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Subject : English
Grade / Programme : 10th
Semester :1
Cycle : 1st
Time : 90 minutes
Academic Year : 2011 – 2012
Competency : Listening and Speaking
Standard Competence:
2. To understand the meaning of short functional text and simple monolog in the form of
recount, narrative and procedure in the context of daily life.
4. To express the meaning of short functional text and simple monolog in the form of
recount, narrative and procedure in the context of daily life.
Basic Competence :
2.1. To respond the meaning of the formal and informal short functional text accurately,
fluently and acceptable (such as; announcement, advertisement, invitation, etc.) in the
context of daily life.
4.2. To express the meaning of a simple monolog text by using oral language
accurately, fluently and acceptable in the form of recount, narrative and procedure text
in daily life contexts
Indikator :
 Identify sentences in simple past
 Tell the event in the picture
 Tell about experience/ event
 Identify the meaning of ideational oral text

I. Learing Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
a. Tell about experience/ event orally
b. Respond experience/ event that are listened by answering the questions

II. Materials: a. Recount Text

a. Tense : Simple Past Tense
a. The supermarket manager watched them from the srvice counter.
b. Mrs. Ryan smiled.
c. Mark helped his mother.
Vocabularies related supermarket:
 counter
 cart
 ailes
 mopping
 Doughnuts
III. Methods :
Methods : Assignment,discussion, and question-answer
Model : Jigsaw/Examples Non Examples/Numbered heads together

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre Activity
 Greeting
 Questions and answer about assesories owned by the students.
Examples: T: Hi, Rita. You got a new bag. It’s a nice one.
Where did you buy it?
S: At a shop/mall/shopping center/supermarket (possible answers)
T: Supermarket! (based on the student’s respond)
Well….Today I brought some pictures of supermarket. Would you like to
look at them
SS: Yes, mam.
T: Okay. Here they are (distributes them to students)
Now, please sit in group of 6 to do the next tasks.
b. While Activity
Building Knowledge of the Field
Discussing the use of simple past tense.
Joint Construction
a. Discussing the event of a picture in group og six,.
b. Retell the event of the ficture by the first greoup to other member of the new
c. Discussing the vent of the picture told by each member of the groups.
d. Present the group story of the picture continuously.
Modeling of the Text
 Listen to the original story of the event in the picture whichis discussed.
 Discussing the difference between oral text and written text with his/her desk
 Identify the ideational the meaning of a recount text individually.
 Identify the rhetorical movements of recount text by discussing it in the form of
 In group, identify the signal word of the recount text.
Independent Construction
 Each of the participants retell their experiences.
c. Post Activity
 Calassically, the teacher asks the students to present the conclusion of the
learning activities today.
”This text is call recount.It talks about someone experience.It starts with
orientation which functions to introduce characters and setting and there are some
events follow that orientation.”
Giving task to the next meeting.
V. Media/Sources
1. Media: tape and casset
2. Materials: Oral text in the form of Recount and
Last Friday night, Mrs.Ryan with her four children came to the supermarket.
Thesupermarket manager watched them from the service counter; his hand on his
head.Mrs.Ryan smiled and pushed her cart up and down the aisles. Kelly, the youngest, sat
in the cart and screamed. Mrs. Ryan did not listen. She was at the counter, picking out
some chicken. Kelly cried louder and louder. She wanted ice cream.
Marc helped his motner. He was putting food in the cart when her mother did not look.
He added cookies, potato chips, and doughnuts.
The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn’t eat bananas. He
took a bunch of grapes from her, too.
One of the employees walked toward the manager. She was angry; she pulled a child
with her. When he was running, Jeff knocked over five bottles of soda. Another employee
mopped the floor.
Thank goodness, Mrs. Ryan was finished. She walked out of the store, pushed her cart.
Her children followed quietly behind her.
“Good-bye,”Mrs. Ryan smiled at the manager. “We’ll see you next week.
1. Listen To Me: Beginning Listening, Speaking, and pronounciation.
2. Intermediate Grammar: From Form to Meaning and Use.
VI. Authentic Assesment
1. Written Test
1. What does the speaker talk about?
2. Where did the event happen?
3. Why was one of the employees angry?
4. How does the supermarket manager feel when Mrs. Ryan was
5. Who said “Good-bye”?
Guiding Scores
a. Sort answer
Scoring instrument done by giving 2 scores to the correct answer and 0 to the
wrong answer.
b. Sort essay and objective
Scoring instrument done by giving 2 scores for the right answer and 0 to the
wrong answer.
Practice (Speaking)
Assessment Form
1 Leksikogramatika  Correct grammar and 4
vocabulary 3
 Grammar vocabulary
sometimes quite correct and it does not influence 2
the meaning
 Grammar vocabulary 1
quite correct and influence the meaning 0
 Grammar vocabulary
hardly understood
 Silent
2 Sistematical  Do and respond the 4
a. expression accurately in spoken input.
Interactional  Do and respond the 3
expression spoken input.
sometimes incorrect 2
 Often makes a mistake in
responding the expression. 1
 Unable to perform and
respond a simple expression. 0
 Produce some words not
in the form of text.
b. Monologue  4
According to the generic struture of the text
maximum based on their choises 3

According to the generic struture of the text 2
minimum based on their choises
 1
the generic struture of the text not clear and influence 0
the meaning.

The idea and the structure not clear.

The idea and the structure hardly understandable
3 Spelling and  4
intonation Very clear almost the same as the native speaker. 3
 2
Very clear using even mother language action. 1
 0
Not clear influence the meaning.

Not clear lessen the meaning.

Not clear and meaningless
4 Interactive  4
communicative Self- convide and fluently take turn in speaking. 3
 2
Self- convide even there is a repetion and doubt. 1
 0
Respond more than creative

Very hard to speak with.

Unable to respond and creative.

Jumlah 16

3. Affectif
Format Lembar Pengamatan Sikap Siswa

Do the promise

Learning motivation


Ketekunan belajar


Tenggang rasa


Respect to the teacher

No Indicator

Average Assessment



Note: Each aspects use 1 s.d 5 scales

1 = Least 3 = Enough 5 = Ex
2 = Less 4 = Good

VII. Progressive Programmes:

 Remedial
The students who are not compotence are given a task to writr down their
daily activities experiences in the diary for a week in English. After that
they are given a remedial test.
 Enforcementcellent
For students who has achieved over 75 are given enrichment like
assignment to find one or two recount (one’s experience), and decide the
orientation and event of the text.

