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SPE 236’70
X-Ray Tomography Application in Porous Media Evaluation
R. Angulo and N. Ortiz, Intevep, S,A.

d f4voMIM

ABSTRACT Efforts have been carried out to broaden the quantita-

tive ievel of this technique and several studies have been
With the development of a simple and more ade. presented in which the developmas have been applied.
quate macroscopic functional representation for the atten- For example, Viigar and Wellington 1 repated the ap-
uation coefilcient, more mnuate quantitative and semi- plication of the @chniqueto porous media saturated with
quantitative analysis can be made on X-my tomography three differentfluids. Wing, I’hlangPemiraandChy& and
daW Numerkal as well as visuaJ informaticmoartbe gea- Wang, Ayraland Gryte9 have done studies to evaluate the
ertttedon the descriptionof the phenomenaoccmringwithin fluid distribution the porous media, Likewise, WithJack’
the porOuaInedi& This work presents the results of aNal- _ the results of studies in that direction.
ysis and numerical modeling of tomogmphy data whom a
polynomial representation is used to estimate the aaenua. Severalproblemsappear wherethe CT scannerdata am
tion coefficient. In addition, its application to the analysis used to make quantitative analysis. ?lwse Imaicallylie in
of porous media and substances that are normally found in the relativistic quantum nature of the X-mys emission and
oil reservoirs is considered reception procwes. Thus terms like “beam hardening”,
thttt indicates the diffcfencein the interactionmagnitudeof
A polynomial representationis used for estimatingthe the matter with the poiychnmnaticphotons that compose
dcnsikyand average atomic number of the substances oc- the X-my beam, noise, etc., have been httxoduccd and ,
cupying a volume clement. ‘llese properties are also dis- extensively discussed i!!the bibliograph~~718! 9D10.
played for a better analysis of the system under consider-
On the other hand, several authors have studied the
possibility of using ftmtional representationsof the X- ray
attenuation coefficient to evaluate physical properties like
INTRODUCTION the atomic number and the dendty of the substances;thus,
Weber y Van Den Bctgell in 1%9 irttroduoeda mass at-
The X-ray computed tomography (~ technique has tenuation C43eMcient representationin tams of the density,
improved the analysis capacity in many areas of research, atbmic number md ekctron fmctionaof the substance that
especially those related to Uteoil industry. Nevertheless, compose the sample and the X-ray photon emrgx the at-
the majority of these applications have been limited to a tenuath coefficientrepresentationis an additive conaibu-
qualitative level rather ~an a quantitative use through the tion of the C!ompton,photoelectricand coherent effects12.
visual evaluation of’the images generated by CT scanner McCullough]3 obsewed that this rq)resentation shows a
data processing. great deviation when results are compared to the attenu-
ation cocflicient values reported in the literatd’” ls.
References and illustrations at end of paper.
“2 x-RAy mhffOORApHY ApPLIcAmONs IN pOROUs MEDIA EValUatiOn SPE 23670

