. What is the difference in the level of Internet Addiction between grade 11 and 12?

1.2 Research Hypothesis

Ho₁: There is no significant differences between the level of Insomnia Severity among grade 11 and 12
students in Senior High School.
Ho₂: There is no significant difference between the level of Internet Addiction among grade 11 and 12
students in Senior High School. 

1.3 Significance of the Study 

 To a student - To the students who have read this study. The benefits they will get in the study is they
can apply the things that they have learned, for them to avoid causing much time on the internet that can
lead to internet addiction and insomnia. For them also to learn the maximum time of internet usage. This
will be a big help for them to apply it for themselves. 

To a parent - in this study parents will have an idea about internet addiction and insomnia. And as
parents, they can monitor their children’s screen time and prevent them from leading to internet addiction
and insomnia. They can also teach their children the proper usage of the Internet and as well for the
parents to control their children from it. 



To a future researcher - This study could be used as a foundation or source of information for future
researchers. They can also use this study as a preference to assist them in data collection. This research
paper may also assist them in becoming more knowledgeable and aware of the reasons for students'
internet addiction and how it affects their mental health.

1.4 Scope and Limitations 

The researchers compared the different levels of insomnia severity and internet addiction in
Senior High school students of Our Lady of Fatima University according to online class. As pandemic is
currently happening, it is possible for researchers to collect data in a limited amount of time, the
researchers are not allowed to take surveys from participants. 
The study includes 16 to 19-year old senior high school students. They must be a student from a
online mode of learning. They must be students who are experiencing internet addiction and insomnia.
And lastly, they should be residing at Valenzuela City.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Insomnia - Is Associated with sleep disorder or the difficulty of sleeping. Insomnia is a common sleep
disorder that you experience making it hard to fall asleep and waking up too early and not be able to get
back to sleep again (Mayo Clinic, 2016). It is discussed in the Literature that insomnia is defined as the
sleep difficulty of a person. It is also said in the literature that it is a sleep disorder that has a problem with
falling asleep. The researchers used the term Insomnia to compare it to Internet addiction because this is
one of the effects of insomnia in senior high school students. In so much time spent on internet addiction
some students are not sleeping early and that’s the reason to have insomnia. 
Internet Addiction – According to Victoria State Government (2020). The Internet Addiction is the
umbrella term for compulsiveness, in which an individual has an excitement, interest and curiosity in the
internet, to the point that their society they belong to is suffering like their family, friends, relationship and
especially their health. Internet Addiction is used in this study to know the comparison between insomnia.
And also, many students are now addicted to the internet because of the pandemic, that teenagers are not
allowed to go outside so they have much time to spend on the internet. 



Mental Health – Felman (2020) mental health refers to the behavioral, emotional, well-being, and on
how people think and decide. Others use this term mental health as a mental disorder. This is associated
with how they behave in a certain situation and how they decide to act and think. This is use in related
Literature to know the relationship of sleep deprivation on the mental health of a person. It is use in the
study to know what will be the effect of Insomnia and Internet Addiction to the mental health of senior
high school students grade 11 and 12 in “Online class”

2.0 Review of Related Literature 

2.1 Variable Discussion 

2.1.1 Insomnia 
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine ICSD-3 Manual (2020).  Insomnia is
defined as the persistence of sleep difficulty. Insomnia has many factors and symptoms that is occurring
in a person. Its diagnosis results in two components: Sleep difficulties that occur, lack of opportunities for
a normal sleep and last is the daytime impairment which occurs when you have a poor sleep duration or in
other term you tend to sleep in about an hour then suddenly you will wake up with no reason. 
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that has a problem with falling asleep and staying awake. It not only
focuses on falling asleep at night but also staying awake until midnight. Insomnia conditions can be short-
term or acute that tends to last at least 1 night a week and a condition that lasts a long time or chronic
insomnia, tends to last at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or more. WebMd (2020) Causes and Symptoms of Insomnia 

Alexa Fry (2020) The cause of insomnia is due to the hyperarousal that has a big impact on
sleeping time. "Ingestion or Consumption of substances" is one of the causes of Insomnia. Under these is
the alcohol, nicotine or any drugs that an individual is taking. Their body responses on those medicines
that they take  cause sleep difficulties. Another is, "Health Problems" This is one of the main factors of
insomnia like the physical pain or discomfort of an individual. Also if your immune system is not healthy
this can lead to insomnia or difficulty of sleeping