Limbung, 25th July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA1 bajeng The English Teacher,
Drs.H.Abd Basir Hakim.M.Pd Abu Ubaedah.S.Pd
NIP.19 570515 198103 1 026 NIP.19621231 198601 042


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/Semester : X/1
Cycle :2
Time : 2 x 45 minutes
Academic Year : 2011 – 2012 :
Standard Competence: Reading
5. To understand the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of
narrative, descriptive and news item in the context of daily life and to access
Basic Coompetence :
5.1 To respond the meaning the meaning of the formal and informal short functional text
accurately, fluently and acceptable used by written text in daily life.
a. Reading aloud in the written text with the good pronunciation and intonation
b. To identify written text
c. To identify specific information

I. Objectives:
a. Students are able to read in the correct pronunciation and intonation
b. Students are able to get information from the text

II. Materials: Advertisement

III. Methods : Communicative approach

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre Activity
a. Greetings
b. Giving motivatios
c. Teacher shows a picture about tourist resort
d. Asking questions based on the picture
For examples:
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. Have you ever gone to this place?

b. While Activity
Activity 1
a. Teacher distributes the text
b. Teacher asks the students to read the text for 3 minutes silently.
c. Teacher reads the text loudly and lets the students listen carefully
d. Teacher asks them to repeat after him/her.
e. Teacher asks the students in rows to read aloud.
f. Teacher checks their pronunciation and intonation
Activiy 2
 Teacher checks the students’ answer
 Teacher asks them to underline the verbs on each sentences
 Teacher lets the students to report
 Teacher leads them the questions, such as, who aska whom, who asks what, who
asks when, and who asks where.
 Teacher checks students’ answers.
 The class is devided into group of four.
 Teacher distributes task 2 and let them do in their group.
 Teaceacher monitors students’ activities.
 Teacher checks the students’ answers classically.
Activity 3
 Teacher distributes a picture for each group
 Teacher asks the group to make advertisement based on their picture.
 Teacher monitors and help them sometimes.
 Teacher asks the group who has done their work to stitch on the wall.
Post Activity
 Teacher asks the group to make an advertisement based on the place where they
ever visited.
V. Sources :
 Linked to the world ( English for SMA)
VI. Evaluation
Task 2. Read the advertisement above then answer the question correctly.
1. The advertiser tells the readers to choose it. What does ‘it’ in the
text mean?
2. Give two reasons why the advertiser tells the readers to choose.
3. According to the advertisement what is special about Hong
4. Who is supposed to be interested in the advertisement?
5. What is meant by ‘never sleeps nightlife’?
6. Hong Kong is home for spectacular exhibitons. Mention things
that can be exhibited by your school.
7. What can be offered by convenient transportation?
Task 3.
Group A
Group B

Group D

Student’s name: ………………………….

Basic Competence Items Correct number Chievement % Mastering Notes
To respond the meaning
the meaning of the formal
and informal short
functional text accurately,
fluently and acceptable
used by written text in
daily life.
Tinggimoncong, 25th July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : English
Grade / Programme : 10th
Semester : 1st
Cycle : 3rd
Time : 90 minutes
Academic Year : 2011 – 2012
1. To understand message in transactional and interpersonal exchange in the daily life contexts.
2. To express accurately, fluently, and appropriately message in transactional and interpersonal
exchange in the daily life contexts.
Basic Competency:
1. To respond accurately, fluently and appropriately in short functional text in daily life contexts.
Involving the act of speaking of expression feeling happiness.
2. To express the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and
sustained accurately, fluently, and appropriately in daily life context involving expression
of feeling happiness
1. To respond accurately expression of feeling happiness
2. Perform an interpersonal/transactional expression of feeling happiness

I. Learing Objectives :
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
 To respond accurately expression of feeling happiness
 Perform an interpersonal/transactional expression of feeling happiness

II. Core Material:

Dialogue and expressions of feeling happiness.
Oh, I’m so happy Great!

1. Method/Technique: Three-phase technique

2. Procedures:
 Pre-Activity (10’)
 Questions and answers about the students’feeling experiences during on picnic
 Whilst Activity (70’)
 Students read the explanation of spoken input expressing feeling happinee.
 Students listen to an interpersonal/transactional of expression feeling happiness
through tape classically
 Students respond thye dialogue
 Students create a short dialogue by using feeling happiness based on the given
 Students perform the dialogue in frony of the class and the other listen
 Students respond the situation using feeling happiness
 Students read one’experience and discuss the writer’s feeling.
 Students respond the questions of the text.

 Post Activity (10’)

 Students have a feedback from the teacher and reviews the expression feeling

III. Sources/Media:
 Look Ahead 1 (hal.8-10)
 Casset/CD
 Listening Script of Look Ahead 1

IV. Assessment
 Tehnique: Performance Assesment
 Form: Responding oral questions, dialogue

Tinggimoncong, 25th July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :4
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45 menit
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Competency:
Speaking: To express the meaning of short functional text and the simple monologue text in the form
of recounts, narrative and procedures in the daily life contexts.

Basic Competency :
3.1. To express the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and sustained
accurately, fluently, and accepted in daily life context involving the act of speaking Introducing
ourselves and others, greeting/leave taking, accepting an invitation/offer, accepting and refusing
an appointment, expressing sympathy, pleasure, giving instruction
Indicator :
 Use the expression of introducing.
 Use the expression of greeting/leave taking
 Perform an interpersonal conversation

I. Learning Objective :
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:Use the expression of introducing.
 Use the expression of greeting/leave taking
 Perform an interpersonal conversation
II. Cor:e Material:
a. Introducing Ourselves
 Hi, I am Dani
 Hello, my name is Dani
 How do you do? My name is Dani
 May I introduce myself? My name is Dani
 Let me introduce myself. My name is Dan
b. Greeting/leave taking
Hello, How are you? Fine thanks
Long time no see. It’s been for ever
I really must go now. Thank you for coming
III. Method :
Method: Three-phases
Model : Jigsaw/Examples Non Examples/Numbered heads together

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity
 Greeting
 Teacher introduces himself to the new students.
 Teacher asks 2 or 3 new students intruduce themselves.
 Question and answer about Introducing Ourselves and Greeting/leave taking
1. What will you say when you have to introduce yourself to someone
you didn’t know before?
2. Is it alright if you ask his/her name after introducing yourself?
3. Is it alright to ask his/her age
b. Whilst Activity
Building Knowledge of the Field
a. Discuss the using of expressions showed by the teacherand the students.
b. Teacher distributes the exaples of the dialogue of Introducing Ourselves and
Greeting/leave taking
c. Discuss the dialogue in pairs.
d. Act out the dialogue in pairs.
c. Post Activity
Joint Construction
e. Teacher asks the students to form a group of three, each groups create a dialogue
by using Introducing Ourselves and Greeting/leave taking based on the given situation
 Act out the dialogue.
V. Sources/Media
a. Material: Dialogue text Introducing Ourselves and Greeting/leave taking Dialogue
Today is the commemoration of National Education Day. Every province in Indonesia
sends their representatives to attend outstanding students gathering in Jakarta.
Ali : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Ali. I study at SMAN 2
Roni : Hi, I’m Roni, I’m from Papua. Nice to meet you.
Ali : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd
Roni and Ali go to the crowd and they meet a girl.
Elvi : Hi, Ali. How are you?
Ali : I’m fine. How about you?
Elvi : I’m fine too. Thank you.
Ali : Elvi, this is Roni, my new friend.
Roni : Hi, How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Elvi : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too.
Roni : By the way, what is your hobby?
Elvi : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day for cooking.
Roni : Wow, great. My hobby is cooking too. Will you tell me how to cook special
foods from your province? I’d like to know them.
Ali : Alright my friends, let’s talk about cooking later. We should go to the palace
to meet the president of Indonesia..
Roni : and
Elvi : Let’s go. We can talk about cooking Later.
a. Listen To Me: Beginning Listening, Speaking, and pronounciation.
b. Intensive –Learning English for grade X
VII. Assessm :Performance Test
Work in group of three. Perform a dialogue based on one of the following
1. In the classroom, Shanti, your friend, introduces you to
Tini, her sister.
2. At the party you introduce Anton to your sister.
3. At a meeting, you introduce Mr. Hadi, your English
teacher, to your father’
Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011
Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :5
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Kompetency:
Listening: 2. Understand message in short functional text and in short monologue of recounts, narrative,
and procedures in the daily life contexts.