in this paper a methodology to evaluate density and in other words

average atomic number, developed through a polyaoiniai
,approximatiotls, is describ4 also, certain ways of over- r = p_@ .................................................... (8)
wxning inconveniences,that could appear when CT scan
data is used. FinalIy, the results of applying this method- This value is useful to estimate tie interval in which the
ology, to the analysis of porous media and substances that atomic numbersof the elements that compose a sample arc
are normally found in oil xwervoirs, are discussed using found.
the experimentaland numerical modeling of CT images.
The fact that the- mass attenuation cocfticicnt is a
BASIC THEORY functionof the energy througha polynomial expansiWwith
coefficients,aj$ introducesan additional advantageto SOIVC
The methodology is based on a polynomial represen- the problem stated by equation (6): obtain tht? values of
tation of the maw attenuationcoefficient’6,for the case of a 7 and the mass density, p. In this case, four equations
pure substanceand monochromaticX-say radiationresultx are required, which ake.obtained when the equation (6) is
evaluated at four different enezgylevels.
(f) = ao -1-al z + az .22+C3323..’
.................... (1)
Experimentally,data of the attenuation coe~lcient can
here the coefficientsof the polynomial expansion, aj, are be obtained with the used of techniques based on X-rays.
functionsof X-ray photon energy p is the mass attenuation An example is the X-ray CT scanner, which alIows nor:
coefficien~ p is the mass density of the element whose realized dam known as CT values, that can be obtained to
atomic number isz. a small volume named voxel (volume element), its mea-
surement d~ds on the piece of equipm~t used.
For the case of a compound, mixtum or solution, the
mass attenuation coefficient is: EXPERIMENTAL METHOD AND IMAGES MODEL-,
($), = z fi(:),...........................*...
............ (2)
The vahm of the X-ray attenuationcoefficientused in
w~ ($)C-n~ the mass atuxmationcoefficient of this paper,were acquiredthrough a secondgenerationmod-
the compound, ($)i the mass attenuation Coemcient of ifiedCT scanner. The cantrol and data acquisitionis carried
the i-th mmponent and ~i the m fraction of the i-th out through8 microc4xnputeJadapted to the equiprncsltand
component to the total compound mass. Defining the set coupled to the INTEVEP computer network. TWOughthis
of ~i as a discrete distribution functions, the average value System thsdata setcttn beaenttomofe powerful corn”
of the differem power of the atomic number is: putera for its reconstructionand post-processing. A post-
processing system called Wfaden, was developed at IN-
w=~fizf llWEP, as well as the scanner modification. This software
was implemented in a work station and is a powerful tool
for performing image analysis.
Similarly, the average mass attenuation coefficient is
given by
The computers can reconstruct the raw data using
back-projectionand ARI’S910algorithms. llwre are avail-
~= X f~($)i........................................... (4) able differtmtstypes of filters to improve the qbality of the
by WtliCiE
The work station, likewise, has a software which al-
m=(;). .................................................... (f)) lows the processingof reconstructeddata to obtain volume
element properties. Whh this software can be cakulated
then pomaity, satumtions up to three phases, density, and atomic
num~ gcmemtingin this way imagesof each of the mcn-
($)C = ao+al%+ az=+a3~ .................... (6) $ioncdproperties. Modelingof phantomsand porous media, ‘
to later analysis,can b done, if -RtiC~ or ex@men@l
‘Ilte standard deviation of the ato~ic number, a, can be data are available, using a software designed and imple-
infexredfrom the values of T and ZZof the last equation: mented for this purpose.

~=~fi(Zi-%)2 ......................................... (7) The images that have been reconstructed and pro-
cessed are then evaluated through Wfadrm,which permits

visual and numerical analysis to be carried out by voxel differems between voxel values can be observ~ Which
of the represented properties in the images. The “post- is useful in establishing the heterogeneityof a medium, or
processing System cansists of four methods of visualiza- the variations in porosity values due to density and atomic
tion and analysis and which have different characteristics number,differtmceson changes in volume fraction of the
and the capability to perform a complete evaluation of the substances that is filling the voxcdsof the medium, For
images. examp~ it can used to determine the different compaction
level of a unconsolidated_ ‘media,
To obtain the data of the studied substances, phan-
toms, “designedand built for this purpose, were exp&imen- Fig 1 shows an image of density values corresponding
tally evaluated. The ~ values obtained using the scanner to a phantom filled with a potassium chloride solution at
quipment wem optimizt!dduring its reconstructionand av- 20%. Such an image is presented through a visualization
eragcd to produce a representativeattenuation value of the and analysis system, Wfaden, using the Texatra mfuhod.
substance. Afterward,they were processedto obtain the av- me softwareallows the facility to use the computer mouse
erage density and atomic number values of the substance in order to select and reading sane voxel wherever of the
funhennore these CT values served to model imagesof the @wge.Th iscanbes& mindetailin thesecmd wbtdowto ,’
~phantomsand the substance&Theoretkxdand experimental the right of the figure,in which the’property value appears
~values of the different,propertiesthat wwe analyzedcan be beside the words 4’VOXELVAI~”, in this cwe is 1.178
tom@ in Tables 1 and 2. For data post-processing,the, g/cc, s;hwethe reading is equiv@nt to 1000 times die real
theoreticalvalue of the lineal W,enuationcoefficientof wa-; value., Fig 2 shows the sanw imhge, the voxel readin~
ter, pw, itcalcui#ect from equation 2 and the pure element” correspondsto the containermateridlvalue,aluminum,and
attenuation data reporiedin the literature14’ls, was used to; its value is 2.443 g/w.
invert the CT value to the lineal attenuation coefficientof
the substance, /4,: : Fig 3 shows an image of avctage atomic number val-
ues of a phantom filled with a NaCl solutionat 25%. ‘Amp
CT= 1000 x
................................. (9) cut over the imige volume was made by the visualkation
system. llw cuqing plane can be analyzxx$on the visual-
ization window at righ~ here it is possible to observed the
The CT data qbtained with the normal medical average atcxnic number by voxel in this plane, the voxel,
scanner equipmen~ besides having at certain noise and value correspondsto the air surr&nding the container, the
artifac@,’@n~t .of ‘different,nature, ~sent deviations re@ng is 8.17 since thetwtnlkz that can be mad i$,quiva- ,,,. ,,
due to their polychrornatism. In s@e of thm are numeric kmt to I(XItimes tlm real value. In Fig 4, one @ the central
algorithms that co@X this prpblem on the images,the CT vOXdS thttt COI’IWp(MdS to tkl NK!l SOhltiOll Wh& VLihlC
value resultants are nht in comespondingwith the energy is 8,69 is ewduated.
level’initially set and if the data is not adjusted at this I

