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MUTATIONS P1P2 Raphanus sativus x Brassica oleracea

(RR; 2n=18) (BB; 2n=18)

I. Variation in Genome Structure or Numerical Changes in the
F1 18 I (9 IR + 9 IB) : Sterile
A. Euploidy chromosome doubling of F1
- Changes involving the whole genome or the entire set of 18 II (9 IIR + 9 IIB) : Fertile
chromosomes Phenotype: head of radish root of cabbage
- Organisms with cells containing three or more sets of chromosomes
(genomes) 3. Triticum aestivum
1. Autopolyploidy Bread wheat (2n = 42) - allohexaploid
- Multiplication of one basic genome
2. Allopolyploidy Triticum monococcum x Aegilops speltoides
- Genomes making up multiple sets are not identical (AA; 2n = 14) (BB; 2n = 14)
F1 14 I (7 I + 7 IB): Sterile
Variations in chromosome number (n=4)
TYPE Formula Chromosome Complement
chromosome doubling of F1
Monoploid n (ABCD) 14 II (7 IIA + 7 IIB): Fertile
Diploid 2n (ABCD)(ABCD) Triticum dicoccum (2n=28)
Autotriploid 3n (ABCD)(ABCD)(ABCD)
Autotetraploid 4n (ABCD)(ABCD)(ABCD)(ABCD) Triticum dicoccum x Aegilops squarrosa
Allotetraplod 4n (ABCD)(ABCD)(EFGH)(EFGH)
(AABB; 2n=28) (DD; 2n=14)
Examples of Allopolyploidy: F1 21I (7 I + 7 IB + 7ID): Sterile

chromosome doubling of F1
1. Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco) - allotetraploid (2n=48)
P1P2 N. sylvestris x N. tomentosiformis 21II (7 IIA + 7 IIB + 7 IID): Fertile
(SS; 2n=24) (TT; 2n=24) Triticum aestivum
F1 S T
24 I (12 I ) + 12 I ) (2n = 42)
Physical Characteristics of Polyploids:
chromosome doubling of F1
1. Increased individual cell size (increase may not extend to tissues
24II (12 II S + 12 II T) and organs)
Nicotiana tabacum L. (2n=48) 2. Slower growth rate and later maturity.
3. Thicker leaves, larger and fewer flowers.
2. Raphanobrasscica 4. Reduced fertility in varying degrees (meiotic abnormalities)
- Experimental allotetraploid produced by G.D. Karpechenko 5. Existence of optimum range of polyploidy beyond which growth
(1927) may be depressed with increasing chromosome number
Allopolyploids: B Autosomal Aneuploids
Fertile, possess many of the physical characteristics of Down’s Syndrome 22IIA +121 +XX or XY Mental retardation
autopolyploids (2n=47) slanting eyes;
Mongolian eyelid fold
Saddle nose; swollen
B. Aneupolyploidy
Patau’s Syndrome 22IIA +I13 +XX or XY Malformations like
- One or more of a normal set (genome) are lacking or are present in
Harelip, cleft palate;
excess serious cerebral,
- Characterized by incomplete genomes (chromosome numbers are ocular and
not multiples of the genome) cardiovascular
Types of Aneuploids (n=4 ; A,B,C,D chromosomes) Edward’s Syndrome 22IIA + I18 + XX or XY malformations in
virtually every organ
Type Formula Chromosome number Chromosome
and Complement configuration at