Speaking: 4. Express the meaning of short functional text and the simple monologue text in the form of
recounts, narrative and procedures in the daily life contexts.

Indicator :
 Identify the simple past in the sentences.
 Retell the events based on thpictures
 Retell the experiences
 Identify the ideational meaning of the text.

I. Learning Objective :
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
 Express their experinces and events orally.
 Respond the experiences and event by answering the questions.
II. Core Material:
 Recount Text
 Tense : Simple Past Tense
1. The supermarket manager watched them from the srvice counter.
2. Mrs. Ryan smiled.
3. Mark helped his mother.
Vocabularies related to the supermarket:
1. Counter
2. Cart
3. Ailes
4. Mopping
5. Doughnuts
III. Method :
Methode: Assignment, discussion, and question and answer
Model : Jigsaw/Examples Non Examples/Numbered heads together

IV. Procedures:
 Pre-Activity
Question and answer
Examples: T: Hi, Rita. You got a new bag. It’s a nice one.
Where did you buy it?
S: At a shop/mall/shopping center/supermarket (possible answers)
T: Supermarket! (based on the student’s respond)
Well….Today I brought some pictures of supermarket. Would you like
to look at them
SS: Yes, mam.
T: Okay. Here they are (distributes them to students)
Now, please sit in group of 6 to do the next tasks.
 Whilst Activity
Building Knowledge of the Field
Discuss the use of simple past.
Joint Construction
Discuss the event on the picture in group of 6 or 7.
Retell the event of the picture in the first group to the other group
Discuss the order of the event of the picture retold by each groups.
Present the story of the pictures continually.
Modeling of the Text
Listen to the original story of the event of the picture that are discussing.
Discuss the differences between oral text written with their neighbour.
Identify the ideational meaning of recount text listened in dividually.
Discuss the rhetorical movements of recount text in group.
In group, discuss the signal words of recount text.

Independent Construction
Each students retell their experiences.
 Post Activity
Teacher asks students to conclude the learning activity today.
”This text is call recount.It talks about someone experience.It starts with
orientation which functions to introduce characters and setting and there are some
events follow that orientation.”
Teacher gives them assignment to the next meeting.
V. Source/Media/Material:
Media: tape dan kaset
Material: Recount Text and Students Worksheet
Last Friday night, Mrs.Ryan with her four children came to the supermarket. The
supermarket manager watched them from the service counter, his hand on his head.
Mrs.Ryan smiled and pushed her cart up and down the aisles. Kelly, the youngest, sat
in the cart and screamed. Mrs. Ryan did not listen. She was at the counter, picking out
some chicken. Kelly cried louder and louder. She wanted ice cream.
Marc helped his motner. He was putting food in the cart when her mother did not look.
He added cookies, potato chips, and doughnuts.
The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn’t eat bananas. He
took a bunch of grapes from her, too.
One of the employees walked toward the manager. She was angry; she pulled a child
with her. When he was running, Jeff knocked over five bottles of soda. Another employee
mopped the floor.
Thank goodness, Mrs. Ryan was finished. She walked out of the store, pushed her cart.
Her children followed quietly behind her.
“Good-bye,”Mrs. Ryan smiled at the manager. “We’ll see you next week.
Listen To Me: Beginning Listening, Speaking, and pronounciation.
Intermediate Grammar: From Form to Meaning and Use.
VI. Authentic Assesment
Written Test
1. What does the speaker talk about?
2. Where did the event happen?
3. Why was one of the employees angry?
4. How does the supermarket manager feel when Mrs. Ryan was finished?
5. Who said “Good-bye”?

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :6
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Kompetency:
1. Understand message in short functional text and in short monologue of recounts, narrative, and
procedures in the daily life contexts.
2. Express the meaning of short functional text and the simple monologue text in the form of recounts,
narrative and procedures in the daily life contexts.and to get acsess to popular sciences
Basic Competency
1. Respond accurately, fluently, and appropriately message simple monologue in the
form of recount
2. Express accurately, fluently, and appropriately message simple monologue in the
form of recount

1. Respond a monologue of recount text.
2. Perform a monologue of recount text.

I. Learning Objective :
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
1. Respond a monologue of recount text.
2. Perform a monologue of recount text.
II. Core Material:
Monolog text in the form of recount:

An Excursion to Bogor Botanic Garden

All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this great place.
On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at that famous
garden at 10 o’clock.
Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and Group B followed
Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A. Well, first we went to odd tropical plants and Mrs. Nina read us some of the
information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery
and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we met group B at the information center to have
our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B did some research on flowers. Uhm…A
lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she explained about many kinds of Orchids.
Next, we had a look at the Indonesian orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were all
beautiful. Later, we took a look at the American, European and Asian orchid’s section. I was interesting. Soon
after we had finished our observations, we went back outside and met group B. Then, we got on the bus and
returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip and to Bogor Botanic Garden.

III. Method /Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
 Pre-Activity (10’)
Students review the characteristic of an oral monologue in the form of t recount
 Whilst Activity (70’)
 Students read the diary’Nindya in the text book.
 Students writes a diary.
 Students Exchange their diary.
 Teacher asks to analyze their friends’diary
 Students perform peer correction
 Students work together to complete the oral text in the form recount.

 Post Activity (10’)

 Students get feedback from the teacher.
 Students get an assignment to retell their shame experinces.

V. Source/Material/Media:
 Look Ahead 1 (15-16)

VI. Assessment
 Technique : Performance Assesment
 Form : Responding

Tinggimoncong, 25th July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 7th
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competency:
1. Understand message in short functional text and in short monologue of recounts, narrative, and
procedures in the daily life contexts.and get access to popular science.
2. Express the meaning of short functional text and the simple monologue text in the form of recounts,
narrative and procedures in the daily life contexts.and to get acsess to popular sciences

Basic Competency
1. Respond accurately, fluently, and appropriately message simple monologue in the
form of recount
2. Express accurately, fluently, and appropriately message simple monologue in the
form of recount
1. Respond a monologue of recount text.
2. Perform a monologue of recount text.

