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Các câu chú trọng, phục vụ 3 mảng rất rõ ràng: Đại Học, HSG và ‘Tìm hiểu sâu’

(Mục Đại Học: Phần I)

(Mục HSG: Phần III)

(Mục ‘Tìm hiểu sâu’: Phần II (phần bài tập Raising The Bar) và phần IV)

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Biên soạn và sưu tầm: Page này giúp bạn thúc đẩy quá trình học tiếng anh
I. PHẦN VDC ĐẠI HỌC (sưu tầm từ nhiều nguồn)
Question 1: The new soap opera on Channel 3. ________ new depths in terms of tastelessness.

A. fill B. reaches C. plumbs D. achieves

- in terms of = regarding = relating to = concerning = when it comes to: khi nói về, liên quan

tới …

- plumb the depths: to reach the lowest point ~ chạm ngưỡng thấp nhất

(plumb the depths of despair)

Question 2: Somebody as conceited as Ron needs bringing down a _________ or two.

A. step B. notch C. rung D. peg

- bring/take sb down a peg (or two): to show someone that they are not as important as

they thought ~ cho thấy rằng ai không quan trọng như họ tưởng

Question 3: I have no appetite and I am lethargic. I’ve been feeling under ________ for ages.

A. pair B. threat C. stress D. par

- below/under par: a, ill: bị ốm

b, worse than the usual or expected standard: không đạt tiêu chuẩn

Question 4: Victoria went to great _______ to complete a high quality presentation.

A. efforts B. torment C. pains D. difficulty

- go to great pains: cố gắng hết sức

Question 5: Frank was informed at the _______ that the assignment would be no easy matter.

A. offset B. upset C. reset D. outset

- at/from the outset: ngay từ đầu

Question 6: The school playing fields are out of _______ while equipment is being set up for

the cricket match.

A. bounds B. brim C. verge D. border

- out of bounds: bị cấm, không được phép cho vào

Question 7: Isn’t packing three suitcases for a weekend away going a bit _______?

A. overload B. overhead C. overboard D. overskill

- go overboard: quá lố, quá nhiều

Question 8: “ How often do you visit your parents? “

“ _______ so often, even though they live some distance away. “

A. Even B. Ever C. Every D. Never

- Every so often: thỉnh thoảng

Question 9: “ Do you think I should ask Andy? “

“ I’m sure he’ll be only _______ willing to help you with the project “

A. just B. too C. that D. so

- only too = very

Question 10: The professor looked as if he were ________ away in a world of his own.

A. yards B. kilometres C. streets D. miles

- be miles away: không tập trung, vì mải nghĩ ngợi việc khác

be miles away, thinking about home.

Question 11: I think you _______ a nerve when you mentioned Ralph’s forthcoming retirement.

A. met B. had C. drilled D. hit

- hit/strike/touch a (raw) nerve: làm ai đó buồn bã (vì nhắc đến chủ đề không vui)

Question 12: Enjoy your “Sunwoy” cruise, safe in the _______ that everything has been taken

care of.

A. awareness B. recognition C. knowledge D. fact

- be safe/secure in the knowledge: not worried because you are sure that nothing bad will

happen ~ cứ yên tâm rằng

Question 13: Were you on the ______ when you said you had resigned from work?

A. wagon B. flat C. level D. town

- be on the level: đáng tin

Question 14: Judging from the noise it is making, the washing machine is on its last ______.

A. gasp B. legs C. resort D. breath

- be on its last leg: be in such bad condition that it will soon be unable to work as it should

~ sắp hỏng, tàn tạ, không trụ vững được lâu

Question 15: The optician says you have to wear glasses, like it or ______ it.

A. jump B. loathe C. dislike D. lump

- like it or lump it: không thích cũng phải chấp nhận

Question 16: Sally was laying it on ______ when she said that Tom was the best singer she

had ever heard.

A. fine B. broad C. thin D. thick

- lay it on a bit thick/ lay it on thick: tán thưởng/ca ngợi ai nhiều quá
………………. (150 câu)

Bảng đáp án:

1C 2D 3D 4C 5D 6A 7C 8C 9B 10 D 11D 12C 13C 14B 15D

16D 17A 18C 19A 20C 21D 22D 23A 24D 25C 26C 27A 28D 29C 30D

31A 32C 33C 34B 35D 36B 37D 38B 39B 40D 41C 42B 43B 44C 45C

46A 47D 48B 49A 50B 51C 52C 53D 54C 55D 56D 57D 58C 59B 60C

61C 62B 63A 64A 65C 66C 67C 68A 69A 70D 71C 72C 73C 74A 75A

76D 77B 78A 79D 80C 81D 82A 83A 84C 85A 86B 87B 88A 89C 90A

91B 92B 93C 94D 95A 96C 97B 98C 99A 100C 101A 102B 103A 104B 105A

106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115B 116B 117C 118A 119D 120B

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131C 132B 133C 134C 135D

136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146D 147B 148D 149B 150C

(đáp án chi tiết đã được đề cập thông qua các câu thành ngữ trong sách)
Practice 1

Question 1: Marry wonders whether to go camp with her friends or to stay at home in

order to prepare for her final composition. She is on the horns of ______.