Nullisomic 2n-2 6: (ABC)(ABC) 3II - chromosome number remains the same

Double Monosomic 2n-1-1 6: (ABCD)(AB) 2II +2I - genetic material becomes altered (loss, gain or rearrangement of
Trisomic 2n+1 9: (ABCD)(ABCD)(A) 4II +1I or 1III +3II particular sections)
Tetrasomic 2n+2 10: (ABCD)(ABCD)(A)(A) 5II or 1IV +3II - Caused by breaks in the chromosome or the chromatid
Double Trisomic 2n+1+1 10: (ABCD)(ABCD)(AB) 4II +2I or 2III +2II
Three possibilities:
 Broken ends may be reunited → eventual loss of the segment
Examples of Aneuploidy in Man: which does not include the centromere
 Same broken ends may reunite or restitute immediately
Type of Aneuploid Chromosome Outstanding  Broken ends may join those produced by a different break →
Composition Characteristics exchange or a nonrestitutional union
A Sexual Aneuploids A. Deficiencies or Deletions
Turner’s Syndrome 22II A + XO Sexual infantilism; - Represent loss of a segment of the chromosome
(2n=45) mental retardation
- Different types of deletions:
Metafemale 22IIA + XXX mental retardation
(2n=47) premature menopause 1. Interstitial deletion
Klinefelter’s Syndrome 22IIA + XXY underdevelopment in 2. Terminal deficiency
Males; sterility; mental • Chromosome configuration at pachynema
Double Y Syndrome 22IIA + XYY Antisocialism Genetic effects :
(2n=47) aggressiveness; • Deficiencies for a considerable number of loci result in lethality
criminal tendencies, low • Non-lethal deficiencies may result in pseudo-dominance
IQ • Crossing-over is completely absent in the deficient region
• Deficiencies may produce unique phenotypic effects of their own
Genetic consequences of inversions
Examples of chromosomal deficiencies in man: 1. Inversion homozygotes have normal behavior, with complete
Philadelphia 22 chromosome fertility, but with a new linkage order.
 Deficiency for a large portion of the long arm of chromosome 22 2. Inversion heterozygotes are partially or completely sterile.
 Associated with chronic myeloid leukemia 3. Crossing over is suppressed in inversion heterozygotes
Cri-du-chat syndrome
 Deletion in the short arm of chromosome 5 D. Interchange/Reciprocal Translocation
 Distinguishable by a cat-like cry, unique facial features, various  Occurs when single breaks in two non-homologous chromosomes
forms of physical defects, and mental retardation produce an exchange of chromosome sections between them

B. Duplications/Repeats Homozygous vs. Heterozygous Reciprocal translocation

- Section of a chromosome is in excess of the normal amount
- Repeated section may be present in one pair of the homologous Homozygous Reciprocal Translocation
chromosome or may be transposed to a non-homologue or may - Both homologues of each homologous pair exchanged the same
exist independently with its own centromere segments

Types of Duplication: Heterozygous translocation

1. Tandem - Only one homologue of each homologous pair exchanged segments
2. Reverse tandem with a non-homologue
3. Displaced homobrachial (on the same arm) - Both homologues exchanged segments with non-homologue but
4. Displaced heterobrachial (on different arm) the exchanged segments are different
5. Transposition to non-homologue
Genetic consequences of reciprocal translocations
Genetic effects of duplications: 1. In homozygotes, altered linkage associations for the genes
 Duplications of recessive alleles produce wild type phenotypes contained in exchanged segments
 e.g. duplication of vermillion (v) allele in Drosophila produced the 2. In heterozygotes, partial sterility due to abnormal chromosome
wild type phenotype segregation during Anaphase I
 Duplications of recessive alleles produce wild type phenotypes - Gametes with duplication and deficiencies of some loci are
 e.g. duplication of vermillion (v) allele in Drosophila produced the produced
wild type phenotype - Gametes may be lethal