I. Learning Objective :
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
1. Respond a monologue of recount text.
2. Perform a monologue of recount text.
II. Core Material
Monolog text of recount:

An Excursion to Bogor Botanic Garden

All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this great place.
On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at that famous
garden at 10 o’clock.
Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and Group B followed
Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A. Well, first we went to odd tropical plants and Mrs. Nina read us some of the
information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery
and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we met group B at the information center to have
our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B did some research on flowers. Uhm…A
lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she explained about many kinds of Orchids.
Next, we had a look at the Indonesian orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were all
beautiful. Later, we took a look at the American, European and Asian orchid’s section. I was interesting. Soon
after we had finished our observations, we went back outside and met group B. Then, we got on the bus and
returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip and to Bogor Botanic Garden.

III. Method /Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
 Pre-Activity (10’)
Students perare a material that they need to be presented.
 Whilst Activity (70’)
 Randomly selected students tell about the embarrassing moments
they had experienced
 other students listen to the story
 students provide comments for each performance
 students to discuss the shortage of ways to tell
 Post Activity (10’)
 Students get feedback from teachers
 Students infer what to consider when telling experiences in the past
 Students are given the task to talk again about the vacation they've
ever experienced with using assistive devices (mis.foto):
V. Sources / Material / Media:
 Look Ahead Book 1 (page 16)

VI. Assessment
 Technique: Performance Assessment
 Form: Storytelling individually

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :8
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Competency:
1. Understanding the functional significance of the text is short and shaped simple
monologue texts recount, narrative and procedure in the context of everyday
life and access to popular science.
2. Reveal the functional meaning of the text is short and shaped monologue text
recount, narrative and procedure in the context of everyday life and access to

Basic Competency:
1. Respond to the meaning of the text that uses a variety of simple monologue
spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in form: recount text
2. Reveal the meaning of the text that uses a simple monologue different spoken
languages accurately, fluently,and acceptable in form: recount text
1. Respond to a simple form of monologue recount text
2. Perform spoken form of monologue recount text

I. Learning objectives
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
 Students can respond to simple monologue form of recount text
 Students can do a monologue spoken form of recount text

II. Core materials

Text Mologue of recount, example:
An Excursion to Bogor Botanic Garden
All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this great place.
On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at that famous
garden at 10 o’clock.
Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and Group B followed
Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A. Well, first we went to odd tropical plants and Mrs. Nina read us some of the
information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery
and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we met group B at the information center to have
our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B did some research on flowers. Uhm…A
lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she explained about many kinds of Orchids.
Next, we had a look at the Indonesian orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were all
beautiful. Later, we took a look at the American, European and Asian orchid’s section. I was interesting. Soon
after we had finished our observations, we went back outside and met group B. Then, we got on the bus and
returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip and to Bogor Botanic Garden.

III. Method / Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
Pre- activities (10’)
 Students prepare the things needed to tell
Whilst Activities (70’)
 Each student in turn retell their vocation experience
 Other students listen to stories that do.
Post Activities (10’)
 The student get feedback from teachers

V. Sources / Material / Media

 Look Ahead 1 book (page 17)

VI. Assessment
 Technique: Performance Assessment, Checklist
 Shape: The task of individual presentations

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :9
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Competency:
Understand the functional significance of short texts and texts written monologue / essay
form simple recount, narrative and procedure in the context of everyday life and access to
popular science

Basic competence
Understand and respond to the meaning of written text and rhetorical step monologue /
essay accurately, smoothly and thank in form:of recount

1. Identify the meaning of the text recount
2. Identify the rhetorical movement of recount text
I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
 identify the meaning of recount
 identify the steps in the rhetorical discourse: recount

II. Core materials

Written monologue text / essay of a simple recount

Johnny Ramone Died

LOS ANGELES. Jhonny Ramone, a guitarist and cofounder of the seminal punk band ‘The
Ramones’ died. He was 55. Ramone died in his sleep on Wednesday afternoon at his Los Angeles
home surrounded by friends and family. He had battle against prostate cancer for five years and
was hospitalized in June at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Ramone,born Jhonny Cuming, was one
of the original members of ‘The Ramones’, whose hit songs I Wanna Be Sedated and Blitzkrieg
Bop,among others, reached the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002. Jhonny Ramone founded
‘The Ramones’ in 1974 with Joey Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone and Tommy Ramone, the only
surviving member of the original band.

III.Mehtode/Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:

Pre-Activity (10’)
Students listen and pronounce some words.
Whilst Activity (70’)
Students read recount text and complete the appropriate words.
Students read the recount text such as; the profil the famous person.
Students complete the recount text by using verb past form
Students pronounce some words from recount.
Students answer the questions based on the text.
Post Activity (10’)
Students have an assignment to write their idol.
Students make a conclusion on how important the used past-form verb in recount
V. Source/Media
 Look Ahead Book 1 (Hal.18-21)
 Dictionary
VI. Assessment
 Technique: Assignment
 Form: Written test

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 10
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competence:
To understand the meaning of short functional text and simple monolog in the form of
recount, narrative and procedure in the context of daily life.
Basic Competence:
Understand and respond accurately, fluently, appropriately the rhetorical movement of
written monologue/essay in the form recount
1. Identify the ideational meaning of recount text
2. Identify the rhetorical movement of recount

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
Identify the ideational meaning of recount text
Identify the rhetorical movement of recount

II.Core Material:
Recount text
Johnny Ramone Died
LOS ANGELES. Jhonny Ramone, a guitarist and cofounder of the seminal punk band ‘The
Ramones’ died. He was 55. Ramone died in his sleep on Wednesday afternoon at his Los Angeles
home surrounded by friends and family. He had battle against prostate cancer for five years and
was hospitalized in June at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Ramone,born Jhonny Cuming, was one
of the original members of ‘The Ramones’, whose hit songs I Wanna Be Sedated and Blitzkrieg
Bop,among others, reached the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002. Jhonny Ramone founded
‘The Ramones’ in 1974 with Joey Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone and Tommy Ramone, the only
surviving member of the original band.

III.Method /Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
Pre-Activity (10’)
Students review the important of using past form in recount.
Students know in this meetig that it is going to be explained the language features
of recount.

Whilst Activity (70’)

Students read the explanation of Simple Past Tense
Students make sentences using simple past tense based on the given words.
Students read the explanation of pronoun.
Students ask questions by using pronoun correctly.
Students complete the written text of recount by using pronoun correctly
Students analyze writing task from .Simple Past Tense and pronoun aspect
Students having peer correction.