7 Insomnia and its impact on physical and mental health

In differentiating the connection between sleep deprivation and mental wellbeing, the interface
between a sleeping disorder and physical wellbeing has been generally overlooked until of late. We as of
late illustrated that this sleeping disorder phenotype is related with a critical chance of cardiometabolic
and neurocognitive dismalness and mortality, based on discoveries that sleep deprivation with objective
brief rest length is related to the enactment of both appendages of the push framework and other records
of physiological hyperarousal, which ought to influence antagonistically physical and mental wellbeing.
Sleep deprivation with typical rest term, on the other hand, is connected to rest misperception and
cognitive-emotional excitement but not to physiologic pointers.
From the past years, they propose many models just to understand the etiology and
pathophysiology of insomnia. And most of it shows the importance of the connection between the effects
of stress and psychological reasons for parthenogenesis of this kind of sleeping disorder. The identity of
the psychology of their patients who don’t have enough sleep gives a cognitive-emotional hyperarousal.
(ex. Anxious, obsessive, etc.). (J.F Mendoza & A. N. Vgontzas 2014).

2.1.2 Internet addiction 

Techopedia (2013). It is a mental health condition that has an overuse of the internet. It is
automatically identified as a mental health disorder because of the addictiveness of a person on the
Internet. When someone can’t leave the internet it can be called an addict. It also affects the behavior of a
person according to the level of addictiveness, they can be aggressive or impulsive sometimes. According
to Traylor Bennett (2020) when engagement in a certain activity negatively impacts one’s well-being and
takes priority over important areas of life such as work, school and individuals relationships this activity
can be classified as addiction. For most of the day, every day, many of us are addicted to our phones,
computers or iPads. Whether it is something we want to do or for fun. Simply said, Internet addiction is
repeated online activity despite negative effects. These people stay up all night. They are skipping School
work and responsibilities. How to know if you are an Internet Addict and what to do about it. 
According to Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD (2020) Internet addiction is a type of
behavioral addiction in which a person gets reliant on the usage of the Internet or other online devices as a
maladaptive coping mechanism for dealing with life's pressures. Internet addiction is becoming more



commonly recognized and accepted, especially in nations where it affects large populations, such as South
Korea, where it has been deemed a public health problem. 1 Much of the current research on Internet
addiction is being conducted in Asia. It is also a rising source of concern in developed North American
and European countries.
Excessive use of the internet is not good because it can cause problems in their health. The most
numerous users of the gadget are young people, they lack knowledge and awareness of what could
possibly happen to them when they become addicted to the internet. Some people who are addicted to the
internet tend to be confused about what is virtual from reality. Sometimes, addiction on the internet is a
peer to support their group when they’re playing or to keep their skills sharp. Therefore, people who’ve
been addicted to the internet have a reason why they become addicted to it. It might be a coping
mechanism for them to watch funny videos and play online games on the internet to lessen the burden
they feel. We can rely on the internet but as always being addicted not just only to the internet but to any
other thing, abusing or excessive or too much is not good and might be dangerous in our health. Five (5) Types of Internet Addiction 

 Internet addiction covers a wide range of impulsive controls problem involving the internet and
the gadgets use today. The first type of Internet addiction is the (1) "Computer or gaming Addiction" it
identify the online and offline activities that can be done on the computer, phones or any gadgets use by a
player. As of today many online and offline games playing by the students. They cannot leave this games
due to addictiveness. Playing until midnight with this games on their gadgets. (2) "Cyber (online)
Relationship addiction" most of the students are finding relationships online thru the dating apps that can
be use online. Relationships typically form online. Sometimes, some person they met online is concealing
their real identity, they use fake accounts, fake names and so on. Teenagers are addict in this kind of
online relationship or online dating app that they can be found on the internet. (3) "Compulsive
Information Seeking" this one is seeking information on the internet, some students are have their hobbies
by searching on the internet, but some information in the internet contain inappropriate topic that can also
affect to the behavior of a student. (4) "Cybersex Addiction" this one is more self-explanatory internet
addictions. It is an obsession with any harmful services that they can find thru internet, on the 3rd type it
says that seeking information on the internet contain inappropriate topic that has a effects on students that
has a hobby on seeking information on the internet. Lastly, (5) "Net Compulsions" it is an interactive of
students on an online gambling, online shopping and so on. Almost of the students are addict when it cone



to this categories especially gambling. There are online gambling on the internet that everyone is playing,
in that case they can't leave that activity they are doing in the internet. So that this is called an internet

