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CHAPTER-1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Baryte is the moderately soft crystalline mineral form of barium sulphate
(William Ebenezer et al 1915). Approximately, 80% barytes produced world-wide is
used for oil and gas drilling as a weighting agent to drill mud because of its unique
physical and chemical properties like heaviness, high specific gravity and magnetic
neutrality. It is a principal ore of barium and is used as a feedstock for producing
various barium compounds, and is also utilised as filler, extender and aggregate.
Baryte after converting to barium carbonate is used in the manufacture of ceramic
and glass. The Mangampeta deposit in Cuddapah district of Andhra Pradesh is the
single largest barytes deposit in the world. India is one of the leading producers and
exporters of barytes in the world.
Generally Barytes deposits are found in rocks ranging from Archean crystalline
to late Tertiary sediments. Barytes occurs most commonly as veins either singly or
associated with chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, sphalarite, quartz, fluorite, siderite,
calcite and dolomite and also rarely with allanite, monazite, columbite, marcasite,
magnetite, tetrahedrite, etc.
On account of its insolubility it forms residual deposits under favourable
conditions. The deposits under favourable conditions. The deposits sometime are of
large dimensions and economically mineable, although of rather low grades.
Sedimentary deposits from under special conditions and are of large dimensions and
high grades. These are considered as the most important ones.

The name Baryte is derived from the Ancient Greek ‘Barus’ in the sense
‘Heavy’. The American spelling is Barite. The International Mineralogical Association
adopted “barite” as the official spelling when it formed in 1959, but recommended
adopting the older “Baryte” spelling in 1971, notably ignored by the Mineralogical

society of America. Other names have been used for Baryte, including Barytine,
Barytite, Barytes, heavy spar (William Ebenezer et al, 1915) and Blanc fixe.

1.2 Mode of Occurrence

Minerals bear a genetic relationship with the rock types in association with
which they are formed. This is generally true except in the case of some minerals
which are not formed in the places where they occur now. Barytes has been
observed to occur in the form of veins, stringers, lenses and disseminations which in
general follow certain definite lines of fracture i.e., joints and fault fissures with the
single exception of the bedded barytes deposits in Mangampeta area.

Earlier it was considered that the barytes veins were to the both of the nature
of the fissure veins and replacement veins. But the sharp contact of the veins, their
regular tabular form, lack of protuberances, emplacement into the country rock, the
presence of rectangular shaped intrusions of the limestone with sharp limestones,
and even the general position of stringers along joint planes in the country rock
favour the view that the barytes deposits are more of the nature of fillings than
replacement deposits. At some places, red bands of calcite with ill-defined
boundaries are met with. This indicates that some limestone might have been
dissolved and recrystallized or the calcite may belong to a younger generation of
hydrothermal minerals. In either case, replacement is only of minor consequence
and the deposits are more of the nature of fissure veins.

The association of vein barytes with basic volcanics and the presence of traces
of BaO in the trap has led to the belief that barytes mineralisation is related to basic
intrusions. But the absence of basic intrusive in other barytes bearing areas in Upper
Cuddapah rocks has raised doubts about the possibility of the barytes being
genetically related to the basic magma. Neelakantam and Roy (1979) believed that
the barytes in Cuddapah basin both vein and bedded are the products of extreme
barium rich volcanism. However, considering the mode of occurrence, deposition of
the veins and basic association, it is more probable that vein barytes is hydrothermal
in origin and possibly, the basic magma is the carrier of barium rich fluid. Although
basic volcanism in lower Cuddapah time has affected the calcareous and
argillaceous sediments, overlying Gulcheru Quartzite, the mineralisation is confined
only to the calcareous horizon. The localization of mineralisation to the
dolomite/limestone may be attributed to the following reasons:

i) The Vempalle dolomitic limestone had more structural weak planes i.e.,
open fissures, fractures and joint planes and also solution cavities
compared to compact quartzite and shale, which might have served as
paths for mineralising solution to get in and look for ore deposition. The
shale being plastic would flown under pressure and does not give rise to
fissure fractures as in the case of the limestone. The controls for
mineralisation are therefore both structural and lithological.
ii) The volcanism Lower Cuddapah times occurred in three phases
a) Towards the end phase of the Vempalle formation in the form of sub
aerial basic lava flows
b) Basic and acidic volcanic activity contemporaneous with the
sedimentation in the higher Tadipatri succession and
c) Dolerite, gabbro and serisite sills intruding the Vempalle and Tadipatri
formations. The third phase of igneous activity is considered
responsible for mineralisation in the Vempalle formations.