Post Activity (10’)

Students make a conclusion about the used of Simple Past Tense and pronoun sas
the language features of recoun ttext.

V. Source/Media:
 Look Ahead Book 1 (Hal.21-23)
 Dictionay

VI. Assessment
 Technique: Assignment
 Form: Written Exerccises

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 11
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competency:
1. To understand the meaning of the short functional text and the simple essay in the form of
narrative, recount and procedures daily life context and to get access popular science
2. To express the meaning of the short functional written text and the simple essay in the
form of narrative, recount and procedures in daily life context

Basic Competency:
1. To respond the meaning in short functional text formal and informal
by using kinds of written language accurately, fluently and appropriately in daily life context
and to access of the science in the form of narrative.
2. To express the meaning and the rhetorical steps in the essay by using
kinds of written language accurately, fluently and accepted in the daily life context, in the form
of: narrative

1. Respond a simple monologue text in the form of narrative
2. Perform a simple monologue text in the form of narrative

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
 Siswa dapat merespon teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative
 Siswa dapat melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk narrative

II. Core Material:

Narrative :

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king. He had a monster which was half bull and half man. He
ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a labyrinth in order to house the monster. When Daedolus
finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the king would not let him go.
Daedalus escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made wings for his son,
Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he
flew nearer to the Sun, it got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea
near Troy. The sea is now called the Icarian Sea. (adapted from :
Method/Technique: Three-phase technique
III. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
Qustions and answer whether the students know some of the Romawi legend.

b. Whilst Activity (70’)

Students listen to a monologue text in the form of narrative while compliting
Students respond the content of the text to answer the questions.
Students pronounce some vocabularies from a monologue text.
Students read an oral monologue narrative text by pronouncing it correctly.
Students answer the questions of oral monologue narrative text
Students complete the dialogue by using the given words in form of narrative.
Students pronounce some of the words from the narrative text.

c. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

Students make a conclusion the learning process.

IV. Source/Material/Media:
Look Ahead book 1 (page 32-34)
Listening Script

V. Assessment
Technique : Performance Assessment (responding)
Form : Oral qustions

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002


Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :1 2
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competency:
1. To understand message in transactional and interpersonal exchange in the daily life
2. To express the meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation and sustained in
daily life context and get access to popular science.

Basic Competency:
1.1. To respond accurately, fluently and appropriately in short functional text in daily life
contexts. Involving the act of speaking : paying attention
2.1. To express the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and
sustained accurately, fluently, and accepted in daily life context involving the act of
speaking paying attention.

1. Respond correctly the expression of paying attention.
2. Perform formal interpersonal conversation involving the act of speaking paying

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
1. Respond correctly the expression of paying attention.
2. Perform formal interpersonal conversation involving the act of speaking paying

II. Core Material:

Conversation/Dialogue of expressing:;
Paying Attention
E.g. A: Look students, do you know what i’ve got here
B: Oh,no!
III.Method /Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:

Pre-Activity (10’)
Students comment the pictures and answer the questions.

Whilst Activity (70’)

Students read the explanation of expression paying attention.
Students pronounce expression paying attention.
Students comment the next pictures and answer the questions.
Students complete some of the dialogue by using expression paying attention.
Some of the students act out the dialogue in front of the class.
The other students listen to and give comment toword the performance of their

Post Activity (10’)

Students get feedback from the teacher and review
V. Source.Material/Media:
Look Ahead boo1k ( page 34-36)
VI. Assessment
Technique: Performance Assessment
Form : responding & dialogue

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 13
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Competency:
1. To understand message in transactional and interpersonal exchange in the daily life
2. To express the meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation and sustained
in daily life context and get access to popular science.

Basic Competency:
1. Understand the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and
sustained accurately, fluently, and accepted in daily life context involving the act of
speaking accepting an invitation/offer, accepting and refusing,
2. Express the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and
sustained accurately, fluently, and accepted in daily life context involving the
expressions accepting an invitation/offer, accepting
1. Respond accurately the expressions of accepting and refusing an invitation/offer.
2. Perform a transactional and formal interpersonal conversation accurately involving
the expressions of accepting and refusing an invitation/offer

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
1. Respond accurately the expressions of accepting and refusing an invitation/offer.
2. Perform a transactional and formal interpersonal conversation accurately involving
the expressions of accepting and refusing an invitation/offer

II. Core Material:

Conversation/dialogue and expressions of accepting and refusing an invitation/offer
A: Would you like to go to the theater with me on Saturday night?

B: Yes, I’d love to

III.Method/Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
Qustions and answers with students about the used of accepting and refusing an
b. Whilst Activity (70’)
Students read the explanation of expression accepting and refusing an
Students pronounce expression accepting and refusing an invitation/offer
Students listen to an percakapan interpersonal/transactional in inviting
someone through cassette classically.
Students complete the dialogue by using the words they hear.
Students answer the questions based on the dialogue they hear.
Students complete the dialogue based on the information on the schedule.
Students act out the dialogue in front of the class in pairs.

c. Post Activity (10’)

Students get feedback from the teacher and review the expression accepting
and refusing an invitation/offer

V. Source/Material/Media:
Look Ahead book 1 (page.37-39)
Listening Script

VI. Assessment:
Technique : Performance Assesment
Form : Responding the oral questions, dialogue.

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle :14
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competency:
To express accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meaning in transactional and
interpersonal conversation in daily life context and get access to popular science.

Basic Competency:
To express accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meaning in short functional text formal
and informal that use kinds of spoken in put

Respond the reading passage related to sociocultural.

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
Respond the reading passage related to sociocultural.

II. Core Material

Reading Passage: Arranging Time

III.Method /Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
 Questions and answers with students about their habits to keep promise in
meeting someone.
b. Whilst Activity (35’)
 Students read ‘Arranging Time’
 Students answer the questions based on the reading passage.
 Students conclude the differences between every country to keep promise in
meeting someone.

c. Post Activity (10’)

 Students conclude the differences among countries and Indonesia to keep
promise in meeting someone.
V. Source/Material/Media:
 Look Ahead book 1 (page.39-40)

 Technique: Non-test
 Form : Questions

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 15
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Competence

1. To understand message in short functional text and in short monologue of recounts,

narrative, and procedures in the daily life contexts and get access to popular science.
2. To express the meaning in the simple monolog text the use kinds of spoken language
accurately, fluently, and accepted in the form of: narrative, recount and procedures in
the daily life context and get access to popular science.

