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Power Cycle in the F-100 Engine

Brandon Nesbitt1

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, 400 Bizzell St, College Station, TX 77843

AERO 212 -200 (Team 6)

Bridger O’Neill2

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, 400 Bizzell St, College Station, TX 77843

AERO 212 -200 (Team 6)

Conner Motley3

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, 400 Bizzell St, College Station, TX 77843

AERO 212 -200 (Team 6)


Paul Poungsangchaun4

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, 400 Bizzell St, College Station, TX 77843

AERO 212 -200 (Team 6)


In order to display the power cycle of the F-100 afterburning turbofan engine, on

both a pressure - specific volume graph and a temperature - entropy graph, the axis values

were calculated given dimensions of the engine. Given atmospheric conditions, values of

temperature, entropy, pressure, and volume were found for each stage of the engines

compressor, combustor, turbine, and optional afterburner at full throttle. Values resulting

from the calculations were displayed through the connection of each of the points on each

Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering

Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering

Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering

Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 1

plot, and were used to calculate the thrust produced with and without afterburner. The

thrust calculations were sufficiently accurate compared to known thrust values.


x = team number Qdot = heat rate of change

Mdot = mass flow rate Wdot = work rate of change

A = Area CR = compressor ratio

Z = Altitude η = thermal efficiency

V = velocity Ft = thrust

P = pressure ds = specific entropy differential

R = specific gas constant for air cp = specific heat at constant pressure

T = temperature

h = specific enthalpy Subscripts

h2s = ideal resulting specific enthalpy (subscript 2s a = atmosphere

isn’t limited to specific enthalpy c = compressor

dEcv/dt = rate of change of energy throughout the t = turbine


In 1967, nearing the climax of the space race and Cold War, the US Air Force issued a Request for

Proposals for what was to become the F-15 Eagle. Part of this contract was awarded to McDonnell to develop the

airframe, while the other was to Pratt and Whitney to develop the F-100 afterburning turbofan engine. Because these

engines were pushing the boundaries of technology and engineering at the time, the first versions had reliability

issues which were improved upon throughout the implementation of the engine. This led to the F-100 being chosen

by General Dynamics as the power plant for the F-16 Fighting Falcon through the Advanced Day Fighter program.

To this day, air forces around the world use the F-100 and was recently chosen to power the Northrop Grumman

X-47B before the plane was withdrawn from consideration for DAPA’s J-UCAS program. Given the widespread
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 2

implementation of the F-100, analysis of its power is extremely important to engineers looking to improve upon the

design characteristics of the engine, as well as to design better engines in the future. The goal of this report is to

accurately analyze the power cycle for the F-100 and compare our results to those of the industry’s professional


To analyze the power cycle, it must be tabulated and graphed on Temperature(T)-Entropy(s) and

Pressure(P)-Volume(V) graphs by first analyzing the sections: compressors, combustor, turbines, and nozzle.

Air-standard thermodynamics were assumed, so the ratio of specific heats (γ) was not assumed to be constant and

tabulated data was used to find all thermodynamic values where not directly calculated. In analyzing the

compressors, each of the 15 stages was analyzed isentropically assuming a constant pressure ratio. The data points

were applied with an efficiency value of η = 0.97 to obtain the real non-isentropic thermodynamic values since they

lay on the same isobar as the isentropic values. Using the equation for fuel mass flow rate and energy balance

equation, the combustor was analyzed producing the desired thermodynamic data. Then, the turbine was analyzed

assuming a constant work output for each turbine stage as well as the fact that the work output of the turbine is equal

to the input of the compressor, due to the nature of the design. Isentropic enthalpies were then obtained given an

efficiency value of η = 0.94 for each or the 4 turbine stages. For analytics during usage of the afterburner, the desired

values were calculated using similar equations to those of the combustor, although with initial values from the exit

of the turbine. Then, using efficiency the nozzle η =0.95 and the energy balance equation, the nozzle was analysed.

