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1. Which Twisting unit is commercially used in False Twist Texturising machine?

(1 Point)
Bush Twister
Nip Twister
Belt Twister
Stacked disc type Twister

2. In Sequential Draw Texturising process

(1 Point)
First Twisting/Untwisting and then Stretching is carried out
Twisting and Stretching didn't carried out
First Stretching and then Twisting/Untwisting is carried out
none of the above

3. Texturising is carried out to impart _____________ in the Filament Yarn.

(1 Point)

4. Full form of TFO is

(1 Point)
The Fibre Orientation Twister
Three fourth Orientation Twister
Two for One Twister
None of the above

5. In Simultaneous Texturising Process if Input roller speed is V1 and Output roller speed is V2 then
correct statement is
(1 Point)
V1 > V2
V2 > V1
V1 = V2

6. Compare to Filament yarn Textured yarn has

(1 Point)
high Moisture Regain
low Moisture regain
same Moisture regain
None of the above

7. In Modified False Twist Texturising machine no. of Heater used is

(1 Point)

8. In Texturising process yarn is actually

(1 Point)
Highly Streched
Highly Wound

9. In which Texturising process Circular Knitting machine is used

(1 Point)
Air jet Texturising
Knit de Knit
Gear crimped
Edge Crimping

10. Which material variable affect the quality of False twist Texture yarn?
(1 Point)
Denier of Filament
Length of Filament

11. Which one is not the Texturising Process?

(1 Point)
Gear crimping
Knit de Knit
Modified True Twist
Modified False Twist

12. Twisting of Filament is carried out to

(1 Point)
Improve Strength
Improve Bulk
Decrease strength
Improve Luster

13. Which yarn is known as 'Miralon'

(1 Point)
Gear Crimped yarn
False Twist textured yarn
Edge Crimped yarn
Stuffer box Textured yarn

14. Twist level in Low Twisted yarn is

(1 Point)
above 900 Twist/meter
20 to 30 Twist/meter
230 to 900 Twist/meter
100 to 230 Twist/meter

15. Correct steps for False Twist Texturising is

(1 Point)
Untwisting- Twisting- Heat setting
Heat setting - Twisting - Untwisting
Untwisting - Heat setting -Twisting
Twisting - Heat setting – Untwisting

18. Which material variable is not affect the quality of False Twist Textured yarn
- Yarn Denier
- Yarn Length
- Filament Denier
- Spin finish oil

20. In which Texturising process Yarn is passed over the Blunt Edge
Gear crimping machine
Edge crimping process
Stuffer Box texturising
Knit de Knit process

21. Essential step for manufacturing Knit De Knit yarn is

22. In which Texturising process Two meshed Gear used for Texturising of Yarn
False Twist Texturising
Gear crimping
Stuffer Box
Edge crimping

23. In Stuffer Box texturising process yarn is ___________ in Stuffer box.

Over feed
Double feed
Under feed
Half feed

24. In which process Texturising of yarn is carried out with Drawing

Sequential Draw Texturising process
Stuffer box
Simultaneous Draw Texturising process
None of the above

25. Edge crimped yarn is also known as


30. Spin finish oil apply on Texturusing yarn to

Control the friction
wash the filament
To impart Lustre
none of the above

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