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The Density of Liquids and Solids & Viscosity of Liquids

Dian Nabila Martiana, Firas Yodha Saskara, and

Mahardika Fahrudin Rois

Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Chemical Engineering Department FTI ITS

ITS Sukolilo Campus, Surabaya 60111

Report Info ABSTRACT

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Experiment 27 September 2018 kjfdjisdjfdkjshfkjdhdkjfhkjdhfkjdhfdfhhhhhhjdkjskdfkjdsfkhdfkjhdkjfhdkjfhkdjhfdfhdhfdj
Received 4 October 2018

1. Introduction
Every pure substance has its own characteristics of properties that it can be distinguished from another substance. The properties used
to identify a substance must be intensive , meaning that it does not depend on the system size or the amount of material in the system.
Substance may be identified on the basis of their chemical and physical properties. One of the physical properties that particularly useful to
identify substance is density. [ CITATION Mas09 \l 1033 ]
Density is a measure of mass per unit volume, given by equation :
Density ( ρ )= Massa (m) / Volume (V) (1)
The base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) is therefore kg/m 3. However, we can generally use g/mL. The density
of a substance is not a fixed and permanent, it depends on the pressure and temperature and state of aggregation. [ CITATION Yav75 \l
1033 ]
The equation can be applied in a certain volume. However, if the volume of fluid is very large, such as dams, oceans, or atmosphere,
the fluid density is not the same in every place. For example, in the ocean, the higher the ocean level,the density will also be greater than in
the shallow side of ocean.( Abdullah , 2016)
Viscosity is internal friction in a fluid. the value of the viscosity is determined by the temperature, The viscosity decreases with
increasing temperature. Viscosity has important effects on the flow of liquid in pipes, flow of blood and many other situations .
[ CITATION You16 \l 1033 ]. Viscosity can be determined by the poiseuille equation :
π r 4 Pt
8 Vl
With r is the viscometer radius, P is the pressure on the fluid, t is the fluid travel time, V is the fluid volume, and l is the fluid travel
distance. In addition, the viscosity can be obtained with equation :
η = (η r x D x t)/(Dr tr)
With the subscripted r values refer to the reference sample. (Bahl,1960)
To measure the viscosity of a liquid, an Oswald Viscometer is used. This method uses the time of liquid needed to flow in the
capillary pipe with a certain distance . Ostwald Viscometer is a very convenient apparatus for determination of viscosity at higher
temperatures as it can easily be suspended in a thermostat (Bahl, 1960)
Goals of this experiment are to determine the density of liquids and solids and to determine viscosity of liquids using oswald

Martiana, DN and Saskara,FY / Mahardika Fahrudin Rois / Density & Viscosity of liquids

2. Materials, Equipment, and Experiment Method

2.1 Material and Equipment

Equipment needed in experiment density of liquids and solids are Beaker glass 200 mL , graduated cylinder 100 mL , thermometer,
glass watch, electronic balance, suction rubber, washing bottle 200 mL, measuring pipette 25 mL, and ruler . Material needed in this
experiment are water, copper , aluminium fiber
Equipment needed in experiment of viscosity of liquids are oswald viscometer, rubber, statis and hotplate . Material needed in this
experiment are water and solution given from laboratory assistant.

2.2Experiment Method
First experiment is determine the density of liquids and solids. First , mass of 100 mL is measured with electronic balance. Then 25
mL water are added to the graduated cylinder. Combined mass of water and graduated cylinder is measured with electronical balance. These
steps is repeated three times. Thermometer is used to record temperature of water . Independent variable in this experiment are mass and
volume of water ,dependent variable is density, and control variable is temperature. For second experiment, copper is obtained from
laboratory assistant. Width and length of copper are precisely measured with ruler. Then, the mass is measured with electronic balance.
These steps repeated three times. For third experiment, aluminium fiber is divided into three parts with each different size. Mass of each
aluminium is measured with electronical balance. Volume of aluminium is measured by added 50 mL of water to the graduated cylinder,
then precisely measure this volume. Aluminium is added to graduated cylinder that contains water and new volume from water plus
aluminium is measured. Volume of aluminium is obtained from substraction between combined volume and volume of water itself. These
steps is repeated three times untill we obtain 3 sets of mass and volume aluminium fiber.
Second experiment is deterimine viscosity of liquids .The pure water are put into oswald viscometer. The liquid are pulled and pushed
above the upper fiducial mark on the viscometer by bulb. Then, the water are allowed to run back down and the timer was started exactly as
the meniscus passed the upper mark. Timer is stopped just as the lower mark was passed the meniscus. These steps is repeated three time and
with different temperature untill reach 65°C. Viscometer is cleaned and dried by running a few drops of acetone. Then, the liquid in the
viscometer are changed become other solutions . The time to pass the mark is calculated. Finally, the data that obtained is used to calculate
the viscosity. Independent variable : fluids , Dependent variable : time and viscosity , and control variable : temperature and oswald

