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4 Design of Left Abutment Return Wall

Thickness of return wall at the top = 0.500 m
Average Thickness for Horizontal Design = 0.650 m
Thickness of return wall at junction = 0.800 m
Height of return wall, h = 6.000 m
Unit weight of soil fill gfill = 21.0 kN/m
Co-efficient of active earth prerssure ka = 0.200
Clear Cover = 50 mm
Grade of concrete = M30 Mpa
Tensile strength of concrete fctm = 2.50 MPa
Grade of steel = Fe500 Mpa
Characteristic yield strength of stirrups fyw = Fe500 N/mm2
Design compressive strength of concrete fcd = 13.40 Mpa
Design tensile strength of reinforcement fyd = 434.78 MPa
Secant modulus elasticity of Concrete Ecm = 31000 MPa
Elastic modulus of Steel Es = 200000 MPa
λ = 0.8
η = 1.0
limiting neutral axis to depth ratio Xu,max / d = 0.617

Return Wall

Abutment Stem


Return Wall



1 2
Earth Pressure diagram

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Here, β1 is vertical bending coefficient, β2 is horizontal bending coefficient,

ϒ1 is vertical shear coefficient & ϒ2 is horizontal shear coefficient
So vertical bending is given by Mv = -b x β1 x (b2 /6) FROM ROARKs Formulae by WARREN C. YOUNG
& horizontal bending is given by Mh = -b x β2 x (b /6) Table 11.4

For Live load surcharge, Q = =0.200×21.0 ×1.2 5.04 kN/m

Height of Length of Vertical BM Hori. BM

a/b ratio β1 β2 ϒ1 ϒ2
wall (b) m wall (a) m (kNm/m) (kNm/m)

6.00 6.960 1.160 2.104 2.1421 1.218 1.410 63.6 64.73

For active earth pressure, Q = =0.200×21.0 ×6.00 25.18 kN/m^2

Height of Length of Vertical BM Long. BM
a/b ratio β1 β2 ϒ1 ϒ2
wall (b) m wall (a) m (kNm/m) (kNm/m)

6.00 6.960 1.160 0.796 0.474 0.564 0.168 120.3 71.7

Net Vertical Moment (Factored) = 256.70 kNm/m

Net Horizontal Moment (Factored) = 185.20 kNm/m

4.1 Check for Flexure (Vertical Bending)

Moment at the base of the Return wall ML = 256.7 kN m
Assume reinforcement Diameter = 20 mm
Spacing = 140 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
deff prov = 740 mm
Astprovd = 2244 mm per metre

Depth required dreqd = 227.00 Hence depth is adequate

Neutral Axis Depth x = 33 mm

xumax = 457 mm
Under reinforced section

Area of reinforcement required Ast = 812 mm2

Hence OK
Minimum Area of reinforcement Required = 888 mm2

Check for Flexure (Horizontal Bending)

Moment at the base of the Return wall ML = 185.2 kN m
Assume reinforcement Diameter = 16 mm
Spacing = 140 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
deff prov = 567 mm
Astprovd = 1436 mm per metre
Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde
over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Depth required dreqd = 192.81 Hence depth is adequate

Neutral Axis Depth x = 31 mm

xumax = 350 mm
Under reinforced section

Area of reinforcement required Ast = 768 mm2 Hence OK

4.2 Check for Shear (Vertical)

Shear Fore Due to Live Load Surcharge = 32.254 kN/m
Shear Fore Due to Earth Pressure = 74.72 kN/m

Factored Shear Force = 150.78 kN/m

Depth of Stem at Deff = 0.76 m

Effective Depth = 695.00 mm

Design shear force, VEd = 151 kN/m

For Uniform cross section Vccd = 0 kN
For Uniform cross section Vtd = 0 kN
VRd s = VNS = 151 kN

Maximum Allowabe Shear Force ( for maximum shear force take Ɵ = 45 0 )

VRd.max = αcw x bw x z x v1 x (fcd/(cotƟ+tanƟ)) ( IRC:112-2011, cl. no., Eq10.8)
where, αcw = 1
z = lever arm = 0.9d (For RCC)
v1 is the strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
v1 = 0.54
Ɵ= 45 (CotƟ = 1)
fcd is the design value of concrete compression strength =αcc x fck /ɣm ( IRC: 112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.1 )
αcc = 0.67 (Refer IRC:112-2011, Pg.87)
ɣm = 1.50 (Partial factors for concrete for ULS)

VRd.max = 2271 kN Section is Safe

Allowable Shear Force without Reduction factor

VEd <= 0.5 * bw * d * v * fcd ( IRC:112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.2 Eq. 10.5 )
where, v= Strength reduction factor = 0.6 * [ 1 - ( fck / 310 )]
ν = 0.54 N/mm
VEd = 2524 kN Section is Safe
Force reduction factor
β= av / 2d but, 0.5 d <= av <= 2 d ( IRC:112-2011, )
av = 1390.00 mm
Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde β = 1
over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Allowable Shear Force without Shear Reinforcement