Occurrence of barytes in Mangampeta area are considered to be of

sedimentary origin. The radiating play aggregate of barytes containing inclusions of
euhedral crystals, microlites unaltered feldspar, outlines of the wavy barytes lapilli,
angular to sub-angular nature of quartz grains exhibiting embays margins, the
presence of minute dark dust like particles in quartz and barytes grains sagging of
the tuff laminae beneath the quartz, pyrite and barytes lapilli indicate a pyroclastic
origin of the crystal and devitrified glass tuffs and lapilli (rosette) barytes. The
granular barytes is formed by the precipitation of the volcanic exhalative under sub
marine/sun aqueous condition. The intercalations of the rosette barytes within the
granular barytes and vice versa may be attributed to deposition of pyroclastic
material within the chemical sedimentary type. The intimate association of the
barytes derived from the pyroclastic and exhalative phase of volcanic activity
indicates them to be the products of same volcanism. [Karunakaran C (1973)].

1.3 Geographical distribution of barytes –world

The minerals barytes has fairly abundance distribution in the commonwealth

countries with metallic compound. It is reported to be associated with copper and
silver-lead minerals. Pure Barytes with over 92% of BASO4 is found in lodes at
running creek and elsewhere around Kilikivan. Most of the deposits are among
middle and older Palaeozoic rocks and commonly found associated with Galena,
Pyrite and Limonite. Lenses and small veins of barytes are found in Devonian rocks
in the vicinity of lava, east of Mudgene. They are apparently in part fissure lodes and
in part replacements of shale and sandstones and they may be related to an
adjacent intrusion of Quartz Porphyry. (British geological survey 2005).

Barytes deposits are found throughout the world in a variety of geological
environments (FIG 1.2)

Fig 1 The distribution of major active and inactive barytes mines and significant

1.4 Geographical distribution of Baryte – India

Andhra Pradesh continued to be the premier state in barytes production

accounting for almost the entire production of barytes. Very nominal production
was reported from Rajasthan. [I.B.M (1985)].

1.4.1 Distribution of barytes in Andhra Pradesh

Barytes occur in the various lithostratigraphic units of Cuddapah supergroup

of rocks right from the oldest Gulcheru Quartzite of the Papaghni group of srisailam
Quartzite of the youngest Krishna group. An occurrence of vein barytes deposit has
also been reported from the Banganapalle conglomerate horizon of the Kurnool

The occurrences in Ananthpur district are in the form of veins which generally
follow some definite lines of fractures, i.e., joints and fault fissures. Few veins have
also been noticed along the zone of brecciation. The barytes occupy the planes of
stratification is not uncommon, whereas in Kurnool district barytes mineralisation in
the form of veins is confined to the upper horizon of Vempalle formation
comprising dolomite, limestone, chert bands and chert breccia.

In Pulivendula taluk of Cuddapah district barytes occurs in the Lower

Cuddapah sequence of rocks as veins, stringers, lenses and disseminations. Although
most of the barytes veins are confined to the contact, faulted/ fissured zone
between the Vempalle limestone and basic volcanics, a few veins are also reported
at the trap (volcanic) quartzite contact. The mineralisation has followed the shear,
fissure and joint planes of limestones, which are concordant with the general trend
of formation. The veins are of the swell and pinch types, having restricted strike
lengths of few metres to about 400m. These are usually narrow, ranging from a few
centimetres to maximum of 2m in thickness. The veins have sharp contact with the
basic volcanic or limestone, which are the host rocks. The vein barytes is usually
crystalline and white to snow white in colour, though some of the coloured varieties
may be stained. The gangue minerals associated with the barytes are quartz, calcite,
pyrite, chalcopyrite, limonite and malachite as disseminations or as thin films and
coatings along the cleavage planes of the barytes in a number of veins and often in
the country rock close to the contact. There is a general increase in the quartz
content both along the strike and dip.

In the Rajampet taluk of Cuddapah district, thickly bedded barytes deposits

have been reported at Mangampeta. These deposits have undergone minor folding
and cross folding. They generally occur below tuff cover of 2 to 180m in thickness up
to a maximum depth of 200m below the ground surface. The ore is generally
associated with thin bands of tuff. Low grade varieties composed of rosette barytes

with tuff intercalations and having a specific gravity 3.8 to 4.2 occur at the top
followed by granular variety of barytes of high grade having a specific gravity of 4.22
and above.

