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School : SMP N 8 Padang

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/I
Text type : Monolog Descriptive
Language Skill : Listening and Speaking
Time Allotment : 2 x 40

A. Standard of Competence:
1. Understanding the meaning in written short functional texts related to the nearest environment
or in academic context.

3. Expressing the meaning in simple dialogue for interpersonal/ transactional formal/ informally
to communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context

B. Basic Competence:
1.1 Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning in short functional text to
communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context

1.2 Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning in short functional text to
communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context containing Descriptive
and Recount text.

3.1 Expressing the meaning in simple dialogue for interpersonal/ transactional formal/ informally
to communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context

3.2 Expressing the meaning in simple dialogue for interpersonal/ transactional formal/ informally
to communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context containing Descriptive
and Recount Text

C. Sub-Basic Competence
Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of non interactive oral text in form
of Descriptive text
Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of non interactive oral text in form
of Descriptive text
1.1.3 Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of non interactive oral text in
form of “Descriptive text”

1.2.3 Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of non interactive oral text in
form of “Descriptive text”

D. Indicators
Student will be able to carry out monologue dialogue involving the acts of :
 Respond to the descriptive text
 Comprehend the descriptive text
 Respond and answer the question of dialogue about descriptive text that teacher read
 Write a short and simple descriptive text
E. Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the session, the students are able to
Student will be able to carry out monologue dialogue involving the acts of:
 Respond to the descriptive text
 Comprehend the descriptive text
 Respond and answer the question of dialogue about descriptive text that teacher read
 Write a short and simple descriptive text
F. Instructional Material
a.Descriptive text :
b. Vocabulary items related to the expression:
E.g. teenage, genius, etc
c. Verbs:
E.g. studies, goes, lives,
d.To be :
E.g.: was, did, were, etc
e. Personal Pronouns: I, you, it, we, she, he, they.

G. Teaching Methods:
 Three Phase Techniques
 Total Physical Response

H. Teaching and Learning Activities:

 Greeting
 Gives ice breaking (Asking students about something that related with the
materials that will learn)

Main Activity
 Respond and answer the question based on the picture that teacher show it (task
 Discussing task I
 Listen and comprehend the teacher’s explanation about Descriptive text
 Listen and answer the question base on the text that teacher read ( task II)
 Discussing task II
 Choose one of situation based on five following situation that teacher gives, and
make a short dialogue based on topic that student’s chosen(task III)
 Student’s performance about the dialogue that they choose in front of the class

 Ask student’s problem about the lesson
 Do reflection
 Conclusion

I. Learning Resources
 Student’s worksheet (page: 46)
 English on sky VIII (page : 19)
 Schofholding (page 29)

J. Assessment

Indicators Techniques Types Examples

Responding the Oral test Performance Look at the picture and
situation answer the question
(Task 1)
Complete the Oral test Read the problem,
dialogue (Task 2) thinking about
descriptive text performs
the action!
Responding Oral test Performance Read the problem,
thinking the descriptive
(task 3)
text and perform the

K. Instrument

Task I
Answer the questions!
1. Are you familiar with his face?
2. Who is he?
3. Have you ever read or watched his film?
4. What is the title of the film?

Task II

I have an idol. He really inspires me. His name is Jaya Rajah. He is a genius
He is fourteen years old. He doesn't go to school but he studies at New York
University in a class of twenty-year -olds. Jaya was born in Madras in India but now he
lives in a house in New York with his mother, father, and brother. They can all speak
English fluently. His father is a doctor.
Jaya is diligent boy. He studies from 8.15 to 4.00 every day at the university.
Then he studies at home with his father from 6.30 to 10.00 every evening. Jaya doesn't
have any friends. He never goes out in the evenings, but he sometimes watches TV. He
says, 'I live for one thing to be a doctor before I am seventeen. Other children of my age
are boring. They can't understand me’.
Answer the questions based on the text!
1. Who is Jaya Rajah?
2. How old are Jaya’s classmates?
3. Where was he born?
4. How long does he study everyday at his campus?
5. What does he want to be?
6. They can all ( P. 1, L. 4). The underlined word refers to...
7. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
8. Is Jaya happy with his life ? Why?
9. What kind of text about!
10. Identify the generic structure of the text and mention which paragraph!

Task III.
In pairs, choose one situation from five following situation that teacher gives and make a
short dialogue based on the topic
My Kytta
Kytta is my playful pet. It is a cat. The cat is always playful. It likes playing with
anything. It sometimes plays with me. It likes playing with a ball very much. It is very clever,
but sometimes it is very naughty. My Kytta is not very big. It is medium. It has soft fur. Its fur
is dark black and White. Kytta has long tail. Its eyes are around. It looks cute. It is always near
Topic :
1. My school
2. My beautiful bedroom
3. My pet

L. scoring guide
1. for task I :each number has value of 4 x 5 = 25 for each correct answer
2. for task II :each number has value of 8 x 2 = 16 for each correct answer
3. for task III : has value of 3 (if the student x 50 = 150 based on rubric
Maximum score : 100
Score = Correct answer x 100
Maximum Score

M. Rubric for Speaking

Aspek Score Uraian
Ucapan 3 Benar semua, sesuai dengan standar ucapan yang berlaku
2 Hampir semua benar dengan dua, tiga kata kurang tepat
1 Banyak membuat kesalahan
Tekanan 3 Benar semua, sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku
2 Hampir semua benar dengan beberapa kata yang kurang tepat
1 Banyak yang kurang tepat
Intonasi 3 Benar semua, sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku
2 Benar, dengan satu atau dua intonasi kurang pas
1 Banyak intonasi yang kurang pas
Kelancaran 3 Lancar tanpa hambatan
2 Lancar dengan sesekali ragu
1 Tersendat-sendat

