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EDU 892 Hannah Chlystek

Building a Design Document

I. Analysis
A. Goal
1. After three weeks, student will be able to identify the story structure of
fictional stories.
B. Instructional Analysis
1. In terms of prior knowledge that is necessary, students need to know
what a fictional story is. Learners will need the template for story
structure. This will help with helping them to know what comes first.
C. Audience Analysis and Description
- The audience would be 6 and 7 years old. The learners will already know
what a fictional story is but will be unfamiliar with the story structure, as
well as how to apply with a text. The socio-economic make up is low
income families and some poverty. Most ethnicity in our demographic is
Caucasian, but also have African Americans and Hispanics mixed in. The
highest level of education would be 1st grade as they are currently in 2nd
grade. There are not any beliefs as I know of.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Learners will be able to identify the story structure of a fictional story.
Specifically, students will be able to tell what events happen at each stage
of the story structure. This is a Learning Objective.
II. Design of the learning experience
A. Assessments
1. Students will use Google Classroom. Students will go into the virtual
classroom and find the document called Story Structure Quiz.
Students will see a story and questions to answer under it.
B. Format for Learning Experience
1. The format will be through multiple tools to help with learning.
Students will receive a story on paper in which we will do together.
Students will use google classroom to find the document with another
story and questions in which they will work with a partner. Finally,
students will use quizzizz to demonstrate the learning objective.
C. Instructional Strategy
1. Learners will be motivated through this video:
2. The content will be presented on the document camera and through
paper copies. This is so that the technology is being used but will be
successful having their own copy in front of them.
3. Learners will be involved by participating in the examples and doing
their own application of the learning objective. Teacher will model
with the document camera how to find the beginning, middle and end
of the story. Next, students will participate by highlighting the
sentences for each part of the story structure. This allows them to see
and example and then participate in am example with guidance from
the teacher.
4. There will be a summative assessment at the end in which students
will be given a story and must identify the events that happened at
beginning, middle, and end of the story. There will be formatives
assessment done during the examples in which it will give me a gauge
of their feelings and understanding.
5. Follow though activities will include in writing station where they
must apply the story structure, as well as in the reading curriculum.
III. Development of the Learning Experience
A. Create a Sample
1. You will need the story that will be done as a whole class. You
will also need to post the second story in which they are working
with a partner. Google Classroom will be used to access this so
make sure everyone is in your Google Classroom. The summative
Assessment will also be in Google Classroom labeled “Summative
Assessment” in which they will do individually to see if they can
do the learning objective.
2. The documents that will be used will be in the Appendix.
3. I asked another teacher in which she said it was great and would
need to make the directions simpler for students to understand.
IV. Implementation of Learning Experience
A. Train your Instructor
1. The instructor would need to know the stories ahead of time. The
instructor would also need to know how to work and access
Google Classroom.
B. Prepare your Learners
1. They would need to know what the characteristics of a fictional
story are.
C. Arrange the Learning Space
1. I am going to organize it in Google Classroom by day. Each day
will be what are the materials for that day.
V. Evaluation of Learning Experience
A. Formative Evaluation
1. The questions I would ask to receive feedback is
- Are the directions clear and Concise?
- Is it organized fluently?
- Is the text for the story appropriate for the age group?
B. Summative Evaluation
1. The questions I would ask for addressing the effectiveness is:
- Did the course meet your expectations?
- How do you feel about the content?
- Did you learn something new?
- Were the stories relevant or interesting to you?
- Did you like the length of the experience?
2. Their knowledge will be assessed by observation of the activities
and assessments.
VI. Appendix- All the materials that would be needed.
pdf - this is the one the teacher will model an example with
m.pdf - This will be the one they do with a partner
us.pdf - this is one they will do on their own as an assessment

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