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Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are your insights on Physical Education?

 Physical Education is a crucial course to be taught in school because it promotes

healthy lifestyle for every student through physical and mental activities. By the help
of this, students can discover their potential capabilities in a certain sport. It gives
enjoyment and bring out every student’s creativity. Through social activities students
develop their social skill, it helps them increase their self-confidence and maintain
their self-esteem. Students will also learn how to adjust and improve their attitude
toward a situation like portraying sportsmanship in a competition. And of course it
prevents students for acquiring various diseases and help them to maintain a healthy
body and gives them lessons to use in facing their challenges in life.

2. In the 5 dimensions of wellness, which of these dimensions is your strength? And which
is your weakness? Sight situations that can justify your answer.

 My weakness is my mental health because this is what I usually use and if I cannot
handle it well, all other aspects will be affected. For instance, when I have many
school works to do and they are all simultaneously passed on the same day then I start
to think unnecessary thoughts that leads me to procrastination. When I made a
mistake or I fail it is hardly for me to erase it, it continuously circulating in my head
and it affects me on how I interact with other people, I cannot eat well and it is too
lazy for me to have a physical activity.
 My strength is my spiritual health because with God I can face all the challenges of
my life. For instance, when I was admitted to the hospital, I didn’t lose hope because
I have faith in God. The only thing I do is to pray sincerely and that is the reason why
I recovered immediately. If I encounter challenges I just need to seek help from God
and he is good all the time because he never left me and always there for me. As a
return I avoid bad deeds and focus on doing good deeds.

3. As a student, what do you think is the most important role of Physical Education in your
Academic life?

 When face-to-face, Physical education is my stress reliever because as a student with

so much academic works, I rarely give myself a break, so with the schedule time of
Physical education my mind will be shift to other perspectives. It pushes me to do
some activities even I am too lazy, it gives me a chance to mingle with others that help
me to improve my self-esteem, it prevails my hidden talents and capabilities that I
never expected and of course it gives me lessons that can apply in my real life
situation. Physical education reminds me that my health is a crucial thing that needs to
be love and care.

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