N. Pedoman Penilaian
Rentang Nilai Nilai Kualitatif
85-100 A = Excellent
78-84 B = Very good
55-77 C = fair
<54 D = Poor

O. Key Answer
Task I:
1. Yes ,I am / No ,I am not
2. Daniel Radcliffe
3. Yes ,I have / No, I haven’t
4. Harry Potter

Task II:
1. A genius teenage
2. Twenty-year olds
3. In Madras India
4. From 8.15 to 4.00 (8.45 minutes)
5. To be a doctor
6. His mother, father and brother
7. ,
8. Yes, he is. 'I live for one thing to be a doctor before I am seventeen.
9. About descriptive text
10. Paragraph 1 = Identification
Paragraph 2 = Description
Task III: Based on the text that creates by students

Approved by Padang, October 21st ,2009

The Headmaster of SMPN 8 Padang The teacher

( Ernawati Syafar) Reny Ester, S.Pd

NIP. 195710201977032002 NIP: 196504191989032004

School : SMP N 8 Padang

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/I
Text type : Monolog Descriptive
Language Skill : Listening and Speaking
Time Allotment : 2 x 40

A. Standard of Competence:
1. Understanding the meaning in written short functional texts related to the nearest environment
or in academic context.

3. Expressing the meaning in simple dialogue for interpersonal/ transactional formal/ informally
to communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context

B. Basic Competence:
1.1 Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning in short functional text to
communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context

1.2 Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning in short functional text to
communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context containing Descriptive
and Recount text.

3.1 Expressing the meaning in simple dialogue for interpersonal/ transactional formal/ informally
to communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context

3.2 Expressing the meaning in simple dialogue for interpersonal/ transactional formal/ informally
to communicate with the nearest environment and/ or in academic context containing Descriptive
and Recount Text

C. Sub-Basic Competence
Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of non interactive oral text in form
of Descriptive text
Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of non interactive oral text in form
of Descriptive text

1.1.3 Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of non interactive oral text in
form of “Descriptive text”

1.2.3 Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of non interactive oral text in
form of “Descriptive text”

D. Indicators
Student will be able to carry out monologue dialogue involving the acts of :
 Respond to the descriptive text
 Comprehend the descriptive text
 Respond and answer the question of dialogue about descriptive text that teacher read
 Write a short and simple descriptive text

E. Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the session, the students are able to
Student will be able to carry out monologue dialogue involving the acts of:
 Respond to the descriptive text
 Comprehend the descriptive text
 Respond and answer the question of dialogue about descriptive text that teacher read
 Write a short and simple descriptive text
1. Questions (to check students’ understanding about the topic)
 - What is recount text?
 - What about the purpose of Descriptive text?
 - What are the generic structures of Descriptive text?
 - What verb that used in Descriptive text?
 - What are the examples of Descriptive text?
 - - What else?
 I have an idol. He really inspires me. His name is Jaya Rajah. He is a genius teenage.

Descriptive text: is used to describe a particular person, place, or thing

Purpose :
 To describe current activities or events (running commentaries)
 To describe activities in the pictures

The structure of descriptive text:

1. Identification : to identify or introduce the subject of the description
2. Description : to describe the physical appearance, behavior and significant attributes

In descriptive text, we use the Simple Present tense

Language feature :
a. Specific participants
b. The use of present continuous tense
c. Action verbs :
 Verb 1
 Conjunction of time and cause effect
 Adverbial phrase

Task I
Answer the questions!
1. Are you familiar with his face?
2. Who is he?
3. Have you ever read or watched his film?
4. What is the title of the film?
Answer the questions based on the text!
1. Who is Jaya Rajah?
2. How old are Jaya’s classmates?
3. Where was he born?
4. How long does he study everyday at his campus?
5. What does he want to be?
6. They can all ( P. 1, L. 4). The underlined word refers to...
7. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
8. Is Jaya happy with his life ? Why?
9. What kind of text about!
10. Identify the generic structure of the text and mention which paragraph!

Task III.
In pairs, choose one situation from five following situation that teacher gives and make a
short dialogue based on the topic
My Kytta
Kytta is my playful pet. It is a cat. The cat is always playful. It likes playing with
anything. It sometimes plays with me. It likes playing with a ball very much. It is very clever,
but sometimes it is very naughty. My Kytta is not very big. It is medium. It has soft fur. Its fur
is dark black and White. Kytta has long tail. Its eyes are around. It looks cute. It is always near
Topic :
4. My school
5. My beautiful bedroom
6. My pet

Key Answer
Task I:
5. Yes ,I am / No ,I am not
6. Daniel Radcliffe
7. Yes ,I have / No, I haven’t
8. Harry Potter

Task II:
1. A genius teenage
2. Twenty-year olds
3. In Madras India
4. From 8.15 to 4.00 (8.45 minutes)
5. To be a doctor
6. His mother, father and brother
7. ,
8. Yes, he is. 'I live for one thing to be a doctor before I am seventeen.
9. About descriptive text
10. Paragraph 1 = Identification
Paragraph 2 = Description

Task III: Based on the text that creates by students

Approved by Padang, October 21st ,2009

The Headmaster of SMPN 8 Padang The teacher
Ernawati Syafar Reny Ester, S.Pd
NIP. 195710201977032002 NIP: 196504191989032004

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