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Dosen : Indri Lesta Siwidiani, S.S., M.Hum.
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu / 3 Februari 2021
Waktu : 90 menit
Sifat/Keterangan : Buku Terbuka

1. Answer all the questions sequentially in your white blank or lined sheet.
2. Write down your answers in handwriting with blue ink (if available).
3. Don’t forget to write down your name, IDN, and class on your answer sheet.
4. Don’t forget to click your attendance on SPADA at the same time with this FINAL Exam Schedule today.
5. Submit your work (in PDF form) by uploading it in this application on time.
6. Rename your work file with a format something like: FIN/IDN/Name/ Class.
7. Manage your time well, good luck and do your best.

I. Reading Comprehension. (15 points)

Study the passage below carefully.
Software is playing an increasingly important role in the mining industry, as companies seek to maximize
the value of their mineral assets and to communicate more effectively with their internal stakeholders. CEOs are
looking to improve financial returns and boost free cash flow by driving growth through better management across
the mining lifecycle. By making better and faster decisions from the rock face to the port, processes can be made
more efficient, mineral resources used more effectively and wasteful practices eliminated. The end result is a
healthier bottom line and increased sustainability.
Most companies now recognize that technologies proven in other industries to achieve these goals can be
applied to mineral-resource lifecycle management, and by employing a holistic, horizontal view of the mining value
chain, new opportunities can be uncovered. The increasing use of advanced data-collecting devices in mining, such
as laser scanners, operations support systems such as global positioning systems (GPS), dispatch/fleet-
management systems and autonomous equipment technologies, is driving the requirement and increasing the
business-case potential for integrated software solutions that are open, and planning processes to allow targeted
execution of complex mining operations. Software accelerates and simplifies the mine design and planning process,
and most importantly provides variants and options to explore variable cut-offs and mining constraints. It also
allows users to think outside of the box, ensuring that delivered results are the most suitable and feasible.
Answer the following questions based on the passage above. Write the appropriate answer completely.
Why does the author write the passage above?
* Because he likes to inform the readers about the use of software in mining industry.
* Because he enjoys sharing about the function of software in mining industry to the readers.
* Because he considers that the readers should know about the efficiency of software in mining industry.
* Because he thinks the readers should understand about the important role of software in mining industry.
2. What is the meaning of ‘dispatch’ as mentioned in paragraph 2 line 4?
* communication * perfection
* correction * standardization
3. What is your understanding about the software in mining industry?
* Software can conceivably increase the mining productions.
* Software can outrageously optimize the quality of the mineral rate .
* Software can preposterously simplify the mine design and planning.
* Software can implausibly encourage the stakeholders to make better decisions.
4. What do you know about the meaning of the expression ‘bottom line’ as mentioned in the last sentence of
paragraph 1?
* It means the final line in the accounts of a company or organization.
* It means the most important fact in a situation of a company or organization.
* It means something of a company or organization seems to have no limits budget.
* It means the highest point in a continuously changing situation and to be about to improve.
5. What can you learn about the last sentence of paragraph 2?
* The user may consider ordinarily using current concepts to confirm that the final decision viable and doable.
* The user may think drearily using expected opinions to make sure that the outcomes are workable and on top.
* The user may think prosaically using progress thoughts to make certain that the result possible and trusted.
* The user may think imaginatively using new ideas to make sure that the outcomes are right and proper.

II. Miscellaneous. (25 points)

A. Choose the appropriate translation of the following statements. (15 points)
1. Penelitian tentang endapan mineral adalah bidang keahliannya.
* The study of mineral deposits is where he feels most at home.
* The research about mineral deposits is where he is in the field.
* The study of mineral deposits is how he goes to the remote area.
* The research of the mineral deposits is what he likes to become as.
2. Asisten muda lab perpetaan ini lain daripada yang umumnya kita kenal, dia sangat membosankan.
* This young assistant of mapping lab differs with the others we recognize, she is such as a rat on us.
* This young assistant of mapping lab is not the same as others we see, she is such as an ace in the hole.
* This young assistant of mapping lab is different from the others we know, she is such a stick in the mud.
* This young assistant of mapping lab contrasts with the others we realize, she is such as a diamond in the rough.
3. Seolah-olah belum cukup pegawai baru itu ditegur, lebih parahnya, dia dimarahi di depan teman-teman sejawatnya.
* As if it wasn’t for the new employee to be extoled, to put it in serious condition, he was scolded again when he
was with his friends.
* As if it wasn’t for the new employee to be lauded, to take a stab into the fish, he was angered by his boss in
front of his colleagues.
* As if it wasn’t for the new employee to be exalted, to gild the lily to the party, he was provoked down next to all
of his workmates.
* As if it wasn’t enough for the new employee to be reprimanded, to rub salt into the wound, he was dressed down
in front of his peers.
4. He had to leave the interviewer room with his tail between his legs.
* Dia terpaksa meninggalkan ruangan wawancara itu dengan perasaan sangat malu.
* Dia terpaksa keluar dari ruangan wawancara itu dengan perasaan sangat bersalah.
* Dia harus bergegas dari ruangan wawancara itu dengan sikap apa adanya.
* Dia mesti meninggalkan ruang wawancara itu dengan sikap percaya diri.
5. We have all to chip in when the chips are down.
* Kita semua harus bisa berlaku adil ketika keadilan itu bermasalah.
* Kita harus bisa menyesuaiakan dengan semuanya bila kita ingin diakui.
* Kita semua harus ikut bertanggung jawab bila petaka benar-benar terjadi.
* Kita harus bersatu padu semua jika keadaan yang jadi harapan sedang menurun.