VRd c = ( 0.12 x K (80 x ρ1 x fck )0.33 + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d ( IRC:112-2011,
But, VRd.c min = (vmin + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d
where, K= 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2, where d is the depth in mm.
VRd c = The design shear resistance of the member without shear reinforcement.
vmin = 0.031 x K^3/2 x fck^1/2
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at the centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = Ast / (bw x d) <=0.02
K = 1.5
ρ1 = 0.0032
σcp = 0 For RCC
VRd c min = 225 kN
VRd c = 252 kN
Shear Reinforcement is not required

Check for Shear (Horizontal)

Shear Fore Due to Live Load Surcharge = 42.593 kN/m

Shear Fore Due to Earth Pressure = 25.33 kN/m

Factored Shear Force = 89.11 kN/m

Depth of Stem at Deff = 567.00 mm

Effective Depth = 567.00 mm

Design shear force, VEd = 89 kN/m

For Uniform cross section Vccd = 0 kN
For Uniform cross section Vtd = 0 kN
VRd s = VNS = 89 kN

Maximum Allowabe Shear Force ( for maximum shear force take Ɵ = 45 0 )

VRd.max = αcw x bw x z x v1 x (fcd/(cotƟ+tanƟ)) ( IRC:112-2011, cl. no., Eq10.8)
where, αcw = 1
z = lever arm = 0.9d (For RCC)
v1 is the strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
v1 = 0.54
Ɵ= 45 (CotƟ = 1)
fcd is the design value of concrete compression strength =αcc x fck /ɣm ( IRC: 112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.1 )
αcc = 0.67 (Refer IRC:112-2011, Pg.87)
ɣm = 1.50 (Partial factors for concrete for ULS)

VRd.max = 1853 kN Section is Safe

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Allowable Shear Force without Reduction factor

VEd <= 0.5 * bw * d * v * fcd ( IRC:112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.2 Eq. 10.5 )
where, v= Strength reduction factor = 0.6 * [ 1 - ( fck / 310 )]
ν = 0.54 N/mm
VEd = 2059 kN Section is Safe

Force reduction factor

β= av / 2d but, 0.5 d <= av <= 2 d ( IRC:112-2011, )
av = 1134.00 mm
β = 1

Allowable Shear Force without Shear Reinforcement

VRd c = ( 0.12 x K (80 x ρ1 x fck )0.33 + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d ( IRC:112-2011,
But, VRd.c min = (vmin + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d
where, K= 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2, where d is the depth in mm.
VRd c = The design shear resistance of the member without shear reinforcement.
vmin = 0.031 x K^3/2 x fck^1/2
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at the centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = Ast / (bw x d) <=0.02
K = 1.6
ρ1 = 0.0025
σcp = 0 For RCC
VRd c min = 194 kN
VRd c = 197 kN
Shear Reinforcement is not required

4.3 Check for Serviceability limit state (SLS)

Check for Stress limitation - SLS

Stress limitation shall be checked for Rare combination as per Cl 12.2 of IRC 112-2011.

Allowable compressive stress in concrete under Rare combination = 0.48fck

σcc = 14.40 MPa

Allowable compressive stress in concrete under quasi permanent loads = 0.36fck

σcc = 10.80 MPa

Allowable tensile stress in reinforcement σst = 0.8fyk

σst = 400.0 MPa

Calculation of stress in concrete and reinforcement

Stress in concrete and reinforcement are calculated with this assumptions
1) Part of concrete area which is in tension completely neglected.
2) Reinforcement provided in compression area is not considered.

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


To find stress
Neutral axis depth calculated by equating first moment of compression area to first moment of
tension area

Cracked second moment of area of cross section shall be calculated as given below

Stress in concrete and reinforcement calculated using bending equation

Maximum compressive stress in concrete

Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement

Check for Stress in Vertical Direction

Notional size ho = 425 mm
Creep coefficient at 28 days RH = 80% = 1.53
Long term modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec,eff = 12253 MPa
Long term modular ratio m Es/Ec,eff = 16.32
Short term modular ratio m Ecm/Es = 6.45

Maximum Longitudinal moment under Rare combination M = 171.1 kNm

Maximum Longitudinal moment under Quasi permanent comb M = 120.3 kNm

Stress calculation for Long term effect

Neutral axis depth x = 199.06 mm
Cracked second moment of area of cross section Ic = 1.3.E+10 mm4

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Rare comb σcc = 2.55 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Rare comb σst = 113.21 MPa

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Quasi comb σcc = 1.79 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Quasi comb σst = 79.57 MPa
Stresses are within permissible limlt

Stress calculation for Short term effect

Neutral axis depth x = 132.61 mm
Cracked second moment of area of cross section Ic = 6.1.E+09 mm4

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Rare comb σcc = 3.71 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Rare comb σst = 109.61 MPa