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 Experiment Result
Table 1. Results of Experiments and Calculation of Water Density
No. Mass Of Graduated Mass of Graduated Cylinder Mass of Water Volume (mL) Density (gram/mL)
Cylinder (gram) + Water (gram) (gram)
1. 118.8 143.4
2. 118.7 143.2 24.9 25 0.996
3. 118.5 143.3
X 118.4 143.3

Table 2. Experiment Results and Calculation of Copper Thickness

No. Mass of Watch Mass of Glass Mass of Volume of Length of Width of Thickness of
Glass (gram) Watch + Copper Copper Copper (gram) copper (cm) Copper Copper (mm)
(gram) (gram) (cm)
1. 29.2757 33.5521
2. 29.2757 33.5521 4.2764 0.4772 1.8 10.2 0.259
3. 29.2758 33.5522
X 29.2757 33.5521

Table 3. Experiment Result and Calculation of Aluminium

Mass of Aluminium + Watch Mass of Aluminium (gram) Volume of Aluminium (mL)

Glass (gram)
Small Aluminium 30.986 1.7123 1
X 30.988
Medium Aluminium 31.780 2.5023 1.5
X 31.778
Large Aluminium 34.389 4.7289 2.5

Dian Nabila Martiana . Tel: +62 85 2303 62288
E-mail addres :
Martiana, DN and Saskara,FY / Mahardika Fahrudin Rois / Density & Viscosity of liquids

X 34.485

3.2 Discussion
Experiment 1
Part A : Density of Water
The purpose of first experiment is to determine the density of solid and liquids . First,The density of water obtained in this
experiment is 0.996 gram/ mL. The result is slightly different from theorytical. The density of water in normal conditions (1 atm, 25
C) is 1 gram/ mL. This different of result can be caused by various factor. First, experiments carried out on the 2nd floor, which cause
differences in pressure and gravity. The density of an substance will increase as the pressure increase. (Abdullah , 2016) . The increase
in pressure causes the distance between the particles become closer so the volume decreases .Besides that, the temperature in the room
is 29 C, causes some water to expand thus the volume of water will decreased and the density result will be lower than in normal
condition. (Yavorsky, 1975). The actual density of water at 29 C is 0.9956 gram/ mL. [ CITATION Gea97 \l 1033 ] .Next
experiment is to determine the thickness of copper . Thickness of copper obtained in this experiment is 0.259 mm. Whereas , the initial
thickness is 0.3 mm. The difference is caused by copper that used has been corroded. Corrosion occurs when copper contact and react
with chemical solution in the previous experiment. Effect of corrosion makes depletion in the copper. [ CITATION Ska07 \l
1033 ] .Next experiment is to determine the density of aluminium fiber using graph analysis. Based on the graphical analysis
experiment, the following results were obtained:
4.5 f(x) = 2.04 x − 0.42
4 R² = 0.99
Mass (gram)

2 y
1.5 Linear (y)
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Volume (mL)

Fig 1. Graph of Mass and Volume Ratio of Aluminium Fiber

The density of aluminium fiber obtained is 2.0419 g / mL .Density result is obtained from the slope of the line. If the regression
value approaches 1, this means that the density obtained is more accurate. The actual density of aluminium is 2.7 g / mL. The
difference of result is caused by inaccuracy in calculating mass and volume of aluminium and it is a blend with other type of material.
The purpose of second experiment is to determine viscosity of liquids using oswald viscometer. The Ostwald viscometer fulfils
these conditions: a U-tube with two reservoir bulbs separated by a capillary as shown in Fig. 2. The liquid is added to the viscometer,
pulled into the upper reservoir by suction, and then allowed to drain by gravity back into the lower reservoir. The time that it takes for
the liquid to pass between two etched marks, one above and one bellow the upper reservoir, is measured . [ CITATION Bah60 \l
1033 ]

From this experiment,it was obtained that the viscosity of water was

Dian Nabila Martiana . Tel: +62 85 2303 62288
E-mail addres :
Martiana, DN and Saskara,FY / Mahardika Fahrudin Rois / Density & Viscosity of liquids

4. Conclusion

From experiment of determine density of liquids and solid, the density of water obtained from the experiment is 0.996 gram /
mL,thickness of copper obtained in the experiment is 0.259 mm and the density of aluminium fiber obtained from graphical analysis is
2.0419 g / mL.

