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THON 2022 

Forging Uncharted Paths 

Spark Endless Light 
Include some pictures! Personalize this to your liking—make it fun and inviting for your successor. J  

Maddie Fisher
Family Relations 2022 
Family Programs Coordinator 
January 5, 2022 
The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
Table of Contents
I. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3
II. Your Captain Responsibilities.................................................................................................4
III. General FR Pre-THON Events............................................................................................6
Captain Summit.....................................................................................................................................................6
All-Captain Mat Cleaning.....................................................................................................................................6
Harvest Day...........................................................................................................................................................6
THON Athletic Events..........................................................................................................................................6
THON 5K..............................................................................................................................................................6
Teen Nights...........................................................................................................................................................6
100 Days................................................................................................................................................................6
Family Carnival.....................................................................................................................................................6
Candlelight Vigil...................................................................................................................................................7

IV. Your Duties as Family Programs Coordinator....................................................................7

a. Penn Pal Program (PPP)......................................................................................................................7
b. Teen Mentorship Program (TMP).......................................................................................................9
c. Family Relations Liaisons on Committees........................................................................................11
d. Captain in Training: Family Carnival........................................................................................12
V. THON Weekend Responsibilities..........................................................................................13
a. Captain in Training: THON Weekend..........................................................................................13
b. Family Lounge Decorating...........................................................................................................13
c. Adopt an Independent Dancer Couple..........................................................................................13
VI. FPC By the Numbers.........................................................................................................13
VII. Important Contacts for FPC...............................................................................................14
VIII. Working with FR and Other Committees..........................................................................15
XI. Plans for the Next 2 Months and Post-THON...................................................................15
Suggestions for Improving the Family Relations Committee.......................................................16
IX. Week by Week Overview..................................................................................................16

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer

I. Introduction
Congratulations and Welcome to Family Relations!
Being selected as a FR Captain for THON 2023 is such an incredible achievement. You
should be so proud of yourself for having the drive and passion to apply for a leadership position
within in the largest student run philanthropy in the world! Serving as a Family Programs
Coordinator for THON 2022 was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life. Being able to
connect with families as not only a resource, but as a friend, taught me so much about why we
I hope that you love this position as much as I do! Work closely with your direct co-
captain (aka your new best friend!) and always know that you can turn to your fellow captains
and director for advice, inspiration, or even just a good hug. For the Kids forever and always!
With love, Maddie Fisher

Gonna get to this part post-thon 

THON is a student run philanthropy committed to enhancing the lives of children and families
impacted by childhood cancer. Our mission is to provide emotional and financial support,
spread awareness, and ensure funding for critical research- all in pursuit of a cure.

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
II. Your Captain Responsibilities
As a THON volunteer, you are a THON Captain first, your committee second, and your position
third. Your actions represent THON and its mission; you must always think about how you are
contributing to it.

As a THON Captain…
 Remember that every position and every committee is important! Support all of THON
endeavors and events that all captains are called upon to participate in.
 Always be respectful and aware of your words and actions. You are a representation of
the THON Community- this applies to all actions in person and on social media.
 Make sure to actively fundraise and support campaigns supporting THON. This includes
all separate efforts, including alternative fundraisers and campaigns, that are hosted.
 Ensure that THON is a space for all types of people. THON is an inclusive environment
that brings together Penn Staters from all backgrounds for one common cause.