point, errors are introduced, Fig 5 showsan image analyzedby other m&hodof the
Wfaden system, tilefi “Sombreado Densid#. Whh this
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION method, seudo cobra can be tu$signedby value intervrdsof,
the pmptwty. The image cor&spbncisto a phantom filled
Table 1 shows the density and average tttomic num- with distilled water the container is an aluminum cylinder.
ber values obtained when the CT scanner lineal attenuation
cdficient data we~ processed. ‘IhMe2 presents the the- Flg 6 shows a density image of a cell containing a
oretical w%es corresponding to those of ‘Ihble 1j which potius medium, whose characteristicsm found in Thble3
were obtk.d using the Iimxd attenuation data reported and where an Mental voxel is @ii evahated through the ,.
..: in W literature14* ls. Besides the deviation introduced by “Textura”method, the correspondingdensity value is 2.887
the pcdynomiidapproximationof the attenuationcoefficient, g/cc. Inside this medium there are property variations, in
(whichcan rewh 10%dependingon the chemicalelement),’ both fluid satumtiorts and porosity change!from voxtd to
the intrinsk devi@on of the CT data, (dueprincipallyto the v~~l, The fluids am oil and wat& -hi Fig 7, a voxel of
,. polychromatimt of the x-ray Ilea@, perturbs the results, the sameimage with a valueequiva@ttto the density of air,
‘. AMhoughthe data present these deviations, @eyare ir@@a- 0.001 @c, is cwthiatd @g 8 $howj the fornwi mapping
tive that there am different substances in the sample, since as seen with %3@nbreado~sidad” method The zanes
differ@ results correspond to different substanc& From occupied by. air, the aluminum cylin~r and the potbus
* aforementionefl,the present methodology can be uscd~ medium can be ~rv$d th~gh their visual dificre~.
in a serniquant@tive way, in a sense that tie results doh’t~ In the case of the,poroys medium,~the last is indicative of
‘, II&e a gotMaccur#y; so on qne hand, density and average the porosity variatiqn by voxel; as well:as the tituratiorl
ammic’number dak ~ generatdd, and on the other, the variation of fluids that are filling the porous medium.
:, :’ ,, ., ,, ,.
,, ,< ,,
., , ,.
., “,
. . .