Basic Competency
1. To understand message in short functional text and in simple monologue of narrative.
2. To express the meaning in the simple monolog text the use kinds of spoken language
accurately, fluently, and appropriately in the form of narrative
1. Respond a simple monologue text in the form narrative
2. Perform an oral monologue in the form narrative

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
1. Respond a simple monologue text in the form narrative
2. Perform an oral monologue in the form narrative

II. Core Material:

A simple monologue text in the form narrative

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king. He had a monster which was half bull and
half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a labyrinth in order to house
the monster. When Daedolus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the king would not
let him go.
Daedalus escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He
also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad
and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the Sun, it got warmer and warmer
until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy. The sea is now called
the Icarian Sea. (adapted from : www.greek
III.Methode/Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
 Qustion-Answer on students’ favourite story

b. Whilst Activity (70’)

 Students read the explanation of appositive which is often used in an oral
monologue text in the form of narrative
 Students complete the sentences by using the correct apositive
 Students answer the questions based on the oral monologue in narrative text
they read.
 Studentd read the oral monologue text.
 Students express their sympathy related to the story they read.
 Students read the explanation of expression showing sympahty.

c. Post Activity(10’)
Students conclude the learning process they have done today

V. Source/Material/Media
 Look Ahead book 1 (page. 40-42)
 Dictionary

VI. Assessment
 Technique: Performance Assessment (responding)
 Form : Oral Qustions

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002
Lesson Plan

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 16
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competency

1. To understand message in transactional and interpersonal exchange in the daily life

2. To express accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meaning in formal transactional
and interpersonal conversation and sustained in daily life context and get access to popular

Basic Competence
1. Respond the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and sustained
accurately, fluently, and accepted in daily life context involving the act of sympathy
2. Express the meaning in transactional and formal interpersonal conversation and sustained
accurately, fluently, and accepted in daily life context involving the act of speaking
expressing sympathy

1. Respond the expression of showing sympathy correctly.
2. Perform transactional and formal interpersonal conversation showing sympathy

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
1. Respond the expression of showing sympathy correctly.
2. Act out transactional and formal interpersonal conversation
showing sympathy

II.Core Material
Conversatio/dialogue of showing sympathy:
E.g. I’m sorry to hear about your father
I know how you feel

III.Method /Technique: Three-phase technique,k

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
 Students review the expressions of showing sympathy
b. Whilst Activity (70’)
 Students read the expression of showing sympsthy
 Students pronounce the expression of showing sympsthy.
 In pairs, students create a shor dialogue based on the given situation
 Students are chosen in random to act out their dialogue in front of the class.
 Students listen to the comments on their performances.
 Students complete the letter of condolence by using the words they heard.
 Students underline the expression of showing sympsthy.
 Students write a letter of condolence.
 The other students exchange letter with each other and do peer-correction.

c. Post Activity (10’)

 Students get feedback from the teacher and review the using of expression
showing sympsthy.

V. Source/Material/Media
 Look Ahead book 1 (page 41-44)
 Csasette/CD
 Tape/VCD
 Listening Script

VI. Assessment:
 Technique: Performance Assessment
 Form : Dialogue and Witten product

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002
Lesson Plan

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 17
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012
Standard Competency
1. Understand the meaning of the short functional text and the simple essay in the form of
narrative, recount and procedures daily life context and to get access to popular science
2. Express the meaning of the short functional text and the simple essay in the form of
narrative, recount and procedures daily life context and to get access to popular science
Basic Competency
1. Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately the meaning in short functional text formal
and informal by using kinds of written language in daily life context and to access science
in the form of procedures.
2. Express accurately, fluently and appropriately the meaning in short functional text formal and
informal by using kinds of written language in daily life context and to get access science
in the form of procedures.
1. Respond a simple monologue text in the form of procedure
2. Perform an oral monologue text in the form of procedure

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
 Respond a simple monologue text in the form of procedure
 Perform an oral monologue text in the form of procedure
II. Core Material:
Monologue text in the form of procedure

Have you ever eaten a cheese omelette? Do you know how to make a Cheese Omelette? No?
Would you like me to tell it for you? Okay. This is the way. Listen to me.
To make a Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of
cheese, uhm... ¼ cup of milk, three tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm...what else ....? Oh, yeah,
a pinch of salt and don’t forget some pepper. Now, to make a Cheese Omelet, you will need
some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a whisk, a spatula, uhm..... a cheese grater
...and a bowl and of course ....a plate. Okay? Are you following me ? Right! Let me tell you
how to make it.
First, crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth.
After that, add some milk and whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Next, heat
the oil in a frying pan, and pour the mixture into the frying pan. Then, turn the omelet with a
spatula when it browns. See, like this. Okay, next cook both sides. After the omelet is done,
place it on a plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can eat it while warm.
It’s easy, isn’t it? Bon appetite!
III. Methode/Technique: Three-phase technique
IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
 Question and answer on how to make tea or coffee

b. Whilst Activity (70’)

 Students listen to an oral monologue in the form of procedure.
 Students arrange pictures based on what they heard.
 Students pronounce some words from an oral monologue text.
 Students review the expressions that are used in offering drinks in the
 Students read and pronounce the expressions in offering drinks and its
 In pairs, students offering food/ drinks based on the pictures
 Students having a game on how to offer food/drinks continually.
 Students create a dialogue based on the given situation in group.
 Students are chosen in random to perform their dialogue.

c. Post Activity (10’)

 Students make a conclusion the learning process today

V. Source/Material/Media:
 Look Ahead 1 (hal 64-66)
 Cassette/CD
 Tape
 Listening Script

VI. Assessment:
 Technique: Performance Assessment (responding)
 Form : Oral Qustions and dialogue.

Tinggimoncong, 25th , July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002
Lesson Plan

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 18
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competency
To express the meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation and sustained in daily
life context and to get access to popular science

Basic Competency
To express accurately, fluently and appropriately message of formal and informal
transactional/ interpersonal conversation that use kinds of spoken language.

Respond the reading passage related to sociocultural

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
 Respond correctly the reading passage related to sociocultural

II. Core Material:

 Reading passage ‘Tea Time’

III.Methode/Technique: Three-phase technique

IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
 Question and answer with students about drinking tea culture

b. Whilst Activity (35’)

 Students read the text on “Tea Time”
 Students answer the questions based on the text.
 Students make a conclusion about the differences every countries at the time
of drinking tea.
 Students’ differenciate with drinling tea in Indonesia.
c. Post Activity (10’)
 Students make a conclusion the differences among other countries at the time
of drinking tea including Indonesia.
V. Source/Material/Media:
 Look Ahead book 1 (page 67)

VI. Assessment:
 Technique : Non-test
 Form : Questions

Tinggimoncong, 25th July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002
Lesson Plan

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 19
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standard Competence
1. Understand the meaning of the short functional text and the simple monologue in the
form of narrative, recount and procedures daily life context and to get access to
popular science
2. Express the meaning of the short functional text and the simple monologue in the
form of narrative, recount and procedures daily life context and to get access to
popular science
Basic Competency
1. Respond accurately, fluently and appropriately the meaning in short functional text formal
and informal by using kinds of written language in daily life context and to access science
in the form of procedures.
2. Express accurately, fluently and appropriately the meaning in short functional text formal and
informal by using kinds of written language in daily life context and to get access science
in the form of procedures.