As a Family Relations Captain, your responsibilities include…

 Weekly Meetings  
o Each week there will be a mandatory FR meeting. These meetings are crucial because
important dates, brainstorming, position/THON-specific updates, meeting crashes,
action items, and family stories (FEP) are shared to all of FR. Be present and attentive
at each meeting. Take advantage of the time FR has together in the same space as a
time to ask for help from co-captains, ask questions, share an AAF pairing, debrief an
event, bump a blurb, lend a hand, etc.  
 Bullets  
o Every Sunday at 11:59 weekly bullets are due via a Microsoft Form. You can submit
a bullet with anything that you would like to talk about with the committee as a whole
and it will be included in the meeting agenda. If you don’t have a specific bullet, it is
important to still submit the form saying that you don’t so that your Director knows
the agenda is complete and not missing anything.  
 Goals and Visions  
o At the beginning of the year, you will be asked to reflect on your goals and visions for
Family Relations as a whole, as well as your specific position. Taking time to think
about these and put them down on paper will help you as the year goes on and gets
busy to remember what you wanted to accomplish and hold you accountable to those
goals. Take a critical look at your position and identify areas for growth and
 Family Contacts  
o Throughout the THON season, you will be paired with families as they register for
THON 2023 on THINK. We are paired with Family Contacts to keep families
updated with the many THON opportunities their family can get involved with. You
will need to find each of your Family Contacts’ preferred ways of communication
(email, text, call, Facebook Messenger), which will benefit you when bumping
THON events/programs and forming relationships with them. Call your Family
Contacts! It can be difficult to get a hold of your Family Contacts – but you can get
their attention better through multiple ways of spreading important THON-related
information. It is important to check the Family Email Log and Family Database as
The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
often as possible, while staying organized and tracking your communication. It is also
important to keep the rest of FR updated on which families are signed up for your
events and programs! If a Captain knows their family signed up for an event, they can
stop pushing that event to their family and focus on other events they may not know
 Weekly Reports 
o Every Sunday at 11:59 Weekly Reports are to be submitted through Teams > FR
General > Reports & Task Lists > Weekly Reports. Weekly Reports are a way to
keep track of what you are doing related to THON each week and for
your Director to know where you are at. Weekly Reports breakdown each day of the
week, important contacts, documents created/received, bullets, weekly summary,
plans for the upcoming week, and questions/comments/concerns. If there will be any
delay in your Weekly Report completions, it is important to communicate that with
your Director before the deadline. A way to not get behind in completing weeklies is
by working on them throughout the week as you get things done. 
 One-on-Ones 
o Within the first few weeks of your new position, you will meet with your Director to
go over any questions or concerns you might have about your position. Come
prepared to this meeting by knowing your position responsibilities along with having
an idea of your goals and visions. You will have at least one more mandatory one-on-
one with your Director, but if you ever want to meet with them, all you have to do is
 Position Specific Meetings  
o Throughout the THON season, you will meet with other THON Volunteers to make
your position duties successful and reach towards your goals/visions. Meeting with
other Directors/Captains is a major part of a THON Volunteer’s role in order to
communicate and get things done efficiently. Knowing who to meet with and when
can be found throughout your predecessor’s Final Report, along with using your best
 All Captain Meetings 
o Family Relations meets Tuesday evenings at 9 p.m. This is a time to touch base with
the rest of your captain committee on important projects and gauge feedback on any
of your action items through bullets.
 Facilitating Relationships  
o A major responsibility of being a Family Relations Captain is facilitating family
interaction for the rest of the THON Community. Family Relations is in the unique
position to interact closely with families, and it is crucial that we use our position to
inspire and empower other volunteers. At every event, you should be looking for
ways to facilitate interactions between captains of other committees and families.
In the virtual space, this is harder but just as important!  
o You will be responsible for passing the SORACC, a quiz on the THON Rulebook. It
sounds intimidating, but if you take some time to read through the THON rulebook
and familiarize yourself with its contents, it will be easy! As a captain, you are an
ambassador for THON, so it is important you can answer any questions people might
ask you, even if they don’t directly pertain to FR.  

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
III. General FR Pre-THON Events
Prior to THON in February 2023, you will have many pre-THON events that Family
Relations plays an important role in guaranteeing success. Every Captain committee plays an
important and individual role in facilitating the success of each of these events.