1.4.2 Distribution of barytes in Rajasthan

In Rajasthan barytes mineralisation is associated with igneous, metamorphic

and sedimentary rocks. It occurs as veins, cavity filling, bedded, flout and residual
deposits. The most important and economically valuable area in Rajasthan is Alwar
district which contributes about 90 percent of total barytes production of the state.
In this district the barytes deposits fall in two distinct zones, one passing from
Bhagat-ka-bas and the other Sainpuri to Akbarpur. These zones are commonly
known as Rajgarh and Alwar belts. The geological setting in both the zones is
identical. In Rajgarh belt the barytes deposits/occurrences and at the contact with
granite. The litho units in Khora Makhora area in Alwar district belong to the upper
formation of Alwar Group. Barytes occurs as veins and veinlets in quartzite along the
shear planes and fold closures. The localisation of barytes mineralisation is seen
guided by structural control.

The other districts which contain barytes deposits/occurrence are Bharatpur,

Bhilwara, Bundi, Chittor, Pali, Sikar, Jalor and Udaipur. In Bharatpur district near
Hahori, barytes veins are emplaced along strike joints and mineralisation is confined
to the volcanic rocks. In Bhilwara district near Jawar Kalan and Rawatbhata
concentration of bedded barytes has been recorded form the vindhyan sediments
and occurs as small veins, stringers vugfilling and laminations in the shales of the
lower part of Rewa Group known as Panna shales. In Udaipur district near
Relpataliya the barytes occurs in granite gneisses of banded gneissic complex of
Archean Group.

1.5 Deposits of barytes and its types
The three major types of barytes deposits are stratiform or bedded, vein and
residual. The earliest workings were from veins, often associated with lead and zinc
deposits, and from residual deposits, especially in the USA. Most barytes is now
produced from stratiform or bedded deposits.

1.5.1 Stratiform or bedded deposits

The most important stratiform deposits are those formed by the precipitation
of barytes at or near the seafloor of sedimentary basins (sedimentary exhalative or
‘sedex’ deposits). The brines are generated by migration of reduced, saline fluids
and are concentrated by major basin-controlling faults. They are often associated
with base metal sulphides (mainly zinc-lead). They occur in rocks varying in age from
Precambrian to Cenozoic.

The largest single deposit is the Mangampeta deposit in Andhra Pradesh,

India where two stratiform lenses up to 1.2 km long and 20 m thick contain over 74
million tonnes of barytes. Annual production from the district is 700 000 tonnes and
it contributes about 90% of barytes production in the state. The Andhra Pradesh
Mineral Development Corporation is one of the major producers of the mineral. The
most important producer from sedex deposits is China with almost 4 million tonnes
per year. Major deposits occur in Cambrian black shales in the Jiangnan region of
south China and the Qinling region in the Yangtze valley. The latter area contains
some witherite and barytocalcite (BaCa (CO3)2) deposits associated with the barytes

Important stratiform barytes deposits occur in the western USA. The largest
district is the Nevada barytes belt, which extends over 500 km from north to south
and is about 125 km wide. It is estimated to contain around 90 million tonnes of
barytes in hundreds of small lenses in siliceous sediments.

Other historically important stratiform deposits have been mined from

Devonian shales in Germany and in Mesozoic carbonates in a belt from Pakistan
through Iran. Until recently there were no recorded major barytes deposits in
Russia, as supplies for the former Soviet Union were obtained from the Ansay,
Bestube and Zhayrem barytes deposits in Kazakhstan. However, a recent report
indicates that a barytes deposit in the Primorye region of far-eastern Russia, which
had previously been regarded as too small to be commercially significant, has been
re-evaluated and has a resource of 600 000 tonnes.

1.5.2 Vein and replacement deposits

Small vein-style barytes deposits occur throughout the world, but very few
are worked. Large vein-style deposits were mainly worked before the 1980s until
large sedex deposits became more important. Vein-style deposits form by
precipitation from hot barium enriched fluids in faults and fractures as a result of
fluid mixing or reduced pressure and/or temperature. Sometimes the fluids dissolve
the surrounding host-rocks to form irregular replacement deposits. There are a
number of vein and replacement deposits in Britain. Major veins have been worked
in Morocco, USA, Germany and Slovakia. The Ballynoe deposit in Ireland produced
over 5 million tonnes of direct-shipping barytes between 1963 and 1993. The
barytes occurred as a single lens associated with Replacement Zn-Pb mineralisation
in Lower Carboniferous carbonates.

1.5.3 Residual deposits

Residual deposits are formed by the dissolution of the host rock of vein or bedded
deposits, leaving irregular masses of barytes in a clay matrix. Deposits are extremely
variable in size and shape, but can extend over several kilometres. In Missouri this
form of barytes was known as ‘tiff’ and a substantial hand-mining industry grew up
in the early 20th century, but is no longer active.