B. Choose the best answers of the following questions based on each short dialogue. (10 points)
1. M : I just went caving with the Grotto Club last weekend.
W: That’s not a good reason for not joining us this coming weekend.
Q: What does the woman mean?
* She wants the man to explore a cave with the club. * She wants the man become a member of a club.
* She thinks it’s a bad time of year to see the grotto. * She thinks the man has a good reason for joining them.

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2. M : I can’t make head or tail of this map.
W: Let’s pull at the next gas station.
Q: What does the woman mean?
* They need to buy some gasoline. * They need to check their headlights and taillights.
* They should asked directions. * They should pull off the road.
3. M : I turned green when I saw Ann’s new car.
W: I can understand why.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
* He was ominous. * He was confused.
* He was embarrassed * He was envious
4. M : Are you ever going to return that travel book?
W: If Bill didn’t miss it this month, he won’t miss it next month.
Q: What are the people talking about?
* Missing a trip. * Returning in a month.
* Booking a flight. * Keeping a book.
5. M : Let’s take the stairs.
W: Let’s not. There are too many flights to climb.
Q: What does the woman not want to do?
* Go climbing. * Use the steps.
* Take the airplane. * Fly too often.

III. Writing. (30 points)

The following statements about “Automated Surface Drilling” are out of order. Write them deliberately,
completely and sequentially from no. 1-10.
* A master driller might beat a computer’s time in a single repetition, but for most tasks, the computer will outpace
the driller by the shift’s end.
* For right now, automation packages are available for any surface drilling activities, and a suite of office-based
software tools too.
* Their works can be supported by operator-assist functions like Auto Level, Auto Drill, Auto Rod Charger, and
multi-rig teleremote control.
* The system can display the data in sensible layout of map drill usage, evaluate production statistics, track
consumables and compare planned outcomes against actual results.
* Those are actually just a few of the features mines used to gain consistent, sustainable productivity, shift after
* While even the most skilled driller varies slightly in performance from one repetition to the next due to fatigue,
distraction or simple error, a computer performs each repetition with reliable precision.
* The most noticeable gain from automation is that the computer will not vary from how it was trained to perform.
* Automated drilling in surface mine is successful and already at work in mines around the globe.
* It also means that automated operating performance can be replicated shift after shift no matter which human
operator is monitoring the system.
* Surface drilling automation system allows operators to accomplish their objectives to work more safely.

IV. Speaking (30 points)

Complete the dialogue between Paul Gould and Alice Falcon about “The Project Tender” below by choosing
the appropriate expressions provided in the box.

tracking record guidelines precisely our usual requirements

stimulate properly transparently reduce take the long-term
everyone will like it best there’s no way parallel to what we need
over our time limit better than even nobody expects to make a profit
transport materials rapidly low return spread over being good over the time pass by
joint ventures
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clarify the project program rather than enough satisfy that criterion
there are plenty quite well performance going to react
Gould : Our tender is now ready in draft form, and I’d like to go through it with you.
Falcon : I’d be glad to.
Gould : We haven’t followed the tender ………… (1) and I’d like to know how the Indonesian are …..………. (2) to
Falcon : Sure. Do you mind if I ask a question?
Gould : Why didn’t you follow the conditions specified?
Falcon : That’s very good question. The short answer is that we didn’t follow them because …………. (3) we can
run a mineral processing plant at a profit under those conditions.
Gould : I guess you know that …………. (4) in Indonesia during the first seven years of trading.
Falcon : I know that, and I’ve said all along that we should think in terms of …………. (5) twenty years. But my
colleagues on the Board see this as just another overseas mineral processing plant that must perform
in line with …………. (6) for return on capital employed.
Gould : The companies that are making it in Indonesia generally …………. (7) view. The Indonesian like these
…………. (8) to generate their own foreign currency.
Falcon : So, what are our chances?
Gould : Well, with concentrates and metals to abroad, this project would …………. (9). So, if you know exactly
what you want, if you’re prepared to negotiate for it patiently, and if you’re prepared to enter a joint
venture agreement with 75 – 25 split in favor of your Indonesian partners, then your chances are
…………. (10).
Falcon : OK, let’s go through this draft …..


Dosen Pengampu


Indri lesta Siwidiani, S.S., M. Hum

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