Figs 9 and 10 show the ssme average atomic number a~ i-th expansion coefficient in the mass attenuation
image seen with the “’l&mm” method. In the first one, polynomial representation
a voxel comsprdng to porous medium was selected, its ($)e= Compound mass attenuation coefficient
reading fs 7$5; and in the secutd one, the voxel value ($),= Mass atteauation coefficientof the i-th component
is equivalent to the average atomic number of the air z = Atomic number
surmnding the container, 8.17. Fig 11 ShOWS the before z? = n-th power of the i-th element atomic numlxr
mapping seen with the %ombmado Densidad” method. A ~i = Weight fraction of the i-th element
step slke has bees done to obtain abetter perspectiveof the 7 = Average n-th power of atomic number
medium. It should be pointed out that even though in the ~= Averagemass attenuation coefficient
image seenwiththe’’’Rxttxa” meth@Figs9and lo, thete up = Standard (kViftth
arenovisual differencesthat would allow discrirldnationof p, . &Ibsm lineal attenuation coefficient
tlwexisting phases, the zone$occupkd by them are visually flW = Water lineal atfcmation coefficient
identified in the equivalent image to the dtmsity mapping
showed in I@ 6 and 7. Nmmthckss, both kind of imases ACKNOWLEDGMENT
can be compktcdy discriminated through the “SOmbreadO
Dmsidad” method, for which a _ition is to know We would like to thank the help of Larry Chacon fw
the interval of propelty Vtduesin order to adjust the color his Iabmtoq SSSiSf2UlCC.
From theaformentl “oned,it can be inferred that the
resulting density and average atomic number images from
the data processing with the used of polynomial represen-
tation of the mass attenuation coefficientare compkmen- 1., Vinegar, H. G. and Weliin~ S. L; “Tomograph
taries, since if the Voxelvalues belonging to one of * are Imagingof Three-PhaseFlow Experiments”,Rev. Sci-
_ at vCrYtiucd intcxval,the existing phases can em.ificInstruments, 58, (Jan. 1987) 96-107.
be diff&e@ated when analyzing the image comesponding 2. Wang, S. Y., Hung, Y. B., Pereira, V. and Gryte,
tothemapping of theotherpropwty. C. C.: “A@kation of (bmputed ~y to oil
Recovery from Porous Media”, Applied Optics, 24,
CONCLUSIONS @cc. 1985) 4021-4027.
3. Wang, S. Y., Ayral, S. and &yte, C. C.: “Computer
With the polynomial model of the mass attenuation I Assistd lbmogqhy fm the observation of oil Dis-
coefficientof X-rays, a quantitative analysis of CT images placement in Mow Media”, Sot. PC% Eng* J., @b.
Canb edone. 1984) 53-55.
4. Withjack, E. M; “Computed ~y fw Rock-
Prcqmty Determinationand Fluid-Flow viSUSbtkXl”,
The methodologyprcwmtedhem can be used to evalu-
SPE 16951, (&p. 1987) 183-1%.
ate, through the density and average atomic number maps,
5. Herman, G. T.: Image Rewnstruction from Projec-
physical _ varktkms of reservoir fluids and porous
tions, Acadunic Press, New Ydrk, (1980) 316.
media su@ KOdetermine hetaogeneities in this kind of me-
6. h@OVSki, A.: “Ph)%id Probkrns Of Compwrized
Tomography”, Roccsdings of the IEEE, 71, (Mar*
1983) 373-378.
llw density and averageatomk numberimages gener-
7. Goo&mough,D. J. and Weaver, K. E: “Image LCv-
ated when processingCT scannerdata hold complementary
els and Accuracy in Computed Tomography”, ~
~ on Ndear Sckoc&, NS 28, (Apr. 1981)
lb minimize the deviation of the density and average’
8. Herman, G. T.: “On the Noise in ?mages Produced
atomic number values is required the improvement of the by Computed ?bmopphy”, -Ww ~~i~ -
rawand CTdatain order tocomect theefWtscausod by Image Processing, 12, (1980) 271-285.
the X-ray polychromatism and others distortion sources.
9. McCulkn@, E. C.: “X-Ray-lhsmissicn computed
linnography”, Medical Physics, 4, ~4APc 1977)
10. Avinash,C. K. and Malcolm, S; Mnciples of Com-
puterized ‘Rnnographic Imaging, IEEE Press, New
P = Lineal attenuation coefficient Y- (1988) 329.
P = Mass density 11. Weber,J. and Wn Den Berge, D. J.: “The Effective
(~) = Maw attenuation coefficient Atomic Number and the Calculation of the Compoai-


don of Phantoms Mat@als”, Br. J. Radiol.,.42,(1%9)

