You are on page 1of 56

wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 1

¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi

(wewmGm wcÖwj.- wjwLZ cÖÖkœ we‡kølY, P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)

cwiKíbv I m¤úv`bvq
Avwgbyj Bmjvg wgjb
we.G (m¤§vb); Gg.G, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq
†jKPvivi (evsjv) wewmGm cÖ¯‧wZ ‡cÖvMÖvg & UCC
†jLK: AvwgbyjÕm evsjv
†gvevBj: 015 1921 1921

†gvt Zvbfxiæj nK †gveviK †nvmvBb wkwki
we.G (m¤§vb); Gg.G, (Bs‡iwR), Pwe we.G (m¤§vb); Gg.G, (evsjv), Xvwe
†jKPvivi (Bs‡iwR) fvwm©wU fwZ© I wewmGm (mvaviY wkÿv)
wewmGm cÖ¯‧wZ ‡cÖvMÖvg

†gvt †ivKb-D¾vgvb (kvnxb) Rwgi †nv‡mb

we.Gm.wm (Abvm©) Gg.Gm.wm (MwYZ) we.G (Abvm©), Gg.G (Xvwe)
Gg.we.G (Xvwe) †jLK: RwgiÕm G.K
m¤úv`K: RwgiÕm g¨vc

eY©web¨vm : †gvt iv‡mj eKvDj

cÖ_g cÖKvk : †deªæqvwi, 2019 wLª÷vã
wØZxq ms¯‥iY:b‡f¤^i, 2019 wLª÷vã
Z…Zxq ms¯‥iY: †deªæqvwi, 2020 wLª÷vã
PZz_© ms¯‥iY: b‡f¤^i, 2020 wLª÷vã
cybgy©`ªY: RyjvB, 2020 wLª÷vã
cÂg ms¯‥iY: Rvbyqvwi, 2021 wLª÷vã

[MÖš’¯^Z¡ :cÖKvkK KZ…©K me©¯^Z¡ msiwÿZ]

ï‡f”Qv g~j¨ : 30.00 UvKv gvÎ|
¯^cœ cÖKvkb
015-1921 1971
2 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 3

†jLK I m¤úv`‡Ki K_v

evsjv‡`‡ki m‡ev©”P m¤§vbRbK †ckv ÔwewmGmÕ‡K †e‡Q †bqvq Avcbv‡K AvšÍwiK
Awfb›`b| ejv n‡q _v‡K, gvbyl Zvi ¯^‡cœi mgvb eo| Avgiv mevB †`wL fv‡jv wKQz
Kivi| wKš‧ mwVK cwiKíbv I K‡Vvi cwikÖg Qvov ¯^cœ ¯^cœB †_‡K hvq| GB
eBwU‡Z wewmGm wcªwj. I wjwLZ cÖkœ we‡kølY K‡i P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|
cvkvcvwk wewmGm wcªwj I wjwLZ Kgb UwcK mg~n wPwýZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| hv
wkÿv_x©‡`i‡K Kg cwikÖg K‡iI c~Y©v½ cÖ¯w‧ Z‡Z mnvqZv Ki‡e| Avkv Kwi eBwU
wkÿv_x©‡`i MvBW jvBb wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|

cwi‡k‡l cÖZ¨vkv Kwi wewmGm K¨vWvi nIqvi gva¨‡g Avcwb Avcbvi wb‡Ri,
cwiev‡ii, mgv‡Ri m‡ev©cwi iv‡óªi Dbœq‡b Avcbvi †gavi m‡ev©”P e¨envi wbwðZ
Ki‡eb| mvd‡j¨i cy®ú-cjø‡e weKwkZ †nvK Avcbvi Rxeb| AbvMZ w`b †nvK
iwOb, ewY©j, F× I mg„×|

g‡b ivL‡eb, ÒcwikÖg bq, †K․kjMZ cwikÖg mvd‡j¨i PvweKvwVÓ|

Avwgbyj Bmjvg wgjb

4 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
µwgK b¤^i welq c„ôv b¤^i
1. wewmGm wcÖwj. weMZ 6 eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡kølY (10g-40Zg) I 5-21
P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb
2. wcÖwj. wjwLZ Kgb UwcKmg~n wPwýZKiY 22
3. BCS wcÖwji bZzb wm‡jevm (evsjvq) 23-28
4. BCS wjwLZ bZzb wm‡jevm (evsjvq) 29-45
5. wewmGm wjwLZ weMZ 6 eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡kølY (10g-40Zg) I 46-56
P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb
N‡i e‡m eBwU †c‡Z jM Bb Kiæb : 144 122 015 1971 2071 015 1952 1971 01970-957 957 015-1921 1971
GQvovI eBwU cvIqv hv‡”Q †`‡ki AwfRvZ jvB‡eªwi mg~‡n|
Avcbvi GjvKvi cÖvw߯’vb Rvb‡Z Kj Kiæb : 015-1921 1971
 gvgyb eyK nvDR, bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01914-514506
 Kjvfeb (k¨v‡Wv) ûgvqyb †÷vi, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq| †gvevBj: 01860-018360
 gvBkv eyKm&, bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01818-266091
 ZvR jvB‡eªwi, bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01716-574742
 †mv‡nj jvB‡eªwi, bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01882-434461
 Avjg eyKm&, bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01760684476
 bvnvi eyKm&, bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01718622929
 ‡Zvdv¾j jvB‡eªwi, dvg©‡MU, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01726-104422
 UCC jvB‡eªwi, dvg©‡MU, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01915-666409
 Gwkqv jvB‡eªwi, wgicyi, XvKv| †gvevBj: 01975-301788
 wbD eyKj¨vÛ, PÆMÖvg| †gvevBj: 01307-888482
 †`vjb Puvcv, PÆMÖvg| †gvevBj: 01670514475
 K‡jR jvB‡eªwi, gqgbwmsn| †gvevBj: 01712-681568
 mvgx jvB‡eªwi, wm‡jU| †gvevBj: 01915-847157

cÖavb cwi‡ekK
gvgyb eyK nvDR
bxj‡ÿZ, XvKv| ‡gvevBj: 01914-514506
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 5
wcªwj. P‚ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY
1. evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨ ........................................c~Y©gvb: 35
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
e¨vKiY AskÑ gvb 15
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1 aŸwb 2 2 2 1 1 -
2 eY© - 2 - 1 - -
3 kã 1 1 2 2 1 2
4 mwÜ 1 1 - 1 1
5 cÖZ¨q 1 1 - 2 - 2
6 c` 1 2 - - 2 -
7 mgvm 1 1 2 1 1 -
8 evK¨ 1 1 1 1 - -
9 evbvb I evK¨ ïw× 3 1 2 2 - 1
10 cÖ‡qvM Ñ AccÖ‡qvM - 1 1 1 1 -
11 cwifvlv 1 1 2 1 1 1
12 mgv_©K kã 2 1 2 1 2 2
13 wecixZv_©K kã 1 - - 1 1 1
wm‡jevm ewnf~©Z cÖkœ
14 YZ¡-lZ¡ weavb 1
15 KviK I wefw³ 2
16 evMaviv 2
17 GK K_vq cÖKvk 2
18 DcmM©
19 Ab¨vb¨ - - 1 - 4 -
†gvU = 15 15 15 15 15 15

M„n wkÿ‡Ki mnvqZv QvovB wewmGm wcÖwj.cixÿvq evsjv e¨vKiY As‡k

AwaK fv‡jv Ki‡Z PvB‡j msMÖn KiæbÑ
ÒAvwgbyjÕm evsjvÓ
(‡¯úkvj n¨vÛ‡bvU msKjb)
6 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
mvwnZ¨ AskÑ gvb 20
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
wel‡qi bvg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1 hyMwefvM 1 - - - - -
cÖvPxbhyM 1
2 Ph©vc` 1 - 2 1 - 2
ga¨ hyM -
3 kÖxK…òKxZ©b Kve¨ 1 - - 1 - -
4 g½j Kve¨ 1 - - - - -
5 c`vejx - - 2 1 - 1
6 Rxebx mvwnZ¨ - 1 - - - 1
7 gnvfviZ 1 - - - - -
8 cyuw_ I †jvK mvwnZ¨ - - 1 2 - 1
9 †ivgvw›UK 1 - - - - -
10 bv_ mvwnZ¨ - - 1 - - -
11 AvivKvb ivRmfvq 1 1 - 1 - -
evsjv mvwnZ¨
12 KweMvb - 1 - - - -
13 hyMmwÜKvj - 1 - - - -
14 †dvU© DBwjqvg K‡jR - 1 - 1 - -
15 ivRv ivg‡gvnb ivq - - - - 1 -
16 Bqs‡e½j - 1 - - - 1
17 Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi 1 - - 1 - -
18 RmxgD`&`xb - 1 - 1 - 1
19 †iv‡Kqv mvLvIqvZ - - 1 1 1 -
20 iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi 2 2 1 2 1 2
21 KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg - 2 1 1 1 1
22 ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq - 1 1 - - 2
23 kvgmyi ivngvb - - 1 1 - -
24 ûgvqyb Kwei - - - 1 - -
25 gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë - 1 - 1 - 1
26 gybxi †P․ayix - 1 - 1 - -
27 mÄq fÆvPvh© - - - 1 - -
28 cÖg_ †P․ayix 1 1 - 1 - -
29 Kvq‡Kvev` - - 1 - - -
30 `xbeÜz wgÎ - - - 1 - 1
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 7
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
wel‡qi bvg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
31 gxi gkviid ‡nv‡mb - 1 1 - 1 -
32 nvmvb nvwdRyi - 1 - - -
33 ûgvqyb AvRv` - - 1 - - -
34 Avey Rvdi - 1 - - - -
35 †gvZvnvi †nv‡mb - - 1 - -
36 †mwjg Avj `xb - - 1 - - -
37 •mq` gy¯Ídv wmivR - - 1 - - -
38 kIKZ Imgvb - 1 1 - - -
39 Rxebvb›` `vk - 1 1 - - -
40 Zv‡iK gvmy` 1 - - - - -
41 K…òKzgvix 1 - - - - -
42 †kL Iqvwn` 1 - - - - -
43 AvLZviæ¾vgvb 1 - - - - -
44 †mv‡gb P›`ª 1 - - - - -
45 e½eÜz †kL gywReyi 1 - - - - -
46 wbg©‡j›`y ¸Y 1 - - - - -
47 mybxj M‡½vcva¨vq 1 - - - - -
48 cÎ-cwÎKv 1 1 1 - - 1
49 fvlv welqK MÖš
 - - 2 - - -
50 Ab¨vb¨ - - 1 - - 4
†gvU = 20 20 20 20 05 20
Ab¨vb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wel‡qi P‚ovšÍ mv‡Rkb
µwgKbs wel‡qi bvg wewmG‡m hZevi G‡m‡Q (10g-40Zg)
01 weL¨vZ cÎ-cwÎKvi m¤úv`K I cÖKvkKvj 27
02 fvlv Av‡›`vjb m¤úwK©Z mvwnZ¨ 9
03 gyw³hy× wfwËK mvwnZ¨ 8
04 Dcb¨vm 6
05 bvUK, Q›` cÖKiY 5
06 M`¨, m½xZ 4
07 gnvKve¨, MxwZKweZv I m‡bU, 4
8 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
mvwnZ¨ As‡ki P‚ovšÍ mv‡Rkb
µwgK wel‡qi bvg wewmG‡m hZevi
bs G‡m‡Q (10g-40Zg)
01 iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi 40
02 KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg 23
03 Ph©vc` 13
04 ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq 12
05 gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë, kirP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq, gxi gkviid †nv‡mb 12
06 RmxgD`&`xb 10
07 cÖg_ †P․ayix 8
08 W. gyn¤§` knx`yjøvn 7
09 •mq` AvjvIj, Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi, Rxebvb›` `vk, †jvK 8
mvwnZ¨ ‣el¨e mvwnZ¨
10 KweIqvjv/kv‡qi, ivRv ivg‡gvnb ivq, diiæL Avng` 6
11 hyMwefvM, kÖxK…òKxZ©b, fviZP›`ª, kvn gyn¤§` mMxi, gybxi †P․ayix 4
12 g½jKve¨, kÖx‣PZb¨‡`e, W. mybxwZKzgvi, P‡Ævcva¨vq, †eMg 3
†iv‡Kqv, gvwbK e‡›`vcva¨vq, •mq` gyRZev Avjx,
AvLZviæ¾vgvb Bwjqvm
13 PÐx`vm, we`¨vcwZ, c¨vixPvu` wgÎ, wenvixjvj PµeZx©, BmgvCj 2
†nv‡mb wmivRx, Avng` kixd, `x‡bkP›`ª †mb, †mwjg Avj `xb,
b~iæj †gv‡gb, kIKZ Imgvb, Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvn
14 Ávb`vm, wbg©‡j›`y ¸Y 1
evsjv mvwnZ¨ As‡k fv‡jv Ki‡Z PvB‡j msMÖn Kiæb ÒmvwnZ¨ msKjbÓ
2. English Language and Literature
English Language [Marks-20]
Question Analysis According to New syllabus (35th – 40th)
SL Name of Topics 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th
Parts of Speech
1 The Noun 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 The Pronoun - - - 1 - -
3 The Adjective 1 - - - - 1
4 The Verb 1 1 - - - -
5 The Adverb 1 1 1 1 - 1
6 The Preposition 1 3 1 1 1 1
7 Gerund - - - 1 - -
8 Participle - - 1 1 - 1
9 The Determiner 1 - - - - -
10 The Number - - 1 1 1 1
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 9
SL Name of Topics 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th
11 Idiom and phrase 1 1 1 1 1 1
Clause 1
12 The Adverbial 1 - 1 1 - 2
13 The Adjective - - 1 - - 1
14 Corrections 1 2 1 1 - -
15. Sentence and - 1 - - - -
16 The Complex - - 1 - - -
17 The Compound - - - 1 - 1
18 The Voice 1 - 1 1 1 1
19 Narration - 1 - 1 -
20 Words 2
21 Synonyms 1 1 3 1 1 1
22 Antonyms 1 2 1 1 - 2
23 Substitutions 2 - 1 1 4 -
24 Tense - - 1 1 1 -
25 Usages of words as - 1 - - - -
various parts
26 Right forms of verb - - - 1 1 -
27 Article 1 - 1 - 1 -
28 Subject verb 2 1 2 - 1 -
29 Group verb 1 1 - - - -
30 Condition 1 1 - - - -
31 Quantifier - - - 1 - -
32 Analogy 1 - - - - -
33 Spellings - - - 1 2 1
34 Suffix-Prefix - - - - 1 -
35 Letter - - - - - 1
Total = 20 18 20 20 17 20
10 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
English Literature [Marks-15]
Question Analysis According to New syllabus (35th – 40th)
Sl Name of Topics 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th
1. Periods of English - - 1 1 - -
Renaissance Period -
2. 1. Elizabethan Age - - - 1 - -
3 William Shakespeare 2 3 3 3 1 4
4 Christopher Marlowe 1 - - - - -
5 Thomas Kyd - - - 1 - -
2. Jacobean Age -
6 Ben Jonson - - 1 - - -
7 John Donne - - - 1 - 1
New-Classical Period 1
1. Restoration Age -
8 John Milton - - - 1 - -
2. Augustan Period/ -
Age of Pope
9 Alexander Pope - - - 1 - -
10 Jonathan Swift 1 - - 1 - -
3. Age of Sensibility -
11 Thomas Gray - 1 1 - - -
The Romantic -
12 The Romantic Period - 1 - - - 1
13 William Wordsworth 1 1 - - - -
14 Percy Bysshe Shelley 1 - 1 - - -
15 Samuel Taylor 1 1 1 1 - -
Victorian Period 4
16 Charles Dickens - 1 - - 1 -
17 Robert Browning - - 1 - - -
18 George Eliot 1 - - - - -
19 Thomas Hardy - 1 - - - -
The Modern Period 2
& Post Modern
20 William Butler Yeats 1 1 - - - -
21 Thomas Stearns Eliot - - 1 - - -
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 11
Sl Name of Topics 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th
22 R.K. Narayan - - - 1 - -
23 Ernest Hemingway - - 1 - - -
24 George Bernard Shaw 1 1 - 1 - -
25 Edward Morgan Forster - 1 - - - -
Miscellaneous 1 - - - - -
26. Name of some important - 1 - - - -
Books and writers
27. Novel Laureate 1 - - - - -
28. Literary Terms 2 1 4 1 - -
29. Quotations 1 3 - 1 - 2
Total= 15 17 15 15 2 15