These sections were analyzed quantitatively in order to obtain two intensive thermodynamic values for each stage:

pressure and enthalpy for the compressors, constant pressure and enthalpy for the combustor and afterburner,

entropy and enthalpy for the turbine, and enthalpy and atmospheric pressure for the nozzle. The thermodynamic

values were graphed in order to display the cycle for the engine, and the thrust with and without afterburner was also

calculated. These values were comparable to industry tested results. The methodology mentioned here will be

described in deeper detail in the following sections, as well as the results of the calculations for the F-100.

The F100 engine in question assumes ideal gas and air standard conditions. Additionally, according to the

project statement, the aircraft being powered by the engine is flying at a constant altitude and at a constant velocity,
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which indicates that the mass flow rate of the air throughout the engine is constant. Although the altitude is

considered constant throughout the processes, it must be obtained using the given equation:

Z = 500 + 500x (meters) (1)

From this altitude, the temperature and pressure of the air can be calculated using the standard temperature and

pressure table for metric units. Using the definition of mass flow rate, and knowing that the mass flow rate of air

throughout the processes is constant, the following can be calculated:

Mdota = (A1V1)pa/(RTa) (2)

Where A1 is the inlet area, v1 is the inlet velocity, pa is the pressure of the atmosphere, R is the Universal Gas

Constant for air, and Ta is the temperature of the atmosphere.

Although for the compressor there are 15 sections, only the final 14 function as compressors. From this information,

it is assumed that in the first section there is a “ram” effect, which essentially functions as a diffuser. Using the

energy balance equation:

dEcv/dt = Qdot-Wdot+mdot(h1-h2+1/2V12-1/2V22) (3)

And assuming steady state, because the course mostly does so and is never stated otherwise in the problem

statement, and because after entering a diffuser the air inside has a relative velocity of zero, all that’s left is:

h2 = h1 + 1/2V12 (4)

Because the compression takes place in 14 stages, the compressor ratio for each stage, according to the Handbook of

Natural Gas Transmission and Processes, can be found using the equation:

CRstage =(CRtotal)1/n, n = number of stages. (5)

Although truly the later stages have a higher CR than the earlier stages because the later stages operate at

higher temperatures, this approximation is appropriate to assume for each stage because it’s an overestimate for the

earlier stages and an underestimate for the later stages, so the total errors subtract from each other and produce a

relatively low error on the approximation. This is additionally appropriate because there is no additional information

given that could be used to calculate the given pressure ratio for each individual step.
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 4

Given state one, I.E. the state of the ram process/diffuser functioning process and the compressor ratio for each

process, the reduced pressure and thus the ideal states can be found using Table A-22 in Fundamentals of

Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Edition, and from that information the equation:

ηc = (h1-h2s)/(h1-h2) (6)

Where ηc is the given efficiency of the compressor for each stage, h1 being the enthalpy at the beginning of the

process, h2 being the true enthalpy at the end of the process, and h2s being the ideal enthalpy at the end of the

process. This step can therefore be repeated from h1 until h14.

In the combustor, the enthalpy at the beginning of the process is equal to the enthalpy at the end of the

previous process, h14. For the equation of the energy balance of a combustor, steady state is assumed, and there is no

net work and no change of velocity, so the equation is reduced to:

Qdot/mdota+h14 = h15 (7)

Additionally, it is given that:

3600*mdotcombustion = 500+55mdota (kg/s) (8)

And Qdot/mdotcombustion is given, so Qdot can be calculated by multiplying the Qdot/mdotcombustion by the mdotcombustion,

which would then allow for the solving of h15.

Because the turbine is attached to the compressor, the overall work rate output by the turbine is equal to the

work rate input by the compressor, and therefore the work rate per unit mass flow rate can be calculated using the

following equation that was derived from the principle of conservation of energy in a combustor:

wdotturbine/mdota = h1-h14 (9)

The work is assumed to be even throughout each stage of the turbine, so the work for each individual stage can be

calculated by dividing the total work produced by 4.