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Quasi comb σcc = 2.61 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Quasi comb σst = 77.04 MPa
Stresses are within permissible limlt

Check for Stress in Horizontal Direction

Notional size ho = 362 mm
Creep coefficient at 28 days RH = 80% = 1.57
Long term modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec,eff = 12062 MPa
Long term modular ratio m Es/Ec,eff = 16.58
Short term modular ratio m Ecm/Es = 6.45

Maximum Longitudinal moment under Rare combination M = 123.5 kNm

Maximum Longitudinal moment under Quasi permanent comb M = 71.7 kNm

Stress calculation for Long term effect

Neutral axis depth x = 142.23 mm
Cracked second moment of area of cross section Ic = 5.3.E+09 mm4

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Rare comb σcc = 3.34 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Rare comb σst = 165.45 MPa

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Quasi comb σcc = 1.94 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Quasi comb σst = 96.06 MPa
Stresses are within permissible limlt

Stress calculation for Short term effect

Neutral axis depth x = 93.66 mm
Cracked second moment of area of cross section Ic = 2.3.E+09 mm4

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Rare comb σcc = 4.92 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Rare comb σst = 160.45 MPa

Maximum compressive stress in concrete under Quasi comb σcc = 2.86 MPa
Maximum tensile stress in reinforcement under Quasi comb σst = 93.16 MPa
Stresses are within permissible limlt

4.4 Calculation of Crack Width

Crack width shall be checked for quasi permanet combination as per cl 12.3.4 of IRC 112-2011
Maximum permissible value of crack width for moderate exposure = 0.30 mm

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Check for crackwidth at Vertical Direction

Tensile strength of concrete fct,eff = 2.5 MPa

Depth of neutral axis x = 199.06 mm
Effective height of concrete in tension hceff = 150.00 mm
Area of concrete effective in tension Aceff = 150000 mm2
Modular ratio αe = 16.32
Factor dependent on duration of load kt = 0.5
Coefficient which takes account of bond properties of bonded reinforcement
k1 = 0.8
Coefficient which takes account of distribution of Strain k2 = 0.5
Diameter of reinforcement bar 1 Φ1 = 20 mm
Number of bar n1 = 7 nos
Diameter of reinforcement bar 2 Φ2 = 0 mm
Number of bar 2 n2 = 0 nos
Equivalent diameter of reinforcement Φ = 20 mm

Factor ρρ,eff = 0.0150

Maximum crack spacing

Maximum tensile stress in R/F under quasi load combination σst = 79.57 MPa
(Note : R/F means- Reinforcement)
Maximum crack spacing Sr,max = 397 mm

Difference in mean strain

Difference in mean strain εsm-εcm = 0.0002

Crack width Wk = 0.095 mm

Crack width 0.095 < 0.30 mm
Crack width is within permissible limit

Check for crackwidth at Horizontal Direction

Tensile strength of concrete fct,eff = 2.5 MPa

Depth of neutral axis x = 142.23 mm
Effective height of concrete in tension hceff = 194.26 mm
Area of concrete effective in tension Aceff = 110143 mm2
Modular ratio αe = 16.58
Factor dependent on duration of load kt = 0.5

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Coefficient which takes account of bond properties of bonded reinforcement

k1 = 0.8
Coefficient which takes account of distribution of Strain k2 = 0.5
Diameter of reinforcement bar 1 Φ1 = 16 mm
Number of bar n1 = 7 nos
Diameter of reinforcement bar 2 Φ2 = 0 mm
Number of bar 2 n2 = 0 nos
Equivalent diameter of reinforcement Φ = 16 mm

Factor ρρ,eff = 0.0130

Maximum crack spacing

Maximum tensile stress in R/F under quasi load combination σst = 93.16 MPa
(Note : R/F means- Reinforcement)
Maximum crack spacing Sr,max = 379 mm

Difference in mean strain

Difference in mean strain εsm-εcm = 0.0003

Crack width Wk = 0.106 mm

Crack width 0.106 < 0.30 mm
Crack width is within permissible limit

4.5 Check for Minimum Reinforcement

Minimum vertical steel reinforcement required (As per Cl. 16.3.1 of IRC: 112-2011)
Minimum vertical steel reinforcement shall be 0.12% of concrete c/s area on either face
= 0.0012 b D = 888 mm SAFE
Provide minimum reinforcement on the outer side
20 f
Provide @ 140 at the outer face = 2244 mm SAFE

Maximum Vertical Reinforcement

Maximum Area of Vertical Reinforcement = 32000 mm
Total Area of Vertical Reinforcement Provided = 4488 mm SAFE
Minimum transverse reinforcement required
Minimum transverse reinforcement shall be higher of 0.1% of concrete c/s area or 25% of vertical reinforcement
= 1122.0 mm
20 f
Provide @ 140 at both faces = 4488.0 mm SAFE

Substructure Design for Proposed Steel Brigde

over Nagrah Nallah
O20315-S-HD-INF-BR-1008 Rev 1

# Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

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