SL No Name of Writers Which BCS and How Much

01 William Shakespeare 40th (4), 39th, 37th (3), 36th (2), 35th (2), 29th, 28th, 16th
02 George Bernard Shaw 38th, 36th (2), 35th , 12th (2)
03 T.S Eliot 37th, 35th, 17th, 13th
04 Ernest Hemingway 37th, 12th, 11th, 10th
05 William Wordsworth 36th (3), 35th
06 W. B. Yeats 40th, 36th (2), 25th
07 S. T Colleridge 38th, 37th, 36th, 13th
08 Robert Browning 37th, 17th, 11th
09 Carles Dickens 39th, 36th (2), 29th
10 Thomas Gray 36th, 35th
11 Ben Jonson 37th, 15th
12 Jonathon Swift 38th, 12th
13 P. B Shelley 37th, 28th
14 Thomas kyd 37th
15 E. M Forster 36th
16 Thomas Hardy 36th
17 Toni Morrison 35th
18 Christopher Marlowe 35th
19 Alexander Pope 40th, 16th
20 John Keats 40th, 15th
21 William Blake 15th
22 D. S Lawrence 13th
23 O’Henry 13th
24 George Orwell 10th
25 John Done 40th
12 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
SL No Name of Writers Which BCS and How Much
26 Meily Bronte 40th
27 Lord Byron 40th
28 Edward Fitzerald 40th
29 Guy de Maupassant 40th
30 Alfred Tennyson 40th
31 James Joyce 40th

3. evsjv‡`k welqvewj [c~Y©gvb-30]

bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40 Zg
wel‡qi bvg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq
1 cÖvPxbKvj n‡Z mg- 3 6 2 2 1 5
mvgwqK Kv‡ji BwZnvm,
K…wó I ms¯‥…wZ
2 fvlv Av‡›`vjb 1 2 - 1 - -
3 1954 mv‡ji wbe©vPb - - 1 1 - -
4 Qq-`dv Av‡›`vjb 1966 - 1 1 1 - 1
5 MYAfz¨Ìvb 1968-69 - - - - - 1
6 1970 mv‡ji wbe©vPb - - - - - -
7 Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb 1971 - 1 - - - -
8 7B gv‡P©i HwZnvwmK 4 3 3 1 2 2
fvlY, ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYv,
gywRebMi miKv‡ii MVb
I Kvh©vewj, gyw³hy‡×i
iY‡K․kj, gyw³hy‡× e„nr
kw³e‡M©i f~wgKv, cvK
evwnbxi AvZ¥mgc©Y Ges
evsjv‡`‡ki Afz¨`q
9. evsjv‡`‡ki K…wlR m¤ú`, 2 3 3 2 - 2
km¨, Drcv`b Ges Gi
eûgyLxKiY, Lv`¨ Drcv`b I
10. evsjv‡`‡ki RbmsL¨v, 2 1 4 1 1 1
11 RvwZ, †Mvôx I DcRvwZ - 2 1 - - 1
msµvšÍ welqvw`|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 13
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40 Zg
wel‡qi bvg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ
12 Dbœqb cwiKíbv †cÖwÿZ 1 2 - - - -
I cÂevwl©Kx
13 RvZxq Avq-e¨q - - - 2 - 3
14 ivR¯^ bxwZ I evwl©K - - - 2 - 1
Dbœqb Kg©m~wP
15 `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb - - - - - -
16 evsjv‡`‡ki wkí I evwYR¨ -
17 wkí Drcv`b 2 - 1 - - -
18 cY¨ Avg`vwb I ißvwbKiY 1 - 2 1 - 1
19 Mv‡g©›Um wkí I Gi mvwe©K - - 1 1 - 1
vcbv, •e‡`wkK †jb-‡`b,
A_© †cÖiY
20 e¨vsK exgv e¨e¯
vcbv - - 1 - - -
21 evsjv‡`‡k msweavb: 2 3 2 3 - 4
cÖ¯vÍ ebv I •ewkó¨, †g․wjK
AwaKvimn ivóª cwiPvjbvi
g~jbxwZmg~n, msweav‡bi
evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‣bwZK
22 ivR‣bwZK `jmg~‡ni MVb, - - 1 1 - -
f~wgKv I Kvh©µg
23 ÿgZvmxb I we‡ivax `‡ji - - - 1 - -
cvi¯úwiK m¤úK©vw`
24 mykxj mgvR I Pvc - - - 1 - 1
m„wóKvix †Mvôxmg~n Ges
G‡`i f~wgKv
evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi e¨e¯’v 1
26 AvBb, kvmb I wePvi - - 1 1 -
27 AvBb cÖYqb, bxwZ wba©viY - - - 1 - -
28 RvZxq I ¯
vbxq ch©v‡qi 1 - 1 1 - -
cÖkvmwbK e¨e¯
vcbv KvVv‡gv,
cÖkvmwbK cybwe©b¨vm I ms¯‥vi
14 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40 Zg
wel‡qi bvg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
29 evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq AR©bvw` 2 2 1 - - 1
30 wewkó e¨w³Z¡ 1 - - - - -
31 ¸iæZ¡c~Y© cÖwZôvb I - - - - - 2
32 RvZxq cyi¯‥vi - - - 2 - -
33 evsjv‡`‡ki †Ljva~jvmn 3 - 1 1 - 1
Pjw”PÎ, MYgva¨g-mswkøó
34 Ab¨vb¨ 5 5 2 3 - 1
†gvU: 30 30 30 30 4 30
4. AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj [c~Y©gvb-20]
weMZ eQimg~‡ni cÖkœ we‡kølY (10-40Zg)
µwgK bs welq wewmG‡m hZevi G‡m‡Q
1. Gwkqv gnv‡`k 51
2. RvwZmsN e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ ms¯
v 50
3. RvwZcyÄ I RvwZmsN 31
4. cÖYvjx, mxgvbv I we‡ivac~Y© AÂj 29
5. Pzw³/cÖ‡UvKj/Kb‡fbkb 29
6. BD‡ivc gnv‡`k 20
7. m`i`ßi ev cÖavb Kvh©vjq 16
8. Av‡gwiKv gnv‡`k 15
9. weL¨vZ e›`i I ¯
vcbv 12
10. hy×-weMÖn, ivRavbx 11
11. Ab¨vb¨ 10
12. ‡f․‡MvwjK Dcbvg, wewfbœ cyi¯‥vi 9
13. AvšÍR©vwZK w`em 8
14. Awaevmx I fvlv, gy`ªv, wi‡cvU© I mgxÿv 6
15. Avwd«Kv gnv‡`k, kxl© m‡¤§jb, Dcwb‡ek, AvBbmfv, 4
‡Mwijv msMVb
16. wewfbœ †`‡ki cyivZb bvg 3
17. ‡Ljvayjv 2
18. I‡kwbqv gnv‡`k 1
AvšÍRv©wZK welqvewj I f~‡Mvj gyL¯’ bv K‡i mnR †K․k‡j g‡b ivL‡Z PvB‡j msMÖn KiæbÑ

RwgiÕm Iqvì© g¨vc I evsjv‡`k g¨vc

msKj‡b: Rwgi †nvmvBb
cÖavb cwi‡ekK: gvgyb eyK nvDR: 01707-144 122
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 15
AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj [c~Y©gvb-20]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
b¤^i wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1. ‣ewk¦K BwZnvm 3 1 2 2 6
2. AvÂwjK I 9 3 5 2 6 2
v, f~-
3. AvšÍRv©wZK 1 2 2 2 1 4
wbivcËv I
ÿgZv m¤úK©
4. AvšÍR©vwZK 4 1 5 2 - 4
Bmy¨ I K~UbxwZ
5. RvwZmsN I - 4 1 3 2 1
Gi A½-
6. AvšÍR©vwZK 1 3 - 2 1 2
mvgwiK I
7. ‣ewk¦K 1 1 4 1 2 2
8. Pzw³, mb` I - 2 1 1 - 5
9. Ab¨vb¨ 1 3 - 5 1 -
†gvU = 20 20 20 20 20 20
16 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
5. f~‡Mvj (evsjv‡`k I wek¦), cwi‡ek I `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv[c~Y©gvb-10]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
b¤^i wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1. evsjv‡`k I 2 1 1 2 - 2
I f~-ivR‣bwZK
2. AÂjwfwËK 2 1 2 1 - 1
†f․Z cwi‡ek
(f~- cÖvK…wZK)Ñ
m¤ú‡`i e›Ub
I ¸iæZ¡:
3. evsjv‡`‡ki - 2 - 3 - 1
cwi‡ek: cÖK…wZ
I m¤ú`, cÖavb
4. evsjv‡`k I 5 3 5 2 - 2
•ewk¦K cwi‡ek
AvenvIqv I
Awfevmb, K…wl,
wgí, grm¨
BZ¨vw`) ¯
AvÂwjK I
•ewk¦K cÖfve
5. cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM 1 1 - - - 4
I e¨e¯
`y‡h©v‡Mi aib,
cÖK…wZ I
6 Ab¨vb¨ - 2 2 2 - -
†gvU = 10 10 10 10 - 10
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 17
6. mvaviY weÁvb [c~Y©gvb-15]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1 GU‡gi MVb 2 - - 1 - 2
2 GwmW, ÿvi I jeY 2 - - - - -
3 ‡f․Z ivwk Ges Gi - - 1 - - -
4 ‡P․¤^KZ¡, Zwor - 1 - - - 2
†P․¤^K, UªvÝdigvi
5 Av‡jvi cÖK…wZ I - - 1 - - -
Av‡jvi hš¿cvwZ
6 Kve©‡bi eûgyLx - - - 1 - -
7 kw³i Drm I - 1 1 2 - 1
8 Rvib-weRviY I - - 1 - - 1
Zwor †Kvl
9 Zvc I ZvcMwZ 1 - 1 - - -
10 Zi½ Ges kã - - 1 - - -
11 AvaywbK c`v_©weÁvb, 1 2 - - - 1
G·-‡i, †ZRw¯…qZv
12 w¯
i Ges Pj Zwor 1 1 - - - 1
RxeweÁvb - -
12 wUmy¨ (‡Kvl) 1 - 1 1 - -
13 Rxe‣ewPΨ 1 - - - - -
14 fvBivm, e¨vK‡Uwiqv - 1 1 - - -
15 cÖvwYRMr 1 - 1 - - -
16 i³ I i³ mÂvjb, 1 1 - - - -
17 ürwcÐ Ges ü`‡ivM 1 - - - - -
18 ¯œvqy Ges ¯œvqy‡ivM - 1 - - - -
19 Lv`¨ I cywó, - 2 2 - - 1
20 Dw™¢`RMr - - - 1 - 2
21 gvB‡µvev‡qvjwR - 1 - 1 - -
22 ‡R‡bwUKm 1 1 - - - -
23 AvaywbK K…wl 1 - - - - -
18 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
AvaywbK weÁvb -
24 c„w_ex m„wói BwZnvm - - 1 1 - -
25 evwigÛj - - - 1 - 2
26 ‡UK‡UvwbK †cøU, - 1 - - - -
mvB‡K¬vb, mybvwg
27 ‡iv‡Mi KviY I - - 1 1 - 1
28 gv I wkï ¯^v¯
¨ - - - 1 -
29 MÖxb nvDR M¨vm - - 2 1 - -
30 evqygÛj 1 1 - 2 - -
31 GwcKvjPvi - - - 1 - 1
32 wewea - 1 - - - -
†gvU = 15 15 15 15 - 15

7. Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³-[c~Y©gvb-15]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
Kw¤úDUvi, gvb-10
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1. Kw¤úDUvi 2 2 2 - - 3
†cwi‡divjm: Kx-
‡evW©, gvDm, Iwmqvi
2. Kw¤úDUv‡ii BwZnvm 1 - 1 - - -
3. Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g - - 1 1 - 1
4. Kw¤úDUv‡ii 2 3 2 1 - 1
A½msMVb: wmwcBD,
GGjBD, nvW© wW·
5. Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMªvwgs 2 2 - - - 2
6. Kw¤úDUv‡ii b¤^i - 4 1 4 - 2
7. Kw¤úDUvi 1 3 1 1 5
8. B-Kgvm© 1 - 1 1 - -
9. ¯§vU©‡dvb 2 - 1 - - 1
10. B›Uvi‡bU 1 - 1 2 - -
11. Ab¨vb¨ 3 1 4 5 - -
†gvU= 15 15 15 15 - 15
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 19
8. MvwYwZK hyw³-[gvb-15]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
wel‡qi bvg
b¤^i wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1. ev¯Íe msL¨v I - 1 1 1 - 2
2.¸ I 1 1 - 1 1 1¸
3. kZKiv 1 2 - 1 - -
4. mij I †h․wMK - - 1 1 1 1
5. AbycvZ I 1 - 1 - - 1
6. jvf I ÿwZ - - 1 1 1
1. exRMvwYwZK 2 2 1 1 - 1
2. Drcv`‡K - - - - - -
3. mij I wØc`x 1 - - - - 1
4. mij I wØc`x - - 1 1 2 1
5. mij - - - - - -
6. m~PK 1 1 - 1 1 1
7. jMvwi`g 2 1 1 1 - 1
8. mgvšÍi I 1 1 2 2 1 -
Abyµg I aviv
9. ‡mU 1 1 1 1 1 1
10. web¨vm 1 1 - - - -
11. mgv‡ek 1 - - - 1 1
12. cwimsL¨vb 1 - - - - -
13. m¤¢ve¨Zv - 1 1 1 - -
20 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
R¨vwgwZ -
1. ‡iLv, †KvY - - - 1 - 1
2. wÎfzR - - - - - -
3. PZzfz©R - 2 1 1 - -
4. eûfzR - - - - - -
5. e„Ë 1 1 1 - - -
6. cwiwgwZ I - - 1 - 1 -
mij †ÿÎ
7. w·KvYwgwZ - - - - - 1
8. Nbe¯‧ - - - - - -
†gvU= 15 15 15 15 9 15
9. gvbwmK `ÿZv [c~Y©gvb-15]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
wel‡qi bvg
b¤^i wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
†h․w³K wePvi
1. mv`„k¨ 1 - 2 - 2 -
2. k~b¨¯
vb c~iY Kiv - - - 2 - 1
3. wm×všÍ MÖn‡Yi 1 - - - - -
4. Ab¨vb¨ 1 1 1 1 1 -
mgm¨v mgvavb
1. wewfbœ MvwYwZK 3 3 3 1 4 1
2. cwÄKv (w`b, - - 1 2 - -
ZvwiL, gvm,
eQi) wbY©q
welqK mgm¨v
3. Nwo msµvšÍ - - - - 1 -