From experiment of viscosity of liquids,

5. References

Abdullah, M., 2016. Fisika Dasar 1. Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Bahl, B. S. T. G., 1960. Essential of Physical Chemistry. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.

Geankoplis, C. J., 1997. Transport Process and Unit Operations. 3rd ed. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of

Masterton. W.L., H. C. N., 2009. Chemistry : Principles and Reactions. 6th ed. New York: Brooks/Cole
Cengage Learning.

Skazalos, P. H. G. W. G., 2007. Corrosion of Copper by Water. The Electrochemical Society, pp. C63-

Yavorsky, B. M. P. A., 1975. Fundamental of Physics. Moskow: Mir Publisher.

Young, H. D. F. R. A., 2016. University Physics with Modern Physics. New York: Pearson.

6. Appendix

Experiment 1

Part A : Density of Water

Mass of water = combined mass of Graduated cylinder and water – Mass of Graduated Cylinder

= 143.3 – 118.4 = 24.9 gram

ρ Water = m water / Vwater

= 24.9 gram / 25 mL = 0.996 gram / mL

Part B : Thickness of copper

Mass of copper = combined mass of glass watch and copper – mass of glass watch

= 33.5521 – 29.2757 = 4.2764 gram

Volume of copper = mass / density of copper

= 4.2764 gram / 8.96 gram/cm3 = 0.4772 cm3

Volume = height × width ×thickness

Dian Nabila Martiana . Tel: +62 85 2303 62288
E-mail addres :
Martiana, DN and Saskara,FY / Mahardika Fahrudin Rois / Density & Viscosity of liquids

0.4772 = 1.8 × 10.2 × thickness

Thickness = 0.0259 cm = 0.259 mm

Part C : Graphical Analysis of Mass and Volume Data of an Unknown Solid

Mass of small aluminium = 30.998 – 29.2757 = 1.7123 gram

Mass of medium aluminium = 31.778 – 29.2757 = 2.5023 gram

Mass of large aluminium = 34.485 – 29.2757 = 4.728 gram

Volume of small aluminium = 51 – 50 mL = 1 mL

Volume of medium aluminium = 51.5 – 50 mL = 1.5 mL

Volume of large aluminium = 52.5 – 50 mL = 2.5 mL

What is the function of bulb? rate is inversely proportional to viscosity.

Why volatil liquid can’t be used in visosity exprimen High coefficient of viscosity causes very
small flowrate , even though the pressure
Term of visco liquid?
difference is produced by the pump is
viscosity of fluids is affected by temperature. the higher the
quite large.
temperature, the viscosity will be smaller. This depends on the
molecular structure of the fluid , because the higher translational A plot of log η versus 1/T should be a straight line (bahl)
kinetic energy allows intermolecular attractions to be overcome
more easily (Levine,2009)
suatu jenis cairan yang mudah
Levine, Ira N., (2009). Physical Chemistry 6th Edition. USA :
mengalir, dapat dikatakan memiliki
viskositas yang rendah, dan
Solution number 4 is a volatil liquid. Volatil liquid can not be sebaliknya bahan-bahan yang sulit
used to determine viscosity because it is easily to volatilize when
exposed to air.
mengalir dikatakan memiliki
viskositas yang tinggi (Sarojo,
there are several conditions for the 2009) Sarojo, Ganijanti Aby. 2006.
solution used in this experiment, first, it Seri Fisika Dasar Mekanika.
must have an adhesion force that is Salemba Teknika. Jakarta.
greater than cohesion. The adhesion force
causes the solution to have a concave
surface and can be attached to the
capillary wall (Abdullah,2016). Second, the
solution should not volatile .it is easily to
volatilize when exposed to air. This causes
the volume of the solution expand and the
measurement of the time at the viscometer
is not constant. Last, coefficient of
viscosity has to be in average scale. flow

Dian Nabila Martiana . Tel: +62 85 2303 62288
E-mail addres :

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