2.1.3 Relationship between Insomnia and Internet Addiction 

The Internet has been very popular all over the globe. No matter what the age or gender is, most
of them use the internet. Other people would buy loads just to browse online. And many people had
considered themselves as an Internet addict. Karki et al. (2021) studied about the relationship of internet
addiction and sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Internet Addiction
Test (IAT). The survey was conducted in Nepal with 390 adolescent participants. The results showed that
adolescents and young adults are the ones who experienced using the internet for a long period of time. It
showed that they often use the internet when it comes to their work, email, their own leisure, etc. It is also
stated that with using the internet, they don’t just use a single phone but they also have an extension
phone, table or any other device. With that being said, the result also showed that those who are internet
addicts are the ones who experienced mental health conditions, poor sleep quality, and are the ones who
are physically weak. The result also showed that those people who used gadgets or the internet at night
are the ones who had a hard time falling asleep. The survey also stated that Nepalians who are more
addicted to the internet showed more depressive symptoms.

2.1.4 The Connection between Insomnia and Addiction 

In the present world, sleep deprivation has demonstrated to be a typical event. Essentially 25% of
Americans experience indications of the problem every year. Given the pressure of working for long
periods of time, continually using and being connected through cell phones and paying the significant
expense of living, it isn't shocking that an enormous piece of the population is not getting enough rest.
These issues are enhanced when sleep deprivation and fixation coincide. Addiction and Insomnia
regularly go hand-in-hand since the absence of rest causes a lot of physical and enthusiastic issues that
certain individuals attempt to treat with medications or liquor. As per the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), about a portion of individuals who experience the ill effects of insomnia and
consistently misuse liquor and additionally abuse it to further develop rest. Electronic use is becoming
common and popular and this influences insomnia. Utilizing electronic gadgets before bed can improve



the probability of resting unsettling influences, on the grounds that the blue light from the gadgets
befuddles the mind. (Jena Hiliard and David Hampton, 2021)

2.1.5 Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning

According to Stern, Ph. D. (2019) today's newest and most popular kind of distant education is
online learning. It is an education that takes place via the Internet and is sometimes referred to as
"e-learning" among other labels. It has been a great influence to higher levels of high school over the past
years, and up to this day it is still in demand. However, online learning is merely one sort of "distance
learning," which refers to any learning that takes place outside of a typical classroom and takes place over
a long distance.
This pandemic has added to the demand in online learning; it made our movement difficult
because we are not permitted to have social gatherings. That is why online learning is required in our
society because it is a possible way for the education system to continue. And that is why the demand for
online learning is still continuing.

2.2 Theoretical Framework 

2.2.1 Theoretical Underpinnings of Internet Addiction and its association with Psychopathology
in adolescence. 
According to Shawn Taylor et al. (2017) The psychological and theoretical underpinnings of the
claimed association between Internet addiction (IA) and psychopathology in both children and
adolescents are reviewed in this research. IA indicates a substantial association with depression, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and time spent on the Internet, based on cognitive-behavioral
frameworks and social-skills theory. In the case of social anxiety, mixed results have been recorded. IA
has also been linked to feelings of loneliness and aggression. These connections were mediated by gender
and age, with males and younger Internet users reporting more psychopathology. This study adds to the
growing body of evidence linking IA to a wide spectrum of mental health issues in both children and
adolescents. An over reliance on the Internet has the potential to cause considerable social and
psychological harm. While research has found a possible path that starts with mental health issues and
ends with IA, few studies have looked in the other direction, which may provide the fuel for future



