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Topic 10

Kha: Hey, you look worried. What happened?

Huyền: I'm thinking about whether to minimize my re-education to learn more

about social skills.

Kha: Why do you want that?

Huyền: The way I see that to get a good job, it is important to have very
important social skills. If I were an employer, I would want someone skilled,
skillful in dealing with social issues.

Kha: I don't think so. A smart recruiter, needs people with a knowledge base,
education levels that pay attention to them, even beyond the level set by the
employer. For example, when you attend an interview, qualified candidates will
be more noticeable by the employer. These people already have a knowledge
base so they easily handle the work quickly, their performance is also very high. In
addition, if it is in trouble, they can use the knowledge that has been created to
solve the problem. People with social skills take an extra amount of time to get
used to the job, and an employer doesn't want to lose time.

Huyền: I take a view that a candidate with social skills excels because they are
dynamic, skillful in relationships, they are agile so adapting to the job will not take
time as you say. In addition, to expand their business, companies desperately
need people who can communicate and negotiate well, so they will hire people
with social skills. You see, now there are a lot of people who just need to learn
English and have more social skills, they will get good jobs with high salaries.

Kha: Having a degree means you have a background in knowledge and

professionalism in situations. I still think of adding more knowledge rather than
focusing on social skills.

Huyền: I'll think more about what you say. Thank you for sharing the problem
with me.

Kha: you’re welcome.

Topic 9
Huyền: What's up, Kha? Are you ready for a presentation on foreign cultural

Kha: Not yet, I'm having some problems.

Huyền: what happens?

Kha: My teammate and I don't have the same opinion. I think the blending of
foreign culture with traditional culture is an interesting one, it does not lose the
national identity if you still retain the traditional culture as the dominant. For
example, in Vietnamese writing, there are many China and French borrowed
words,... It has been adopted by the nature of Vietnam. That's our language.

Huyền: Maybe I agree with your teammate. Traditional culture is a unique,

unique feature of a country. If you blend cultures, traditional cultures are easily
missing out, even forgotten. The fact, traditional culture is mixed has a lot of
dangers, it makes young people, especially children, misunderstand the country's
culture. For example, game shows and dramas are being taken over by foreign
films. Especially, foreign cultural propaganda films make viewers gradually forget
about the culture of the country. Many young people are affected but promote
foreign culture.

Kha: I understand your opinion, I also appreciate the traditional culture. But to
develop and propagate, the skillful blend of traditional culture and foreign culture
is necessary, it quickly creates an impression, easy to remember but not lost
traditional cultural values.

Huyền: Ok, I agree with you but still hold my point of view.

Kha: Thank you for giving me more comments for my presentation.

Topic 8
Kha: oh, Huyen. Where are you going?

Huyền: Hi Kha. I was going to art class, then I had a music class at school.

Kha: I think you should take social science knowledge classes rather than music
and art. It doesn't benefit your future. In my opinion, schools shouldn’t have
music and art.

Huyền: Why do you think so?

Kha: Focusing on music and art takes a lot of time, you may even forget about
your studies. Tests that exactly rate your abilities, being distracted by music or art
are not recommended. Just see it as something for you to entertain, not to spend
too much time.

Huyền: The way I see that the tests properly rate a person's abilities. People are
born with their strengths, some are good at learning, but some people are good
at artistic languages such as music, drawing... Not only that, you can apply
drawing and music and lessons, it stimulates the brain to help you remember
longer. The failure rate of people spending time on music or art is not high, nor
does it mean that they will drop out of the necessary subjects.

Kha: People who focus on the necessary subjects from school are more quickly
successful than those who are active in music and art. Instead of their school
opening art and music classes, they should open extracurricular classes in skills,
fitness, or informatics classes. It gives us more value in the future.

Huyền: You're right, but art and music are the great things of life, sometimes it's a
person's ideal, it shouldn't force people into a framework. Music and art will help
people free their brains. Oh sorry, I've got to go to class now, see you again.

Kha: See you.

Topic 7
Kha: What's up, Huyen? During the lockdown, are you still exercising?

Huyền: Yes, I still exercise regularly but it's not as effective as exercising at the

Kha: Oh, I think training at home is very good. It's like training in the gym just not
having enough training equipment.

Huyen: Exercise at the gym is fully equipped, has a trainer and editing coach for
you. You will also be on a diet that matches your workout regimen. Training in the
gym is much more effective.

Kha: I do my research and exercises at home on YouTube, many Youtubers also

share their diet menu. I think it works just as well as at the gym.

Huyen: But there is a coach who directly gives exercises that suit each person's
condition. Exercises on YouTube if not suitable will reduce the effectiveness.

Kha: Of course, we have to choose the right exercise and practice at home to save
us money.

Huyền: you're right. I'm looking forward to going to the gym, I miss it.

Kha: i hí hí, me too.

Topic 6
Huyền: Oh my god, plastic is everywhere, people shouldn't be creating plastic

Kha: Why do you think that? I find plastic bags useful for life.

Huyền: It’s not a new problem for us, but people are ignoring it. As far as I can
see, if this problem is not solved soon, humans will be swallowed up by plastic
soon. I think plastic bags should be banned from production.

Kha: I don't think so. Plastic bags are just on a mission to make human life more
convenient than before, it is needed in life. Plastic bags shouldn’t be banned.

Huyen: As you can see, plastic bags are destroying nature, it’s convenient for life
but at the same time is making people dependent on them. Plastic bags are the
main cause of environmental problems. Not only that, the more animals that are
included in the IUCN are even just extinct because of plastic bags. Plastic bags also
hinder sewerage affecting the city, I don't find it convenient at all.

Kha: You're right, but there are plenty of alternative solutions that can use plastic
bags that aren't to the point of having to ban production. For example, you use
paper bags instead of plastic bags, but paper bags cannot be water-resistant, so
some producers have added plastic layers to increase water difference. I agree
with you that humans are suffering from plastic dependence, but we can
minimize dependence by reducing the amount of plastic or replacing it with
environmentally friendly materials.

Huyen: Your example is true, but produce paper bags, we still have to cut down
trees, which is no different than we use plastic as fertilizer for plants. People
should still completely ban plastic bags and research new, environmentally
friendly, biodegradable substances to replace plastic.

Kha: I respect your opinion, but think more positively to have a positive impact.
Banning plastic, hmmm, is probably quite negative.

Huyền: Oh, I'll think about this.

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