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Unit 7 - Activity 4 - Preliminary Report Rubric

Student Name: ___________________________________________

Topic: ___________________________________________________

 Title Page (interesting and descriptive title, name, course code, date, teacher’s name,
may include a relevant picture or graphic)
 A copy of your survey questions (at least 6 questions).
 A description of how you would conduct a survey to collect data on your topic. Make
sure to explain how you would eliminate bias.
 A brief description outlining the final report to explain how all the graphs link together
 Data tables showing the exact data that was used to make each graph
 All graphs presented in a logical and sequential manner with mathematical analysis of
trends that you have observed (e.g. one-variable and two-variable statistics with an
explanation of meaning/importance) typed, in point-form.

Criteria Level 0-1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Total

For each criterion: For each criterion: For each criterion: For each criterion:
(0 – 5 marks) (6 - 7 marks) (8 - 9 marks) (10 marks)
Clarity Explanations are Explanations lack Explanations Explanations are
often unclear. clarity at times. contain minor extremely clear.
errors, but are still
somewhat clear. 10
Analysis Superficial, with Somewhat Thorough, Very thorough,
very few insights. superficial, still providing providing very
with a few acceptable good insights into
insights. insights. the topic. 10

Thinking/Inquiry: / 20

NOTE: Please use this sheet as the title page for your Preliminary Report.
Include your Project Proposal as an Appendix to this document.
Preliminary Report Peer Evaluation Rubric

Peer Evaluator Name: __________________________

Student Name: _________________________

Topic: ___________________________________________________

Positive Feedback: (e.g. “I like the way…”, “It was easy to follow because…”)

Constructive Criticism: (e.g. “I found it difficult to understand… this could be improved by…”,
“consider looking into… as an extraneous variable”, consider the use of various 1-variable and
2-variable statistics)

If the person’s work is excellent – then give specific reasons why it is good quality work.

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