Captain Summit  
o Shortly after being selected as a captain, you will attend this all-captain meeting that
is essentially a crash course on everything you need to know about being a captain!
Expect information on Microsoft, a family speaker, THON Branding, and other useful
All-Captain Mat Cleaning  
o This is a fun event to help OPP clean the mats that are used THON Weekend. Prepare
to bond with your committee and get soaked!  
Harvest Day  
o This first event with the families is a memorable and magical way to kick off the
THON year. You will have shifts throughout the day at the farm where the event
takes place.  
THON Athletic Events  
o Throughout the year, there will be various THON Sporting Events that families have
the opportunity to attend. These include THON Football, Men and Women’s Hockey,
Wrestling, Women’s Volleyball, Men and Women’s Soccer, and THON Hoops!
Sporting events are a great time to interact with families and facilitate interactions
with other volunteers. Expect to have shifts at these events to staff the family lounge,
seating areas, and other places FR Captains are needed.  
o A 5K run that occurs in October on PSU campus. This is the first “big” THON event
of the year with multiple committees, orgs, and families attending. Expect to have
shifts throughout the event. 
Teen Nights  
o There are two Teen Nights throughout the year, and these events are special nights
tailored to our teens! Usually, Teen Night 1 will take place at PSCH and involves
games and bonding geared towards our teens. Teen Night 2 will typically take place
at a different location with an activity for everyone. (Ex. Laser Tag, Bowling, etc)  
100 Days  
o The Family Event Coordinators plan 100 Days Celebrations for the
families at Hershey, and FR can join in the festivities at the HUB.  
Family Carnival  
o This is a very large event with many families in attendance! You will have shifts
throughout the day checking families in, at family meals, and other places throughout
the day. The day is full of games and memories! All of the captain committees will be
in attendance, so this is the perfect event to facilitate interactions. 
o FR will traditionally have a fall retreat and spring retreat. These are priceless
weekends to bond with your co-captains.  

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
Candlelight Vigil  
o The Candlelight Vigil is put on by the Bereaved Family Contacts for the entire THON
Community. This event honors THON’s Angels and is the perfect reminder of why
we THON leading into THON Weekend.  

IV. Your Duties as Family Programs Coordinator

As a Family Programs Coordinator, you will be able to facilitate so much family interaction!
Through the pairing programs of Penn Pal, Teen Mentorship, and Adopt an Independent Dancer
Couple, you will be able to give volunteers who do not typically interact with families the
opportunity to get to know our families. By organizing Captain in Training at Family Carnival
and THON Weekend, you see first-hand how much love our THON Captains have for our
families. In this position, people look to you as a leader in spreading the work of Family
Relations to Family Relation Liaisons from over a hundred committees! The title of the role
itself is broad, but you truly are running numerous programs that help facilitate the mission of
Family Relations!

a. Penn Pal Program (PPP)

The Penn Pal Program (PPP in this context) pairs committee volunteers with a participating
THON Family to foster a mutually beneficial relationship throughout the year. Committees can
interact and provide families with an extra layer of emotional support and dedication from the
THON Community. They can send letters, videos. care packages, and even meet up in person (in
a traditional THON year).

 PPP Timeline and Steps:

 Week of 9/26/21: Got permission to crash captain meetings and give info on Penn
 Week of 10/5/2020: Made the Family application & blurb to be sent to all
families. Crashed Captain meetings to discuss PPP.
 Week of 10/26/2020: Made the Power point for FR Liaison Meeting #1, including
info on Penn Pal 
 11/1/2020 – FR Liaison Meeting and went through the details of the Penn Pal
 Week of 11/9/2020 – Graded all 80 FR Liaison Penn Pal applications  
 11/16/2020 – Paired All Penn Pals & sent out emails  
 Continued to pair Penn Pals as they signed up 

 Family Side:
You will create a Microsoft Form within the Family Relations One Drive to share with
families. Ensure that the link is accessible to anyone who has access to it ( not just THON
volunteers with a email). The registration is rolling, so families can apply anytime
throughout the year. We kept the form brief and included the following questions:
 Family member’s name
 Family member’s age

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
 Family member’s gender
 Home address, if you are willing to share with your Penn Pal
 Email address, if you are willing to share with your Penn Pal
 Phone address, if you are willing to share with your Penn Pal
 Family member’s interest, hobbies, and passions
 Committee preference: make a list of all committees
 Do you have any questions, concerns, or any important information we should
know about?
After this application is created, send a blurb to be sent out in the Family Contact Emails! We
had this sent in the Family Newsletter by Caroline.