1. Respond a simple monologue text in the form of procedure
2. Perform an oral monologue text in the form of procedure

I. Learning Objectives:
After the lesson, students are expected to be able to …
 Respond a simple monologue text in the form of procedure
 Perform an oral monologue text in the form of procedure

II.Core Material:
Monologue text in the form of procedure
Have you ever eaten a cheese omelette? Do you know how to make a Cheese Omelette? No? Would you like me to tell it for
you? Okay. This is the way. Listen to me.
To make a Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of cheese, uhm... ¼ cup of milk,
three tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm...what else ....? Oh, yeah, a pinch of salt and don’t forget some pepper. Now, to make a
Cheese Omelet, you will need some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a whisk, a spatula, uhm..... a cheese grater
...and a bowl and of course ....a plate. Okay? Are you following me ? Right! Let me tell you how to make it.
First, crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth. After that, add some milk and
whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan, and pour the mixture into the frying
pan. Then, turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns. See, like this. Okay, next cook both sides. After the omelet is done,
place it on a plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can eat it while warm. It’s easy, isn’t it? Bon
III.Methode/Technique: Three-phase technique
IV. Procedures:
a. Pre-Activity (10’)
 Questio and answer if they make omelet
b. Whilst Activity (70’)
 Students listen to an oral monologue text in the form of procedure and
complete it.
 Students respond the context of the text by amswering the questions.
 Students give name to the kitchen uttencil.
 Students pronounce some of the words Action Verbs related to how to cook
 Students translate Action Verbs vocabularies into Indonesian language.

c. Post Activity (10’)

 Students conclude the importance of using Action Verbs in an oral monologue
text in the form of procedure.
V. Source/Material/Media:
 Look Ahead book 1 (page.68-69)
 Cassette/CD
 Tape/VCD
 Listening Script

VI. Assessment:
 Technique : Performance Assessment (responding)
 Form : Oral questions

Tinggimoncong, 25th July 2011

Acknowledged by:
The Prinscipal of SMA Negeri 2 The English Teacher,

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.19 540323 197903 1 010 NIP.19551102 197803 1 002
Lesson Plan

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 20
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standar Kompetensi

1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sedehana
berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog
berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehifupan sehari-
hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan..

Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk:
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secar aakurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk:

1. Merespon teks monolog sederhana berbentuk procedure
2. Melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk procedure

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa dapat merespon teks monolog sederhana berbentuk procedure
 Siswa dapat melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk procedure

2. Materi Pokok
Teks monolog berbentuk procedure, contohnya:
Have you ever eaten a cheese omelette? Do you know how to make a Cheese Omelette? No? Would you like me
to tell it for you? Okay. This is the way. Listen to me.
To make a Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of cheese, uhm... ¼ cup
of milk, three tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm...what else ....? Oh, yeah, a pinch of salt and don’t forget some
pepper. Now, to make a Cheese Omelet, you will need some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a whisk, a
spatula, uhm..... a cheese grater ...and a bowl and of course ....a plate. Okay? Are you following me ? Right! Let
me tell you how to make it.
First, crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth. After that, add
some milk and whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan, and pour the
mixture into the frying pan. Then, turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns. See, like this. Okay, next cook
both sides. After the omelet is done, place it on a plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can
eat it while warm. It’s easy, isn’t it? Bon appetite!
3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

d. Kegiatan Awal (10’)

i. Siswa mereview kembali penggunaan Action Verbs sebagai ciri
kebahasaan teks procedure.
ii. Siswa mengetahui bahwa pada pertemuan ini mereka akan mempelajari
ciri kebahasaan teks lisan monlog procedure yang lain yaiu sentence

c. Kegiatan Inti (70’)

i. Siswa membaca penjelasaan mengenai penggunaan
sentence connectors.
ii. Siswa melengkapi paragraf dengan sentence
connectors yang tepat.
iii. Siswa mendengarkan teks monolog lisan procedure
dan menyusunnya sesuai informasi yang didengar.
iv. Siswa mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian tiap teks
d. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)
i. Siswa menyimpulkan aspek bahasa teks lisan
procedure (tujuan, organisasi dan ciri-ciri

5. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
d. Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal 70-71)
e. Kaset/CD
f. Tape
g. Script dari Look Ahead 1

6. Penilaian
 Teknik: Performance Assessment
 Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan & latihan tertulis

Mengetahui …………………,….
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.130794206 NIP.130682453
Lesson Plan

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade :X
Semester :1
Cycle : 21
Time allocatuin : 2 x 45
Academic Year : 2011-2012

Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis monolog/esei
sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer

Kompetensi Dasar
Memahami dan merespon makna dalam teks tulis fuingsional pendek (mis.
pengumuman, petunjuk) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima.

Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks fungsional pendek
berupa petunjuk di Hotel
 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks fungsional pendek
berupa petunjuk mengisi form
 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks fungsional pendek
berupa petunjuk memakai jaket pelindung.

2. Materi Pokok
Teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana berbentuk notice, contohnya

Room 1063
When Checking Out :
o Check out by 12: 00 noon
o Be sure to take all your personal belongings
o Leave your key at the front desk
o Ask for the bill and pay at the cashier’s desk
In Case of Fire :
 Go to the nearest FIRE ALARM box and pull alarm. Fire extinguishers are available next to each fire alarm box.
 Do not use elevators
 Follow signs to the nearest EMERGENCY EXIT in order to evacuate the building
Hotel Manager
3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

e. Kegiatan Awal (10’)

Tanya jawab apakah siswa pernah menginap di hotel dan
peringatan /tanda apa saja yang ada di sana.

e. Kegiatan Inti (70’)

i. Siswa membaca teks tulis fungsional pendek,
berupa Notice sebuah penginapan di hotel.
ii. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks
iii. Siswa mengisi form of saving account.
iv. Siswa berdiskusi menjawab pertanyaan yang tertera
di buku
v. Siswa mendengarkan teks lisan berbentuk
vi. Siswa mengurutkan gambar berdasarkan teks yang

f. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

i. Siswa menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran pada
pertemuan ini
5. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
 Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal 75-77)

6. Penilaian
 Teknik: Tugas
 Bentuk: latihan tertulis

Mengetahui …………………,….
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.130794206 NIP.130682453
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran :B. Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1
Pertemuan ke : 36
Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional/ interpersonal resmi dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional resmi secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi)resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
memberi instruksi
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi dalam ragam lisan
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi

1. Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: memberi instruksi
2. Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan
interpersonal/transaksional: memberi instruksi

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa dapat merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: memberi
 Siswa dapat melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan
Interpersonal/transaksional: memberi instruksi.

2. Materi Pokok
Percakapan/dialog dan pernyataan yang memuat ungkapan–ungkapan berikut
mis. Crack an egg into a bowl like this Go to sleep.