A. predicament B. mess C. dilemma D. puzzle

Question 2: The material is not suitable for an academic book or for a popular one. It

falls between two ______.

A. tools B. means C. utensils D. stools

Question 3: The protagonist was between a ______ and a hard place when he had to

choose between his future or his wife.

A. pillar B. devil C. gravel D. rock

Question 4: The director is caught in a double ______ because whether he fires the

employee or lets her off, he still gets blamed.

A. hole B. hassle C. bind D. pickle

Question 5: Customers are ______ for choice when buying a new car.

A. spoilt B. upset C. impaired D. devastated

Question 6: As a company, we're at a ______. We can continue business as usual, or we

can take a risk and try to grow.

A. byways B. crossroads C. highways D. intersections

Question 7: I'm ______ between hiding the truth or coming clean about it.

A. broken B. cracked C. burst D. torn

Question 8: Since there's been talk of layoffs, I've been walking a _____ at work to

prove how valuable I am.

A. tight ship B. tightrope C. tight rein D. teardrop

Question 9: I'm in something of a cleft ______ — whatever I do, I'll upset someone.

A. stick B. wand C. rob D. wedge

Question 10: She’s in a bit of a(n) ______ about which of the jobs to accept.

A. uncertainty B. quandary C. embarrassment D. plight

Practice 2

Question 1: She worked her fingers to the ______ to bring home the bacon. She is a


A. chin B. sternum C. bone D. skull

Question 2: I know you're disappointed, but you need to roll up your ______ and

redouble your efforts.

A. socks B. sleeves C. collars D. pockets

Question 3: You'll do well at school if you just keep your nose to the ______.

A. whetstone B. steel C. grindstone D. grinder

Question 4: You're going to have to really put your ______ to the wheel if you want to

pass your final exams.

A. leg B. ear C. head D. shoulder

Question 5: He's been working ______ a vengeance over the past few weeks to make

up for lost time.

A. for B. at C. with D. up

Question 6: Students pulled out all the ______ for their final exams.

A. halts B. stops C. rests D. stopovers

Question 7: She left no stone ______ in her search for her wedding present - a

diamond ring.

A. unreturned B. unretarded C. unturned D. intoned

Question 8: I gave composition my best ______, but I just don't think I can obtain a

good comment from my professor.

A. blast B. cannon-ball C. bullet D. shot

Question 9: I only fire on all ______ after I've had my coffee.

A. cylinders B. tubes C. barrels D. pistons

Question 10: If you don't start __________ around here, you're fired.

A. shirking your duties B. squaring the circle

C. pulling your weight D. walking the tightrope

………….(20 practices)
Đáp án BT Raising The Bar:

Practice 1. 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10B

Practice 2. 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C

Practice 3. 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D

Practice 4. 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B

Practice 5. 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.C

Practice 6. 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.A

Practice 7. 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.D

Practice 8. 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D

Practice 9. 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D

Practice 10. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D

Practice 11. 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A

Practice 12. 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C

Practice 13. 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C

Practice 14. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C

Practice 15. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.C

18.B 19.C 20.A

Practice 16. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.D

Practice 17. 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.D

Practice 18. 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A

Practice 19. 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A

Practice 20. 1.A 2.B 3.C 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D

Để nhận sách Raising The Bar miễn phí, xin hãy truy cập đường link sau:
III. Các câu từ 30/4 (2014-2018) + 1 số câu trong đề HSG
Question 1: We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town _______.

A. red B. purple C. gold D. brown

- paint the town red: nhậu nhẹt, chè chén

Question 2: Not being able to find my phone number is a pretty _______ excuse for not

contacting me.

A. fragile B. frail C. feeble D. faint

- feeble excuse: lí lẽ không thuyết phục

Question 3: The new airport was constructed in the ______ of fierce opposition from


A. face B. teeth C. tooth and nail D. fangs

- in the teeth of sth: despite something such as problems or difficulties

Question 4: She wasn’t allowed into the country, _______ because her parents aren’t in order.