1.6 Regional Geology

The Cuddapah basin is located between latitudes 13˚30’N to 17˚N and longitudes
78˚E to 80˚E. The crescent shaped, easterly concave and N-S trending Cuddapah
basin (Fig.) covers an area of 44000 sq. km in the east central part of Dharwar
craton. The basin extends for a length of about 450 km along the arcuate eastern
margin with a mean width of 150 km, and is the second largest Purana basin of
Peninsular India, after the great Vindhyan basin. The arcuate north, south and
western boundary of the Cuddapah basin marks the profound unconformity (called
Eparchaean Unconformity in early literature) on basement granites enclosing the
Eastern greenstone belts in Kadiri, Veligallu and Tsundupalle in the south, and
Raichur, Gadwal and Peddavuru in the north. The arcuate eastern margin is marked
by a prominent boundary thrust, which is parallel to the Nellore schist belt, Eastern
Ghats mobile belt and the East Coast. A giant basic dyke swarm underlies the basin
in the west from Chittoor in the south to Mahbubnagar in the north. Cuddapah
basin is characterized by quartzite-carbonate-shale cycles having an aggregate
thickness that is estimated to vary between 6 and 12 km. The early sediments of the
basin are interspersed with basic volcanics and sills. Felsic volcanics and tuffs are
intercalated with sediments at many horizons. The basin is well known for its
mineral potential in the form of limestones and dolomites, bedded and vein barites,

chrysotile asbestos and steatite, besides occurrences of base metals, diamond,
phosphorite, uranium and abundant building and ornamental stones. The western
half of the basin is undeformed and consists of four sub-basins, the Papaghni,
Kurnool, Srisailam and Palnad. The Papaghni and Kurnool sub-basins are
geographically interlinked, but were sites of deposition at different times, the
Papaghni sub-basin containing lower Cuddapah sediments, and the Kurnool sub-
basin containing the younger Kurnool sediments that overlie the Cuddapah
sequence with a major unconformity. Srisailam sub-basin contains upper Cuddapah
sediments and Palnad sub-basin exposes only the younger Kurnool sequence. The
eastern half of the Cuddapah basin is occupied by the Nalamallai fold belt consisting
of upper Cuddapah sediments. Nallamalai fold belt is demarcated from the
undeformed western sub-basins by the prominent fault lineament called the
Rudravaram Line along which cleavage begins to develop in the Cuddapah
sediments, which become intensely deformed towards the boundary thrust in the

The Cuddapah Supergroup has been named after the Cuddapah basin of
Andhra Pradesh where it is best developed. As the rocks of this Supergroup rest
uncomformably over the schists and gneisses of Archean age and is overlain by the
Vindhyan, its age is Lower Purana. (Neelakantam S, Suthanandam P, Roy S, Murthy
Y G K (1980))

1.6.1 Distribution

In India the Cuddapah rock formations occur mainly in four areas

1) Cuddapah basin of Andhra Pradesh

2) Bijapur District of Karnataka (Kaladgi group)

3) Chhattisgarh area of Madhya Pradesh and,

4) Along Aravalli mountain in Rajasthan (Delhi Supergroup).

In the main Cuddapah basin, the rocks occupy an area of about 35000sq
kilometres. The shape of the basin is Cresentic the concave side of which is towards
the east. At the concave margin, the length of the basin in the N-S direction is about
300km and its maximum width is about 140km.

1.6.2 Lithology

The succession of the Cuddapah Supergroup is composed of mainly Quartzites

and slates or shales. The Limestones occur only in subordinate amounts. The total
thickness of the succession is over 6km. The Cuddapah rocks are mostly
unfossiliferous. However the presences of Stromatolites have been reported from
Vempalle Limestones.

1.6.3 Structure

The rocks which lie toward the western margin of the Cuddapah basin are
undistributed but those which are situated near the eastern margin have been
folded, faulted and slightly metamorphosed. Here the argillaceous strata have been
mostly converted into slates.

1.6.4 Classification

The succession of Cuddapah Supergroup has been divided into four groups.
These groups are separated from one another by unconformities. Each group begins
with the coarse sediment at its base followed by the finer sediments and carbonate
rocks thereby indicating a cycle of deposition.

1.6.5 Geological succession of Cuddapah Basin

1.7 Geology of the area

Mangampeta barytes deposit comprises beds of granular barytes overlained
by lapilli barytes occurs within the Proterozoic Pullampeta formation (1300 million
years) of the Cuddapah basin. The Mangampeta deposit is having maximum
thickness of 140m is the thickest known deposit in the world. This is also a largest
deposit known in the world of Barytes deposit with 74 million tonnes of Barytes in a
single deposit, encased in the Proterozoic sedimentary rocks of Cuddapah basin. The
main rock type includes white shale, black shale, carbonaceous tuff and dolomite.