Similarly to the compressor processes, the true values for enthalpy from states 16 to 19 need to be calculated using

their efficiency. This can be done using the equation:

ηt = (h1-h2)/(h1-h2s) (10)
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In the previous equation, h1 is the enthalpy before the process, h2 is the enthalpy after the process, h2s is the

ideal enthalpy after the process, and ηt is the efficiency of each turbine section. The process should be repeated until

state 19, which is the final turbine stage.

The next section of the engine is the nozzle, which also has an efficiency. From Section 6.12.2 of

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Edition, the efficiency of the nozzle can be calculated using the


ηnozzle = (V22/2)/(V2s2/2), (11)

In the previous equation, the velocities are the real and ideal velocities at the exit of the nozzle. However, using the

principle of conservation of energy, it can be deduced that

(V2s2/2) = (h1 - h2s)

(V22/2) = (h1 - h2)
So that likewise ηnozzle = (h1-h2)/(h1-h2s) (12)

Using the principle of Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, the thrust can be calculated as

Ft = mdota(Vexit-Va) (13)

To calculate the specific entropy, the following equation was used:

ds = cp(T)dT/T - R*dp/p (14)

Where integration was used to calculate entropy at each successive state.

Using Eq. (1), where x is the group number, 6, the altitude our engine is operating at is equal to 3500m. The

corresponding pressure and temperature were found from the given plot to be about 66 kPa and 265 Kelvin.

The final calculated thrust for the engine operating without an afterburner was about 44.2 kN. The full

cycle for the engine operating at this thrust is shown on the p-v diagram and the T-s diagram found in Appendix A,

on figures 1 and 5. The engine thrust was also calculated with the addition of an afterburner. The calculated thrust

was about 114.8 kN. Therefore, the addition of the afterburner increased the thrust by about 70 kN. The cycle for the

engine operating with an afterburner is shown on the p-v and T-s diagrams in Appendix A, on figures 2 and 7.
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A magnified view of the compressor stages on the T-s diagram is shown in Figure 6, and Figure 3 shows a

close up of a few turbine stages on the P-v diagram for the engine operating with no afterburner. Figure 4 and Figure

8 show the difference between the ideal and real models at the exit nozzle stage for the cycle on the P-v and T-s

diagrams. Figure 9 in Appendix A shows what process is occurring between each of the stages labeled on the P-v

and T-s diagrams in figures 1-8. The tables in Appendix B show the calculated property values for each stage in the


Discussion of Results
The engine thrust value of 44.2 kN was most comparable to the F100-PW-220 engine which has a

maximum thrust value of 64.9 kN. The F100-PW-220 engine model is used in various F-15 and F-16 models

including F-15C/D/E and the F-16C/D (Pratt & Whitney). The difference in thrust values can be accounted for in the

slight difference in engine configurations. The engine thrust with afterburner, 114.8 kN, was close to the value for

the same F100-PW-220 engine which had a thrust value of 105.7 kN with afterburner (Pratt & Whitney). Again, the

difference in values can be accounted for in the engine configurations, as well as error arising from assumptions

used in the calculations. The additional thrust gained from the addition of the afterburner for the F100-PW-220 is

about 40 kN. This is about half of the thrust that was calculated to be produced by the addition of the afterburner for

our engine. The calculated mass flow rate of fuel into the combustor was 4126.7 kg/hr, while the mass flow rate of

fuel into the afterburner was 6853.4 kg/hr. This supports the results that the majority of the thrust produced came

with the addition of the afterburner. The effect of the afterburner can be seen on figures 2 and 7 in stages 20 to 21.

The afterburner acts in a similar manner to the combustor. It greatly increases the specific volume and entropy

during the cycle, however, it consumes very large amounts of fuel.

The entropy values for the real model are higher than those of the ideal plot on the T-s diagrams (figures

5-8) during the compressor and turbine stages as a result of inefficiencies. This shows the positive change in entropy

as an irreversible process as would occur in a real cycle. This is the main cause of the variation between the real and

ideal models plotted on the P-v and T-s diagrams.

