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(Levet 1)


Listening Comprehension



This exam consists of 20 multiple-choice items. You will read a sentence or a short selection and

students either match a picture or choose a written answer based on,what you read. There are

instructions for you and instructions for you to read to the students for each type of item.


Instructions to the teacher:

In this section, you will read each sentence twice. Students must match a picture with the
sentence you read. After you read the instructions to students, you must:

o Read the question number

o Read the sentence a first time at a comfortable pace

r Instruct the students to look at the set ofpictures. allow them about 15 seconds
. Read the sentence again

o Instruct students to choose the answer

Read aloud to students: Instructions to Studentsz In the first section, there is a choice of four
pictures. I will read a sentence thot matches one of the pictures. Listen corefully while I read.

Choose the picture A,B,C or D that matches the sentence I read. You will hear the sentence
twice. Get ready to listen to the first sentence now.

NCSE Spanish 2015 - Paper 2 - leacher

l. Son las doce y media.

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2. Cuando viajo a la escuela, voy en coche.

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3. Para el desayuno mi abuela me prepara un batido de frutas.

A. B. C. D,

4. A Mar isol le gusta hacer las compras con sus mejo res amigas.

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B. C.

NCSE Spanish 2015 - Paper 2 - Teacher

5. Algunas tardes, Raril necesita navegar la red para completar sus deberes.



NCSE Spanish 2015 - Paper 2 - Teacher


Instructions to the teacher: In this section, you will read a sentence and a question based on
the sentence twice. Students must choose the answer to the question you read. After you read the
instructions to students, You must:

. Read the question number.

o Read the sentence a first time at a comfortable pace.

o Instruct the students to look at the answer choices. Allow them about l0 seconds.
o Read the question based on the sentence. Allow them about l0 seconds.

o Read the sentence and the question again.

o Instruct students to choose the answer.

Read to students:

Instructions to Studentsz In this section, I will read a sentence and then a question or an
incomplete statement based on the sentence. Listen corefully while I read. Choose the answer A,
B, C or D to the question thst I read. You will hear the sentence and the question or incomplete
stotement twice. Get ready to listen to the first sentence now.

Ouestions 6-10

6. Carlos, lapfrate! Tu hermana tiene un dolor de est6mago. Vilmonos.

;Ad6nde van?
A. Al campamento.
B. Al parque.
C. Al centro comercial.
D. Alhospital.

NCSE Spanish 201 5 - Paper 2 -'leacher

7. Para celebrar mi quinceafiera, necesito algo especial para llevar.
;Qud necesito?

A. Un traje de bafro.
B. Un vestido blanco.
C. Un uniforme de mi escuela.
D. Una chaqueta de cuero.

8. Pedro y yo queremos construir un gran castillo de arena. Vamos a...

A. la montaffa.
B. la ciudad.
C. la playa.
D. la escuela.

9. << Camarero, la cuenta, por favor. >>

;D6nde est6 esta persona?

A. En el restaurante.
B. En elaeropuerto.
C. En el autobfs.
D. En el banco.

10. <<Antes de ir, ustedes tienen que barrer el suelo de esta aula.
iHay mucho papel tirado!>>
;Quidn habla?
A. Un m6dico.
B. Un profesor.
C. Una mam6.
D. Una policfa.

NCSE Spanish 2015 -Paper2 -Teacher


Instructions to the Teacher: In this section, you will read two short selections. Each selection
will be read three times. Students must choose the answer to the questions you read. They will be

allowed to choose answers during the second and third readings. Students do not need to take
notes. After you read the instructions to students, you must:

o Read the title of the selection.

o Write any names indicared on the blackboard and pronounce them clearly for students.
o Read the selection a first time at a comfortable pace.

o Instruct the students to look at the questions and answer choices for about I -2 minutes as


o Read the passage again.

o Instruct the students to choose answers. Allow them about l-2 minutes as needed.
o Read the passage a third and final time.

o Instruct students to complete all answers. Allow them about 1-2 minutes as needed.

Read to students:

Instructions to Students: In this section, I will read two short passages three times each. Listen
carefully while I read. You will see questions on the passages and four possible answers. Choose
the best answer A, B, C or D to each question. You will be allowed to shade your answers during

the second or third readings. Get ready to listen to the first passage now.

NCSE Spanish 2015 - Paper 2 - Teacher

ouEsTIoNS 11-15

Passase I - Public Announcement

Muy buenas tardes, j6venes y oyentes de radio de la Emisora 55. Hoy, por fin, anunciamos la
competencia especial para los j6venes menos de 2l afios.
lEres faniltico del cine y la ciencia
ficci6n? Escucha bien, esta tarde desde las dos a las tres, puedes ganar cuatro boletos a Movie
Towne para ver las 6 peliculas de Star Wars. Una experiincia inolvidable con 3 amigos,
y meriendas, ;todo incluido! Escucha bien, tendr6s que llamar y conrestar
una pregunta sencilla.
Busca tu celular... presta atenci6n.... y puedes r". grun gunidor.
I l. Where is the announcement being made?

A. On the television.
B. At the cinema.
C. On the radio.
D. At the mall.

12. What kind of listener is being addressed?

A. Persons over 55 years old.

B. Children under 12.
C. Young persons under 21.
D. Young persons over 21.

13. What is being announced?

A. A new movie.
B. A chance to win free tickets.
C. A chance to take a free trip.
D. An all-inclusive party for a group of friends.

14. For how long will the opportunity be available?

A. One hour.
B. Three hours.
C. Four hours.
D. Six hours.

15. What is the listener invited to do?

A. Send a text.
B. Visit the venue.
C. Be the first one at the event.
D. Call and answer a question.

NCSE Spanish 2Ol5 -Pqer2- Teacher


Passase 2 - Rolando

Hoy es jueves el trece de junio. Rolando se levanta tarde y se viste muy lentamente. Sale de casa
con su mochila llena de libros. Ya son las siete y el fnico autobfs del pueblo pasa a las seis y
media. lPobre Rolando! Hoy tiene que ir al instituto a pie.

Rolando est6 muy triste.

<< ieu6 mafiana mris horribte!>> se dice Rolando. << No tengo ni hermanos ni amigos'
Nadie quiere jugar conmigo. No voy a recibir ningrin regalo hoy>t.

Finalmente, Ronaldo llega a su escuela. Entra en el aula y sus compafieros gritan:

<< lSorpresa! lFeliz cumpleaffos, amiguito!>>
torta enorme sobre la mesa del profesor'
leud alegria! Rolando empiezaa sonreir. Hay una

16. 6Ad6nde va Rolando?

A. Al colegio'
B. Al estadio.
C. A la biblioteca.
D. A la libreria.

17. ;C6mo llega Rolando normalmente a su destino?

A. A pie.
B. En avi6n.
C. A caballo.
D. En autobtis.

18. Hoy Rolando debe caminar porque

A. hace buen tiemPo

B. juega con sus amigos
C. es muY tarde
D. hay un partido

NCSE Spanish 2015 - Paper 2 -Teacher

19.;C6mo est6 Rolando antes de llegar?

A. Triste.
B. Alegre.
C. Sorprendido.
D. Cansado.

20. aQud dfa es hoy?

A. El primer dia de la escuela.

B. El cumpleafios de Rolando.
C. LaNavidad.
D. El 3 de junio.


9 NCSE Spanish 2015 - Paper 2 - Teacher

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