 FR Liaison Side:
FR Liaisons complete this form on behalf of their committee as they are the main
communicator between the family and the committee. Here are the application questions.
 Committee ( make a list)
 Name of captain that they’re applying on behalf of
 Name of FR Liaison(s)
 What are some unique ideas that you have in mind for communicating with your
Penn Pal?
 Are there any virtual activities that you have in mind for engaging with their
family as well?
This application was explained during the FR Liaison meeting and was sent to their captains in
the CWC channel. We also sent out reminders in the FR Liaison channel so they were aware of
the application deadline.

 Pairing Process:
Grading the applications is a tedious process, but important in making sure we facilitate the best
family interaction. We exported the results from the FR Liaison form to an Excel Sheet that we
could markup. We read their application from the web version with their responses and recorded
our grading on an Excel sheet within Teams. Green= YES, Yellow= MAYBE/FUTURE
PAIRING Red= No. Our gradings were based on effort, creativity, detail, and care put into the
Step 1) Read all applications and make first impression judgements
o It took two different meetings for us to really decide what committees we
liked best
Step 2) Pair all the families that have signed up! 
o Look at the families interests to find their match  
o Try to have variation in committee types so all types of volunteers can
have family experience.  
Step 3) Announce pairings and send email to captains
o We made the power point and template letter that you send in the pairing
o All of all the emails we sent you can see in your position email 
Step 4) Committees will reach out to their Penn Pal on their own with an introductory
o Have the committee CC on it

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer

b. Teen Mentorship Program (TMP)

The Teen Mentorship program connects individual teenagers with a pair of two Captains within
THON. For the duration of the year, teens can expect opportunities to learn about their paired
captains' THON positions while simultaneously forming great friendships! We encourage the
pairs to have group text, facetime, and this year we added a Teen Mentorship Event at Hershey
Lodge! They get to really form a friendship and get an inside look into what it is like to be a
THON Captain, college student, etc. We also encourage meeting up at THON events or on their
own to plan a fun day hanging out!  
 Timeline: 
Here is a rough outline of the timeline we had:  
 Week of 9/26/21- we got permission from Caroline to crash captain meetings. We
reached out to every Director and planned for a time to crash.  
 Week of 9/26/21 – We created the PowerPoint to present at the captain crashes &
also created the TMP sign up form for Captains and families. Caroline shared our
PowerPoint with all the Directors prior to the crashes.
 Week of 10/4/21 – Crashed all of the Captain Meetings! Christine and I split them
up so we could get to everyone in one week. We also sent out the forms in the
General Captain teams and the family forms in Family Contact Emails.
 Week of 11/7/21 – Paired the Teens with the Captain pairs and had them send an
introductory email. We were CCd on these emails!
 Family Side: 
You will have to create a Microsoft form to share with families. The registration for
families is rolling, so they can apply any time during the year. We wanted to keep the family
form fairly simple, so we included: 
 Family Name 
 Teen Name 
 Age 
 Gender 
 Teen’s Interests (likes, hobbies, etc.) 
 Gave them a choice of their top 3 preferences of a committee (be sure to include
no preference)  
 Home Address (& if we could share it) 
 Email Address (& if we could share it)  
 Phone Number (& if we could share it)  
 How well do you want to get to know your mentor?  
a) Strictly texting, email, and phone calls 
b) Would you like to meet your Mentors only through
virtual events  
c) Both! 
 Questions/comments/concerns?