Overall, it was concluded that distinct properties, purposes, and uses other than the production of thrust

were imminent within the engine running with an afterburner. From the results, indication could be formally
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 7

generalized that the temperature changes are more significant in the afterburner comparative to the combustor. As a

result, the system is able to generate a greater amount of work and thrust. Because the system creates greater

amounts of thrust with the afterburner, the temperature difference is significantly higher - resulting in stronger

materials with a higher melting point to be used for the jet engine.

In addition, a jet engine with an afterburner would have higher fuel consumption. The reason is due to the

facilitation of the heat exchange needed in order to reach very high temperatures (more fuel, more work, greater heat

exchange). It could be seen that this piece of equipment is powerful but yet expensive -- showing that the afterburner

is applied in special cases. The use of the afterburner allows for the threshold to obtain thrust of greater value while

taking on more fuel.. However, if this were to be compared to the insubstantial performance of the full military jet

engine; the thrust of the full military is powerful enough to work under given conditions.

When it comes to any Brayton cycle based engine, the general conclusion could be made that the

work/energy produced is equivalent to the amount being consumed and dissipated -- turbine and compressor are

equal . The work produced could be seen in the combustion process of either both the compressor or the afterburner.

Overall, the purpose of each component of the jet holds important functions to allow the jet's performance to reach

its maximum credentials. In order to initiate combustion, the compressor was ideally needed to guide the flowing air

to proper states. Whereas for the turbines, they are required to help run the compressors. In addition, the ram effect

has some significance in the thrust component as well. However, while the ram effect does contribute to the thrust,

the overall contribution is minimal. The minimal contribution is due to the eventual achievement of the speed of

sound of 1175.8km/hr at 3500m, which greatly overshadows the effects due to the other significant components of

the jet engine.

In conclusion, the purpose of the project allowed for the demonstration of the thrust and work values of the

Brayton cycle. With the project, it was shown that the generation/approximation of isobaric and isentropic functions

were valid. Through the use of two points, plots of isobars and insentrops were able to be generated -- assisting in

finding intermediate points. All the assumptions made were with the help of air standard properties, pressure ratios,

mass flow rate, first and second law, and ideal gas properties.
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 8

Appendix A - Graphs and Legend

Fig. #1 (P-v diagram of F-100 Jet Engine without Afterburner)

Fig. #2 (P-v diagram of F-100 Jet Engine with Afterburner)

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Fig. #3 (Magnified P-v diagram of F-100 Jet Engine without Afterburner )

Fig. #4 (Magnified P-v diagram of F-100 Jet Engine with Afterburner )

Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 10

Fig. #5 (T-s diagram of F-100 Jet Engine without Afterburner)

Fig. #6 (Magnified T-s diagram of F-100 Jet Engine without Afterburner )

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Fig. #7 ( T-s diagram of F-100 Jet Engine with Afterburner )

Fig.# 8 ( Magnified T-s diagram of F-100 Jet Engine with Afterburner )

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Graph Point Indications

Graph Legend
Point Range Stage Point Range Stage
Compressor Stage
a-1 Ram Effect 13 - 14 13
Compressor Stage
1-2 Compressor Stage 1 14 - 15 14
2-3 Compressor Stage 2 15 - 16 Combustor
3- 4 Compressor Stage 3 16 - 17 Turbine Stage 1
4-5 Compressor Stage 4 17 - 18 Turbine Stage 2
5-6 Compressor Stage 5 18 - 19 Turbine Stage 3
6-7 Compressor Stage 6 19 - 20 Turbine Stage 4
7-8 Compressor Stage 7 20 - 21 Afterburner
8-9 Compressor Stage 8 21 - 22 Nozzle
9 - 10 Compressor Stage 9 22 - a Jetstream
Compressor Stage
10 - 11 10 No Afterburner
Compressor Stage
11 - 12 11 20 - 21(b) Nozzle
Compressor Stage
12 -13 12 21(b) - a Jetstream
Fig. #9 ( Table of point(s) legend for P-v and T-s diagram)
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Appendix B - Tables