C. Inversion E. Non-reciprocal translocation

 Rotation of a chromosome segment to a full 180o - Involves two non-homologous chromosomes
- Usually involve acrocentric chromosomes
- Participating chromosomes may break at their centromeres → long
1. Paracenrtic inversion arms fuse to form single chromosome → short arms contain non-
 Centromere is not included in the inverted segment essential genes (lost)
2. Pericentric inversion - In humans → long arm of 21 or 22 and 13,14 or 15 →
 Centromere is included in the inverted segment Robertsonian Translocation/Fusion
- Synonymous substitution or silent mutation
Type III Mutation : Gene Mutations - Most transition mutations in the third base of the codon
- No change in the amino acid
A. Microlesions/Base Pair Substitution
- Involves only one nucleotide pair B. Frameshift Mutation
- may be attributed to errors during DNA replication - Insertion or deletion of a single base → shift in the “reading frame”
for the entire sequence
1. Transition - Any insertion or deletion that is not a multiple of 3 nucleotides will
- Substitution of a purine with another purine or a pyrimidine with produce a frameshift mutation
another pyrimidine - Occurs most frequently in regions where there is a monotonous
- often due to tautomeric shift DNA sequence (AAAAAAA in one strand and TTTTTTTT in the other
- e.g. Thymine occurs in keto and enol form → thymine in enol form strand) → favors “stuttering” during DNA synthesis
during replication will pair with guanine instead of adenine - Usually results in the synthesis of a non-functional protein

2. Transversion Mutator Genes

- purine substituted with a pyrimidine and vice versa
- e.g. sickle cell gene:  Present in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms
➢ glutamic acid (genetic codes GAA and GAG) is replaced by valine  Associated with DNA polymerases
(genetic codes GUA and GUG)  Example: treffers gene in E. coli
➢ base pair substitution in the DNA involves the A = T pair (CAT - Closely linked to DNA pol II
or CAC instead of CTT or CTC) → thymine replaced by adenine - Change A-T to C-G pair
- Increase mutation rate
Consequences of base pair substitutions:
Transposons or Jumping Genes
1. Nonsense mutation:  moveable genetic elements
 Base substitution that transforms the codon into a nonsense codon  Controlling elements
(UAA, UAG, UGA)  First studied by Barbara McClintock (1951)
 Loss of gene function  Affect color of corn kernels (white, colored, white with colored
2. Missense Mutation  Phenotype due to Ds (dissociation gene)and Ac (activator gene)
 Base substitution that results in the substitution of an amino acid in  Ds gene → cause chromosome breakage
the polypeptide chain
Example: Mutation → removal of Ds gene due to chromosome breakage
phenylketonuria gene Position effect of Ds gene → change in color
 aa replacement in phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme 1. Ds gene next to color gene → no color
 change from C-G to T-A base pair 2. Absence of Ds → color
 change in codon from CGG (arg) to UGG (trp) • Ds active only in the presence of Ac
 results to inactivation of the enzyme • Varied number of Ac gene in kernel cells
• Ds and Ac both transposable
3. Same sense mutation
Transposons in E. coli
 Move around the bacterial genome Base analogues:
 Carry genes as they move - Substitute for bases in DNA
 Move to new site but leave copy in original site → build up in
number of elements Bromouracil
- Similar to thymine
Transposons in Drosophila - Exhibits high tautomerism → mispairs with guanine
 Moveable elements cause hybrid dysgenesis → high mutability
and chromosme breakage Proflavin and other dyes
 Increase rate of mutation at least 100 times - Flat molecules → slip into DNA → frameshift mutation

Reverse Mutations Colchicine:

 distinguish point mutations from large mutational events - Inhibits spindle formation → prevents anaphase
 point mutations → more reversible
 Rule out chromosomal aberrations 4. Exposure to extreme conditions
• Temperature shock
Mutagenic Agents - Increased frequency of polyploidy in plants
 Mutations may be spontaneous or induced • Centrifugation
1. Ionizing radiation - Chromosomal aberrations and aneuploidy
- X-rays, alpha, beta, gamma rays from radioactive sources ( radium
and cobalt 90) 5. Cell regeneration
- Chromosome breaks - Callus formation
- Effective in killing ssDNA viruses - Shoots that regenerate are polyploids
- dsDNA viruses more resistant
6. Hybridization
2. Non-ionizing radiation - Inter-specific and inter-generic allopolyploids
Example: UV radiation
- Cause thymine dimers Evolutionary Significance of Mutations
- Corrected by excision repair system  Genetic variation → raw materials for evolution
- Misrepaired or not repaired result to mutations  Natural selection
 Optimum mutation rate for evolution
3. Chemical mutagens Very low rate - population not sufficient to respond to changing
 Chloral hydrate, acenaphthene, nitrous acid, acridine dyes, base environments
analogues ( bromo-deoxyuridine, 5-bromouracil 2-aminopurine), Very high rate - species overwhelmed by deleterious mutations
alkylating agents, - Low mutation rate of individual genes but numerous genes undergo
Nitrous acid mutation
- changes C to U; U quickly replaced by T
- Changes C-G pair to T-A pair
- Changes A to hypoxanthine; pairs with cytosine → A-T pair to G-C
Lecture Notes on Linkage and Recombination and
Chromosome Mapping Not the expected 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio for dihybrid cross involving 2
pairs of independently assorting genes
Law of Independent Assortment
Detection of linkage:
- Presupposes that genes reside in different chromosomes
1. Two-point test cross
- Number of genes considerably exceed number of chromosomes
Humans PpLl X ppll
- 50,000 – 100,000 genes PpLl 192 (45%)
- 23 pairs of chromosomes Ppll 23 (5.4%)
ppLl 30 (7%)
Drosophila melanogaster ppll 182 (42.6%)
> 10,000 genes in 4 pairs of chromosomes * Not expected 1:1:1:1 phenotypic ratio