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
After creating the application, we created a blurb to send out to the families in the Family
Contact emails, specifically to Teen Families. We also had the Teen and Adult Coordinator
post the blurb in the Teen Groupme. Lastly, we had the FR Director post the blurb in the
Family Newsletter.  
 Captain Side: 
You will also have to create a captain application. This should have a hard deadline due
to the limited number of families that apply. This year we gave the captains 2 weeks to fill this
out. We also made this application have more detail, so we included:  
 Please list your captain committee: 
 Names of co-captain pairing: 
 Captain position(s): 
 Why do you want to be a part of the Teen Mentorship Program? 
 What new ideas do you have for communication with and engaging your mentee,
especially in this new virtual environment with limited in-person contact and
 Are there any virtual activities that you have in mind for engaging your mentee
and their family as well? 
 What ideas do you specifically have for incorporating your teen into your role
within the THON Community and on your captain committee? Are there
opportunities for incorporating your teen mentee into any projects or opportunities
related to your captain position? 
 Are you involved with any THON organization that already allows you frequent
communication and contact with a Four Diamonds Family? If so, please list.  
After the application was made, we crashed the Captain meetings and then had Caroline push the
application in the general THON Captain teams channel.  
 Pairing Process: 
Time to Pair! This year we got 13 captain pairs to apply as well as 7 teens. We used a similar
process to the Penn Pal pairing wit the excel sheet and different colors representing yes, maybe,
and no. Here are some tips we used for the pairing process:  
 Step 1) Reached out to the family contact/Teen and Adult Coordinator/anyone
that may have a close relationship with the Teen, so you can learn more about
 Step 2) We then looked at the Teens preferences and sorted the excel doc to only
show us those applications.  
 Step 3) Christine and I each looked through the applicates and “greened” the ones
that jumped out to us as a potentially great pairing. 
o We then together discussed the pros of how each pairing could be beneficial
and usually were able to narrow it down to the perfect fit! 
 Step 4) We then sent out an email to both captains paired. Here is our paired yes
letter along with the power point, and letter template. We also included this year’s
Family Interaction Guide.

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
c. Family Relations Liaisons on Committees
I really loved this part of the position! Christine and I worked with over 160 Family
Relations from all different committees! Below is the list of goals for this portion of our position:
 Foster meaning full impacts on our families  
 Provide insight into the workings and responsibilities of the Family Relations
 Create an environment to brain-storm new ideas and initiatives for Family
 Feel well equipped and comfortable to have interactions with our families  
To get the word out about this program, Christine and I crashed all Captain committee meetings
to ensure that CWC had a grasp of this required position on their committee. We made an
application for the Captains to share with their CMs and allowed them to have full autonomy of
selecting their FR Liaison(s). We gave CWCs the freedom to select 1-2 FR Liaisons if they felt
like there were multiple CMs fit for this role. Once they were selected, CWCs input their
information to our Excel spreadsheet so that we could add them to the Teams Channel. Once
they were added, we made announcements about monthly meetings. In these meetings, we cover
position of the week, FR Captain Crashes, and other action items for FR Liaisons to bring to
their committee meetings. We held Zoom makeup meetings the same week as the in-person
meeting. We did not announce the Zoom meetings at the same time as the in-person meeting due
to the potential of Liaisons choosing to forego the in-person experience. At in-person meetings,
all Captains doing crashes are able to attend, something not present in the Zoom makeups.

 FR Liaison Timeline/Meetings
Here is a rough timeline we used:
 10/4/2021- Created FR Liaison Application and posted it within the CWC
 10/31/2021- Posted an Excel Sheet to the CWC Channel for Captains to fill out
their FR Liaison’s information
 11/2/2021- Posted Welcome Message in Teams Channel with Meeting #1
o We gave them less than a week’s notice, so we were flexible with excuses-
after this we gave them the rest of the meeting dates and times for the year.
 11/7/2021- First Meeting in Chambers 112 at 6 p.m.
o Makeup Meeting via Zoom 11/11/2021 at 6 p.m.
o Recap #1 posted 11/8/2021
 12/5/2021- Second Meeting in Chambers 112 at 6 p.m.
o Makeup Meeting via Zoom 12/6/2021
o Recap #2 posted 12/6/2021
 Meeting #1 Agenda 
o Introduction and Congrats  
 Introduction to FR Director and FPCs
o Goals for this Position  
o Position of the week – Family Programs Coordinator, New Family Contact,
DR/SL Liaison 
o FR Liaison Responsibilities  
 Penn Pal Program  
The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
o Warm Welcome Program – NFC (New Family Contacts)  
o Kids Mail – DR/SL Liaison  
o Inspiration: Family Story
 Meeting #2 Agenda
o Position of the Week – Bereaved Family Contacts, Teen and Adult Coordinator  
o Penn Pal Update 
o Teen Mail Information – Teen and Adult Coordinator 
o Angel Awareness Program – Bereaved Family Contacts
o Inspiration: THON Logo Reveal Video 
d. Captain in Training: Family Carnival
Description:  Captain-in-Training is a scavenger hunt held during both THON weekend and
Family Carnival. There are two 30 minute slots blocked off during Family Carnival for Captains
to be paired with a child or teen to complete a scavenger hunt on their own. Captain in Training
facilitates family interaction for Captains of all committees! During the scavenger hunt, the child
and captains will approach other THON Captains with fun dares or silly questions!
 Timeline  
Week of 11/14/2021:
 Created a captain & family sign up form.
 SL Request for Fam Carn was due 11/12
o We requested clipboards, markers, and lanyards for this activity. We ultimately
did not use the lanyards as nametags due to it feeling hectic and grabbing kids
to participate.
Week of 11/30:
 Sent YES and NO emails to captains that applied! 
 Made the scavenger hunt 
o You can find the scavenger hunt at the end of the report and you can use the
same one or tweak it as you see fit! As your Director to print these before the
event, and request clipboards from SL to use during the event.  