2.2.2 Theory of Pavlovian Conditioning in Insomnia 

Grima et al. (2019) The diagnosis of insomnia is based on the patient's self-disclosure.
Polysomnography helps diagnose patients with suspected morbid sleep disorders, but objective sleep
assessment is not required for diagnosis. It is important to note that both  ICSD3 and DSM5 deviate from
the classification of primary and secondary insomnia (ie, insomnia with other disorders). Increased
awareness that this change may develop into another disorder that, if the symptoms of insomnia are
associated with another condition, may not necessarily resolve after successful treatment or resolution of
the initial condition. Reflects. This is relevant for patients with a history of psychosis, as insomnia and
psychiatric disorders often coexist.
Patients with insomnia generally describe sleep as "refreshing" or "not refreshing" and attribute
daytime disorders such as fatigue and irritability to sleep deprivation. Even if a polysomnography shows
that they are asleep, they are more likely to identify them as awake. This phenomenon is known as sleep
state misperception. Insomnia is often accompanied by hyperexcitability, which is supported by
physiological, psychological, behavioral, and cognitive factors10. Psychological and behavioral
hyperexcitability can be caused by trying to sleep (ie, sleep exercise). Patients can "strive for sleep", adopt
strict nocturnal routines, and engage in avoidance and safety behaviors (for example, living around sleep
and usually afraid of sleep deprivation at night). Embraces upcoming events that need to deviate from
their route. 

2.3 Conceptual Framework



Figure 1.
               In line with the general goal, the study aims to know the comparison between the level of
internet addiction on online classes of grade 11 and 12. And the comparison between the level of insomnia
on Online Classes of grade 11 and 12 . In comparison between insomnia and internet addiction, Insomnia
it can be called the lack of sleep or sleep disorders that causes them to have insomnia, it drives the mental
and physical health of a person. While Internet Addiction can be defined as the addictiveness of an
individual to the internet, this is also the reason for lack of sleep of many teenagers as of today. 

3.0 Methodology

According to Derek Jansen and Kerryn Warren (2020) methodology is a way for our research to
be more specific, clean and it is showing that research should be justified in a way that explains
everything in a particular research. Methodology shows a guide to the reader for example what are the
procedures or techniques that our group did.

First, the approach that the researcher used was quantitative research approach, second they will
conduct a survey by using a questionnaire in every participants, and lastly once they’re done in this
survey they will compare every answer and find what's the most and least answers, the researchers also
used non experimental research which comparative research and the sampling that they used is quota
sampling and snowball sampling.

3.1 Research Design

Bhandari (2020) Quantitative research is the process of analyzing and collecting numerical data.
This can be used for the averages, mean, standard deviation and so on. It is the opposite of Qualitative
research which is gathering non-numerical data. According to Formplus (2021) Non-experimental
Research does not involve any manipulation on the independent variable of the research study. A
comparative study examines the differences between two variables and sometimes more variables.
(SAGE, 2021).

In this study the researchers used a quantitative approach to measure the level of insomnia and
internet addiction of grade 11 and 12 in online classes . And also to know the mean and standard deviation
of the variables. As the research design the researcher used a non-experimental research which is the
comparative study, it aims to compare the insomnia and internet addiction of Senior high school students.



This Research design, comparative, helps the researcher to compare the variables that they have in their

3.2 Research Locale

Research Locale makes the study more specific, the researcher must identify the locale first. It
refers to the geographic area, or the subject being studied in a research project. Here will be the place
where the research will be conducted. (Joynson, 2020).

The study will be conducted in Our Lady of Fatima University - Valenzuela Campus. The
respondents will answer virtually through the use of google form, Researchers are not allowed to conduct
a face to face survey on their respondents due to pandemic. This research is also conducted in every house
of the researchers. The researchers choose the place of implementation because it will give them the
needed and enough information for the senior high school students grade 11 and 12 with insomnia
severity and internet addiction. The study will be conducted in the First Semester of the academic year

3.3 Population and Sampling

According to Oregon States (2010) Snowball sampling is a recruitment technique that involves
asking research participants to help researchers identify other potential subjects. Recruiting additional
research participants (sometimes referred to as “snowball sampling” using currently enrolled research
participants may be approved by the IRB. However, the protocol must provide rationale for using this
method in the context of research and target populations. Recommended methods are to minimize risk.
Snowball sampling may be guaranteed if the subject is sensitive or personal, but care must be taken not to
compromise the privacy of the potential subject. Saunders et al., (2012) The quota sampling method is a
non-probability sampling method and can be defined as the sampling method used to collect
representative data from a group. Applying a quota sample ensures that the sample group represents some
characteristics of the population selected by the researcher.

