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Student’s Name: Veinz Ryan C.

Gravino Date: September 15, 2021

Health Teaching Plan Topic: Demonstration on the Preparation of Lagundi as Home Remedy/Treatment for a client with Asthma
Course Objective: To demonstrate the preparation of Lagundi as Home remedy for a client with Asthma.
Learning Outcomes Contents TA Teaching-learning Activities Method/Learning Resource
By the end of demonstration, 4 minutes Lecturing Handouts 1. Learning
the clients will be able to: module guide
2. Presentation
Cognitive Domain: Lagundi (Vitex negundo) is an erect, branched 3. PDF
⮚ Describe the purpose tree or shrub, that grows to as much as 5 m high.
of Lagundi as a home Lagundi has a single thick, woody stem like a
remedy for Asthma trunk and is usually seen in swamps of the
Philippines and India. Lagundi leaves appear
palmately, in the form of five pointed leaves
which splay out like the fingers of a hand.
Lagundi leaves are 5-foliate, rarely with 3 leaflets
only. Lagundi leaves are 4-10 cm long, slightly
hairy beneath. The lagundi flowers are blue to
lavender, 6-7 mm long bearing fruit globose of
about 4mm in diameter that turns black when ripe.

⮚ Recognize the benefits It also has other benefits such as:

of Lagundi with 1. Lagundi is used to prevent and treat worm
regards to Asthma infestation
2. Lagundi is also used treat skin diseases
such as eczema, ring worm, etc.
3. Used to wash wounds to promote healing,
4. Lagundi has an analgesic function to treat 
rheumatism, muscle pain and
inflammation of joints
5. Lagundi is used for anorexia,
6. Used to treat Stomach problems such as
colic, spasms and indigestion,
7. Lagundi has claimed health benefits
against high cholesterol.
8. Lagundi is also used as a carminative herb
9. Lagundi is believed to promote good
memory and eye sight,
10. Lagundi tea is taken to relieve anxiety and
to promote relaxation.

⮚ Demonstrate on how to 5 minutes Demonstration Handouts

prepare Lagundi as In preparation for the Lagundi leaves as home
home remedy for remedy, there are several steps to follow:
Asthma ● Clean fresh lagundi leaves and chop.
● Prepare two glasses of water and 2 glasses
filled with chopped lagundi.
● Boil in an earthen pot or enamel-lined
saucepan for 15 minutes in low-flame until
the desired viscosity is attained; cool.
● Strain the liquid extract

Affective Domain:
⮚ Use Lagundi as a In taking the home remedy:
home remedy for If the Lagundi leaves used are fresh, take
Asthma the following:
1. 6 tablespoons for adults
2. 3 tablespoons for 7-12 years old
3. 1 1/2 tablespoon for 2-6 years old

If the lagundi leaves aren’t fresh, take the

1. 4 tablespoons for adults
2. 2 tablespoons for 7-12 years old
3. 1 tablespoon for 2-6 years old
- Module 1.4_DOH Medicinal Plants.pdf
- RISE Vol. 14 No. 2 (

- Sampung HALAMANG GAMOT - YouTube

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