Stage a 1 2s 2 3s 3
Description atmosphere after ram effect ideal comp. 1 real comp. 1 ideal comp. 2 real comp. 2
P (kPa) 65.7641 76.72478333 99.85470367 99.85470367 129.9575106 129.9575106
T (K) 265.4 277.0464657 298.7714263 299.4425343 322.8267896 323.5506301
Pressure Ratio 1.301466089 1.301466089
h (kJ/kg) 265.5 277.1705586 298.956512 299.6303044 323.1280968 323.8548326
v (m3/kg) 1.158461732 1.03654127 0.8588952242 0.8608244964 0.7130793144 0.714678177
s^0 (kJ/kg*K) 1.578921377 1.622024368 1.697882335 1.700147996 1.77571393 1.777970865
s (kJ/kg*K) 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87226566 6.87226566 6.874522595
Pr (Reduced
Pressure) 0.9 1.05 1.366539393 1.377169743 1.792339719 1.806382224
efficiency 0.97 0.97
Alt (m) 3500
V (m/s) 152.778
Mass flow rate
(kg/s) 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882
in/exit area
(m^2) 0.5
(kg/m^3) 0.8632136671 0.9647469223 1.164286367 1.161676978 1.402368544 1.399231196
Flow A*V
(m3/s) 76.389
Work/mass -22.45974577 -24.22452822

Stage 4s 4 5s 5 6s 6
Description ideal comp. 3 real comp. 3 ideal comp. 4 real comp. 4 ideal comp. 5 real comp. 5
P (kPa) 169.1352931 169.1352931 220.1238483 220.1238483 286.4837239 286.4837239
T (K) 348.7802264 349.5605433 376.7265229 377.566055 405.9499489 406.8253692
Pressure Ratio 1.301466089 1.301466089 1.301466089
h (kJ/kg) 349.261688 350.0474671 377.4637881 378.3117156 407.0132481 407.9009244
v (m3/kg) 0.5919530598 0.5932774208 0.4912796275 0.4923744403 0.4067637031 0.4076408783
s^0 1.853520701 1.855797665 1.931210894 1.933467556 2.006844622 2.00903755
s (kJ/kg*K) 6.874522595 6.87679956 6.87679956 6.879056222 6.879056222 6.88124915
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Pr 2.350945208 2.368892495 3.08303325 3.08303325 4.012463225 4.012463225

eta 0.97 0.97 0.97
Alt (m)
V (m/s)
Mass flow rate
(kg/s) 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882
in/exit area
(kg/m^3) 1.689323137 1.685552096 2.035500648 2.030974637 2.458429777 2.453139646
Flow A*V
Work/mass -26.19263442 -28.26424851 -29.58920883

Stage 7s 7 8s 8 9s 9
Description ideal comp. 6 real comp. 6 ideal comp. 7 real comp. 7 ideal comp. 8 real comp. 8
P (kPa) 372.8488516 372.8488516 485.2501366 485.2501366 631.5365974 631.5365974
T (K) 437.3641444 438.3067377 471.03358 472.0417719 507.0038754 508.0818808
Pressure Ratio 1.301466089 1.301466089 1.301466089
h (kJ/kg) 438.926699 439.886259 473.2994195 474.3328162 510.2339916 511.3443373
v (m3/kg) 0.3367286127 0.3374543195 0.2786479533 0.2792443664 0.2304530237 0.2309430192
s^0 2.082540005 2.084742846 2.158268398 2.16044206 2.23381491 2.236015119
s (kJ/kg*K) 6.88124915 6.883451991 6.883451991 6.885625652 6.885625652 6.887825862
Pr 5.22208482 5.22208482 6.796366305 6.796366305 8.845240273 8.845240273
eta 0.97 0.97 0.97
Alt (m)
V (m/s)
Mass flow rate
(kg/s) 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882
in/exit area
(kg/m^3) 2.969750601 2.963364053 3.588757744 3.581092836 4.339279146 4.330072428
Flow A*V
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 15