evbvb I fvlv
1. mgv_©K I - - 2 1 1 -
wecixZv_©K kã
2. ï× evbvb 2 1 1 - - 3
(evsjv Ges
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 21
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
bs wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
hvwš¿K `ÿZv 1
1. wPÎ †ei Kiv 2 - - - - 1
2. fvimvg¨ iÿv - 1 3 - - 1
¯’vbv¼ m¤úK©
1. w`K wbY©q - - 1 1 1 2
2. Avqbvq k‡ãi 1 3 1 2 - 2
msL¨vMZ ÿgZv 1
1. wP‡Î †h․w³K 2 2 - 2 - 1
msL¨v emv‡bv
2. wmwiR m¤úbœ 2 4 - 3 - 1
†gvU = 15 15 15 15 10 15
10. ‣bwZKZv, g~j¨‡eva I mykvmb [c~Y©gvb-10]
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Ñ40)
µwgK wel‡qi bvg 35Zg 36Zg 37Zg 38Zg 39Zg 40Zg
b¤^i wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm wewmGm
1. g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi msÁv 3 4 1 2 - 3
2. g~j¨‡ev‡ai mv‡_ mykvm‡bi - - 1 1 - 1
3. g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi 2 - 2 3 - 2
mvaviY aviYv
4. g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi ¸iæZ¡ 2 1 1 1 - 1
5. RvZxq Dbœq‡b g~j¨‡eva I 1 - 1 - - 1
mykvm‡bi cÖfve
6. mykvmb I g~j¨‡ev‡ai 2 3 3 3 - 1
7. g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi - 2 1 - - 1
Dc‡hvwMZv Ges AfveRwbZ
†gvU = 10 10 10 10 - 10
22 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi I wjwLZ cixÿvi Kgb gvK©m:-
wcÖwj.- wjwLZ cixÿvi Kgb welqmg~n wcªwji gvK©m wjwLZ wm‡jev‡mi mv‡_ Kgb
1. evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨ 35 60+
2. English Language 20 30+
3. evsjv‡`k welqvewj 30 70+
4. AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj 20 40+
5. f~‡Mvj (evsjv‡`k I wek^), cwi‡ek 10 -
I `y‡hv©M e¨e¯
6. Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨ cÖhyw³ 15 25+
7. mvaviY weÁvb 15 75+
8. gvbwmK `ÿZv 15 50
9. MvwYwZK hyw³ 15 50
me©‡gvU = 175 400+

we‡kl `ªóe¨: English Literature Ges •bwZKZv, g~j¨‡eva I mykvmb

G `yÕwU welq wewmGm wjwLZ cixÿvq †bB| Z‡e f‚‡Mvj, cwi‡ek I
`~‡h©vM e¨e¯
vcbvq wcÖwj‡Z 10 b¤^i eivÏ Av‡Q| hv wjwLZ †Z
cwi‡ekMZ mgm¨v I mgvav‡bi mv‡_ A‡bKvs‡kB wg‡j hvq| myZivs
wcÖwj‡Z 175 b¤^‡ii fv‡jvgZ cÖ¯‧wZ wb‡j wjwLZ cixÿvi cÖvq 400
b¤^i AwMÖg cÖ¯‧wZ †bqv _v‡K|

41/43 Zg wewmGm cÖZ¨vkxiv wewmGm wcÖwj. I wjwLZ mgwš^Z cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z

PvB‡j msMÖn KiæbÑ
¯^cœ wmwi‡Ri
wcÖwj.-wjwLZ Kgb cÖkœ mgvavb
cÖKvkbvq: ¯^cœ cÖKvkb
eBwU ‡Kb co‡eb?
 cieZx© wcÖwj‡Z cªvq 40% Kgb cv‡eb
 cieZx© wjwLZ‡Z cÖvq 400 b¤^i GwM‡q _vK‡eb
 fvBfvi Rb¨ †ewmK b‡jR •Zix n‡e|

cvIqv hv‡e bxj‡ÿZmn †`‡ki AwfRvZ jvB‡eªwi mg~‡n|

we¯ÍvwiZ:FB Page & Group: ¯^cœ cÖKvkb
A_ev: 015-1921 1971
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 23
BPSC cÖ`Ë BCS wcÖwj.bZzb wm‡jevm I gvbeÈb
wel‡qi bvg gvb eÈb
1. evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨ 35
2. English Language and Literature 35
3. evsjv‡`k welqvewj 30
4. AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj 20
5. f~‡Mvj (evsjv‡`k I wek^), cwi‡ek I `y‡hv©M e¨e¯
vcbv 10
6. Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨ cÖhyw³ 15
7. mvaviY weÁvb 15
8. gvbwmK `ÿZv 15
9. MvwYwZK hyw³ 15
10. •bwZKZv, g~j¨‡eva I mykvmb 10
†gvU = 200

wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi †U÷-Gi c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm (evsjvq)

[1] wel‡qi bvg : evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨ c~Y©gvb : 35
fvlv : cÖ‡qvM-AccÖ‡qvM, evbvb I evK¨ ïw×, cwifvlv, mgv_©K I wecixZv_©K kã, 15
aŸwb, eY©, kã, c`, evK¨, cÖZ¨q, mwÜ I mgvm
mvwnZ¨ : (K) cÖvPxb I ga¨hyM 05
(L) AvaywbK hyM (1800-eZ©gvb ch©šÍ) 15
me©‡gvU- 35
[2]Name of the Subject : English Language and Literature
Total Marks : 35PART- I : Language [Marks-20]
The Noun 2. The Determiner 3. The Gender 4. The Number
The Pronoun
The Verb: 1. The 2. The Non-finite: 3. The Linking 4. The Phrasal
Finite : transitive, participles, Verb Verb,
intransitive infinitives, gerund Modals
1. The Adjective 2. The Adverb 3.The Preposition 4. The Conjunction
24 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
B. Idioms &Phrases :
1. Meanings of Phrases 2. Kinds of Phrases 3. Identifying Phrases
C. Clauses:
1. The Principal Clause 2. The Subordinate Clause 3. The Noun Clause
4. The Adjective Clause 5. The Adverbial Clause &
its types
D. Corrections:
1. The Tense 2. The Verb 3. The Preposition
4. The Determiner 5. The Gender
6. The Number 7. Subject-Verb
E. Sentences & Transformations:
1. The Simple Sentence 2. The Compound Sentence
3. The Complex Sentence 4. The Active Voice
5. The Passive Voice 6. The Positive Degree
7. The Comparative Degree 8. The Superlative Degree
F. Words:
1. Meanings 2. Synonyms 3. Antonyms
4. Spellings 5. Usage of words as various parts of speech
6. Formation of new words by adding prefixes and suffixes
Names of parts of paragraphs/letters/applications
PART-II: Literature [Marks-15]
H.English Literature:
Names of writers of literary pieces from Elizabethan period to the 21st Century
Quotations from drama/poetry of different ages
[3] wel‡qi bvg : evsjv‡`k welqvewj (c~Y©gvb : 30)
1. evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq welqvewj : cÖvPxbKvj n‡Z mg-mvgwqK Kv‡ji BwZnvm, 06
K…wó I ms¯‥…wZ| evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i BwZnvm : fvlv Av‡›`vjb; 1954
mv‡ji wbe©vPb; Qq-`dv Av‡›`vjb, 1966; MY AfzÌvb 1968-69; 1970
mv‡ji mvaviY wbe©vPb; Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb 1971; 7 gv‡P©i HwZnvwmK
fvlY; ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv; gywRebMi miKv‡ii MVb I Kvh©vewj; gyw³hy‡×i
iY‡K․kj; gyw³hy‡× e„nr kw³e‡M©i f~wgKv; cvK evwnbxi AvZ¥mgc©Y Ges
evsjv‡`‡ki Afz¨`q|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 25
2. evsjv‡`‡ki K…wlR m¤ú` : km¨ Drcv`b Ges Gi eûgyLxKiY, Lv`¨ Drcv`b 03
I e¨e¯
3. evsjv‡`‡ki RbmsL¨v, Av`gïgvwi, RvwZ, †Mvôx I DcRvwZ msµvšÍ 03
4. evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ : Dbœqb cwiKíbv †cÖwÿZ I cÂevwl©Kx, RvZxq Avq- 03
e¨q, ivR¯^ bxwZ I evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©m~wP, `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb BZ¨vw`|
5. evsjv‡`‡ki wkí I evwYR¨ : wkí Drcv`b, cY¨ Avg`vwb I ißvwbKiY, 03
Mv‡g©›Um wkí I Gi mvwe©K e¨e¯
vcbv, •e‡`wkK †jb-†`b, A_© †cÖiY, e¨vsK
I exgv e¨e¯
vcbv BZ¨vw`|
6. evsjv‡`‡ki msweavb : cÖ¯Ívebv I •ewkó¨, •g․wjK AwaKvimn ivóª cwiPvjbvi 03
g~jbxwZmg~n, msweav‡bi ms‡kvabxmg~n|
7. evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‣bwZK e¨e¯’v : ivR‣bwZK `jmg~‡ni MVb, f~wgKv I 03
Kvh©µg, ÿgZvmxb I we‡ivax `‡ji cvi¯úwiK m¤úK©vw`, mykxj mgvR I
Pvc m„wóKvix †Mvôxmg~n Ges G‡`i f~wgKv|
8. evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi e¨e¯’v : AvBb, kvmb I wePvi wefvMmg~n, AvBb cÖYqb, 03
bxwZwba©viY, RvZxq I ¯
vbxq ch©v‡qi cÖkvmwbK e¨e¯
vcbv KvVv‡gv,
cÖkvmwbK cybwe©b¨vm I ms¯‥vi|
9. evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxqAR©b, wewkó e¨w³Z¡, ¸iæZ¡c~Y© cÖwZôvb I ¯
vcbvmg~n, 03
RvZxq cyi¯‥vi, evsjv‡`‡ki †Ljvayjvmn Pjw”PÎ, MYgva¨g-mswkøó welqvw`|

[4] wel‡qi bvg : AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj [c~Y©gvb : 20]

(1) 1. •ewk¦K BwZnvm, AvÂwjK I AvšÍR©vwZK e¨e¯
v, f~-ivRbxwZ| 04
(2) 2. AvšÍR©vwZK wbivcËv I AvšÍivóªxq ÿgZv m¤úK©| 04
(3) 3. we‡k¦i mv¤úªwZK I Pjgvb NUbvcÖevn| 04
(4) 4. AvšÍR©vwZK cwi‡ekMZ Bmy¨ I K~UbxwZ| 04
(5) 5. AvšÍR©vwZK msMVbmg~n Ges •ewk¦K ivR‣bwZK cÖwZôvbvw`| 04

[5] wel‡qi bvg : f~‡Mvj (evsjv‡`k I wek¦), cwi‡ek I `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv

1. evsjv‡`k I AÂjwfwËK †f․‡MvwjK Ae¯
vb, mxgvbv, cwi‡ewkK, Av_©- 02
mvgvwRK I f~- ivR‣bwZK ¸iæZ¡|
2. AÂjwfwËK †f․Z cwi‡ek (f~-cÖvK…wZK), m¤ú‡`i eÈb I ¸iæZ¡| 02
3. evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡ek : cÖK…wZ I m¤ú`, cÖavb P¨v‡jÄmg~n| 02
26 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
4. evsjv‡`k I •ewk¦K cwi‡ek cwieZ©b : AvenvIqv I Rjevqy wbqvgKmg~‡ni 02
†m±iwfwËK(†hgb Awfevmb, K…wl, wkí, grm¨ BZ¨vw`) ¯
vbxq, AvÂwjK I
•ewk¦K cÖfve|
5. cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I e¨e¯
vcbv : `y‡h©v‡Mi aib, cÖK…wZ I e¨e¯
vcbv| 02
[6] wel‡qi bvg : mvaviY weÁvb c~Y©gvb : 15
†f․Z weÁvb : c`v‡_©i Ae¯
v, GU‡gi MVb, Kve©‡bi eûgyLx e¨envi, GwmW, 05
ÿvi, jeY, c`v‡_©i ÿq, mvev‡bi KvR, †f․Z ivwk Ges Gi cwigvc, †f․Z
weÁv‡bi Dbœqb, †P․¤^KZ¡,Zi½ Ges kã, Zvc I ZvcMwZ we`¨v, Av‡jvi cÖK…wZ,
i Ges Pj Zwor, B‡jKUªwb·, AvaywbK c`v_©weÁvb, kw³i Drm Ges Gi
cÖ‡qvM, bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Drm, cvigvYweK kw³, LwbR Drm, kw³i iƒcvšÍi,
Av‡jvK hš¿cvwZ, †g․wjK KYv, avZe c`v_© Ges Zv‡`i †h․Mmg~n, AavZe
c`v_©, RviY-weRviY, Zwor †Kvl, A‣Re †h․M, •Re †h․M, Zwor †P․¤^K,
UªvÝdigvi, G·‡i, †ZRw¯…qZv BZ¨vw`|
Rxe weÁvb: c`v‡_©i RxeweÁvb-welqK ag©, wUmy¨, †R‡bwUKm, Rxe‣ewPΨ, 05
Gwbg¨vj WvBfviwmwU, cøv›U WvBfviwmwU, Gwbg¨vj wUmy¨, AM©vb Ges AM©vb
wm‡÷g, mv‡jvK ms‡kølY, fvBivm, e¨vK‡Uwiqv, Ry‡jvwRK¨vj b‡gb‡K¬Pvi,
†evUvwbK¨vj b‡gb‡K¬Pvi, cÖvwYRMr, Dw™¢`, dzj, dj, i³ I i³ mÂvjb,
i³Pvc, ü`&wcÐ Ges ü`&‡ivM, ¯œvqy Ges ¯œvqy‡ivM, Lv`¨ I cywó, wfUvwgb,
gvB‡µvev‡qvjwR, cøv›U wbD‡Uªkb, civMvqb BZ¨vw`|
AvaywbK weÁvb: c„w_ex m„wói BwZnvm, KmwgK †i, eøvK †nvj, wn‡Mi KYv, 05
evwigÐj, UvBW, evqygÐj, †UK‡UvwbK †cøU, mvB‡K¬vb, mybvwg, weeZ©b, mvgyw`ªK
Rxeb, gvbe‡`n, †iv‡Mi KviY I cÖwZKvi, msµvgK †ivM, †ivM RxevYyi
RxebaviY, gv I wkï ¯^v¯
¨, Bgy¨bvB‡Rkb Ges f¨vKwm‡bkb, GBPAvBwf,
GBWm, wUwe, †cvwjI, †RvqviÑfvUv, GwcKvjPvi, †mwiKvjPvi, wcwmKvjPvi,
nwU©KvjPvi, Wv‡qvW, UªvbwR÷i, AvBwm, Av‡cwÿK ZË¡, †dvUb KYv BZ¨vw`|
me©‡gvU : 15

[7] wel‡qi bvg : Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨ cÖhyw³Ñ 15