1.7.1 Chronological order of rock types

11) Soil and Morram etc...
10) Tuff (carbonaceous) weathered and bleached in the upper part up to a depth of
30-40m from the ground level
9) Tuff with Quartz lapilli
8) Tuff with Quartz and Barytes lapilli
7) Tuff with Barytes lapilli
6) Alternate bands of lapilli Barytes and tuff
5) Lapilli barytes
4) Granular barytes
3) Carbonaceous tuff
2) Dolomite with tuff bands
1) Carbonaceous tuff with dolomite bands
The barytes deposit of Mangampeta occurs in the form of two lensoid bodies (North
and Southern lenses) separated from one another by a distance of 700m. The
geological map of the area around Mangampeta together with generalised cross
section of the deposit shown below. Of the two lenses northern lens deposit is
larger in extent and thickness and contains almost all the reserves. The Mangampeta
Barytes deposit occurs with in the upper horizons of the tuff. [I.B.M (1985)].

1.8 Location of present study

The area of study is Mangampeta barytes project (project being run by The
Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., a wholly State Government
under taking) which is lying between “Latitude & Longitude of N14o00’ to
14˚02’15.01’’ and 79o17’55.48’’ to 79o19’41.54’’of Mangampeta village of
Obulavaripalle mandal, Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, India, a worlds one of
the biggest deposits of bedded deposits of barytes ore.

1.9 Accessibility
Mangampeta barytes project is well connected by road and is on the highway
of Tirupathi and Cuddapah. Tirupathi is about 63km from Mangampeta and 78km
from Cuddapah. Nearest airport is Renigunta of Chittoor district which is about
78km and the nearest seaport is Chennai.
1.10 Climate and Rainfall
Mangampeta climate is classified as tropical. When compared with winter,
the summers have much more rainfall. This climate is considered to be Aw (Tropical
Savanna West) according to the Koppen-Geiger climate classification. In
Mangampeta, the average annual temperature is 28.8 °C. The rainfall here averages
762 mm. Precipitation is the lowest in February, with an average of 2 mm. In
October, the precipitation reaches its peak, with an average of 176 mm.

Fig 2: Geological map of Cuddapah Basin


Fig 4: Geological map of Mangampeta area, Cuddapah District

Mining and Grading
2.1 Genesis of the Deposit
In order to explain the stupendous of concentration of barium, in a small area of
about three fourth square kilometres at Mangampeta, the GSI conducted regional
and detailed surveys around the deposit to understand the exact geological setting.
Detailed Petrological, Geochemical, Geochronological, isotope studies etc. were also
carried out to know the genesis of the deposit.
The GSI postulated revolutionary theories of magmatic sources for the barytes. The
bottom granular beds are said to be formed by precipitation of barium sulphate
derived from volcanic exhalative (vapours).

For the lapilli barytes in the upper horizons of the deposit, the barium
sulphate magma (among various other magma phases of different chemical
composition) is opened as the source. By explosive volcanic action glass of barium
sulphate composition was shot out in to the air and got settled on the surface of the
earth’s crush with Layers/beds with varying proportions of dust/ash (tuff). The lapilli
exhibits rosette structure consisting of radiating needles of barytes consequent
upon the devitrification (conversion of glass into fibrous material) underwent by
these lapilli. Phases of silica magma are also interpreted, the basis of layers
containing lapilli of quartz having similar petrographic characteristics.

According to some geologists magmatically barium cannot have concentrated

more than a fraction of one per cent in the source rocks. For the formation of a
deposit they investigate rocks containing such amounts of barium as the source. The

ground waters issuing out in the form of submarine springs contain barium
extracted from large tracts. These waters on coming in contact with the sulphur in
the sea water give rise to chemical precipitation of barium sulphate and its
deposition into beds/layers.

As yet the details of the genetic processes of formation of this barytes deposit
are not fully understood. In the search for additional mineral deposits, genetic
studies of the known deposits play a crucial role. Hence continued research on this
topic is of great value as foundation for future exploration.

2.2 Grades of Barytes

Based on Specific Gravity, the barytes ore will be divided into different grades
with nomenclature like ‘A’-Grade; ‘B’-Grade, ‘C+D’ and Chemical Grade for the
convenience of trading.