Work/mass -31.9853346 -34.44655717 -37.0115211

Stage 10s 10 11s 11 12s 12

Description ideal comp. 9 real comp. 9 ideal comp. 10 real comp. 10 ideal comp. 11 real comp. 11
P (kPa) 821.9234654 821.9234654 1069.705518 1069.705518 1392.185456 1392.185456
T (K) 545.4137515 546.5636642 587.080599 588.3286558 629.2104894 630.470677
Pressure Ratio 1.301466089 1.301466089 1.301466089
h (kJ/kg) 549.9748878 551.1696471 593.4604678 594.7684313 637.7962768 639.1270349
v (m3/kg) 0.1904865687 0.1908881775 0.1575444641 0.1578793831 0.1297383936 0.1299982346
s^0 2.308457859 2.31045402 2.386168433 2.388404951 2.459144148 2.461276385
s (kJ/kg*K) 6.887825862 6.889822022 6.889822022 6.89205854 6.89205854 6.894190777
Pr 11.51178026 11.5550423 15.03849571 15.15456499 19.72315243 19.90966019
eta 0.97 0.97 0.97
Alt (m)
V (m/s)
Mass flow rate
(kg/s) 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882
in/exit area
(kg/m^3) 5.249713965 5.238669117 6.347414398 6.333949248 7.707818576 7.692412154
Flow A*V
Work/mass -39.82530986 -43.59878418 -44.35860357

Stage 13s 13 14s 14 15s 15

Description ideal comp. 12 real comp. 12 ideal comp. 13 real comp. 13 ideal comp. 14 real comp. 14
P (kPa) 1811.882161 1811.882161 2358.103189 2358.103189 3068.991334 3068.991334
T (K) 680.4288026 681.9651294 731.6358735 733.1641809 785.7656987 787.3827945
Pressure Ratio 1.301466089 1.301466089 1.301466089
h (kJ/kg) 692.2788188 693.9226884 747.3900151 749.0436438 806.3492058 808.1215428
0.0890639271 0.0892499719 0.0734965678 0.0736478228
v (m3/kg) 0.107800902 0.1080443035 3 5 9 9
s^0 2.542417217 2.544807741 2.620446185 2.622703495 2.698127024 2.700369936
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s (kJ/kg*K) 6.894190777 6.896581302 6.896581302 6.898838612 6.898838612 6.901081524

Pr 25.91174758 26.13297863 34.01118548 34.28322421 44.61845372 44.97421479
eta 0.97 0.97 0.97
Alt (m)
V (m/s)
Mass flow rate
(kg/s) 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882
in/exit area
(kg/m^3) 9.27636023 9.255462504 11.22789026 11.20448531 13.60607752 13.57813389
Flow A*V
Work/mass -54.79565353 -55.12095536 -59.07789899

Stage 16 17s 17 18s 18 19s

Description combustor ideal turbine 1 real turbine 1 ideal turbine 2 real turbine 2 ideal turbine 3
P (kPa) 3068.991334 2197.004329 2197.004329 1529.673728 1529.673728 1030.730387
T (K) 1438.657885 1228.364785 1234.982371 1222.602487 1229.346149 1115.975921
Pressure Ratio 0.7158717931 0.6962543078 0.6738236838
h (kJ/kg) 1561.894765 1429.157019 1437.121283 1304.383537 1312.347802 1179.610056
v (m3/kg) 0.1345648163 0.1604966971 0.1613613431 0.2294331257 0.2306986388 0.3107988471
s^0 3.394729268 3.298691123 3.304701069 3.200834484 3.207298284 3.094038801
s (kJ/kg*K) 7.595440856 7.595440856 7.601450802 7.601450802 7.607914602 7.607914602
Pr 504.960644 361.4870816 369.103912 256.9901888 262.9246113 177.1648301
eta 0.94 0.94
Alt (m)
V (m/s)
Mass flow rate
(kg/s) 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882 65.94002882
in/exit area
(kg/m^3) 7.431363021 6.230657813 6.197271171 4.358568524 4.3346593 3.217515153
Flow A*V
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 17