Kw¤úDUvi : 10
Kw¤úDUvi †cwi‡divjm (Computer Peripherals) : Kx-‡evW©
(Keyboard), gvDm (Mouse), IwmAvi (OCR) BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii A½msMVb (Computer Architecture): wmwcBD (CPU),
nvW© wW¯‥(Hard Disk), GGjBD (ALU) BZ¨vw`;
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 27
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii cvi½gZv (Computer Performance);
 •`bw›`b Rxe‡b Kw¤úDUvi (Computer in Practical Fields): K…wl,
†hvMv‡hvM, wkÿv, ¯^v¯
¨, †Ljvayjv BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii b¤^i e¨e¯
v (Number Systems of Computer);
 Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷gm (Operating Systems);
 Gg‡e‡WW Kw¤úDUvi (Embedded Computer);
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii BwZnvm (History of Computer);
 Kw¤úDUv‡ii cÖKvi‡f` (Types of Computers);
 Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg (Computer Program): fvBivm (Virus),
dvqviIqvj (Firewall) BZ¨vw`;
 †WUv‡eBm wm‡÷g (Database System)|
Z_¨cÖhyw³ : 05
 B-Kgvm© (E-Commerce);
 †mjyjvi WvUv †bUIqvK© (Cellular Data Network): UzwR (2G), w_ªwR
(3G), †dviwR (4G), IqvBg¨v· (Wimax) BZ¨vw`;
 Kw¤úDUvi †bUIqvK© (Computer Network): j¨vb (LAN), g¨vb (MAN),
IqvB-dvB (WiFi), IqvBg¨v· (Wimax) BZ¨vw`;
 •`bw›`b Rxe‡b Z_¨cÖhyw³ (Information Technologies in Practical
 ¯§vU©‡dvb (SmartPhone);
 Iqvì© IqvBW I‡qe (World Wide Web - WWW);
 B›Uvi‡bU (Internet);
 wbZ¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq Kw¤úDwUs cÖhyw³ (Daily-Use Computing
Technology): B-†gBj (E-mail), d¨v· (Fax) BZ¨vw`;
 K¬vq›U-mvf©vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Client-Server Management);
 †gvevBj cÖhyw³i •ewkó¨mg~n (Mobile Features);
 Z_¨cÖhyw³i eo cÖwZôvb I Zv‡`i †mev/Z_¨mg~n (Tech-Giants
Services & News): ¸Mj (Google), gvB‡µvmdU (Microsoft),
AvBweGg (IBM) BZ¨vw`;
 K¬vDW Kw¤úDwUs (Cloud Computing);
 †mvk¨vj †bUIqvwK©s (Social Networking): †dmeyK (Facebook), UzBUvi
(Twitter), BÝUvMÖvg (Instagram) BZ¨vw`;
 †ivewU·(Robotics);
 mvBevi Aciva (Cyber Crime)|
28 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
[8] wel‡qi bvg : MvwYwZK hyw³ (c~Y©gvb : 15)
1. ev¯Íe msL¨v,¸,¸, kZKiv, mij I †h․wMK gybvdv, AbycvZ I 03
mgvbycvZ, jvf I ¶wZ |
2. exRMvwYwZK m~Îvewj, eûc`x Drcv`K, mij I wØc`x mgxKiY, mij I 03
wØc`x AmgZv, mij mnmgxKiY |
3. m~PK I jMvwi`g, mgvšÍi I ¸‡YvËi Abyµg I aviv | 03
4. †iLv, †KvY, wÎfyR I PZyf©yR msµvšÍ Dccv`¨, wc_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨, e„Ë 03
msµvšÍ Dccv`¨, cwiwgwZÑ mij †¶Î I Nbe¯‧|
5. †mU, web¨vm I mgv‡ek, cwimsL¨vb I m¤¢ve¨Zv | 03
[9] wel‡qi bvg : gvbwmK `ÿZv (MENTAL ABILITY) c~Y©gvb : 15
1. fvlvMZ †h․w³K wePvi (Verbal Reasoning)
2. mgm¨v mgvavb (Problem Solving)
3. evbvb I fvlv (Spelling and Language)
4. hvwš¿K `ÿZv (Mechanical Reasoning)
5. ¯
vbv¼ m¤úK© (Space Relation)
6. msL¨vMZ `ÿZv (Numerical Ability)
[10] wel‡qi bvg : •bwZKZv, g~j¨‡eva I mykvmb c~Y©gvb : 10
(Ethics, Values & Good Governance)
1. Definition of Values and Good Governance. (g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi msÁv)
2. Relation between Values and Good Governance. (g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi m¤úK©)
3. General Perception of Values and Good Governance. (g~j¨‡eva Ges mykvmb
m¤ú‡K© cÖPwjZ aviYv)
4. Importance of Values and Good Governance in the life of an individual as a
citizen as well as in the making of society and national ideals. (mvgvwRK I RvZxq
Av`k© MVb Ges e¨w³MZ I bvMwiK Rxe‡b g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi ¸iæZ¡)
5. Impact of Values and Good Governance in national development. (RvZxq
Dbœq‡b g~j¨‡eva I mykvm‡bi cÖfve)
6. How the element of Good Governance and Values can be established in
society in a given social context. (eZ©gvb mgvR e¨e¯
vq Kxfv‡e g~j¨‡eva I
mykvm‡bi Dcv`vb¸‡jv‡K cÖwZôv Kiv m¤¢e)
7. The benefits of Values and Good Governance and the cost society pays
adversely in their absence. (g~j¨‡eva wkÿv I mykvm‡bi DcKvwiZv Ges G¸‡jvi
AfveRwbZ mvgvwRK ÿwZmg~n)
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 29

BPSC cÖ`Ë BCS wjwLZ bZzb wm‡jevm I gvbeÈb

welq wjwLZ (General) wjwLZ (Technical)
evsjv 200 100
Bs‡iwR 200 200
evsjv‡`k welqvewj 200 200
AvšÍR©vwZK 100 100
MvwYwZK hyw³ I gvbwmK `ÿZv 100 100
•`bw›`b weÁvb I Z_¨ cÖhyw³ 100 200 welqwfwËK
‡gvU 900 900
we‡kl `ªóe¨: wjwLZ wm‡jev‡mi mv‡_ wcÖwj. wm‡jev‡mi Kgb UwcKmg~n †evSv‡Z G¨vk
Kvjvi e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|

Avewk¨K welq (Compulsory Subject), evsjv-200

(mvaviY Ges †UKwbK¨vj/†ckvMZ-Dfq K¨vWv‡ii Rb¨)
cÖ_g cÎ-100
1. e¨vKiYÑ 30
K) kãMVb L) evbvb/evbv‡bi wbqg M) evK¨ïw×/cÖ‡qvM-AccÖ‡qvM N) cÖev`-
cÖeP‡bi wbwnZv_© cÖKvk O) evK¨MVb
2. fve-m¤úªmviY 20
3. mvigg© 20
4. evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨-welqK cÖ‡kœi DËi 30
‡gvU = 100
ïaygvÎ mvaviY K¨vWv‡ii Rb¨
1. Abyev` (Bs‡iwR †_‡K evsjv) 15
2. KvíwbK msjvc 15
3. cÎwjLb 15
4. MÖš
-mgv‡jvPbv 15
5. iPbv 40
‡gvU = 100
30 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
Part-A; Marks-100
1. Reading Comprehension:
An unseen passage dealing with a topic relevant to our times will be set.
Candidates will be required to answer. (mgmvgwqK cÖm‡½i Dci GKwU Unseen
passage _vK‡e Ges Zv †_‡K wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡Z n‡e)
(a) a number of thematic questions that will test their understanding 30
of the passage, and (Aby‡”Q‡`i Av‡jv‡K wb‡Ri fvlvq wKQz Thematic
question Gi DËi wjL‡Z n‡e)
(b) a number of questions related to grammar and usage question 30
(cÖvmw½K wKQz Grammaticalquestion Gi DËi wjL‡Z n‡e)

02. Candidates will be required to write a summary of the given 20

passage in their own words within 100 words. (wb‡Ri fvlvq 100
k‡ã cÖ`Ë Aby‡”Q`wUi mvigg© wjL‡Z n‡e)
03. Candidates will have to write a letter relating to the thematic 20
issue of the given passage to the editor of an English newspaper.
(Aby‡”Q‡`i mv‡_ cÖvmw½K †Kvb wel‡qi Dci m¤úv`K eivei GKwU
m¤úv`Kxq (wPwV) wjL‡Z n‡e)
Part-B; Marks-100
01. Candidates will be required to compose an essay on a topic 50
related to an issue of topical relevance. The essay must conform
to the word limit set and must convey a candidate’s ability to
express his or her ideas clearly and correctly in English as well as
reflect and analyze a topic of contemporary interest. (mgmvgwqK
wel‡qi Dci GKwU iPbv wjL‡Z n‡e)
02. Translation from English into Bangla and Bangla into 50
English; Candidates will be required to translate a short passage
from Bangla into English and another from English English into
Bangla. (Bs‡iwR †_‡K evsjv AvÿwiK Abyev` Ges evsjv †_‡K Bs‡iwR
fvevbyev` Ki‡Z n‡e| (25 + 25)
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 31
BAGLADESH AFFAIRS (evsjv‡`k welqvewj)200
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
This paper is designed to cover various issues/topic concerning Bangladesh
affairs which include history, geography, environment, society, culture,
economy, and politics. The topics/areas that should be covered are stated
01. Geography of Bangladesh that should include topographical features if
different areas/regions and their developments over time ( evsjv‡`‡ki
†f․‡MvwjK Ae¯
vb, f~-cÖK…wZMZ •ewkó¨ I mg‡qi weeZ©‡b Gi Dbœqb)|
02. Demographic features including and cultural diversity (evsjv‡`‡ki
RbmsL¨v KvVv‡gv : b„ZvwË¡K I mvs¯‥…wZK •ewPΨ)|
03. History and culture of Bangladesh from ancient to recent times.
(evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm I ms¯‥…wZ- cÖvPxb †_‡K eZ©gvb) |
04. Economy, society, literature and culture of Bangladesh with particular
emphasis on developments including Poverty Alleviation Vision-
2021,GNP, NNP, GDP etc, after the emergence of the country (¯^vaxbZvi
cieZx© evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ, mvgvwRK, mvwnwZ¨K I ms¯‥…wZi Dbœqb we‡klZ `vwi`ª
we‡gvPb, wfkb- 2021 wRGmwc, GbGbwc, wRwWwc BZ¨vw`)|
05. Bangladesh’s environment and nature and challenges and prospects with
particular emphasis on conservation preservation and sustainability
(evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡ek I cÖvK…wZK P¨v‡jÄ we‡klZ Gi †UKmB Dbœqb e¨e¯
vcbv I
06. Natural resources of Bangladesh with focus on their sustainable
harnessing and management (evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK m¤ú` Ges Gi †UKmB
07. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh: Preamble,
Features Directive Principles of Statr Policy, Constitutional Amendments
(evsjv‡`‡ki msweavb I msweavb ms‡kvab)|

08. Organs of the Government: (evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi e¨e¯’v)

a) Legislature (AvBb wefvM)
Representation (cÖwZwbwaZ¡), Law-making (AvBb cÖYqb), Financial and
Oversight functions (Avw_©K ÿgZv), Rules of Procedure (Kvh©cÖYvjx), Gender
Issues(†RÛvi Bmy¨), Caucuses (ivR‣bwZK `j), Parliament Secretariat (msm`
32 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
b) Executive: (wbe©vnx wefvM)
Chief and Real executive e.g. (cÖavb Ges cÖK…Z wbe©vnx), President and Prime
Minister (ivóªcwZ Ges cÖavbgš¿x) Power and Functions (ÿgZv I Kvh©vejx)
Cabinet (gwš¿ cwil`) Council of Ministers (gwš¿ mfv) Rules of Business,
Bureaucracy (AvgjvZš¿) secretariat (mwPevjq) Law enforcing agencies (AvBb
cÖ‡qvMKvix ms¯
v) Administrative setup (cÖkvmwbK KvVv‡gv) National and Local
Government structures (RvZxq Ges ¯
vbxq miKvi KvVv‡gv) Decentralization
Programmer and Local Level Planning (we‡K›`ªxqKiY Kg©m~wP I ¯
vbxq ch©vq
c) Judiciary (kvmb wefvM/wePvi wefvM) :
Structure: (KvVv‡gv) Supreme (mywcÖg), High and other Subordinate Courts (D”P
Ges Ab¨vb¨ Aa¯Íb Av`vjZ mg~n), Organization (msMVb), Powers and functions
of the Supreme Court (D”P Av`vj‡Zi ÿgZv I Kvh©vejx), Appointment (wb‡qvM),
Tenure and Removal of Judges (wePviK‡`i †gqv` I AcmviY), Organization of
Sub-ordinate Courts (Aa¯Íb Av`vj‡Zi cÖwZôvb mg~n), Separation of Judiciary
from the Executive (wbe©vnx wefvM n‡Z wePvi wefv‡Mi c„_KxKiY), Judicial
Review (wePvwiK ch©v‡jvPbv), Adjudication (wb®úwË), Gram Adalat (MÖvg
Av`vjZ), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (weKí we‡iva wb®úwË)|
9. Foreign Policy and External Relations of Bangladesh:
Goals, Determinants and policy formulation process; Factors of
National Power;evsjv‡`‡ki ciivóªbxwZ I AvšÍR©vwZK m¤úK©)
Security Strategies (evsjv‡`‡ki wbivcËv †K․kj), Geo-Polities and Environment
Issues (f~-ivRbxwZ I cwi‡ek Bmy¨), Economic Diplomacy (A_©bxwZ K~UbxwZ), Man-
power exploitation (gvbe m¤ú` AcniY),
Participation in International Organization (AvšÍ©RvwZK msMV‡b AskMÖnY), and
UN peace Keeping Missions (UNO Ges UN kvwšÍ iÿv †K․kj), NAM (bvg),
SAARC (mvK©), OIC (IAvBwm), BIMSTEC (weg&m‡UK), D-8 etc (wW-8, BZ¨vw`),
and International Economic Institutions (Ges AvšÍ©RvwZK A_©‣bwZK cÖwZôvbmg~n),
Foreign Aid (•e‡`wkK mvnvh¨), International Trade (AvšÍ©RvwZK evwYR¨)|
10.Political Parties: (evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‣bwZK `j, ivR‣bwZK `‡ji f~wgKv I ivR‣bwZK
Historical development (HwZnvwmK µgweKvk), Leadership (†bZ…Z¡), Social
Bases (mvgvwRK wfwË), Structure (KvVv‡gv), Ideology and Programmes (Av`k© I
Kg©m~Px), Factionalism (`jevwR), Politics of Alliance (†Rv‡Ui ivRbxwZ), Inter
and Intra-Party Relations (AvšÍ: ewn: `jmg~‡ni mv‡_ m¤úK©), Electoral
Behaviour (wbe©vPbxq AvPiY), Parties in Government and Opposition (miKvix
Ges we‡ivax `j mg~n)|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 33
11. Elections in Bangladesh Management of Electorial Politics Role of
the Election Commission;(evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vPb Kwgkb I wbe©vPb e¨e¯
v Ges
MYcÖwZwbwaZ¡ Av‡`k)|
Electoral Law (wbe©vPbxq AvBb), Campaigns (cÖPviYv), Representation of
people’s Order (RPO) (Rb cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Aa¨v‡`k), Election Observation Teams
(wbe©vPb ch©‡eÿY `j)|
12. Contemporary Communication; (mgmvgwqK Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v)
ICT (Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³), Role of Media (wgwWqvi cÖhyw³), Right to
Information (RTI) (Z_¨ AwaKvi), and Governance (kvmb)|
13. Non-formal Institutions ;(AvbyôvwbK cÖwZôvb)
Role of Civil Society (mykxj mgv‡Ri f~wgKv), Interest Groups (Pvc m„wóKvix
†Mvôx), and NGOs in Bangladesh (Ges evsjv‡`‡ki GbwRI)|
14. Globalization and Bangladesh. (wek¦vqb I evsjv‡`k)
Economic and Political Dimensions Roles of the WTO World Bank IMF,
ADB, IDB and other development partners and Multi National Corporations
(MNCs). (A_©‣bwZK I ivR‣bwZK †ÿ‡Î AvBGgGd, GwWwe, wek¦e¨vs‡Ki I Ab¨vb¨
Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯
15. Gender issues and Development in Bangladesh.(evsjv‡`k †RÛvi Bmy¨ I
Zvi Dbœqb)
16. The Liberation War and its Background. (gyw³hy‡×i cUf~wg I cieZx©
Language Movement 1952 (1952 mv‡ji fvlv Av‡›`vjb), 1954 Election (1954
mv‡ji wbe©vPb), Six-Point Movement 1966 (1966 mv‡ji Qq`dv `vex), Mass
Upsurge 1968-69 (1968-69 mv‡ji MY Afz¨_vb), General Elections 1970
(1970 mv‡ji mvaviY wbe©vPb), Non-cooperation Movement 1971 (1971 mv‡ji
Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb), Bangabandhu’s Historic Speech of 7th March. (e½eÜzi 7
gv‡P©i HwZnvwmK fvlY), Formation and Functions of Mujibnagar government
(gywRe bMi miKv‡ii MVb I Kvh©µg), Role of Major Power and of the UN
(RvwZms‡N e„nr kw³ mg~‡ni f~wgKv), Surrender of Pakistani Army (cvwK¯
†mbvevwnbxi AvZ¥mgc©Y), Bangabanshu’s return to liberated Bangladesh (¯^vaxb
evsjv‡`‡k e½eÜzi cÖZ¨veZ©b), Withdrawal of Indian armed forces from
Bangladesh. (evsjv‡`k n‡Z fviZxq mk¯¿ evwnbxi cÖZ¨veZ©b)|
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
Brief Description:
International Affairs is a compulsory paper for candidates of competitive
examinations under the Public Service Commission, Bangladesh and
applicable to both general and professional cadre.
34 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
This paper deals with conceptual issues and actors in the study of
international affairs. It starts with a basic understanding of international
affairs, its nature and evolution. It focuses on both conceptual and empirical
issues in international affairs. Under this paper basic concepts and theories
such as power, balance of power (kw³i fvimvg¨) realism (ev¯Íeev`)
liberalism/neo-liberalism (D`vibxwZ, be¨-D`vibxwZ) foreign policy (ciivóªbxwZ)
security (wbivcËv) trade (evwYR¨) and environment will be addressed. The
empirical focus of the paper is on understanding bilateral and multilateral
relations, processes, functions, and politics of regional and global
institutions. The paper is divided into two sections: conceptual and empirical
The paper strives to understand a basic knowledge about international
affairs. It aims to examine whether the candidates are well equipped with the
key concepts, perspectives and theories for explaining global phenomena to
deal with policy matters effectively. Another purpose of the paper is to
examine analytical capacity of the candidates about global issues and events
that are closely linked with domestic arena.
Proposed Distribution of Marks :
1. Short Conceptual Notes : 10 out of 12 10  4 = 40
2. Analytical Questions: 3 out of 4 questions 3  15 = 45
3. Problem-solving question 1  15 = 15
Total 100
Section A: Conceptual Issues, c~Y©gvbÑ 40
12wU cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ 10wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e(104=40)
1. Introduction to International Affairs (AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewji m~Pbv)
Significance of international affairs (AvšÍ©RvwZK welqvewji ¸iæZ¡), Meaning and scope
of international affairs (A_© I my‡hvM AvšÍR©vwZK welqvejxi), linkage between
international affairs and international politics (AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj Ges AvšÍR©vwZK
ivR‣bwZK welqvewji g‡a¨ m¤úK©)|

