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“Coping Strategies of the Grades 5-6 in Online Distance Learning”

Respondent’s Details:

Name (Optional): ______________________ Grade Level: _____________________

Age: ___________________ Gender: ( ) Male ( )Female

Directions: Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these statements. Place a
“✓” mark in the box of your answer.

Students’ Coping Strategies

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I stay positive and optimistic
despite loads of work.
2. I pray and meditate to calm
my mind.
3. I use positive self-talk.
4. I stay focus on online classes.
5. I take vitamins.
6. I isolate myself from any
distractions when I am
7. I find comfort through
spiritual activities or
8. I look for a positive
9. I try to see the situation
positively: seeking
something good in it.
10. I tend to distract myself in
other activities to think
about it less.
1. I spend more than enough
time to work with the
learning materials.
2. I spend too much time in
social media.
3. I establish routines through
habits and practices in a set
4. I accomplish my work on
5. I manage my time effectively
by creating a timeline of
6. I spend some extra hours in
order to be able to comply all
my requirements on the
set deadline.
7. I plan my activities and
priorities for the next day.
8. I constantly use my checklist
or timeline of activities to
keep me on track and
9. I have a time-management
system that I use and keep
10. I try to schedule the activities
to match my energy (e.g.
challenges in the a.m.)
1. I accept the new normal
situation and learn to live
with it.
2. I try to practice online or
flexible learning platforms on
my own.
3. I am very open to learning
new things especially in
technology and online
4. I learn to think of any
possible solutions to
make it better.
5. I watch videos on
YouTube on how to
operate things with
regards to ICT tools.
6. I gather feedback from my
family and teachers to
improve my
learning experiences.
7. I participate or attend
student orientation programs
to gain learning.
8. I walk one and half hour to
another barangay or village
just to have a stable
internet access.
9. I look for a space where I
could find better internet
connection. Like for example
I will be studying outside the
10. I fully support the
continuation of teaching and
learning despite the
1. Ask academic support from
my family, teachers and
2. I ask my classmates
whenever I do not
understand some of the
lessons or instructions.
3. Whenever I am not updated,
I ask one of my classmates
or just to check the site
when there are activities.
4. I have no control over
internet connection, so I
message my teachers for my
5. I seek for help and advice
from tutors.

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