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Field Languages and English Level II Grade V Estimated time

communication 90 minutes
Topics1. Lesson 1.Modals Learning situations. At school
2. Lesson 2. School rules
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 Communication and expression competence: The student
 Talks and write about classroom rules
Thinking competence: answers in words, memorized sentences, or actions to address questions
 Learning to learn competence: Follow the simple instructions given by the teacher to accomplish the
required action
 Competence for life, entrepreneurship and the environment: Prepares simple posters with drawings of
the environment, life in school and family
 Personal competence cooperates with others to achieve a common goal in classroom activities, school
or outside
 Civic competence.follows the rules of group work in cooperation with the members of the group
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
The student: Shirt, scarf, blouse, boots, hi,
 Identifies and uses some of the vocabulary in the textbook. hello, name, birth, phone
 Learns the meaning of the modal verb "must" and use it. number, spell
 Translates the text in Albanian. Watch, glass, chair, box, baby,
 Forms sentences using the modal verb "must" tomato, bus, teddy bear, sofa,
bookcase etc.

Resources and aidsStudent’s book, IWB,

laptop, video projector, pictures, Connection with other fields or cross curricular
subjects :Native Language
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities Asking and answering/ Communicative
language teaching/ Circle of writers/ Pair work
Check up on previous knowledge.
Role play from the previous lesson.
Puzzles on clothes
Vocabulary –Check up on the previous list of vocabulary. Brainstorming on Clothes
Activity book –Check up on the exercises of the activity book by writing answers on the board
Lesson 1. Lesson 1.Modals
Introducing grammar spot:
I will write the on the board the structure
You must You mustn’t
-be quiet in the class - mustn’t shout in the class
- -

I will encourage the students to add more rules to each column

In order to reflect on the words learnt today students are going to tell aloud some of the rules
perceived on each column
Then students will try with my help to fill up with must or mustn’t on ex.15.

To reflect on the comprehension of the modals the students have to interact with a partner
as the model provided on ex.16 page 19
Class task. Pair work
Each pair will have to build similar structures as the ones of ex.17.

Praising the best pairs mustn’t be neglected

Enforcement through Practice plus on ex.18.

The students will have to read and choose and circle the accurate one
Then on Ex.19. they will have to match the rules with the places.

Lesson 2. School rules.

Portfolio 2 My classroom rules.

Based on the model of ex.18 the students will have to write about their own classroom rules.

At the beginning of the lesson, I am going to ask students to say some of the vocabulary that they
have learnt in the previous lesson.
Look at the picture and say what this lesson might be about.
I will start the lesson by explaining what the title mean and what the lesson is going to be about.
In this lesson our character sings about classroom rules.
Students have to listen to the song and try to read the memories it.
They will learn to sing the song: Classroom rules.
In exercise two students have to say which take must and which take mustn’t and write them down.

To reflect on the comprehension of the song students have to complete exercise 21page 21 on textbook

Activity book .Instructing tasks .

The students take turns on fill up activities

Consolidating knowledge in the end of the class

What did we go through today:
1-vocabulary on rules
2-plural forms of regular and irregular nouns
3-sing a song

Evaluation I will evaluate them, based on her participation.

Assignment Workbook –Lesson 7.8

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