The sampling technique that the researcher used to find respondents is non-probability sampling.
Under non-probability sampling, researchers used snowball sampling and quota sampling. Researchers
used snowball sampling because their participants will refer other participants to them, if they know other
students who are experiencing insomnia and internet addiction under the online class of grade 11 and 12



And the researcher used the quota sampling to limit the respondent up to 200 respondents. which is 100
participants in grade 11 and another 100 participants in grade 12 under online class. .

3.4 Research Ethics

According to Adhikari (2020), research ethics are the set of ethical standards that guides us on
how scientific research should be conducted and disseminated. It is also a guideline for responsibly
conducting research. Lastly, it guards the human participants; their dignity, rights, and welfare.
(Smith,2012) Plagiarism is the demonstration of utilizing others' work and attempting to make it look like
your own unique work. Basically, copyright infringement is taking someone else's work or thoughts. It
can happen purposely or unconsciously. Citation is needed in order for the researchers to avoid copyright
infringement or plagiarism.According to Limestone University (2021) Citation is the manner in which
you let your readers know that specific information in your work came from another source and gives
your readers the data important to find that source once more.

The researchers will give credit to the author by citing in order to avoid plagiarism. The citation
format that will be used is the American Psychological Association (APA) to give credit and respect to the
authors of the information that was used in the research. The researcher will be following the Republic
Act 10173 - Data Privacy Act of 2012, Chapter V - Section 20 to protect the human rights privacy of
communication and personal information of the participants. All the given information will only be used
in institutional activity.

3.5 Research Instrument

The research instrument that the researchers are going to use is google meet and zoom. These
social media apps help them to meet their co-researchers virtually so they can discuss properly what they
are going to do in their research study. The researchers meet virtually because of the pandemic, they
cannot conduct study face to face. Next will be the Internet Platform (Google, Science Direct, and OLFU
LRC). Here, they can seek reliable information about their research like the review of related literature.
This instrument was a big help for all of the researchers because here they can get some information that
they need to conduct the study. Next is, the researchers used messenger and Google Drive to gather every
review of literature that they have, that they gathered through searching on the internet. The researchers
send every link in the messenger and Google drive for them to check what they should put on their paper
since it should be in a paraphrase form. The next instrument is Microsoft Words, here they are putting or



gathering all the data they have. And this is also the instrument that the researchers use to make a
manuscript that they need to defend on the panelist. Another one is the consent form. The researchers will
give a consent form to the respondents and will ask the respondents consent that they agreed to conduct
an interview. Lastly is the Google Form, this instrument helps the researcher to gather information from
their respondents since they conduct it virtually and they cannot conduct a survey through face to face.

3.5.1 Screening Tools

Freeman (2021) Screening tools is about finding participants with the appropriate and right
combination of behavior and attitude, in short if the participant is fitted to the criteria. It can often be the
hardest part of the research because if there are participants that do not meet the criteria that researchers
have they will go back from the start.

The researcher used the screening tool to screen the possible participants in this study. They will
give them the criteria that the researchers created and they will answer some questions that the researchers
have. Those who have undergone and passed the screening will be presented as respondents of such

3.5.2 Informed Consent

According to the University of Oxford (2017) informed consent’s goal is for aspiring volunteers
to engage in research voluntarily after reading complete information in participating and giving their
approval before joining the study.

Informed consent is an authorization for the possible respondents. This must be written in a
simple way wherein readers would simply understand. It aims to lay all the details or information
regarding answering the given survey. This also includes the contact information of the research
representative which they could contact if they have any clarifications. And this would help the possible
participants to decide whether they will join the study or not.