02. Actors in the word:

Modern state (AvaywbK ivóª), Types of State (iv‡óªi aib), Sovereignty (mve©‡f․gZ¡),
non-state actors (AivóªxK KviK), international institutions (AvšÍR©vwZK msMVb),
relations between state and non-state actors (ivóª I AivóªxK Kvi‡Ki ÿgZv I
wbivcËvi m¤úK©)|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 35
03. Power and Security (ÿgZv I wbivcËv)
Power (ÿgZv), national power (RvZxq kw³), balance of power (kw³i
fvimvg¨), disarmament (wbi¯¿xKiY), arms control (A¯¿ wbqš¿Y), geo-politics
04. Major Ideas and Ideologies (mš¿vm, mš¿vmev‡`i Av`k© I bxwZ) :
Nationalism (RvZxqZvev`),imperialism(mvgªvR¨ev`),colonialism (Dcwb‡ekev`),
neo-colonialism (be¨/bqv Dcwb‡ekev`), post-modernism (DËi-AvaywbKZv ev`),
globazation and new world order.
05. Foreign policy and Diplomacy: (ciivóªbxwZ Ges K~UbxwZ):
Concepts of foreign policy and diplomacy (ciivóªbxwZ Ges K~UbxwZi welqe¯‧),
decision-making process (wmÜvšÍ MÖnY c×wZ), determinants of foreign policy
(ciivóªbxwZi wbqvgKmg~n), diplomatic functions (K~U•bwZK welqe¯‧), immunities
and privileges.
06. International Economic Relations (AvšÍR©vwZK A_©‣bwZK m¤ú‡K©i
¯^vaxbZv Ges AwaKvi)
International trade (AvšÍ©RvwZK evwYR¨), free trade (gy³ evRvi), protectionism
(msiÿYev`), foreign aid (•e‡`wkK mvnvh¨), debt. crisis (FY msKU), foreign
direct investment (FDI) (mivmwi •e‡`wkK wewb‡qvM), financial liberalization
(A_©‣bwZK ¯^vaxbZv), regionalism (AvÂwjKZvev`), regionalization
(AvÂwjKxKiY), North-South gap (DËi-`wÿY AmgZv), global poverty (wek¦
`vwi`ª), MDGs.
07. Global Environment (•ewk¦K cwi‡ek)
Environment issues challenge’s (cwi‡ekMZ Bmy¨i P¨v‡jÄmg~n), climate change
(Rjevqy cwieZ©b), global warming (wek¦ DòZv), climate adaptation (Awf‡hvRb),
climate diplomacy (Rjevqy K~UbxwZ)|
Section B: Empirical Issues (c~Y©gvbÑ 45)
4wU cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ 3wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| 315=45
08. The United Nations System :(RvwZRsN)
The UN and its organs, (RvwZmsN Ges Gi kvLv), importance and limitations
of the UN (RvwZms‡Ni ¸iZ¡ I mxgve×), Reforms of the UN (RvwZ ms‡Ni
ms‡kvab), Role of the Security Council (wbivcËv cwil‡`i bxwZ), UN
36 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
Peacekeeping and peace-building functions (RvwZms‡Ni kvwšÍiÿv Ges kvwšÍiÿv
Kvh©µg), Human rights agenda (gvbevwaKvi Bmy¨), Environment agenda
(cwi‡ekMZ Bmy¨), International Court of Justice (AvšÍR©vwZK Aciva Av`vjZ),
and Women empowerment (bvixi ÿgZvqb), Foreign Relations of Major
Powers (cÖavb kw³ mg~‡ni •e‡`wkK kw³), Russia (ivwkqv), UK (hy³ivR¨), China
(Pxb), France (d«vÝ), Germany (Rvgv©wb),India (BwÛqv), Japan (Rvcvb) etc.

09. Global Initiatives and Institutions : (‣e‡`wkK D‡`¨vM Ges cÖwZôvb mg~n)
World Bank (wek¦ e¨vsK), IME (AvBGgGd), ADB (GwWwe), G8 (wR-8), G-77
(wR-77), WTO (wWweøDwUI),Kyoto protocol (wK‡qv‡Uv cÖ‡UvKj), COP etc (Kc
10. Regional Institutions (AvÂwjK cÖwZôvbmg~n):
SAARC (mvK©), BIMSTEC (wegm‡UK), EU (BBD), ASEAN (Avwmqvb), NATO
(b¨v‡Uv), APEC (G‡cK), OIC (IAvBwm), AU (GBD), GCC.
11. Major Issues and Conflicts in the World: (we‡k¦i cÖavb Bmy¨ I Ø›Ømg~n)
The Palestine problem (c¨v‡j÷vBb mgm¨v), the Arab Spring, the Kashmir
Issue (Avie emšÍ, Kvwk¥i mgm¨v),the Syrian Crisis (wmwiqv msKU), Persian Gulf
conflict (cvim¨ DcmvMixq msKU), nuclear issue and Iran (cvigvbweK Bmy¨ I
Bivb), the North Korean issue (DËi †Kvwiqv Bmy¨), territorial disputes in
Southeast and East Asia Nuclear proliferation and other contemporary
issues. (`wÿY-c~e© I c~e© Gwkqvi cvigvYweK we¯Ívi I mgmvgwqK f~-ivR‣bwZK

12. Poltics in South Asia: (`wÿY Gwkqvi ivRbxwZ)

India-Pakistan Relations (fviZ-cvwK¯Ívb m¤úK©), Bangladesh-India relation
(evsjv‡`k fviZ m¤úK©), regional integration (AvÂwjKxKiY), water dispute
(cvwb weZK©/ ØÜ), border problems and terrorism Bangladesh in International
Affairs (AvšÍR©vwZK mš¿vmev` I mxgvšÍ mgm¨v), Major achievements (cÖavb
AR©b), challenges (P¨v‡jÄmg~n), future directions (fwel¨r Kg©kvjv)|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 37
Section C: Problem- solving(mgm¨v mgvavb) gvbÑ 15
1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| 115=15
The candidates may be asked to come up with an analysis of a problem and
its solution on any aspect of global developments and security issues, such
as trade (evwYR¨)
climate change (AvenvIqv cwieZ©b)foreign aid (•e‡`wkK mvnvh¨)
arms proliferation etc (A¯¿ we¯Ívi)
Mathematical Reasoning (MvwYwZK hyw³)-50
(For both General and Technical/Professional B.C.S. Cadres)
Mathematical Reasoning is based on the principles of Logic. A sound
Knowledge of Mathematical Reasoning prepares on not only to solve
mathematical problems but also develops the intellectual ability to resolve
problems in all spheres of public life and to arrive at impartial and impersonal
intelligent decisions.
The examination in Mathematical Reasoning will test the ability of the
candidate to apply Knowledge of Mathematical Reasoning acquired up to the
syllabus of the examination is Given below:
01. Simplification of Arithemetic and Algebraic Expressions. (cvwUMwYZ I
exRMwYZxq mijxKiY)
02. cvwUMwYZ :
1. Unitary Method (HwKK wbqg), 2. Average (Mo), 3. Percentage (kZKiv),
4. Simple and Compound interest (mij I †h․wMK my`),
5. LCM, GCD (j. mv. ¸ I M. mv. ¸), 6. Ratio and Proportion (AbycvZ I
mgvbycvZ), 7. Profit and Loss (jvf I ÿwZ)
03. exRMwYZ :
1. Algebraic Formulas (exRMwY‡Zi m~Îvewj)
2. Factorization of Polynomials (eûc`x Drcv`K),
3. Linear and Quadratic Equation (mij ev GKNvZ Ges wØNvZ mgxKiY),
4. Linear and Quadratic Inequalities (mij I wØNvZ AmgZv)
04. Systems of Linear Equation with two or three unknowns (•iwLK mgxKiY
c×wZ `ywU ev wZbwUi Amgvb ivwki gvb wbY©q).
05. 1. Exponents and Logarithms. (m~PK I jM)
2. Exponential and Logarithms functions (myPK I jMvwi`g dvskb)
06. Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series (mgvšÍi, ¸‡YvËi Abyµg
I aviv)
38 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
07. R¨vwgwZ :1. Line (†iLv), 2. Angle (†KvY), 3. Triangle related theorems
(wÎfzR msµvšÍ Dccv`¨), 4. Theorem of Pythagoras (cx_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨),
5. Circle (e„Ë); (a) Theorems (e„‡Ëi Dccv`¨) (b) Corollaries (e„‡Ëi
08. 1. Area related theorems and construction (†ÿÎdj m¤úwK©Z Dccv`¨ I
2. Menstruation- plane figures and solid objects (cwiwgwZ- mgZj wPÎ ev
mij †ÿÎ I Nb R¨vwgwZ)
09. Cartesian Geometry (D”PZi R¨vwgwZ): 1. Distance (`~iZ¡ wbY©q), 2.
Equation of a Straight Line (mij †iLvi mgxKiY wbY©q)
10. 1. Trigonometric ratio and functions (w·KvYwgwZK AbycvZ I gvb wbY©q), 2.
Problems on height and distance (D”PZv I `~iZ¡ wbY©q).
11. 1. Set theory (†m‡Ui Dccv`¨), 2. Venn Diagram (†fb wPÎ).
12. 1. Counting Principle (MYbvi g~jbxwZ);
2. Elementary Probability (m¤¢ve¨Zv).

Marks Distribution
Full marks is 50 Twelve questions will be set, each carrying five Marks.
The candidate will be asked to answer any ten questions out of twelve.

MENTAL ABILITY (gvbwmK `ÿZv)-50

(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadres)
The objective of mental ability test is to assess differential aptitude of the
candidate. The Following areas are likely to be covered:
1. Verbal Reasoning (fvlvMZ †h․w³K welq):
The verbal reasoning test, as its name implies, is a measure of ability to
understand concepts framed in pairs of word. The word used in these items
may come from history, geography, literature, science, or any other content
area. The item thus samples the candidate’s Knowledge and his/ her ability
to abstract and generalize relationships inherent in that knowledge.
2. Abstract Reasoning-weg~Z© hyw³| (mgm¨v mgvavb):
The abstract reasoning test is intended as a nonverbal measure of the
candidate’s reasoning ability. The series presented in each problem requires
the perception of an operating principle in the changing diagrams. In each
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 39
instance, the candidate must discover the principles governing the change of
the figures and give evidence of his understanding by designating the
diagram which should follow.
3. Space Relations (¯’vbv¼):
The Space Relation test is a measure of ability to deal with concrete materials
through visualization.
The ability to visualize a constructed abject form a picture of a pattern has
been used frequently in test of structural visualization.
The ability to imagine how an object would appear if rotated in various ways
has been used effectively in the measurement of space perception.
4. Numerical Ability (msL¨vMZ mgm¨v):
The test is a measure of the candidate s ability to reason with numbers, to
manipulate numerical and to deal intelligently With quantititative materials.