The mineral occurs in two distinctive varieties, the granular type and the
lapilli-rosette type. The granular variety is most prominent in quality and
economically important due to its high specific gravity of 4.32 and BASO4 content of
94%. It is light grey in colour, massive, bedded, and granular/saccharoidal and
occupies the bottom portion of the barytes bed. It is commercially referred as “A”
Grade variety, the lapilli rosette Barytes overlying the granular type is commercially
divided into 3 varieties, “B” grade with specific gravity of 4.22 to 4.32, “C & D” grade
with 4.0 to 4.22 and “Chemical” grade with specific gravity of 3.6 to 4.0.

Fig 5: ‘A’-Grade Ore

Fig 6: ‘B Grade ore’

Fig 7: ‘C & D’-Grade Ore

Fig 8: ‘Chemical Grade ore’

2.3 Extraction
Open cast, mechanized method of mining is currently in progress in the area by
developing 6m height benches in a NW-SE direction with progress towards
Northeast from Southwest. A 10m wide haulage road with gradient of 1 in 20 from
surface in to the pit touching all the benches. The mineral and the waste rock (tuff)
will be broken by deep hole blasting, using wagon drills of 100m dia. The broken
material will be loaded into 10 tonne capacity tippers by hydraulic excavators for
transportation. Mining involves handling of about 16,000 tonnes (3500 tonnes of
barytes and 13,000 tonnes of waste /day) to meet the targeted generation of 4.5
m.t. of material/annum. APMDC produced 8.85 lakh tonnes of barytes by excavating
26.03 lakh CBM of Overburden in the year 2001-2002.

2.4 Resources
The total resources of barytes in India a on 01-04-2010 as per UNFC system
are placed at 73 million tonnes constituting 43% reserves and 57 remaining
resources. By grades 40% resources re of oil well drilling grade followed by 6% of
chemical grade, 1% paint grade and 33% constitute low grade. By over 20% of
resources are of other unclassified and not known categories. Andhra Pradesh alone
accounts for 94% of the barytes resources.

2.5 Consumption
The consumption of barytes decreased to 186,000 tonnes in 2012-13 from
194000 tonnes in 2011-12. The oil well drilling industry the main consumer of
barytes accounted for 77% consumption followed by 18% consumption by chemical
industries, the other 5% consumption is by industries like paint, asbestos products,
rubber, glass, paper and cement.

2.6 World reserves of barytes
Total reserves (in ‘000 tonnes) 3500000
China 100000
Germany 1000
India 34000
Kazakhstan 85000
Morocco 10000
Russia 12000
Thailand 18000
Turkey 35000
USA 15000
Mexico 7000
Pakistan 1000
Other countries 35000
(Source)-mineral commodities summaries 2014

2.7 Quality of Barytes

In quality the lower beds of the deposit are of the highest grade. Often almost
pure barium sulphate readily marketable or even fit to serve as ‘sweetener’ for off
grade ore. The upper bed contains lower grade ore not readily suitable for industrial
purposes though the percentage of barium sulphate is as high as 70 to 90 per cent.
For extraction of the underlying high grade ore, these overlying lower grade ores
have to be mined first. Thus in the interest of conservation of this calculable asset as
also for bringing down the mining cost beneficiation and upgrading of these low
grade ores should become an integral part of the overall long term exploitation of
the deposit.

2.8 Uses of Barytes
The main use of barytes (accounting for 88% of 2003 world production) is as a
weighting agent in oil and gas well drilling fluids or ‘mud’ (Figure 3.1). Finely ground
barytes is added to the drilling fluid (mainly water, but with other chemicals to
enhance its performance) to increase the density of the column of fluid above the
drill bit and thus assist in preventing a ‘blowout’. Barytes can form up to 40% of the
fluid by weight. Although there are alternatives, barytes is the favoured weighting
agent as it is non-corrosive, non-abrasive, insoluble and non-toxic. It is also relatively
cheap and easily available. The normal specifications are provided by the American
Petroleum Institute. The density of pure barytes is about 4.5 g/cm3, while the
density for drilling fluid use must be greater than 4.2g/cm3 with at least 90% ground
to less than -325 mesh (45μm). In offshore drilling in the USA the U.S. Environmental

Agency limits the content of mercury to 1 milligram per kilogram of barytes and that
of cadmium to 3 milligrams per kilogram of barytes (U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1997).
Barytes' particular qualities of high density, low solubility, high brightness and
whiteness, chemical inertness, softness and relative cheapness also make it valuable
in many other applications. These include:
• As a filler in paint and plastics
• As the main source of barium for the chemical industry
• the production of lithopone, which is a high performance white pigment
composed of a mixture of chemically precipitated and calcined zinc sulphide and

barium sulphate. Titanium dioxide has largely replaced barytes for this application,
but there are still some specialised uses
• minor uses as an absorber of gamma and X-ray radiation, e.g. special concrete to
shield nuclear and X-ray installations. In the construction industry barytes is
sometimes added to concrete to increase its density for specialist application. In
medicine, it is used to highlight problems within the human body
• In glass manufacture as a flux and to add brilliance and clarity.
The specifications for each of these applications place limits on the levels of
contaminant minerals or elements in barytes. Natural barytes commonly contains
fluorine, strontium, lead, zinc or iron in undesirable amounts that have to be
reduced by blending or treatment.