3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
f. Kegiatan Awal (10’)
i. Siswa mereview pengunaan imperative, must and musn’t untuk memberi

g. Kegiatan Inti (70’)

i. Siswa menentukan instruksi yang tepat sesuai
ii. Siswa membuat dialog singkat berdasarkan gambar
peringata pada buku teks
iii. Siswa menanggapi gambar tanda-tanda peringatan.
iv. Siswa membaca penjelasan mengenai tingkat
kesopanan pada kalimat untuk memberi instruksi
v. Siswa melengkapi instruksi yang berbentuk
positive& negative commands.
vi. Siswa melengkapi teks procedure dengan ungkapan
untuk memberikan instruksi yang tepat.

h. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

i. Siswa menyimpulkan penggunaan
imperative,must,dan musn’t.untuk memberi
instruksi dan merupakan ciri kebahasaan teks

5. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
 Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal 78-81)
 Kamus
 Kaset/CD
 Tape
 Script dari Look Ahead 1

6. Penilaian
 Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)
 Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan &tulisan

Mengetahui …………………,….
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.130794206 NIP.130682453
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran :B. Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1
Pertemuan ke : 37
Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional/ interpersonal resmi dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional resmi secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
Kompetensi Dasar
1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi)resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
memberi instruksi
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi dalam ragam lisan
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi

1. Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: memberi instruksi
2. Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/
transaksional: memberi instruksi

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa dapat merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: memberi
 Siswa dapat melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan
Interpersonal/transaksional: memberi instruksi
2. Materi Pokok
Percakapan/dialog dan pernyataan yang memuat ungkapan–ungkapan berikut
mis. Crack an egg into a bowl like this Go to sleep.
3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

g. Kegiatan Awal (10’)

i. Siswa mereview penggunaan must dan musn’t untuk memberi instruksi.

i. Kegiatan Inti (70’)

i. Siswa membaca penjelasan mengenai penggunaan must dan
musn’t untuk mrmbri instruksi.
ii. Siswa melengkapi teks procedure dengan menggunakan
iii. Siswa melengkapi dialog dengan must/musn’t
iv. Siswa membaca penjelasan mengenai penggunaan sentence
connectors untuk memberikan instruksi
v. Siswa melengkapi teks procedure dengan menggunakan
senetence connectors

j. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

i. Siswa menyimpulkan penggunaan,must,dan musn’t. dan sentence
connectors untuk memberi instruksi dan merupakan ciri
kebahasaan teks procedure.

5. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
 Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal 81-83)
 Kamus
6. Penilaian
 Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)
 Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan & tulisan

Mengetahui …………………,….
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.130794206 NIP.130682453


Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran :B.Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X /1
Pertemuan ke : 38
Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana
berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan teks monolog/esei tulis
sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer

Kompetensi Dasar
1. Memahami dan merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis monolog/esei secara
akurat,lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: procedure
2. Mengungkapkan makan dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam teks berbentuk procedure
1. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks procedure
2. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks procedure
3. Menulis teks berbentuk procedure

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks procedure
 Siswa dapat mengidentifilasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks procedure
 Siswa dapat menulis teks berbentuk procedure

2. Materi Pokok
Teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana berbentuk procedure,contohnya;
Materials needed
Two players, one marble per person, a hole
in ground,a line (distance) to start from.

You must dub (click marbles together)
You must check that the marbles are
in good condition and are nearly worth the samevalue.
Dig a hole in the ground and draw a line
a fair distance away from the hole.
The first player carefully throws his or her marble towards the hole.
Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble
closer to the hole than his or her opponent.
The player whose marble is closest to the hole
3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
tries to flick his / her marble into the hole. Three-phase technique
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
If successful, this player tries to flick his or her opponent’s marble
into the hole.The person flicking the last marble
into the hole wins and gets to keep both marbles


h. Kegiatan Awal (10’)
Tanya-jawab mengenai peraturan bermain kelereng.
k. Kegiatan Inti (70’)
i. Siswa membca teks tulis procedure
ii. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks tersebut
iii. Siswa membetulkan cara penulisan sebuah teks tulis procedure
iv. Siswa menganalisa bagian-bagian teks procedure.
v. Siswa berkelompok melengkapi teks procedure dengan kata-kata
yang disediakan.
l. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)
i. Siswa menyimpulkan karakteristik teks procedure (tujuan,
organisasi dan ciri kebahasaan)
ii. Siswa mendapat tugas untuk membuat teks procedure mengenai
cara mengoperasikan suatu benda.

5. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
 Buku Look Ahead 1
 Kamus

6. Penilaian
 Teknik: Tugas
 Bentuk: latihan tertulis

Mengetahui …………………,….
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.130794206 NIP.130682453

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran :B.Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1
Pertemuan ke : 39
Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana
berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan teks monolog/esei tulis
sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer

Kompetensi Dasar
1. Memahami dan merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis monolog/esei secara
akurat,lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: procedure
2. Mengungkapkan makan dan langkah-langkah retorika secar akurat, lancar dan berterima
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam teks berbentuk procedure
1. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks procedure
2. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks procedure
3. Menulis teks berbentuk procedure

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks procedure
 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks procedure
 Siswa dapat menulis teks berbentuk procedure

2. Materi Pokok
Teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana berbentuk procedure
Materials needed
Two players, one marble per person, a hole
in ground,a line (distance) to start from.

You must dub (click marbles together)
You must check that the marbles are
in good condition and are nearly worth the samevalue.
Dig a hole in the ground and draw a line
a fair distance away from the hole.
The first player carefully throws his or her marble towards the hole.
Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble
3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
closer to the hole than his or her opponent. Three-phase technique
The player whose marble is closest to the hole
tries to flick his / her marble into the hole.
4. Langkah-langkah
If successful, this playerKegiatan
tries to flick his or her opponent’s marble
into the hole.The person flicking the last marble
i. Kegiatan Awal
into the hole (10’)
wins and gets to keep both marbles

i. Siswa mereview berbagai aspek teks procedure (tujuan, organisasi, dan ciri-ciri
ii. Siswa menggunakan table yang disediakan untuk membantu menulis procedure

m. Kegiatan Inti (70’)

i. Siswa menulis teks
ii. Siswa memperlihatkan dfrat pertamanya kepada temannya
iii. Siswa saling mengevaluasi tulisan masing-masing
iv. Siswa mendapat feedback dari temannya
v. Siswa bertanya pada guru
vi. Siswa menulis ulang menulis ulang

n. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

i. Siswa mengumpulkan hasil tulisan yang berbentuk procedure

5. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
 Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal.87)
 Kamus

6. Penilaian
 Teknik: Performannce Assessment, Checklist
 Bentuk: tulisan

Mengetahui Tinggimoncong,21 November 2007

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Jasman Luasin, M.Ed Drs. Muhammad Anas

NIP.130794206 NIP.1306


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