Definition of Linkage 2. Chi-square test

 Physical association of genes on the same chromosome thus their  compare observed ratios of phenotype classes with those expected
tendency to be inherited together according to Mendelian Laws of Segregation and Independent
 Linear arrangement of non-allelic genes on the same chromosome Assortment of genes
 Test for significance of deviations from the expected
Linkage Group - Test for segregation of allelic genes
 Genes carried on the same chromosome - Test for independent assortment of non-allelic genes
 Number equals the haploid chromosome number - Rejection of null hypothesis when two genes are taken separately or
 Set of gene loci that can be placed in linear order representing the jointly precludes independence of two genes → suggest linkage
different degrees of linkage between the loci
Test for segregation of P gene
Linkage Map Pp x Pp → ¾ P_ ¼ pp
 Chromosome map showing the linear order of the genes and the
distance between the genes located on the chromosome
Purple 4831 + 390 = 5221
Discovery of Linkage
Red 393 + 1338 = 1731
 Bateson, Saunders and Punnet (1906)
Total = 6952
P – purple p – red L- long l – round
P1P2 PPLL X ppll Purple: (6952/4)(3) = 5214
F1 All PpLl (purple long) Red: 6954/4 = 1738
F2 P_L_ 4831 (69.5%)
P_ll 390 (5.6%) X2 = (5221 - 5214)2 + (1731 - 1738)2
ppL_ 393 (5.6%) 5214 1738
ppll 1338 (19.3%) = 0.009 + 0.028
= 0.037 < 3.841
Conclusion: results agree with expected 3P: 1p ratio → segregation of  Results suggest linkage of genes P and L
gene P
Two types of linkage:
Test for segregation of L gene
Ll x Ll → ¾ L_ ¼ ll 1. Complete Linkage
Observed:  Two or more non-allelic genes are closely located to each other in
Long 4831 + 393 = 5224 the same chromosome
 Non-allelic genes cannot assort independently of each other
Round 390 + 1338 = 1728
 Test cross results show only parental types
Long 5214 2. Incomplete linkage
Round 1738  Two or more non-allelic genes are far from each other → crossing
2 2
X = (5224 – 5214) + (1728 – 1738)2 over can occur between the genes
5214 1738  Test cross results show all 4 progeny phenotypes but there is
= 0.019 + 0.058 distinct preponderance of parental types
= 0.077 < 3.841  % Recombinants due to crossing over observed but < 50%
 Conclusion: results agree with expected 3L:1l ratio → % Recombinants (%R) = 23 + 30 x 100
segregation of gene L 427
= 12.4 %
Test for independent assortment of genes
Arrangement of linked genes:
PpLl x PpLl = 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio 1. Cis or coupling arrangement
Observed: Purple long 4831  Two dominant genes are on one member of the homologous
Purple round 390 chromosomes and the other two recessives on the other
Red long 393
Red round 1338 A B
Expected: a b
Purple long (6952/16)(9) 3910.5
Purple round (6952/16)(3) 1303.5 2. Trans or repulsion arrangement
Red long (6952/16)(3) 1303.5  Dominant allele of one pair and the recessive allele of the second
Red round (6951/16) 434.5 gene pair lie on the same chromosome
6952  Dominant genes come from different parents
X2 = 3367.1 > 7.81 A b
 Results deviate significantly from the expected 9:3:3:1 phenotypic a B
 Conclusion: genes P and L segregate but do not assort
independently of each other
Frequency of gametes: Frequency of each parental gamete (AB, ab)
 If genes A and B are independently assorting → AaBb organism 1 - 0.2 = 0.4
will produce 4 kinds of gametes (AB, Ab, aB, ab) in equal proportion 2
(1/4) Frequency of each recombinant gamete (Ab, aB)
 If genes A and B are linked, the proportion of AB, Ab, aB, and ab will 0.2 = 0.1