A. subsequently B. presumably C. admittedly D. paradoxically

- presumably: có lẽ

Question 5: Both of the jobs I’ve been offered are fantastic opportunities - I’m in such

______ !

A. a dwelling B. a grudge C. an array D. a quandary

- be in a quandary: be unsure or confused

Question 6: The Red Cross is _______ an international aid organization.

A. intriguingly B. intrusively C. intrinsically D. intrepidly

- intrinsically: bản chất, thực chất (là)

Question 7: All his hard work _______ in great success.

A. accounted B. culminated C. merged D. succumbed

- culminate in/with sth: if a process culminates in or with a particular event, it ends with

that event

Question 8: He seems _______ for the experience.

A. none worse B. none the worse C. none worse at all D. none the worst

- be none the worse for sth: to not be harmed or damaged by something

Question 9: They are two _______ a kind, talkative and lazy.

A. for B. with C. in D. of

- be two of a kind: be very similar

Question 10: He was very upset when the boss passed him _______ and promoted a newcomer

to the assistant’s job.

A. by B. up C. over D. aside

- pass sb/sth over: to ignore or not give attention to someone or something

Question 11: He tried to _______ the country’s deep-seated problems.

A. paper over B. pencil in C. screen off D. box in

- paper over: to hide an unpleasant situation, especially a problem or disagreement, in order

to make people believe that it does not exist or is not serious

Question 12: The news of his death was like a bolt from the ______.

A. red B. blue C. black D. white

- like a bolt from the blue: sth important or unusual that happens suddenly or unexpectedly

Question 13: He was ______ with an extraordinary ability.

A. entrusted B. ensured C. endowed D. entreated

- be endowed with sth: to have a particular quality or feature

Question 14: What on earth makes you risk your life and ______ by driving that fast?

A. death B. health C. limb D. liberty

- risk your life and limb: liều mạng

Question 15: Tom admitted that he couldn’t concentrate on his work _______ due to this

irritating noise.

A. in all B. the bit least C. in the least D. at the least

- not in the least: not at all

Question 16: You can buy fake designer clothes much more cheaply than the _______ article.

A. exact B. real C. true D. genuine

- the genuine article: a good and real example of a particular thing

Question 17: Could I pick your ______ on the subject before the meeting?

A. brains B. mind C. head D. intellect

- pick sb’s brains: to ask someone who knows a lot about a subject for information or their


Question 18: Bert is a bit down in the ______. He was sacked yesterday.

A. dumps B. sad C. low D. bad

- be down in the dumps: be unhappy

100 câu
Bảng đáp án:

1A 2C 3B 4B 5D 6C 7B 8B 9D 10C

11A 12B 13C 14C 15C 16D 17A 18A 19C 20C

21A 22B 23D 24C 25D 26B 27B 28C 29B 30B

31A 32C 33D 34A 35C 36B 37B 38D 39C 40D

41B 42A 43A 44C 45B 46A 47B 48B 49D 50A

51D 52C 53B 54B 55C 56B 57A 58C 59A 60C

61D 62B 63C 64C 65A 66C 67B 68C 69C 70B

71B 72B 73B 74D 75A 76D 77D 78B 79C 80A

81B 82B 83A 84B 85C 86B 87A 88A 89A 90C

91B 92A 93A 94D 95A 96D 97C 98C 99B 100C
IV. Tài liệu tự chế hihi
A. Từ vựng trông quen mà lạ

- Nội dung: Đào sâu về các từ mà ngoài nghĩa thường gặp thì còn mang các nét nghĩa khác

rất hay mà ít người để ý

Question 1: It was a _____ example of how to deal with the problem.

A. coursebook B. workbook C. textbook D. schoolbook

- textbook: (of an example of something) extremely good or typical

Question 2: I managed to _____ a couple of tickets to the World Cup final.

A. mark B. record C. register D. score

- score: to get something

Question 3: He's old enough now to earn his _____ and stop living off his parents.

A. intake B. keep C. upkeep D. carry

- keep: living expenses

- earn one’s keep: to earn what is needed to support sb

Question 4: Clean and _____ the wound immediately.

A. wear B. dress C. clothe D. decorate

- dress: treat injury

Question 5: I'm trying to _____ a meeting between them.

A. doctor B. nurse C. engineer D. police

- engineer: to arrange for something to happen, especially something that is to your


Question 6: She’s certainly _____ the goods. Everything is ready as she said it would be.

A. delivered B. carried C. transported D. brought

- deliver the goods: to do what one has promised to do

Question 7: Heart surgery _____ tremendous skill and concentration.