5. Spelling and Language (evbvb I fvlv):

The spelling and test is intended to measure to measure the candidate’s
ability to detect errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. The
items reflect the principles of present day formal writing. and the ability
measured by the test is highly predictive of success in a variety of academic

6. Mechanical Resoning (hvwš¿K `ÿZv):

The ability measured by the Mechanical Reasoning test may be regarded as
one aspect of intelligence, if intelligence is broadly defined.
the person who stands high in this characteristic finds it easy to learn the
principles of operation and repair of complex devices.
mvaviY weÁvb I Z_¨ cÖhyw³-100
(For General Cadre only)
Introduction: This is intended to test candidates basic knowledge and
understanding about application of science and technology in our daily life.
PART-A: general Science (Marks – 60)
i. Light (Av‡jv):
Nature (cÖK…wZ), Spectrum (eY©vjx), Different colours and wavelengths (wewfbœ
eY© Zvi½‣`N©¨), UV (AwZ †e¸wb), IR (Ave‡jvwnZ), and Laser (†jRvi), Refraction
of Light (Av‡jvi cÖwZdjb), Reflection of Light (Av‡jvi cÖwZmiY), Total Internal
Reflection of Light (c~Y© Af¨šÍixY cÖwZdjb), Lenses (†jÝ), Thin converging
40 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
lens (cvZjv mg‡Kvw›`ªK †jÝ), Dispersion of light (Av‡jvi we”QziY), particle
nature of light (Av‡jvi KYv cÖK…wZ), Einstein photoelectric equation(AvBb÷B‡bi
Av‡jvK Zwor mgxKiY), photocells(Av‡jvK Zwor †Kvl)|
ii. Sound (kã):
Hearing mechanism (kªeY cÖwµqv), Decibel (†Wwm‡ej), Frequency (K¤úv¼),
Sound machines in home and around (N‡ii Ges Pvicv‡ki kã hš¿mg~n),
Microphone (gvB‡µv‡dvb), Loud speaker (jvDW w¯úKvi), Public address
system, Characteristics of a sound note (), Formation of stationary waves in
stretched string (Uvbv Zv‡i w¯
i Zi½), Laws of vibrating strings (K¤úbkxj
Zv‡ii myÎ), Beat (weU), DOPPLER Effect (Wcvjvi wµqv),Application and of
limitations Doppler wave (Wcjvi wµqvi cÖ‡qvM I mxgve×Zv), Echoes
(cÖwZaŸwb), absorption of sound wave (kã Zi½ †kvlY), Reverberberation
(cyb:K¤úb). Fundamentals of sound wave (kã hš¿ •Zixi g~jbxwZ). Statement
of Sabine’s formula (†mevB‡bi m~‡Îi weK…wZ)|
iii. Magnetism (‡P․¤^KZ¡):
Polarity and relationship with current (cÖvwšÍKZv Ges Kv‡i‡›Ui mv‡_ m¤úK©), Bar
magnet (`Û Pz¤^K), Magnetic lines of force (Pz¤^K ej‡iLv), Torque on a bar
magnet in a magnetic field (†P․¤^K †ÿ‡Î Aew¯
Z GKwU `Û Pz¤^‡K m„ó UK©), Earth s
magnetic field as a bar magnet (`Û Py¤^K iƒ‡c c„w_exi †P․¤^K †ÿÎ), Tangent
galvanometer (U¨vb‡R›U M¨vjfv‡bvwgUvi), Vibration magnetometer (K¤úbkxj
g¨vM‡b‡UvwgUvi), Para (c¨viv), dia and ferromagnetic substances (Wvqv I d¨v‡iv
Pz¤^K c`v_© D`vniYmn), Electromagnetic and permanent magnets (Zwor †P․¤^K I
¯Ívqx †P․¤^K)|
iv. Acid (GwmW):
Base and Salt (ÿvi I jeY), acid-base concepts (GwmW ÿv‡ii aviYv),
characteristics of acids and bases (GwmW ÿv‡ii •ewkó mg~n), acid- base
indicators (GwmW ÿv‡ii wb‡`©kK mg~n), uses of avidest and bases in daily life
and caution in handling them (cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡b GwmW ÿv‡ii e¨envi Ges Gme
e¨envi Ges Gme e¨env‡i mZK©Zv), social effects of misuse of acids (GwmW ÿv‡ii
•ewkómg~n), reason for acidity in stomach and selection of the fight food
jx‡Z GwmwWwUK KviY Ges mwVK Lv`¨ wbe©vPb), pH (ÿvi), measurement and
importance of pH of substances (†Kvb e¯‧‡Z pH Gi cwigvc Ges Gi ¸iæZ¡),
Salts (jeb), Characteristics of salts (je‡Yi •ewkómg~n), Necessity of salt in
daily life (•`bw›`b Rxe‡b je‡Yi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv), Uses of salts agriculture and
industries (K…wl I wkí †ÿ‡Î je‡Yi e¨envi)|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 41
v. Water (cvwb):
properties of Water (cvwbi ¸Yv¸b), melting and boiling points of water (cvwbi Mjb
I ev®ú we›`y), electrical conductivity (Zwor cÖevwnZv), structure of water (cvwbi MVb),
hydrogen bonding (nvB‡Wªv‡Rb eÜb), sources of water (cvwbi Drm mg~n), sources
of fresh water in Bangladesh (evsjv‡`‡ki wgVv cvwbi Drm mg~n), water quality
parameters (cvwbi ¸Yv¸b cwigv‡ci ivwkgvjv), [colour and taste (MÜ I ¯^v`),
turbidity (A¯^”QZv), presence of radioactive substances (†ZRw¯…qv c`v‡_©i Dcw¯
presence of waste (e‡R©¨i Dcw¯
wZ), dissolved oxygen (`ªexf~Z Aw·‡Rb),
temperature (ZvcgvÎv), pH and salinity (pH Ges jeYv³Zv), recycling of water
(cvwbi cyb: e¨envi‡hvM¨KiY), role of water in conservation of nature (cwi‡ek
msiÿ‡Y cvwbi f~wgKv), necessity of quality water (gvbm¤§Z cvwbi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv),
purification of water (cvwbi weï×KiY), [filtration (QuvKb), chlorination (†K¬vwi‡bkb),
boiling and distillation (dzUv‡bv IcvZb), reasons for pollution of water pollution
on Bangladesh (evsjv‡`‡k cvwb `~l‡Yi KviY), Effects of water pollution on plants
animals and human beings (Dw™¢`, gvbyl I cÖYxi Dci cvwbi a~l‡Yi cÖfve), effects of
global warming on fresh water (wgVv cvwbi Dci †Møvevj Iqvwg©s Gi cÖfve), Strategy
for preventing water pollution and responsibility of citizens or pubic awareness
(cvwb `~lY †iv‡ai †K․kj Ges bvMwi‡Ki `vwqZ¡ I m‡PZbZv), prevention of water
pollution by industries (wk‡í cvwbi `ylY cÖwZ‡iva), prevention of water pollution
due to soli erosion from agricultural land (K…wl Rwg‡Z ÿ‡qi Kvi‡Y cvwb `~lY †iva),
conservation of water sources and development (cvwbi Drm msiÿY I Dbœqb)|
vi. Our resources (Avgv‡`i m¤ú`mg~n):
Soil (gvwU), Types of soil (gvwUi cÖKvi‡f`), Soil pH (gvwUi ÿvi), reasons and
effects of soil pollution (gvwU `~l‡Yi KviY I cÖfve), natural gas and its main
compositions (cÖvK…wZK M¨vm I Gi D`vniY mg~n),processing uses and sod sources
of natural gas (cÖvK…wZK M¨vm •Zix, e¨envi I Drm), petroleum and coal (
†c‡Uªvwjqvg Ges Kqjv), forestry (ebvqb), limitations and conservation of our
resources (mxgve×Zv I m¤ú‡`i msiÿY)|
vii. Polymer (cwjgvi):
Natural and synthetic polymer (cÖvK…wZK I K…wÎg cwjgvi), polymerization
process (cwjgvi •Zwii cÖwµqv), source (Drm), characteristics and usage of
natural and synthetic polymers (cwjgvimg~n), manufacturing process (•Zwi
cÖwµqv), characteristic and uses of fibers (dvBev‡ii •ewkó¨mg~n Ges e¨envi), Silk
(wmé), wool (Dj),nylon and rayon (bvBjb Ges †eqb), physical and chemical
properties of rubber and rayon (ivevi I cøvw÷‡Ki †f․Z •ewkó¨), physical and
chemical properties of rubber and plastic for environmental imbalance
(cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨nxbZvq ivevi I cøw÷‡Ki f~wgKv), aware of using rubber and
42 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
plastic (ivevi Ges cøvw÷‡Ki f~wgKv), aware of using rubber and plastic (ivevi
Ges cøvw÷K e¨env‡ii mZK©Zv);
viii. Atmosphere (evqygÐj) :
Biosphere and Hydrosphere (RxegÛj I evwigÛj), Ionosphere (Av‡qvbw¯‥qvi),
role of oxygen (Aw·‡R‡bi f~wgKv), carbon dioxide and nitrogen (Kve©b WvB-
A·vBW Ges bvB‡Uªv‡Rb). Potable and polluted water (cvb‡hvM¨ I `~wlZ cvwb),
Pasteurization (cv¯‧ivB‡Rkb)|
ix. Food and Nutrition (Lv`¨ I cywó) :
Element of food (Lv`¨ I cywó); carbohydrate (kK©iv); protein (†cÖvwUb); fats and
lipid (Pwe© I wjwcW); vitamins (Lv`¨cÖvY); types and sources of carbohydrate
proteins (kK©iv, †cÖvwU‡bi cÖKvi‡f` I Drm), nutritional value (cywógvb), menu of
balanced diet (mylg Lv‡`¨i ZvwjKv), the pyramid of balanced diet (mylg Lv‡`¨i
wcivwgW), body mass index (BMI) [ewWg¨vm GW‡W· (weGgAvB)], fast food or
junk food (dv÷ dzW A_ev Rv¼ dzW), preservation of food (Lv`¨ msiÿY),
various processes of storing food (Lv`¨ msiÿ‡Yi wewfbœ cÖwµqv), use of
chemicals for preservation of foods and its physiological effects (Lv`¨ msiÿ‡Y
ivmvqwb‡Ki e¨envi Ges Gi kixie„wËK cÖfve)|
x. Biotechnology (‣Re cÖhyw³) :
Chromosome; shape, structure and chemical composition of chromosome
(µ‡gvm‡gi AvKvi AvK…wZ I ivmvqwbK mshyw³); nucleic acid (wbDwK¬K GwmW);
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) [wWAw·ivB‡ev wbDwK¬K GwmW (wWGbG)]; ribonucleic
acid (RNA) [ivB‡ev wbDwK¬K (AviGbG)]; protein (†cÖvwUb); gene (wRb); DNA test
(wWGbG †U÷);
forensic test (d‡ibwmK †U÷); genetic disorder in human being (gvby‡li g‡a¨
wRbMZ wek„•Ljv); Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (Rxe cÖhyw³ I
†R‡bwUK BwÄwbqvwis); cloning (†K¬vwbs); social effects of cloning (†K¬vwbs Gi
mvgvwRK cÖfve); transgenic plants and animals (Uªv݇R‡bwUK Dw™¢` I cÖvwY); Use
of biotechnology in agricultural milk products and pharmaceutics (K…wl, `y»
RvZ`ªe¨ Ges Rxe cÖhyw³i e¨envi); Gene therapy (wRb †_ivwc); Genetically
modified organism (RxbMZ cwiewZ©Z Rxe); Nanotechnology (b¨v‡bv cÖhyw³);
Pharmacology (dvg©v‡KvjwR); Pharmacokinetics (dvg©v‡KvKvB‡bwUm)|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 43
xi. Disease and Healthcare (†ivM I ¯^v¯’¨ †mev) :
Deficiency (NvUwZ); Infection (msµgY); Antiseptic (Gw›U‡mcwUK); Antibiotics
(Gw›Uev‡qvwUK); Stroke (†÷ªvK); Heart Attack (nvU© G¨vUvK); Blood Pressure
(i³Pvc); Hypertension and Diabetes (D”P i³Pvc I Wvqv‡ewUm); Dengue (†W½y);
Diarrhea (Wvqwiqv); Drug addiction (gv`Kvmw³); Vaccination (UxKv`vb); Cataract
(Qvwb); food poisoning (Lv`¨ welwµqv); X-ray (G·-‡i); Ultrasongraphy
(AvëªvmvDÛ); CT Scan (wmwU ¯‥¨vb); MRI (GgAvi AvB); ECG (BwmwR); Endoscopy
(G¨v‡Ûv‡¯‥vwc); Radiotherapy (†iwWI †_ivwc); Chemotherapy (†K‡gv‡_viwc);
Angiography (GbwRIMÖvwd); uses, risk and side-effects of above techniques
(Dchy©³ c×wZi e¨envi, SzuwK Ges cvk¦© cÖwZwµqv); Basic concept of Cancer (K¨vÝvi
m¤^‡Ü cÖv_wgK aviYv); AIDS and Hepatitis (GBW&m Ges †ncvUvBwUm)|