not be equal to ¼ 2
If genes A and B are in trans arrangement:
Frequency of gametes will depend on: Parental gametes (Ab, aB) = 0.4
1. Arrangement of linked genes (cis or trans) Recombinant gametes (AB, ab) = 0.1
2. Distance between the linked genes
* expressed in map units (mu) or centimorgans (cM) or frequency of Frequency of phenotypes resulting from crosses between two
crossing over (%) heterozygotes:
1% = 1 mu = 1 cM  depend on the arrangement of linked genes in the two individuals
that are crossed and the distance between linked genes
Linked genes are in cis arrangement:
AB and ab gametes are the parental types Heterozygotes both have cis arrangement:
Ab and aB gametes are the recombinant types
Phenotype Genotypes Gametic Combination Frequency
Linked genes are in trans arrangement:
AB 1 AABB AB x AB 0.4 x 0.4
Ab and aB gametes are the parental types
2 AaBB 2 (AB x aB) 2 (0.4 x
AB and ab gametes are the recombinant types
Small distance between the genes → low % crossing over 2 AABb 2 (AB x Ab) 2 (0.4 x
Greater distance between the genes → high % crossing over 4 AaBb 2 (AB x ab) 2 (0.4 x
2 (Ab x aB) 2 (0.1 x
Example for computation of frequency of gametes: 0.1)
f( AB phenotype) = 0.16 + 0.08 + 0.08 + 0.32 + 0.02
Given: 2 pairs of linked genes A and B = 0.66 or 66%
X= frequency of crossing over = 20%
Ab 1 AAbb Ab x Ab 0.1 x 0.1
Frequency of the 4 kinds of gametes:
 Frequency of recombinant gametes = x/2 2 Aabb 2 (Ab x ab) 2 (0.1 x
since x = frequency of crossing over and there are two kinds of recombinant 0.4)
 Frequency of parental gametes = 1- x f(Ab phenotypes) = 0.01 + 0.08 = 0.09 or 9%
 since there are two parental gametes then frequency of each
parental gamete = 1 – x / 2 aB 1 aaBB aB x aB 0.1 x 0.1
If genes A and B are in cis arrangement: 2 aaBb 2 (aB x ab) 2( 0.1 x 0.4)
f(aB phenotype) = 0.01 + 0.08 = 0.09 or 9% Phenotype Genotypes Gametic Combination
ab 1 aabb ab x ab 0.4 x 0.4 Cis Trans
AB 1 AABB AB AB 0.4 x 0.1
f(ab phenotype) = 0.16 or 16% 2 AaBB AB aB 0.4 x 0.4
aB AB 0.1 x 0.1
Heterozygotes both have trans arrangement: 2 AABb AB Ab 0.4 x 0.4
Ab AB 0.1 x 0.1
Phenotype Genotype Gametic Combination Frequency 4 AaBb AB ab 0.4 x 0.1
AB 1 AABB AB x AB 0.1 x 0.1 ab AB 0.4 x 0.1
2 AaBB 2 (AB x aB) 2 ( 0.1 x 0.4) Ab aB 0.1 x 0.4
2 (AABb) 2 (AB x Ab) 2 ( 0.1 x 0.4) aB Ab 0.1 x 0.4
4 (AaBb) 2 (AB x ab) 2 ( 0.1 x 0.1) f(AB phenotype) = 0.54 or 54 %
2 (aB x Ab) 2 ( 0.4 x 0.4)
f(AB phenotype) = 0.01 + 0.08 + 0.08 + 0.02 + 0.32 = 0.51 or 51 Ab 1 AAbb Ab Ab 0.1 x 0.4
% 2 Aabb Ab ab 0.1 x 0.1
ab Ab 0.4 x 0.4
Ab 1 Aabb Ab x Ab 0.4 x 0.4 f(Ab phenotype) = 0.21 or 21%
2 Aabb 2 (Ab x ab) 2 ( 0.4 x 0.1)
f(Ab phenotype) = 0.16 + 0.08 = 0.24 or 24% aB 1 aaBB aB aB 0.1 x 0.4
2 aaBb aB ab 0.1 x 0.1
aB 1 aaBB aB x aB 0.4 x 0.4 ab aB 0.4 x 0.4
2 aaBb 2 ( aB x ab) 2 ( 0.4 x 0.1)
f(aB phenotype) = 0.21 or 21%
f(aB phenotype) = 0.16 + 0.08 = 0.24 or 24%
ab 1 aabb ab ab 0.4 x 0.1
ab 1 aabb ab x ab 0.1 x 0.1 f(ab phenotype) = 0.04 or 4%
f(ab) = 0.01 or 1%
Construction of the Linkage Map
Heterozygotes crossed one cis the other trans arrangement of  Three point test cross
linked genes  Conceived by Thomas Hunt Morgan (1910) and Sturtevant
% crossing over = 20% (undergraduate student)
Cis: Parental type gametes AB, ab = 0.4  Steps:
Recombinant type gametes Ab, aB = 0.1
1. Perform a three-point test cross.
Trans: Parental type gametes Ab, aB = 0.4
2. Examine the progeny:
Recombinant type gametes AB, ab = 0.1
- Most frequent → parentals + br + 2 an br + 17
- Least frequent → double cross over types (DCOs) + br f 399 an br f 55