2.9 Environmental aspects

APMDC’s mining operations started in 1961. During the period, people were
not very serious about the environmental impacts, which resulted from mining
activities whereas the basic objective was production. Only with the threat of
deterioration of Ecology at an alarming rate, did the Nation awake.

Till that time, in general, the provisions and statutes prevailing and followed
are the Mines Act, 1952 under which the Mines Rules, 1955 were framed and as
amended from time to time, the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 and related
DGMS Circulars, the Mines and Minerals (Regulation & Development) (MMRD).

Act, 1957 under which Mineral Concession Rules (MCR), 1960 and Mineral
Conservation and Development Rules (MCDR), 1988. The said Acts and Rules has
only general environmental preventive or control measures which is to be followed
in any mine, whether underground or open cast. APMDC has also been following
these provisions in obtaining leases and operating all their mines.
Pursuant to the United Nations Conference on the human environment held
in Stockholm in June, 1972, India being a member to the summit, had enacted the
following acts and regulations concerning to protect and improve the environment
for the citizens particularly in respect of environmental management of mining
1) The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Amendments
2) The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Amendment thereon.
3) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 with Amendments.
4) The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 with Amendments thereon.
5) The Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957 has been modified
and the new Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1999 was came
into effect from 18-12-1999 which has specific Chapter (Chapter - V) on
environment protection and conservation.

Keeping the above-mentioned Legislations in view, APMDC being a

responsible public sector made efforts to take all possible steps to check pollution
and take all appropriate environmental measures in their existing mines for Barytes
at Mangampeta (v), Cuddapah district and proposed new mine for Calcite at
Nimmalapadu (v), Visakhapatnam district, with the main objective of complying to
all the National Environmental Regulations. APMDC has a mission of optimizing
production capacity with improvement in productivity and profitability to itself and
also to the state government by way of giving additional revenue in the form of
payment of royalty for the ore that is dispatched and by payment of dividends as a
profit making public sector as a primary objective and without causing much adverse
effects on environment due to the mining operations simultaneously by means of
available resources.
APMDC, by utilizing the expertise of consultants, has got all the
environmental studies made as required by Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986
and the necessary Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) prepared for the existing Mangampeta Barytes mine at
Cuddapah district. Based on the said EIA/EMP report, APMDC is continuously
monitoring the environmental parameters as stipulated and required in a timely
manner and also taking all possible mitigate measures for reducing the impact of
mining of barytes and other related activity including at its pulverization plant also in
respect of air, noise, water etc., some of which are mentioned below. As part of this
environmental control and mitigate measures, overburden material is dumped
separately and stabilized suitably. Air, Noise and Dust suppression measures are
taken by way of raising plantation near O.B. dumps, haulage roads, colony and
administrative building. Mine water is sprinkled on the haulage roads to reduce dust
emanation regularly. A nursery with the local plantation suitable for quick growth is
raised with the help of State Forest officer.

2.10 Relevance of the National Geological Monument

A pyramidal block of this deposit, if preserved undisturbed during the course
of mining would show the structures and depositional features. This was thought to
be a most desirable thing to do in order to provide a permanent three dimensional
exhibition of a view of a representative part of the deposit which is a unique natural

The site chosen for monument lies at the common boundary (buffer zone) of
leases of M/s APMC and Vijayalakshmi mineral trading company. It is the proud
privilege of these two organisations to have jointly donated a sizeable chunk of this

valuable commercial commodity for preservation as a permanent scientific exhibit
of national and international importance.

Fig 9: Pyramidal block preserved as national monument

Fig 10: Drilling process at mine site

Fig 11: Panaromic view of mine site.

Fig 12: Prominent fold exposed on the top most layer of the mine.

Fig 13: Bedding planes exposed in the mine site

Fig 14: Syncline and Anticline in white Shale


3.1 Petrography
A detailed petrographic study of barytes and associated
strata in Mangampeta barytes deposit, has shown that typically in the mid-section
of the lenticular body, the barytes is underlained by carbonaceous shale with
abundant pyrite in cubes and stringers parallel to stratification. Near the end of the
barytes lens, the basal strata are crystal tuff interbedded with softer tuffs both
containing minor quantities of barytes. The lowest barytes layers also contain minor
intercalations near the base of pyritiderous carbonaceous shale. The barytes in the
lower layers is dense, finely crystalline and massive and is of the best quality
analysing 90 to 97 percent BaSO4.