Helpful Tip: Meet with SE or the FR/DR Liaison

 Meet with the Special Events Captains in charge of Family Carnival at some point
to discuss CIT and the time of the event. Discuss the theme of the event so you
can incorporate it into the scavenger hunt.  We made ours correlate with the space
theme through dares like doing the moonwalk with a Captain!

 Family Side: 
We created a Family form that included:  
 Family Name  
 Name of family member’s participating
 Email
 Do you have any questions, concerns, or any important information we
should know about?

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
Stress that they should fill out a separate form for each child. We then wrote a blurb and sent it in
family contact emails. We didn’t have a hard close with this application as we wanted as many
families to sign up as possible. We even had families sign up or join CIT in the moment.

 Captain Side: 
Their captain form included:  
 Captain Names (apply as a pair to keep 2 to 1 rule) 
 Phone number 
 Email 
 Captain Committee 
 Availability during Family Carnival (first or second shift) 
 Why do you want to be a part of the CIT Program?  
 Execution of CIT at Family Carnival
We told the Captains in their "YES" email to meet in the family lounge about 10 minutes
prior to the event, so like 12:50. Tell the families the same, and pair the kids and Captains and
give them the scavenger hunt sheet.
This felt a little hectic because our families that signed up were no-shows at family
carnival. We ended up abandoning our initial pairings and just sending kids off with two
Captains. We recruited some kids last minute to do it. Going forward, know that you can pair
kids and captains ahead of time or you could just do it day of, in the moment.  

V. THON Weekend Responsibilities

a. Captain in Training: THON Weekend
b. Family Lounge Decorating
c. Adopt an Independent Dancer Couple

VI. FPC By the Numbers

 Teen Mentorship Program 
 7 Teens signed up  
 13 Teen Mentorship Captain Applications 
 Penn Pal Program  
 8 Families signed up 
 80 FR Liaison Penn Pal Applications  
 FR Liaisons  
 171 FR Liaisons 
 2 FR Liaison Meetings 
 2 FR Liaison Make-up Meetings 
 MANY Teams Chats sent/received about missing meetings/questions!  
 Family Contacts  
 3 Family Contacts  
 7 Bi-weekly emails sent to each family
 2 Phone Calls

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
 Teams  
 4 THON Teams: FR, Deliverables, Captains, Committee Members
 30 THON Teams Channels 

VII. Important Contacts for FPC

 Christine Williams, THON 2022 | Family Programs Coordinator
Contact: | (717)-645-5600
 My lovely and incredible co-captain! You and your co-captain will become best
friends through this role since you will be seeing each other at least once a week!
Each week we make sure to find time to meet face to face and discuss our action
items for that week. Through this role, we make sure to divide the work evenly
and delegate a fair amount of work to each other. You figure out this role together
and work together to make decisions about any and all of our programs!

 Caroline Camp, THON 2022 | Family Relations Director
 Your director is there for you for everything you need! We usually reach out to
her to update on progress we’ve made, any questions we have, and help with
executing new ideas. She also bumped the captain meeting crash excel doc and
got the approval from the executive committee.   