Part-B : Computer and Information Technology-25

i. Computer Technology (Kw¤úDUvi cÖhyw³) :
Organization of modern personal computer and its major functional units
(AvaywbK cv‡m©vbvj Kw¤úDUv‡ii msMVb Ges Gi cÖavb dvskb); computer
generations (Kw¤úDUv‡ii †Rbv‡ikb); History of computers (Kw¤úDUv‡ii
BwZnvm); central processing unit and microprocessor (†÷ªvj cÖ‡mwms BDwbU I
gvB‡µv cÖ‡mmi); computer memories and their classification and
characteristics (Kw¤úDUv‡ii ¯§„wZ †kÖwYwefvM I •ewkó¨); input and output devices
with characteristics and uses (BbcyU Ges AvDUcyU wWfvB‡mi •ewkó¨ Ges e¨envi);
The role of BIOS (ev‡qv‡mi f~wgKv); Bus architecture, Motherboard and its
components (gv`vi‡evW© Ges Gi Dcv`vb); function and organization of
microprocessors (gvB‡µvcÖ‡mm‡ii dvskb Ges msMVb); Arithmetic Logic Unit
(ALU) (MvwYwZK hyw³ BDwbU); Control unit (wbqš¿Y BDwbU); Language translator
(fvlv Abyev`K); Text editor (†U· BwWUi); Compiler (K¤úvBjvi); Interpreter
(B›Uvi‡cÖUi); Computer software (Kw¤úDUvi md&UIq¨vi); system software
(wm‡÷g md&UIq¨vi); operating system (Icv‡iwUs wm‡÷g); Application software
with examples of applications (e¨env‡ii D`vniYmn Gwcø‡Kkb md&UIq¨vi);
Computer virus (Kw¤úDUvi fvBivm); office automation (Awdm ¯^qswµqKiY);
Computer biology (Kw¤úD‡Ukbvj ev‡qvjwR); Role of computer in Drug design
(WªvM wWRvB‡b Kw¤úDUv‡ii f~wgKv); Programming languages (†cÖvMÖvwgs j¨v½y‡qR);
their types and levels (Zv‡`i cÖKvi‡f`); steps for software development
(†j‡fj, mdUIq¨vi †Wfjc‡g›U avc); Impacts of computer on society (mgv‡R
Kw¤úDUv‡ii e¨envi)|
44 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
ii. Information Technology (Z_¨ cÖhyw³) : gvbÑ 15
Data communication and information (WvUv KwgDwb‡Kkb Ges Bbdi‡gkb);
information collection (Bbdi‡gkb msMÖn); processing (cÖ‡mwms); and
distribution (Ges wWwֻweDkb); System analysis and information systems
(wm‡÷g G¨vbvwjBwmm Ges Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g); expert systems (G·cvU© wm‡÷g);
Database software and structures (WvUv‡em md&UIq¨vi Ges ÷ªvKUvi); Database
Management System [DBMS] (WvUv‡em md&&UIqvi e¨e¯
vcbv); Basics of
multimedia systems with examples of hardware and software, concept of
data compression (WvUv K‡¤úªk‡bi avibv); multimedia system development life
cycle. Local area (†jvKvj Gwiqv); metropolitan area and wide area computer
networks [LAN, MAN,WAN] (†g‡›UªvcwjUb Gwiqv Ges IqvBW Gwiqv Kw¤úDUvi
†bUIqvK©); LAN Topology (j¨vb U‡cvjwR); Networking devices [Router,
Switch, HUB (ivDUvi, myBP, n‡e)](†bUIqvW© wWfvBm); TCP/IP Protocol suite
(wUwmwc/AvBwc †cÖvUKj myBU); Internet (B›Uvi‡bU); Internet services and
protocols (B›Uvi‡bU mvwf©m Ges †cÖvUKj); Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and
their responsibilities (B›Uvi‡bU mvwf©m †cÖvfvBWvi Ges Zv‡`i `vwqZ¡mg~n); internet
and extranet (B›Uvi‡bU Ges G·Uªv‡bU); World Wide Web (WWW) and web
technology (Iqvj©W IqvBW I‡qe); popular websites (RbwcÖq I‡qe mvBUm);
Access control security and privacy (G‡·R K‡›Uªv‡ji wbivcËv I †MvcbxqZv);
E-mail, Social media (facebook, twitter, blog) and their impacts (B-†gBj,
mgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM gva¨g Ges Zv‡`i cÖfve); Different types of Transmission
media with examples (wewfbœ ai‡bi UªvÝwgkb gva¨g D`vniY mn); bandwidth
(e¨vÛDB_); Major components of telecommunction systems (†Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM
vi cÖavb Dcv`vb mg~n); mobile telephone systems (†gvevBj †Uwj‡dvb e¨e¯
satellite communication systems and VSAT (m¨v‡UjvBU †hvMv‡hvM gva¨g I
wfm¨vU); importance of fibre optic communication systems (dvBevi AcwUK
KwgDwb‡Kkb e¨e¯
vi ¸iæZ¡); Wi-Fi (IqvBdvB); E-Commerce technology and its
impact to society (B-Kgvm© cÖhyw³ Ges mgv‡R Gi cÖfve); Examples of E-
Commerce websites (B-Kgvm© I‡qemvB‡Ui D`vniY); B2B, B2C (we 2 we wm 2
wm); M-Commerce(Gg Kgvm©); Smart phones, GPS (¯§vU©‡dvb, wRwcGm)|
Part – C: Electrical and Electronic Technology-15
iii.Electrical Technology (B‡jw±ªKvj cÖhyw³)
Electrical components (B‡jw±ªKvj Dcv`vbmg~n); voltage (†fv‡ëR); current
(Kv‡i›U); Ohm’s Law (In‡gi m~Î); Electrical power and energy (B‡jw±ªKvj
cvIqvi Ges kw³); Electromagnet and magnetic field (Zwor Pz¤^K Ges g¨vM‡bwUK
wdì); electromagnetic induction, Circuits Breakers (Zwor †P․¤^K Av‡ek, mwK©U
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 45
†eªKvim); GFCI’s and Fuses (wRGdAvBwm Ges wdDm); Power Distribution and
Series circuit (cvIqvi wWw÷ªwekb Ges mgvšÍivj eZ©bx); Voltage Sources in a
Series (mgvšÍivj ms‡hvM †fv‡ëR Drm); Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (Kvk‡di
†fv‡ëm m~Î); Voltage Division in a Series Circuit (mgvšÍivj eZ©bx‡Z †fv‡ëm
wefvR‡b); Interchanging Series Elements (B›Uvi‡PwRs wmwiR Gwj‡g›U); Voltage
Regulation and the Internal Resistance of Voltage Sources, Paraller Resistors
(mgvšÍivj †eva); Paraller Cricuits (mgvšÍivj eZ©bx); Power Distribution in a
Parallel Circuit (mgvšÍivj eZ©bx‡Z cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb); Kirchhoff’s Current
Law (Kvk©‡di Kv‡i›U m~Î); Open and short Circuits (gy³ Ges e× eZ©bx);
Generation of AC and DC voltage (Bwm Ges wWwm †fv‡ëR Drcv`b); thermal,
hydraulic and nuclear power generators (Zvcxq, Pvc Ges wbDwK¬qvi we`yr
Drcv`b); Electric motors and their applications (Zwor gUi Ges Zvi e¨envi);
Transmission (iƒcvšÍiK); AC transmission and distribution (Gwm UªvÝwgkb Ges
wWw÷ªweDkb); Electrical instruments (B‡jKwUªKwj hš¿cvwZ); voltage stabilizers
(†fv‡›UR B÷¨wejvBRvi); IPS and UPS (AvBwcGm Ges BDwcGm)|
iv. Electronics Technology (B‡jK±ªwb· cÖhyw³) :
Electronic components (B‡j±wb· Dcv`vb); Analog and digital signals (GbvjM
Ges wWwRUvj wmMbvj); analog electronic devices (GbvjM B‡j±ªwb· wWfvBm);
amplifiers and oscillator (Ggwcødvqvi Ges Awm‡jUim); resistance (†iva); types
of resistors (†iv‡ai cÖKvi‡f`); conductance (cwievwnZv); ohmmeters
(IngwgUvi); Capacitance (aviKZ¡); Capacitors (aviK); Inductors (Av‡ekK);
Inductance (Av‡ekv¼); Sinusoidal Alternating (mvBby‡mvqW AjUvi‡bwUs);
Waveforms (I‡qf dg©m); General format for the sinussoidal Voltage of
current (mvBby‡mvqWvj †fv‡ë‡Ri Kv‡i‡›Ui mvaviY dig¨vU); Phase Relations (†dR
wi‡jkb); The Basic Elements and Phaasors (†ewmK Gwj‡g›Um Ges †dRim);
Reponse of Basic R. L and C (†ewmK Avi Gj Ges wm Gi †imcÝ); Elements to
a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current (mvB‡bvmyBWvj †fv‡ëR ev Kv‡i‡›Ui Dcv`vb);
Frequency Response of the Basic Elements, Average Power Factor (Mo
cvIqvi Ges cvIqvi d¨v±i); Complex Numbers (RwUj msL¨v);Rectangular Form
(AvqZvKvi KvVv‡gv), Polar Form (†cvjvi KvVv‡gv), Conversion between Forms
(`yB KvVv‡gvi iƒcvšÍi), Impedance and the pharos Diagram Introduction to 3
phase Systems, Elementary concepts of Generation Transmission, and
Distribution, (wewfbœ †j‡f‡ji cvIqvi •Zwi cÖv_wgK aviYv Ges mÂviY),Various
Levels of power (kw³i wewfbœ ¯Íi ), Basic Concepts of Transformers radio,
television, and radar (iæcvšÍiK †iwWI, †Uwjwfkb Ges ivWv‡ii cÖv_wgK aviYv),
Digital devices and digital integrated circuits (wWwRUvj wWfvBm Ges wWwRUvj
Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW eZ©bx), impact of digital integrated circuits (wWwRUvj B›U‡MÖ‡UW eZ©bxi
cÖfve), counters and digital display devices (KvD›Uvi Ges wWwRUvj wWm‡ß
wWfvBm), digital instruments (wWwRUvj hš¿cvwZmg~n)|
46 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
bZzb wm‡jev‡mi Av‡jv‡K
BCS wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I cÖkœ we‡kølY (35Zg-40Zg)
we‡kl `ªóe¨: e‡·i wfZi cÖkœmsL¨v ‡`qv Av‡Q I cÖ‡kœi gvb eySv‡Z () e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
evsjv 1g cÎ, c~Y©gvb-100
1. evsjv e¨vKiY (c~Y©gvb- 5×6=30) [5wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e] cÖkœ msL¨v
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
(K) kãMVb 1 (6) 1 1 1 2
(L) evbvb /evbv‡bi wbqg 1 (6) 2 1 1 1
(M) evK¨ïw× / cÖ‡qvM- 1 (6) 1 1 1 -
(N) evMaviv/cÖev` cÖeP‡bi 1 (6) - 1 1 1
wbwnZv_© cÖKvk
(O) evK¨ MVb/iƒcvšÍi 1 (6) 1 1 1 1
2. fve-m¤úªmviY (c~Y©gvb- 20) 1 1 1 1 1
3. mvigg© ( c~Y©gvb-20) 1 1 1 1 1
4. evsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨welqK cÖkœ (c~Y©gvbÑ 3 × 10 = 30)
cÖvPxb hyM (Phv©c`) 1 1 - 1 1
ga¨hyM 3 - 2 4 3
AvaywbK hyM -
fvlv Av‡›`vjbwfwËK MÖš
 - - - 1 -
gyw³hy× m¤úwK©Z MÖš
 - - 2 1 1
cÎ-cwÎKv - - - - -
11Rb Kwe mvwnwZ¨K (28 Zg wewmGm ch©šÍ GB 11Rb wcGmwmÕi wm‡jevmf~³ wQ‡jv
1. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi - - 1 1
2. KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg - 1 1 1
3. RmxgD``xb - 1 - - -
4. ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq - - 1 - -
5. gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë 1 - 1 - -
6. Ck^iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi 1 - - 1 -
7. gxi gkviid †nv‡mb - - - - 1
8. `xbeÜz wgÎ - - - - -
9. Kvq‡Kvev` - - - - -
10. ‡eMg †iv‡Kqv 1 - - - -
11. diiæL Avng` - - - - -
cÂcvÐe cwiwPwZ - 1 - - -
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 47
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Rxebvb›` `vk 1 - - - -
eyׇ`e emy - - - - -
weòz †` - - - - -
Agxq PµeZx© - - - - -
myax›`ªbv_ `Ë - - - - -
Ab¨vb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Kwe mvwnwZ¨K
kvgmyi ivngvb - 1 - - -
kIKZ Imgvb 1 - 1 - -
c¨vixPuv` wgÎ - - - - -
‡mwjg Avj `xb - - - - -
cÖg_ †P․ayix - - - - -
gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq - - - - -
gybxi ‡Pxayix - - - - -
AvjvDwÏb Avj AvRv` - - - - -
Rwni ivqnvb - - - - -
Avj gvngy` - - - - -
‣mq` kvgmyj nK 1 - - - -
Ab¨vb¨ - 1 - - -
mvwnZ¨wfwËK Pjw”PÎ - - - - -
‡jvKmvwnZ¨ - 1 - - -
PwiÎ cwiwPwZ - 1 - - -
evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖeÜ I ågY Kvwnbx - - - - -
Kve¨ mvwnZ¨ I KweZv, gnvKve¨ - 1 - - -
evsjvi weL¨vZ Mvb - - - - -
hyM wefvM I K‡jøvj hyM - - - - -
wkLv cwÎKv I eyw×i gyw³ Av‡›`vjb - - - - -
‡QvU Mí - - - - -
bvUK - - - - -
Dcb¨vm - 1 - - -
†gvU= 10 15 10 10 15
48 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
evsjv 2q cÎc~Y©gvbt 100(35Zg-40Zg)
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
1. Abyev` (gvb- 15) 1 1 1 1 1
2. KvíwbK msjvc (gvbÑ 15)cÖkœ msL¨v
cov‡kvbv †kl K‡i PvKwiMÖnY 1 - - - -
Ges ¯^-D‡`¨v‡M M„nxZ †Kv‡bv
Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g
wkÿv I wkÿ¨ e¨e¯
v - 1 1 - -
gyw³hy× - - - 1
AvBb I gvgjv - - - - 1
fvlv Av‡›`vjb - - - - -
B›Uvi‡bU I mvgvwRK gva¨‡gi - - - - -
DcKvi I AcKvi
Z_¨ cÖhyw³ I wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k - - - - -
A_©‣bwZK Kg©KvÐ I Dbœqb - - - - -
gyw³hy× cieZx© †cÖÿvcU - - - - -
‡dmeyK n¨vwKs - - - - -
mv¤úªwZK wkï al©Y I cÖwZ‡iva - - - - -
cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Rjevqy - - - - -
‡eKvi‡Z¡i we‡ùviY - - - - -
bvixi ÿgZvqb - - - - -
mv¤úªwZK welq -
mv¤úª`vwqK I Amv¤úª`vwqK - - - - -
‡W½y mgm¨v - - - - -
N~wY©Si eyjeyj - - - - -
wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k - - - - -
cÙv †mZz (Acvi m¤¢vebv) - - - - -
eZ©gvb miKv‡ii mvdj¨ - - - - -
3. cÎ wjLb (gvb-15) cÖkœ msL¨v
Av‡e`b cÎ - 1 - 1
e¨w³MZ cÎ 1 - 1 -
gv`Kvkw³i Kzdj 1 - - - -
Rxeb e„ËvšÍ cÎ - - - -
cwÎKvq cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÎ 1 1 1 1 1
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 49
4. MÖš
 mgv‡jvPbv (gvb - 15) cÖkœ msL¨v
m¤úªwZ cÖKvwkZ Av‡jvwPZ MÖš
 - - - - -
me©‡kl cÖKvwkZ gyw³hy× wfwËK MÖš
 - - - - -
gyw³hy×wfwËK Dcb¨vm - - 1 - -
gyw³hy×wfwËK bvUK - - - - -
fvlv Av‡›`vjbwfwËK MÖš
 - - - - -
MYAfy¨Ìv‡bi Dci iwPZ MÖš
 - - - - -
gyw³hy×wfwËK cÖeÜ I ¯§„wZK_v - - - - -
gyw³hy×wfwËK Kve¨MÖš
 - - - - -
hy×vcivax‡`i wePvi msµvšÍ MÖš
 - - - - -
¯^vaxbZvhy‡×i BwZnv‡mi MÖš
 - - - - -
gyw³hy×wfwËK †QvU Mí - - - - -
mvgvwRK I agx©q Kzms¯‥v‡ii Dci - - - - -
iwPZ MÖš

HwZnvwmK bvUK - - - - -
‡ivgvw›UK Dcb¨vm - - - - -
MÖvgxb Rxeb m¤úwK©Z MÖš
 - - - - -
‡`k wefvMwfwËK Dcb¨vm - - - - -
Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx - 1 - - -
KvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPv - 1 - - -
evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖ_g Dcb¨vm - - - - -
ev½vwji BwZnvmwfwËK MÖš
 1 - - 1 -
ev½wji †jvK HwZnvwmK MÖš
 - - - 1 -
gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi iwPZ MÖš
 - - - - -
mv¤úªwZK cÖKvwkZ gyw³hy×wfwËK MÖš
 - - - - 1
mv¤úªwZK cÖKvwkZ fvlv - - - - 1
Av‡›`vjbwfwËK MÖš