Work/mass 132.737746 132.737746

Stage 19 20s 20 21s(b) 21(b) 21 22s 22

real turbine ideal real turbine ideal ideal
Description 3 turbine 4 4 nozzle real nozzle afterburner nozzle real nozzle
1030.7303 667.60055 667.60055 667.60055
P (kPa) 87 66 66 65.7641 65.7641 66 65.7641 65.7641
1122.82895 1007.7673 1014.6703 547.80670 572.28530 2049.1827 1275.7640 1315.6073
T (K) 7 95 19 3 92 39 07 45
Pressure 0.6476965 0.0985081 0.0985081
Ratio 899 5634 5634
1187.57432 1054.8365 1062.8008 552.461164 577.97814 2313.4718 1367.2224 1414.5349
h (kJ/kg) 1 75 4 4 82 86 66 37
0.3127074 0.4333245 0.4362926 2.39115712 2.4980053 0.88111714 5.5686653 5.7425801
v (m3/kg) 151 232 747 9 91 84 39 2
3.10116099 2.9764157 2.9843068 2.3139161 2.3594624 3.8304161 3.2876136
s^0 7 31 01 56 07 81 3.25113511 66
7.6150367 7.6150367 7.6229278 7.6229278 7.6684741 8.4690372 8.4690372 8.5055158
s (kJ/kg*K) 98 98 69 69 2 49 49 04
181.59540 117.618722 11.6933094 13.687860 2276.4560 310.13238 347.75593
Pr 15 3 120.89505 3 53 29 36 27
eta 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.95
Alt (m)
823.59273 1835.9897 1893.3294
V (m/s) 788.36485 72 65 93
Mass flow 65.940028 65.940028 65.940028 65.940028 65.940028 65.940028 65.940028 65.940028
rate (kg/s) 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82
in/exit area
(m^2) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
density 3.1978774 2.3077392 2.2920393 0.4182075 0.4003193 1.1349228 0.1795762 0.1741377
(kg/m^3) 79 26 99 648 923 67 43 533
Flow A*V 164.71854 367.19795 378.66589
(m3/s) 157.67297 74 3 86
132.73774 132.73774
Work/mass 6 6
Fig.# 11 (Properties and Calculations of all stages)
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 18

Fig. #12 (Table A-22 -- Air Standard Table in SI Units from Moran)
Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 19

Appendix C - Sample Calculations

Program Used
Programs Purpose
Google Sheets/ Microsoft Excel Organization, Calculations, and Graphing
Fig. #13 (Program utilization and purpose)

Sample Linear Interpolation - (Example: Temperature of “After Ram Effect”)

(𝑥 − 𝑥1)(𝑦2−𝑦1)
Equation 𝑦 = (𝑥2−𝑥1)
𝑇 = (280.13−270.11)
+270 K
T = 277.1705586 K

Fig. #14 (Linear Interpolation Calculation)

Combustor Calculation (Heat Addition Example to Combustor)

mdota = 65.94002882
mdotcombustion (kg/hr)= 500+55mdota
mdotcombustion (kg/s)= 500+55mdota 3600 𝑠
Qdot(kJ/s) = mdotcombustion (kg/s) * 1𝑘𝑔
= 753.773222(kJ/kg)
Qdot/mdota+h14 = h15
h15=753.773222(kJ/kg) +808.1215428(kJ/kg)
h combustor= 1561.894765(kJ/kg)
Fig #15. Combustor Calculation)


[1] Boyd, James. “Project Manual .” April 2020. For AERO 212-200 Thermodynamics for

Aerospace Engineers.

Motley, Nesbitt, O’Neill, Poungsangchaun 20

[2] “Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220.” National Museum of the United States Air Force™, 28 May 2015,

[3] Moran, Michael J., and Howard N. Shapiro. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. 7th ed.,

Wiley, 2008.

[4] Mokhatab, Saeid, William Poe, and James Speight. Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and
Processes. 2nd ed., Gulf Professional Publishing. 2006

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