 Predecessors, THON 2021 | Family Programs Coordinators  

 Christine and I had Zack Durnack and Annie Noe as our predecessors. You will
meet with us at the beginning of the year to go over all of your responsibilities
and this overwhelming report. Every FPC will be there for you to help in any

 Tess Beauchat, THON 2022 | Teen and Adult Coordinator  

 We worked with Tess for TMP as she helped us reach out to the Teens to get
them to sign up. We also worked a lot with Tess to create CIT for THON
weekend to include specific Teen Events. Tess is incredibly useful in getting a
direct hold of a teen or family if there is a concern related to a TMP pairing or any
other aspect related to the THON experience for THON Teens.

 Kate Dinsmore, THON 2022 | FR Dancer Relations/Supply Logistics Liaison  

 We worked with Kate for the Kids’ Mail Call program! Her co-captain is on DR
and they both crashed one of our FR Liaison meetings to let all of the Liaisons
know about Kids’ Mail. We worked with Kate to get all of our supply requests for
CIT THON weekend and Family Carnival as well as the supplies for the Kids and
Family Lounge at THON.  

 Chelsea Lewin and Sarah Russel, THON 2022 | New Family Contacts  
 The NFC’s are in charge of the Warm Welcome Program and we coordinated
with the to make sure there was no overlap with pairing in the Penn Pal Program

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer

 Jacob Groger and Sarah Kronsberg, THON 2022 | Family Relations/ Rules and
Regulations Liaisons
 We coordinated the theme for the Founders Entrance and Family Lounge with
Jacob and Sarah! We also touched base on what supply requests are needed for
each area to avoid overlap of requests.
VIII. Working with FR and Other Committees
Working with FR
Outside Committees
 Jeanette Debek
o Family Relations Liaison on THON Entertainment

XI. Plans for the Next 2 Months and Post-THON 

Tasks in the Next 2 Months: 
 Teen Mentorship Program
o Continue to pair if more teens sign up 
o Check in with our existing pairs
o Coordinate a time THON Weekend for them to have a TMP event?
 Penn Pal Program  
o Have Penn Pal roundtable in January as a check-in!
 FR Liaisons  
o Continue to plan and have meetings  
 Next meetings:
o Have them learn about and present the Family Interaction guide to their
o Have a night where they help with the THON weekend Family Lounge
 CIT at THON Weekend 
o Make outline for CIT
o Find a time during THON weekend to run CIT  
o Reach out to Captains to get these events put in the timeline  
o Make IDC application on Forms
o Pair IDCs with families
o Decide on times & games we are going play during the AIDC event

Suggestions for Improving the Family Relations Committee   

a. Be constructive; this is for me and for the THON 2023 FR Director to

IX.  Week by Week Overview

 Week #1 (9/5/21-9/12/21)

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
 Selected for FR 2022
 Received final report from predecessors and met with them via Zoom to ask
questions and get advice
 1-on-1 with Christine to get things started with the FR liaison applications, set up
our email and look over our predecessors’ finals
 Attended the Captain in Training Summit 
 Week #2 (9/12/21- 9/19/2/1)
 1-on-1 with Caroline to go over my position and answer my questions
 Uploaded my clearances
 All Captain Mat Cleaning
 Wrote my Goals and Visions
 Week #3 9/19/2021- 9/26/2021)
 Met with Christine to finalize FR Liaison applications
 Took the SORACC
 Week #4 (9/26/2021-10/2/2021)
 Sent my introduction email to my family contacts
 Met with Christine to prepare for our upcoming meeting crashes, made forms for
various programs (PPP and TMP)
 Submitted the Code of Conduct
 Harvest Day!
 Week #5 (10/2/2021-10/9/2021)
 Meeting crashes for all captain committees ( we got 13 committees done in one
night by splitting it up!)
 24 Hour Rule for THON 5K
 Week #6 ( 10/10/2021- 10/17/2021)
 Took a tour of the BJC
 Posted FR Interview Questions for CWCs
 Posted Welcome to THON Blurb
 Final meeting crashes for committees not covered last week
 Week #7 ( 10/17/2021-10/24/2021)
 1-on-1 with Caroline to touch base on programs/pairings
 Decided Family Lounge Theme
 Week #8 (10/24/2021-10/31/2021)
 Created meeting schedule for FR Liaisons
 Penn Pal Application closed
 Started grading process of Penn Pal applications
 Uploaded an Excel Document for CWC’s to put their FR Liaison’s info into
 Requested meeting rooms for FR Liaison Meetings ( 112 Chambers)
 Week #9 ( 10/31/2021- 11/7/2021)
 Added all FR Liaisons into Teams Channel
 Sent intro message and meeting information to FR Liaisons
 Paired teens for Teen Mentorship
 SL Request submitted for Fam Carn CIT
 Week #10 (11/7/2021-11/14/2021)
 Met with Teen Coordinator for CIT THON Weekend