5. iPbv (gvb-40) iPbvi msL¨v
(UwcK‡mi bvg D‡jøL K‡i †`qv Av‡Q| D³ UwcK‡mi Dci GK ev GKvwaK iPbv Av‡Q|)
Dbœq‡bi AMÖhvÎvq evsjv‡`k 1 - - - -
GKRb gwnqmx bvix 1 - - - -
evsjv‡`‡ki †cvkvK wkí 1 - - - -
gyw³hy‡×i †PZbv I ivóªxq A½xKvi 1 - - - -
evOvwji HwZn¨ I K…wó 1 - - - -
evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœqb I A_©‣bwZK cÖKí - 1 1 - -
gyw³hy× I fvlv Av‡›`vjb - 1 1 1 -
50 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Rjevqy cwieZ©b, cªvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I cwi‡ek - 1 1 -
Av‡jvwPZ mgm¨v I mgvavb - 1 - - 1
‡`k‡cÖg - 1 - - 1
mš¿vmev`, mvBevi Aciva - 1 - -
gvbem¤ú` I gvbe Dbœqb - - 1 - -
‡jvKR HwZn¨, cÖvPxb HwZn¨ I mvwnZ¨ - - - 1 -
bvix, bvix Dbœqb, bvix ÿgZvqb - - - 1 -
mv¤úªwZK evsjv‡`k - - - - 1
ivR‣bwZK I kvmb msµvšÍ - - - - -
wkÿv I mvs¯‥…wZK Kg©KvÐ - - - - -
cÖhyw³MZ wecøe I wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k - - - - -
ewnwe©‡k^ evsjv‡`k I AvšÍR©vwZK m¤úK© - - - - -
evsjv‡`‡ki AR©b - - - - -
wewea - - 1 1 1
we.`ª.: iPbvi †ÿ‡Î me©‡kl Av‡jvwPZ welq m¤ú‡K© aviYv ivL‡Z n‡e| †m‡ÿ‡Î wewfbœ cÎ-
cwÎKvq Kjvg covi Af¨vm ivL‡Z n‡e| evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ Dbœqb I m¤¢vebv m¤ú‡K© Z_¨
DcvË msMÖn K‡i †bvU K‡i co‡Z n‡e| iPbvi †ÿ‡Î 5wUi g‡a¨ 1wUi DËi Ki‡Z nq|
English 1st paper(35th to 40th)
Full Marks- 100
Topic Name 40th 38th 37th 36th 35th
Passage (100 Marks)Marks
1. Answering the questions 30 30 30 30 30
2. Meaning of the words 5 5 5 5 5
3. Formation of the Words 5 5 5 5 5
4. Joining Sentence - - 10 10 10
5. Sentence Making 10 10 10 10 -
6. Changing Sentence - 4 - - -
7. Make Sentence with 10 6 - - -
8. Use Appropriate - - - - 10
Capitalization, Punctuation
and Quotation
9. Summaries of the given 20 20 20 20 20
10. Letter 20 20 20 20 20
Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 51
English 2nd paper(35th to 40th)
Full Marks- 100
Topic Name 40th 38th 37th 36th 35th
Translation (Bangla to English) Marks
Liberation war Museum 25 - - - -
Effect of culture - 25 - - -
Liberation - - 25 25 25
Translation (English to Bangla) Marks
Leisure 25 - - - -
Mechanical Life Vs Reading - 25 - - -
Washer man - - 25 - -
Enlightenment of Poetry - - - 25 -
Relativity of Perceived time - - - - 25
Essay (50 Marks) Write an Essay Marks
Literature and Society - - - -
Democracy and Good Governance 50 - - - -
Corruption: The Invicible Monster - - - -
Recent Issues - 50 - - -
Different Economics issues of - 50 - - -
ICT - 50 - - -
Environmental Issues - - 50 50 -
Business Sector of Bangladesh - - 50 - -
Celebration of Festivals - - 50 - -
Development of Bangladesh - - - 50 -
Culture - - - 50 -
Religious Issues - - - - 50
Education - - - - 50
Changing Life Style - - - - 50
Liberation War - - - - -
Women Empowerment - - - - -
Social Issues - - - - -
Conflict or Violence - - - - -
Use of Resources - - - - -
Politics and Government - - - - -
National Heritage - - - - -
52 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
evsjv‡`k welqvewj (35 Zg - 40 Zg)
c~Y©gvb- 200
wet`ªt cÖ‡Z¨K Aa¨v‡qi g~j bvg D‡jøL K‡i ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q| D³ Aa¨v‡qi we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z
n‡j wm‡jevm †`Lyb| cÖkœwe‡køl‡Y cÖkœ msL¨v Ges eªv‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ cÖ`Ë b¤^i D‡jøL Kiv
n‡q‡Q| †hgb, 3wU (15) A_©vr 3wU cÖkœ Ges 15 gvK©|
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq welq cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1. evsjv‡`‡ki f‚ ‡ Mvj: cª v K… wZK •ewkó I 2wU (20) 0 1wU (10) 3wU 2wU (10)
Gi cwieZ©b (15)

2. RbwgwZK •ewkó¨ b„ZvwË¡K I mvs¯‥…wZK 3wU (20) 3wU (20) 3wU (20) - -
3. evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm I ms¯‥…wZt cÖvPxb 1wU (20) 1wU (5) - 1wU (5) 1wU (20)
†_‡K eZ©gvb
4. evsjv‡`‡ki mgvR, A_©bxwZ, mvwnZ¨ I 7wU (50) 4wU (25) 2wU (20) 6wU 5wU (25)
ms¯‥…wZ (30)

5. evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡ek I cªK…wZ Ges - 4wU (25) - - 5wU (25)

P¨v‡jÄ I m¤¢vebv
6. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK m¤ú`t †UKmB - 4wU (25) 1wU (5) - 2wU (10)
e¨envi I e¨e¯
7. evsjv‡`‡ki msweavb 2wU (15) 2wU (10) 2wU (20) 9wU 4wU (20)
8. evsjv‡`‡ki miKvi e¨e¯
v 1wU (5) 2wU (15) 1wU (20) 4wU 6wU (30)
9. evsjv‡`‡ki ciivóªbxwZ I ewntm¤úK© 1wU (5) 3wU (20) 2wU (20) 2wU 5wU (20)
10. evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‣bwZK `j 2wU (25) - 1wU (20) - 4wU (20)
11. evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vPb e¨e¯
v - - 2wU (20) 3wU 2wU (10)
12. mgmvgwqK Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ - 3wU (20) 1wU (10) 2wU 1wU (5)
13. AbvbyôvwbK cÖwZôvbt mykxj mgvR, 1wU (5) - 1wU (10) - -
¯^v_©ev`x †Mvôx I evsjv‡`‡ki GbwRI
14. wek^vqb I evsjv‡`k - - 2wU (10) - 4wU (20)
15. evsjv‡`‡ki ‣jw½K Bmy¨ I Dbœqb 1wU (5) - 1wU (5) 2wU -
16. ¯^vaxbZv hy× I Gi cUf‚wg 6wU (20) 8wU (50) 2wU (10) 9wU 2wU (10)
we‡kl `ªóe¨: 40Zg wewmGm G UxKv wjLyb As‡k 6wU cÖkœ wQ‡jv| GLvb †_‡K 4wU cÖkœ
evQvB K‡i †jLvi my‡hvM wQ‡jv|
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 53
AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj(35 Zg - 40 Zg)
c~Y©gvb- 200
wet`ªt cÖ‡Z¨K Aa¨v‡qi g~j bvg D‡jøL K‡i ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q| D³ Aa¨v‡qi we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z
n‡j wm‡jevm †`Lyb| cÖkœwe‡køl‡Y cÖkœ msL¨v Ges eªv‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ cÖ`Ë b¤^i D‡jøL Kiv
n‡q‡Q| †hgb, 2wU (6) A_©vr 2wU cÖkœ Ges 6 gvK©|
Section A: Conceptual Issues(aviYvMZ Bmy¨)
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq wel‡qi bvg I cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1. AvšÍR©vwZK welqvewj cwiwPwZ 1wU (4) 1wU (4) 1wU (4) - -
2. we‡k¦i KviKmg~n 1wU (4) 2wU (8) 1wU (4) 5wU 4wU (16)
3. ÿgZv I wbivcËv 2wU (8) 2wU (8) 1wU (4) 2wU (8) 2wU (8)
4. cÖavb cÖavb aviYv I fveZË¡ 1wU (4) 1wU (4) - 1wU (4) 1wU (4)
5. ciivóªbxwZ Ges K~UbxwZ 2wU (8) 2wU (8) 2wU (8) - 1wU (4)
6. AvšÍR©vwZK A_©‣bwZK m¤úK© 2wU (8) 3wU (12) 4wU 2wU (8) 2wU (8)
7. ‣ewk^ K cwi‡ek 1wU (4) - 1wU (4) - -
wet`ªt40 Zg wewmGm G mswÿß cÖkœ wQ‡jv 12wU| DËi Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q 10wU|
Section B: Empirical Issues (cÖv‡qvwMK Bmy¨)
c~Y©gvb- 45
4wU cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ 3wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwUi gvbÑ 15
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq welq cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1. RvwZmsN - - 2wU (15) 2wU (15)
2. ÿgZvai ivómg~‡ni 1wU (15) - 1wU (15) 1wU (15) -
•e‡`wkK m¤úK©
3. ‣ewk^K D‡`¨vM Ges - 1wU (15) - -
4. AvÂwjK cÖwZôvbmg~n - 1wU (15) - -
5. we‡k^i cÖavb Bmy¨ I 3wU (30) 1wU (15) 1wU (15) 1wU (15)
6. `wÿY Gwkqvi ivRbxwZ 1wU (15) 3wU (30) - 1wU (15) 2wU (15)
7. AvšÍR©vwZK A½‡b 1wU (15) - - - 1wU (15)
54 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
Section C: Problem Soling(mgm¨v mgvavb)
c~Y©gvb- 15
1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwUi gvb- 15
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq UwcKm cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1. Problem Solving (mgm¨v mgvavb) 1wU (15) 1wU (15) 1wU (15) 1wU (15) 1wU (15)
wet`ªt mv¤úªwZK eûj Av‡jvwPZ †`kxq Ges AvšÍR©vwZK mgm¨vi mgvavb Ki‡ZB
g~jZ Section C: Problem Soling G cÖkœ Av‡m| myZivs Avcbviv wbqwgZ
co‡eb Ges Section C Gi †ÿ‡Î †bvU K‡i co‡eb|
MvwYwZK hyw³ (35 Zg - 40 Zg)
c~Y©gvb - 50
wet`ªt cÖkœ we‡køl‡Y cÖkœ msL¨v Ges eªv‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ cÖ`Ë b¤^i D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q| †hgb, 2wU
(10), A_©vr 2wU cÖkœ Ges 10 b¤^i
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq welq cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1. cvwUMwYZxq mijxKiY Ges 4wU (10) - - - -
exRMwYZxq mijxKiY
2. HwKK wbqg, Mo, kZKiv, jmv¸ I - 3wU (15) - 3wU (10) 1wU (5)
Mmv¸, AbycvZ I mgvbycvZ, jvf-ÿwZ
3. exRMwY‡Zi mvaviY m~Îmg~n, eûc`xi 2wU (5) 4wU (10) 5wU (14) 4wU (10) 4wU (15)
Drcv`‡K we‡kølY, GKNvZ I wØNvZ
mgxKiY, GKNvZ I wØNvZ AmgZv
4. `yB I wZb PjK wewkó •iwLK mgxKiY - - - 1wU (5) 1wU (5)
5. m~PK I jMvwi`g 2wU (5) 3wU (10) 4wU 1wU (2.5) 1wU (5)
6. mgvšÍi I ¸‡YvËi, Abyµg I ARvbv 2wU (5) - - - 1wU (5)
7. ‡iLv, †KvY, wÎf‚R m¤úwK©Z Dccv`¨, 2wU (5) - 2wU (10) 4wU (11) 2wU (10)
wc_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨, e„Ë m¤úKx©q
Dccv`¨ I Abywm×všÍ
8. ‡ÿÎdj m¤úKx©q Dccv`¨, cwiwgwZ I - 1wU (5) 1wU (5) - -
wewmGm cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z hy³ _vKzb Ñ FB Page & Group: Aminul’s Academy 55
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
9. ¯
vbv¼ R¨vwgwZt `~iZ¡ I mij‡iLvi 2wU (5) 1wU (5) 1wU (5) 2wU (5) -
10. w·KvYwgwZt `~iZ¡ I D”PZv welqK 1wU (5) 2wU (5) 5wU 3wU (9) 1wU (5)
mgm¨v (12.5)
11. ‡m‡Ui m~Î 1wU (5) - 2wU (5) 4wU (15) 1wU (5)
12. MYbvi g~jbxwZt web¨vm, mgv‡ek I 1wU (5) 3wU (10) - 1wU (2.5) 1wU (5)
we:`ª: 40Zg wewmG‡m MvwYwZK hyw³i As‡k 12wU cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ 10wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z ejv

mvaviY weÁvb I cÖhyw³(35 Zg - 40 Zg)

c~Y©gvb- 100
wet`ªt cÖkœwe‡køl‡Y cÖkœ msL¨v Ges eªv‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ cÖ`Ë b¤^i D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q| †hgb, 2wU
(6), A_©vr 2wU cÖkœ Ges 6b¤^i
Part – A
General Science
Marks- 60
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq UwcKm cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1. Av‡jv 3wU (6) 3wU (5.5) 3wU (7.5) - 3wU (7.5)
2. kã - 5wU (10) - - -
3. ‡P․¤^KZ¡ 1wU (3) 1wU (2) 3wU (6.5) 2wU (4.5) -
4. GwmW, ÿvi I jeY 3wU (7.5) 1wU (2.5) 5wU (9) 5wU (9.5) 4wU (7.5)
5. cvwb 1wU (2.5) 1wU (2.5) 3wU (7.5) 2wU (3) 6wU (12.5)
6. Avgv‡`i m¤ú` 3wU (7.5) 2wU (5.5) 2wU (5.5) 8wU (15) 2wU (3.5)
7. cwjgvi 2wU (4.5) 1wU (1.5) 1wU (2) - -
8. evqygÐj 3wU (8) 2wU (5.5) 2wU (3) 2wU (5) -
9. Lv`¨ I cywó 5wU (10) 6wU (14.5) 6wU (10.5) 6wU (12.5) 6wU (14)
10. ‣Re cÖhyw³ 1wU (3) 5wU (11) 4wU (7.5) 4wU (7.5) 8wU (15)
11. ‡ivM I ¯^v¯
¨ cwiPh©v 6wU (15.5) 3wU (6) 3wU (11.5) 3wU (4.5) 7wU (7.5)
40Zg wewmG‡m mvaviY weÁvb As‡k 9wU cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ 8wUi DËi Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q|
56 ¯^cœ wewmGm K¨vWvi (weMZ cÖkœ we‡kølY, wcÖwj.-wjwLZ P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb I c~Y©v½ wm‡jevm)
Computer and Information Technology
Marks- 25
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq welq cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1 Kw¤úDUvi 8wU (20) 6wU (15) 5wU (12.2) 7wU 17.5) 6wU (15)
2 Z_¨ cÖhyw³ 2wU (5) 6wU (15) 8wU (20) 5wU 12.5) 5wU 12.5)

Electrical and Electronics Technology
Marks- 15
wel‡qi bvg 40Zg 38Zg 37Zg 36Zg 35Zg
Aa¨vq welq cÖkœ msL¨v (cÖ`Ë b¤^i)
1 B‡jw±ªK¨vj 7wU 17.5) 6wU (15) 6wU (15) 6wU (15) 6wU (15)
2 B‡j±ªwb· 1wU (2.5) 2wU (5) 2wU (5) 2wU (5) 2wU (5)
we‡kl `ªóe¨: B‡jw±ªK¨vj GÛ B‡j±ªwb· cÖhyw³ As‡k 8wU cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ 6wU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z
ejv n‡q‡Q|

41/43 Zg wewmGm cÖZ¨vkxiv wewmGm wcÖwj. I wjwLZ mgwš^Z

cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z PvB‡j msMÖn KiæbÑ
¯^cœ wmwi‡Ri
wcÖwj.-wjwLZ Kgb cÖkœ mgvavb
cÖKvkbvq: ¯^cœ cÖKvkb
eBwU ‡Kb co‡eb?
 cieZx© wcÖwj‡Z cªvq 40% Kgb cv‡eb
 cieZx© wjwLZ‡Z cÖvq 400 b¤^i GwM‡q _vK‡eb
 fvBfvi Rb¨ †ewmK b‡jR •Zix n‡e|

cvIqv hv‡e bxj‡ÿZmn †`‡ki AwfRvZ jvB‡eªwi mg~‡n|

we¯ÍvwiZ: FB Page & Group: ¯^cœ cÖKvkb
A_ev 015-1921 1971

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