3.5.3 Internet Addiction

The Internet Addiction Test (IAT) is a self-report questionnaire with 20 items that assesses
problematic internet use, or “ Internet Addiction”.It is a psychological test that determines the degree of
addiction in the usage of the internet. It was developed by Kimberly Young in 1988. It is a 20-item scale
that measures internet addiction using a 5-Likert scale. (Cernja et al., 2019)



The researchers added the scores from item 1,2,3,4, and 5 up to 20. The scoring scale Interpretations of
the score are, 0 for “Not Applicable”, 1 for “Rarely”, 2 for “Occasionally”, 3 for “Frequently”, 4 for
“Often”, and 5 for “Always” . The interpretation of the scores is as follows: Scores 0-30 indicate “normal
level” of internet usage, Scores 31-49 indicate “mild level” of Internet addiction, Scores 50-79 indicates
“moderate level” of internet, Scores 80-100 indicate “severe” dependence upon the internet

3.5.4 Insomnia Severity Index

The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) It is a brief instrument to assess the severity of nighttime and
daytime components of insomnia. It was developed by Morin. It was the most used tool for insomnia
Severity. ISI was a 7-item scale that measures Insomnia of a person (Morin et al., 2011)

The researchers added the scores from item 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7. The scoring scale Interpretations
for item 1,2, and 3 are, 0 for “None”, 1 for “Mild”, 2 for “Moderate” , 3 for “Severe”, 4 for “Very
Severe”. For Item 4 are, 0 for “Very Satisfied”, 1 for “Satisfied”, 2 for “Moderately Satisfied”, 3 for
dissatisfied”, 4 for “Very Dissatisfied”. For item 5 are, 0 for “Not all Noticeable”, 1 for “A Little”, 2 for
“Somewhat”, 3 for “Much”, 4 for “Very Much Noticeable”. For item 6 are, 0 for “Not at All Worried”, 1
for “A Little”, 2 for “Somewhat”, 3 for “Much”, 4 for “Very Much Worried” . For item 7 are, 0 for “Not
at All Interfering”, 1 for “A Little”, 2 for “Somewhat”, 3 for “Much”, 4 for “Very Much Interfering”.

3.6 Data Collection

According to Sutton, et. al. (2015) data collection is a method where the process will involve the
generation of large amounts of data through surveys, interviews, etc.

The process of data consists of the following: First, researchers will introduce and ask for
approval of the research topic to the research adviser. Second, researchers will start to communicate with
the possible participants of the study. Third, aimed participants will be asked for permission to participate
in the said study. Fourth, aimed participants will face a screening for the researchers to know if they are
suitable for the study. Fifth, researchers would gather the necessary data from the two grade levels in
senior high school.



3.7 Data Analysis

3.7.1 Mean

The mean refers to the comparison of the average of one or more continuous variables over one or
more categorical variables (Salkind, 2010). The mean scores of the study will determine the numerical
level of Internet Addiction and Insomnia Severity in Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The data gathered
will have a specific interpretation.

3.7.2 Standard Deviation

According to Hargrave (2021) A standard deviation is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a
dataset relative to its mean. The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by
determining each data point's deviation relative to the mean. If the data points are further from the mean,
there is a higher deviation within the data set; thus, the more spread out the data, the higher the standard

The Standard deviation of this study will evaluate the mean scores if there is a difference between
the level of Insomnia Severity and Internet Addiction of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.  The lower the
standard deviation the more it shows that there is a difference among the variables. The higher the
standard deviation the more it shows that there is no difference among the variables. The results will be
determined after using the Inferential Statistic - Independent T-Test.

`3.7.3 Independent T-Test

According to Laerd Statistics (2018) The Independent T-Test is an Inferential statistic test that
determines if there are significant differences between the two variables. Only two variables are being
compared when using Independent T-Test.

The statistical treatment that the researchers used in this study is the inferential statistics for them
to analyze the gathered data from Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University-
Valenzuela Campus. The researchers chose Independent T-Test under inferential statistics to compare the
2 variables which is the Insomnia Severity and Internet Addiction of grade 11 and grade 12 students.

3.7.4 Statistical Package For Social Sciences

SPSS is short for Statistical Package for Social Sciences. It is a kind of software that is used by
various researchers to help them analyze the complex gathered data from their surveys. SPSS is used by



Health Researchers, Survey Companies, Education Researchers and many more so that they can get the
most accurate Result of their research and survey projects. Alchemer (2021).

The Researchers used this SPSS Software for them to get the accurate results from their gathered
data. If they do a manually computation, they might get some errors from it. So this Software SPSS helps
the researchers to compute easier and get a better result. They just need to download it from their
computers, laptop or phones then by that they can compute automatically without getting any errors.






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