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
Met with FR/DR Liaison about Family Lounge Decorations
FR Liaison Meeting #1 and Makeup Meeting the following day on Zoom
Teen Night at Hershey Lodge
 Week #11 ( 11/14/2021- 11/21/21)
 Sent final pairings to Caroline to review
 Sent CIT Family Carnival Forms to families and captains
 Emailed Penn Pal Committees with yes emails
 CIT posted by Caroline in THON General
THANKSGIVING BREAK ( 11/21/2021-11/28/2021)
 Week #12 (11/28/2021-12/5/2021)
 1-on-1 with Caroline
 Met with FR&R to discuss SL Requests for Family Lounge THON Weekend
 Family Carnival and CIT
 FR Liaison Meeting #2
 Week #13 (12/5/2021-12/12/2021)
 Submitted SL Request for Family Lounge THON Weekend
 Met with Teen and Adult Coordinator to discuss CIT for Teens THON Weekend
 THON Weekend Deliverables Workshop

 AAF = Adopt a Family 
 AOT = Angels of THON
 AAP = Angel Awareness Program
 ACO = All Captain Orientation 
 BFC = Bereaved Family Contacts
 BS = Blue Storage
 CCC = Closer to a Cure Celebration
 CIT = Captain in Training 
 CM = Committee Member 
 COL = Circle of Life Video
 COT = Circle of Trust 
 COTW = Captain of the Week
 CWC = Captains with Committee
 CWCFG = Captain with Committee Focus Group  
 DOBOs = Donation Boxes 
 EC = Executive Committee 
 EP = Entrance Plan 
 Fam Carn = Family Carnival  
 FEC = Family Events Coordinator
 FEP = Family Education Program 
 FRENT = Family Events Coordinators & ENT FR Liaison
 FR&R = Family Relations Rules & Regulations Liaison
 FSOTW = Family Story of the Week 
 FTF = For the Future 
 GCI = Gift Card Initiative 
 HFS = Hershey Fashion Show

The 2021 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
Benefitting Four Diamonds, Conquering Childhood Cancer
 HHTD = Hershey Holiday Toy Drive 
 IL = Inventory Liaison
 KCW = Kids’ Color Wars
 KFS = Kids’ Fashion Show
 KMC = Kids’ Mail Call
 KTS = Kids’ Talent Show
 MBM = Minute by Minute (part of deliverables)
 NFO = New Family Orientation
 PPP = Perpetual Pennant Project
 SIOs = Special Interest Organizations 
 SSO = Sleep Shift Officer 
 SVT = Special Visitor Trip  
 TCU = THON Chair Update 
 TCW = THON Chair Workshop 
 TEENetwork = THON Engagement and Empowerment Network  
 THObby = area with chairs and the big window around the corner from office  
 THOffice = THON Office 
 TTS = The THON Showcase 
 TVU = THON Volunteer Update 
 TW = THON Weekend 
 VPPP = Virtual Perpetual Pennant Project

a. Include any photos, meaningful quotes, family stories you carry with you,
lessons you learned, etc.…all the touchy-feely things. J  

a. Include screenshots or text clippings of ALL of the important documents
that you have used thus far, including critical
emails/Teams messages, timelines you have created, projects you have
worked on, Excel sheets that were especially important, questions for forms
that you did NOT create in your Teams folders, etc. Anything that will help
FR 2023 should be included; if you’re still working on documents, they
should be incorporated throughout the remainder of the year into your Final
b. Throughout your Mid-Year, you can talk about an email template in one
of your sections, and then say “see Appendix 3” as a reference to the
screenshot, which will be kept here in this section.  


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