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Prácticas Discursivas en inglés III Estudiante: Carla Kaiane Deheza Pambosian

Examen Final Regular - agosto 2021


(50 points)

Write an organised and well-supported 350/ 400-word argumentative essay. You have to
manipulate words in grammatically correct sentences and in linking those sentences,
form a piece of continuous writing to successfully communicate your thoughts and ideas
on the suggested topic. You will have to include the following grammatical structures or

● Passive Voice - Impersonal expressions

● Appropriate verb tenses
● Parallel structures
● Conditional sentences
● Variety of connectors, subordinators and conjunctions
● Vocabulary related to technology, media, educational resources, communication,
and work
● Formal register
● Avoidance of sentence fragments, misplaced modifiers and dangling modifiers
● Appropriate structures to express opinion, opposing ideas, and advantages and

-The overall effect on the reader (positive or negative) is also considered.

Choose one of the suggested topics to write your composition. Do not forget to state the
type of essay you have chosen and write a catchy title and a clear thesis statement.

● Social networks have become a popular virtual meeting place and have changed
communication positively. Do you agree or disagree? Justify your opinion by
giving details, reasons and/ or examples.
● Distance learning, often called distance education, is the process by which
students utilize the internet to attend classes and complete courses, without
having to physically attend a school. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of this new way of studying.

Opinion essay:

Virtual Communication in Pandemic Time

Are social networks the most important tool of communication?

Nowadays, technology has become the new way of communicating
with others. In effect, social networks help adolescents to hold a
pleasant conversation and join people around the world. It is
important to bear in mind that social media has a significant and
positive impact on teenagers. Currently, social media has become a
popular meeting place as well as has significant and beneficial
changes for those adolescents who want to communicate with others
at any time and at any part.

To begin with, social networks allow some adolescents to carry

on a conversation with their relatives around the world. This meeting
place helps some teenagers to meet virtually with some relatives. For
example, if some adolescents live far away from their homes, they can
communicate with their relatives through social media, that is one of
the reasons why it has changed positively. Moreover, social networks
provide all the tools to join when and where some adolescents prefer

During this pandemic, social networks allow some teenagers to

establish conversations from any place and time. For instance, social
networks are a really important meeting place for those youngsters
who miss their homes. In short, social networks help most teenagers
to hold a pleasant conversation.

Furthermore, social media permits some teenagers to meet with

their friends all around the world. This virtual meeting place is used
by most youngsters to be in contact with their old and new friends.
For instance, if some adolescents go on holiday and make a new
friend, they can be in contact by using social networks. Social media
has a lot of benefits since most adolescents can send photos, join to
video calls, among others. For example, when some teenagers are on
a trip, they can take photos and send them to their friends. All in all,
social networks make communication easier when they want to share
beautiful moments, or only be in contact among them.

To conclude, social media is the most important tool at the

moment of communicating. In this current situation, technology has
changed positively for those youngsters who want to meet relatives
and friends from different places, such as different cities or countries.
As social media has become a significant and popular meeting place,
most adolescents choose to use it for holding conversations as well as
meeting new and old friends. I believe that social networks are the
most important tool when teenagers want to be in close contact with
their relatives and friends.

Final score: 2 (two)

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