A microscopic study is conducted under plane polarised

light and crossed Nichols with the collected ‘A’, ‘B’, C & D’, AND CHEMICAL GRADE
samples from the field of barytes mine, Mangampeta.

3.2 ‘A’ GRADE
Microcrystalline & shows low to medium order interference colour, stains of
mafic material are seen acquiring as small layers. Innumerable euhedral opaque
grains of pyrite are also seen. At places carbonates also occur along with barytes.



3.3 ‘B’ GRADE
Baryte is microcrystalline & detected by innumerable this veins of opaque
minerals. Tremolite and enhedral Tremolite with medium order interference colours
also occur in appreciable amounts. A few grains of euhedral pyrites are also seen.
Carbonates are also occurring in minor amounts.

Fig 18: Under crossed Nichols

Fig 19: Under Plane polarized light

3.4 ‘C & D’ GRADE
Baryte is microcrystalline interlaced by carbonate veins having Tremolite and
opaque minerals. Tremolite is enhedral shows low order interference colour.
Plagioclase grids with well-developed polysynthetic twinning are also seen.

Fig 20: Under crossed Nichols

Fig 21: Under plane polarized light

Baryte is microcrystalline occurs in association of Tremolite, smaller amounts
of Biotite and opaque’s. Opaque minerals are seen occurring as this veins criss-
crossing the baryte. Few grains of muscovite and plagioclase are also seen at places.

Fig 22: Under crossed Nichols

Fig 23: Under plane polarized light

Chapter 4
Summary and Conclusion
From the study of volcanogenic bedded barytes deposit of Mangampeta area,
the following observations are drawn:

The general trend of the rocks in Mangampeta deposit is NNW-SSE which

gentle to moderate dips towards ENE. The rocks are folded into a number of gently,
plunging anticlines and synclines with their fold axes trending NNW-SSE. Variations
in strike and reversal of dip due to folding. Barytes occurs in Mangampeta area in
the form of two lensoid bodies, separated by a distance of about 700m.

In Southern lens the strike of the bed swerves gradually from N60˚W to S 60˚E
and in the North western part N 10˚ W – S 10˚ E.

Litho units of the area

Generalised Geological succession of beds in the Northern lens:

Litho units thickness range (m)

Soil 0.50-2.50
Quartz veins ----------
Tuff (partly weathered) 1.70-181.05
Carbonaceous tuff with quartz lapilli 0.05-05.85
Tuff with quartz and barytes lapilli 0.24-02.90
Tuff with barytes lapilli. Alternate bands 0.30-22.10
of lapilli barytes and tuff lapilli barytes
Granular barytes 1.28-35.19
Carbonaceous tuff 2.20-76.05
Dolomite with thin black tuff bands 52.5 max thickness
Alternate grey and black tuff with 15.25
thin dolomite
Dolomite more than 68.60
The term ‘Tuff’ refers to a combination of altered glass and crystal fragments or ‘mixed’

Generalised Geological succession of beds in the southern lens:

Litho units Thickness range (m)

Soil 0.50-2.00
Tuff (partly weathered) 2.00-51.62
Quartz pyrite lapilli tuff 1.58 max
Barytes lapilli tuff 4.55 max
Granular barytes 1.15-12.38
Barytes lapilli tuff 0.20 max
Tuff (carbonaceous) 11.30
Source: Neelakantam S, Geologist (1987), Mangampeta barytes deposit

Ore microscopic study indicates the Baryte is microcrystalline with low to

medium order interference colour. Opaque grains of euhedral pyrite is present
innumerably. Barytes occurs in association of Tremolite which is enhedral. Mica
plagioclase and dolomite has been present in the thin section samples.

1. Karunakaran C (1973): Indo-Soviet symposium on recent trends in Exploration
of minerals, oil and ground water, sponsored by Academy of science USSR and
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2. I.B.M (1985): Barytes in A.P-Bulletin no.17 (INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES)
3. Neelakantam S, Suthanandam P, Roy S, Murthy Y G K (1980) final report on
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4. Rao VV, Kundarkar VS (1989-90) special study report on Barytes Mines,
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7. Nagaraja Rao BK, Rajurkar ST, Ramalingaswamy G and Ravindra Babu(1987),
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8. Krishnaswamy V S (1984): records of the G.S.I volume 113, part 1, annual
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9. William Ebenezer (1915). Dana's Manual of Mineralogy for the Student of
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