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Judul Recount Teks

Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester VIII/1

Waktu 2 x 40 Menit ( 1 Jam Pelajaran )

Tugas dan Langkah Kerja

1. Petunjuk belajar
a. Bacalah LKPD Anda dengan cermat
b. Kejakan setiap langkah sesuai dengan petunjuk
c. Jika menemukan kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan tugas berkonsultasilah
dengan guru.
d. Baca contoh teks yang diberikan
e. Diskusikan perbedaan dari teks yang diberikan
f. Lengkapi teks dengan verbs yang disediakan
g. Ceritakan sebuah pengalaman pribadi kamu kepada teman.
h. Setelah selesai mengerjakan tugas, silahkan dikirimkan semua tugas melalui
google classroom.
i. untuk test, dikerjakan secara online melalui google form.
Task 1

After you see the pictures from the PPT given, please answer the questions below.

1. What is the text tell in generally ?

2. What is the differences of those texts ?
3. What is the purpose of those texts?
4. What do you feel after reading those texts ?

Task 2

Complete the text below, by using the correct form of verbs.

liked said stopped went found

cuddled left told cried saw

Yesterday I (1) . . . to safari zoo with my family. The zoo was very clean there was no trash in around
the zoo.

In the zoo, we (2) . . . many wild animals such as tiger, lion and bear. We also saw tame animal such
as elephant, giraffe and deer. My little sister suddenly (3) . . . When she saw a tiger. She was afraid
with its roar and sharp fang. Then, we (4) . . . an elephant. My little sister (5) . . . it. She (6) . . . that
elephant is softly animal. She (7) . . . the long trunk of that giant animal.

Finally, at 3.p.m we (8) . . . safari zoo. On the way back home, my little sister never (9) . . . to talk about
the elephant. she (10) . . . that elephant is her favourite animal. She was very happy in that day.

Homework :

Please write your personal past experience. ( Sad or happy experienced )

My Personal Recount Taext


Introduction : Who, What, Where

What happened




Draw the activity in the box below. (Submit your task by our google classroom).

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