378-383. -
12. Beresletski,V. B., Lifshitz, E. M. and Pita&ski, L. P.: ‘
RWttivis@ Quantum l%eory Part 1, Pergamon Press
Inc, OxfoI@ (1971) 375.
13. McCullough,E. C.: “PhotonAttenuatkmin Computed
Tomography”,Medical Physics, 2, (NovJDe&. 1975).
i4. Boyant, L. E. and McIntim,P.: Non-DestructiveTest-
ing Handbook,Volume3, Radiographicand Radiation
Testing, American Smiety for Non DestructiveTest-
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15. Robhson, J. W.: Handbook of Spectroscopy,Volume
I, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton- Plorit@ (1974).
16. Angtdo, R. and CMiz,N.: “MacroscopicRepmsma-
tion and Quantitative Analysis of the AttenuationCG
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17. Dwkwicz, E. J. and Mishra, S. N.: kfodern Math-
ematical Statistics,.John Wiley & Sons, New YorQ
(1988) 838.

. .


Dcnsil) Average ammic Densily Average alomic

Substance Substance
(g/cc) number Q/cc 20 c) number

Wa[cr I .059 8.6$ water I .Oooo 7.2167

air 0.001 8.17 air 0.9012 7.2100

‘aluminum 2.443 8.29 aluminum 2.7020 13.ooOo

methanol 0.848 9.30 methanol 0.791-4 6.3995

ethanol ().850 9.54 ethanol 0.7900 6.0382

n-hexane 0.730 10.07 n-hexane 0.6603 5.1813

n-decane 0.802 10.08 n-decane 0.73(M 5.2207

potassium pot+wium
1.178 8.75 1.1328 9.3831
chloride at 20% chloride at 20%

sodium chloride sodium chloride

1.120 8.67 1.0707 7.9590
at 10% at 10%

sodium chloride sodium chloride

1.186 - 8.69 1.1478 8.7013
at 20% at 20%

sodkm chloride sodium chloride

1.221 8.69 TABLE 3- POROUS MKI)IUM 1,1887 9.0725
at 25% at 25%

qumlz 2.546 7.64 Container volume quartz 2.6S00 !O.8(M)


Porosily o.175

Waler saurraliwr 0.15

Qil Saturation 0.85

011 density
Fig l— Density image of M phantom filled wirh potassium chloride solution
at 20%, “Texture” m-. ~ ~sity f=W of ~ $-@utionis I •17~ ti~”


Fig 2— Density image of the phantom filled with @ssium chlorkic ,SOIUILion
at 20%, “Textura” method. ” The density reading o? Ute container mata :iaL
aluminum, is 2.443 gee.

. .
. .. .
,. -,
=’. , ,. ,, ,.. .
. .
SPE 23670

. .

Fig 3— Average atomic number image of the p~toq filled with NaCl solutwn

at 25%. A‘ Lop CU[ over, tic image volume was made. Ilw VOXCI value
correspondsLOthe air surrounding the container, the rcuding is 8.17. “Tcxturij”

. . -.

Fig 4-Average atomic number Image 01 @@antom ttileu w:ih N&l wmh 011
at 25%. One of the central voxel whose value is S.69 is evaluaux! and il
corresponds to the NaCl solution .“Textura” method.


Fig 5— diza.
tion me Im.

mkd. The VOXCIv~ue is 2.287 @c and comsponds 10 quartz beans wetted

by waler and oil.


I~ ““
s= 23670 “

Fig 7— WIMIIY image of the cell that contains a DOrrjMSmedium. “Texumi”
method. The VOX61
vatueis 0.1301 gkc andcomcsqkmds to air.

,. .,

Fig S- b}
“Sombrcado Densidad” method, showing the porous medium heterogekities;


. .“.
., ...




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-.. -,,.. ~...

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