Steps in construction of the linkage map: Construct the linkage map

Steps in Construction of the Linkage Map:
A B C X a b c 1. Look for the Types → most in number
______________ ______________ + br f 399
a b c a b c _____________
an + + 355
Parentals: Single Cross-over II (SCO II):
ABC ABc 2. Identify the DCO → least frequent
abc abC + br + 2
Single Cross-over I ((SCOI): DCOs: _____________
Abc AbC an + f 2
aBC aBc
3. Compute for the distance between the genes • Steps 1 and 2 → help in the establishment of the correct
Distance expressed in terms of: gene order
% Cross-over I = SCOI + DCO X 100 • Identify the two genes that are always together in the
Total Progeny parentals and DCOs
% Cross-over II = SCOII + DCO X 100 • Encircle the third gene and make that as the middle gene
Total Progeny

Linkage Map: Correct gene order: + f br

A %COI B %COII C of parentals ______________
an + +
1 map unit (mu) = distance that gives 1% recombination
Note: If no two genes are always together in the parentals and DCOs,
= 1cM what is given in the problem is the correct gene order.

Sample Problems in the Construction of the Linkage Map SCOI + + + 88

an f br 55
1. In corn, the genes an (anther ear), br (brachytic) and f(fine stripe)
are linked. Test cross data are as follows: SCOII + f + 21
Progeny No Progeny No an + br 17
+ + + 88 an + + 355
+ + f 21 an + f 2 %COI = SCOI + DCO X 100
Total Progeny m d p
= 88 + 55 + 2 + 2 X 100
939 Linkage map:
= 15.7% m 3.4 mu d 5.6 mu p
% COII = SCOII + DCO X 100
Total progeny
= 21 + 17 + 2 + 2 X 100 Strength of Linkage:
939 cc = coefficient of coincidence
= 4.47 % ~ 4.5 % = ADCO/EDCO (Actual DCO/Expected DCO)
Actual DCO = DCO/Total No.of progeny
Linkage Map: Expected DCO = CO I x CO II
an 15.7% f 4.5% br
First example:
Actual DCO = 4/939 = 0.004
2. In tomato the following genes are located on chromosome 2 Expected DCO = (0.157)(.045) = 0.007
cc = 0.004/0.007 = 0.57
+ tall plant d dwarf plant
+ uniformly green leaves m mottled green leaves Interference = 1-cc = 1 – 0.57 = 0.43
+ smooth fruit p pubescent fruit
Second Example:
Results of the cross + + + / d m p x d m p/d m p are as follows: ADCO = 1/1000 = 0.001
+ + + 470 + m p 1 EDCO = (0.034)(0.056) = 0.0019
+ + p 25 d + p 14 cc = 0.001/0.0019 = 0.526
d + + 0 d m p 441 Interference = 0.474
+ m + 19 d m + 30
• cc → indicates how many percent of the expected DCO’s
• What is the correct gene sequence? occurred
• What are the distances in map units between the first and
second, and between the second and third genes? cc = 1
• Is there interference? • ADCO = EDCO

Answer to Problem # 2 • all expected DCO’s occurred

Proper gene order: • no interference or interference = 0

+ + + • crossing over in region I did not interfere with crossing over
__________ in region 2
• genes are far from each other SCO I + DCO = (CO I) (Total Progeny)
• genes are not strongly linked SCO I = (CO I) (Total Progeny) – DCO
SCO I = (0.1) (1000) – 8
cc = 0 SCO I = 92 → divide by 2 since there are 2 SCO I
• ADCO = 0 Each SCO I = 46
• complete interference or interference = 1
• crossing over in region 1 prevented or interfered with • compute for SCO II
crossing over in region 2 SCO II = (CO II) (Total Progeny) – DCO
• genes are very close to each other SCO II = (0.2) (1000) – 8
• genes are strongly linked SCO II = 192 → divide by 2 since there are 2 SCO II
• the higher the cc (lower the I) the lesser is the strength of Each SCO II = 96
• the lower the cc (higher the I) the greater is the strength of • compute for the number of parentals
linkage Parentals = Total progeny – (DCO + SCO I + SCO II)
= 1000 – (8 + 92 + 192)
Type III Problem Solving: = 708/2 → 354 each

Given: Linkage map, total progeny and cc or I Summary:

Compute for the estimated number of DCO’s, SCO I, SCO II and Parentals ABC 354 SCO II ABc 96
Parentals abc 354 abC 96
SCO I Abc 46 DCO AbC 4
Example 1: aBC 46 aBc 4
A ----10%-----B-----------------20%-----------C
Total progeny = 1000 cc = 0.4
• compute for the number of DCO’s in the progeny
cc = ADCO/EDCO = DCO/Total Progeny
(CO I) (CO II)
DCO/Total Progeny = (cc) (CO I) (CO II)
DCO = (cc) (CO I) (CO II) (Total Progeny)
DCO = (0.4) (0.1) (0.2) (1000)
DCO = 8 → should be divided by 2 since there are 2 DCO’s
Each DCO = 4

• compute for the number of SCO I

CO I = SCO I + DCO / Total Progeny

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