A. correct B. exact C. precise D. accurate

- exact: to demand something

Question 8: They have begun to vaccinate children in an attempt to _____the spread of the


A. prove B. test C. examine D. check

- check: prevent something from increasing or continuing

66 câu
Bảng đáp án:

1C 2D 3B 4B 5C 6A 7B 8D 9C 10D 11D

12B 13B 14A 15D 16C 17B 18A 19C 20B 21A 22C

23D 24B 25C 26B 27A 28A 29D 30C 31C 32A 33B

34B 35B 36B 37A 38D 39D 40C 41B 42C 43B 44A

45D 46C 47A 48B 49A 50D 51D 52A 53B 54D 55B

56B 57B 58A 59A 60D 61A 62C 63A 64C 65A 66D

- Để hiểu kỹ càng nghĩa của 1 từ, bạn phải xem tất cả các định nghĩa xuất hiện của từ đó

trong từ điển Anh Anh

B. 30 câu từ vựng nâng cao

Question 1: She said she might invite you to a local restaurant by this afternoon but don't

_______ your breath.

A. keep B. save C. hold D. grip

- not hold your breath: đừng mong đợi vô ích

Question 2: I don't give a _______ what he thinks of me!

A. darn B. damn C. curse D. cuss

- not give a damn: không quan tâm cái gì (SYN: for all sb cares = couldn’t care less)

Question 3: It was your fault that our cars crashed – I had right _______ way.

A. of B. on C. for D. over

- right of way: có quyền đi qua đường trước những phương tiện khác

Question 4: He grew increasingly _______ when his paintings failed to sell.

A. despondent B. punishing C. gruelling D. convoluted

- despondent: chán nản, mất hy vọng

Question 5: Because Marco has always had a tendency to _______ the truth, no one believed

he had been mugged.

A. interrogate B. embellish C. clinch D. declassify

- embellish: thêm thắt cho câu chuyện

Question 6: I only asked for a summary of the main points but she's making a real _______

out of it.

A. meal B. food C. dish D. course

- make a meal (out) of sth: mất quá nhiều thời gian cho việc gì

Question 7: Marketing is within the _______ of the sales department.

A. district B. colony C. province D. territory

- sb’s province: a subject or activity of special interest, knowledge, or responsibility ~ lĩnh

vực chuyên môn, thuộc trách nhiệm của ai

Question 8: Carpentry isn't really up my _______ I'd rather pay someone else to do it.

A. road B. street C. lane D. pavement

- be up one’s street: chính là thứ mà ai thích

Question 9: He's lazy, and he'll never amount to _______.

A. many B. much C. none D. little

- not amount to much: không làm được trò trống gì, không thành công

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B

9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. B

17. D 18. A 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D

25. A 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B

C. Các câu hỏi tổng hợp khác

Question 1: Sofia is a wonderful nurse. She'll always go the _______ mile for her patients.

A. bonus B. further C. extra D. added

- go the extra mile: sẵn sàng làm việc hơn trách nhiệm được giao

Question 2: Our team was doing well for a while, but they got tired and then the _______ fell


A. spirits B. moods C. attitudes D. wheels

- the wheels fall off: mọi việc xảy ra không theo ý muốn

Question 3: The school refused to take any of the parents' criticisms on ________.

A. board B. top C. peak D. height

- take sth on board: to listen to and accept a suggestion, idea etc

Question 4: This new project will take us into ________ territory.

A. unknown B. undiscovered C. untapped D. uncharted

- uncharted waters/territory/area etc: a situation or activity that you have never

experienced or tried before

Question 5: Does this mean our holiday plans will have to go by the _______?

A. storm B. board C. name D. air

- go by the board: to be forgotten or not used

Question 6: I had no idea how to do it - I was just flying by the _______ of my pants.

A. side B. part C. seat D. border

- fly by the seat of your pants: to do something difficult without the necessary skill or


Question 7: You're ________ a dead horse trying to persuade Kim to move house again.

A. directing B. demanding C. inciting D. flogging

- flog a dead horse: wasting time trying to do something that won't succeed (usually used

in continuous tenses)

Question 8: Everyone thought the test was a _______.

A. air B. current C. breeze D. gust

- be a breeze: to be extremely easy

Question 9: Come on, let's get this _______ on the road or we'll be late.

A. performance B. display C. show D. appearance

- get the/this show on the road: bắt đầu một việc gì đó đã lên kế hoạch
50 câu

Bảng đáp án:

1C 2D 3A 4D 5B 6C 7D 8.C 9C 10B

11A 12D 13B 14D 15A 16C 17D 18A 19C 20D

21A 22C 23D 24C 25B 26A 27C 28B 29A 30C

31A 32C 33D 34A 35B 36D 37D 38C 39C 40B

41D 42B 43C 44A 45C 46B 47A 48D 49C 50A


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