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I. Background

a. It must include a brief summary of the organizational issue.

Solar Cell is a manufacturing company base in southern part of Korea that

manufactures different types of solar powered products. They have costumers base
in local parts of the country and abroad. The company is growing fast due to the
increased demand for non-conventional energy. The CEO of the company
associates their success in the use of control charts for their manufacturing
procedures which lets them control the quality of their final outputs. The control
chart is also implemented to their HR and Finance sector because of increase of
employees also most of the employee felt undervalued and not trained that is why
they left the company. The management decided through provide one-day
awareness program for the HR and Finance people so they can understand the
expectation in the needs for the control charts initiative.

II. Statement of the Problem

a. How can Solar Cell Manufacturer control or eliminate attrition and

overspending in their organization through the use of control charts?

To control the attrition and overspending in their organization through the use of
control chart they must stop rehiring employees because the company has a lot of

b. What steps should the top management employ in order to overcome the
resistance of the employees in the change initiative?

The company should follow all the process from one to thirteen from step 1 to step
13 determine process capability and notice the changes of it.
c. What steps in implementing Statistical Process Control (SPC) should Solar
Cell Manufacturer apply in order to succeed in the initiative?

1) Plan - Planning is a really important part in order to implement SPC. This

involves identifying the problems and creating solutions. In this case, the problem
is the major increase of employee attrition and significantly large budget of
different departments. If there's an immediate action in order to solve the problem,
this can be implemented. But if not, experiment/research will help.

2) Experiment/Research - In this part, data must be gathered from the employees

with different factors. These factors can be the hypothesis that causes the problem.
Since exit interviews are conducted in the company, this can be used as data and as
a factor why does employee leaves. Also, surveys and monthly reports of their
expenses can be used in order to find out why there's a significant large budget
allocated in the certain department. When these data are already gathered,
statistical tests can be done in order to know what really causes the problems by
using correlation or t-test or other useful tests.

3) Analyze - After experimenting, analyzing of the results must happen. This is

also important because those data gathered will be useless unless it is analyzed.
Using data analysis and some charts/graphs for the presentation, conclusion can be
made and with these, appropriate and effective solution/s can now be created based
on the data gathered.

4) Act - Of course, the main goal is to implement these solutions and act based on
this solution. Here, we can really see if the solutions are really effective for the
company. Everything we've done from the first steps are nothing without applying
it to the company.

III. Areas of Consideration

a.It must include details and facts from the case that contribute to the
organizational problem of the company.
The details and facts from the case that contribute to the organizational problem of
the company is the over employment, Lack of training, Allocation of budget
through each department.

IV. Alternative Courses of Action

a.It must contain at least (2) two courses of action for every point stated in the
statement of the problem. It must also present the advantages and
disadvantages of each course of action in resolving the organizational

The management of Solar Cell Manufacturers can overcome resistance by focusing

to create awareness among their staff on the importance of switching to use control
charts at the same time assume to put all the staff as part of the staff to spearhead
the project of introducing control charts.

Creating employee awareness when bringing changes to an organization is not

only critical but also fundamental. Employee awareness involves all the activities
that educate or give the employee the idea about the new changes in the
organization. Awareness can be done by organizing seminars-taking the employees
to benchmark the idea in other organizations that has coped with the change.
Through bench marking, the employees will understand the need of accepting the
new changes at the same time get a grasp of the whole idea about how the new
system will favor them and increase the general productivity of the company.

Also, awareness can be delivered by hiring the experts to have a presentation about
the new change and guarantee user support in case the employees face challenges
while using the system. The organization can organize for an expert to tuition the
staff members all aspects of the new system and probably work together during the
initial stages before employees are fully satisfied to operate the system.


1. The team will find a reason to accept the change

2. The team will fully understand the benefit the change will bring holistically
to the organization
3. There will be little minimal resistance when all the stakeholders are reading
form the same script.


1. It might cost the organization a lot of money to organize trip, bench marking
and other awareness events
2. An expert will be required to take the staff through the new changes.

Another critical course of action is involving the employees in all the phases of
change implementation. By this, the employees will definitely feel valued and
motivated because their views will be considered in meetings when they discuss
proposal about the introduction of such new changes. The staff will then work
along with the implementation team so that they launch the change together.

The advantages of involving employees:

1. The employees are likely to accept the changes because the will feel to part
of the team
2. There will be little or no resistance at all during the implementation time
because employees would have acquainted themselves with the idea of
accepting the change.
3. Resistance is dealt with at the initial stages before it materializes.


1. It might be expensive for the organization to meet overhead cost for this
exercise but the expense is worth every coin.
2. It requires a lot of time to undertake of the negotiation and consultation and
find a consensus among all the members involved.

V. Recommendation

a. It must present the best course of action among the presented alternatives in
resolving each organizational problem.
For me the best recommendation I can recommend is to follow the implementation
and Deployment of SPC because it is certified and prove to be effective and for me
following the steps is important to continue the growth of the company and have a
process to it.

VI. Management Lessons Learned

a.It must discuss the takeaways from the case and the relevant things that the
company should do or not do in order to avoid the given organizational

The management learned that when a business is starting to grow they must focus
more in controlling each department within the company.

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