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0 Technical Support and Limited

Warranty Guide
IMPORTANT! Save This lnfonnation
Thisdriveis designed forprofessiorial installation. The hardware, software, and instructionstypically
supplied with internal drive kits are ool included. WD strongly recommends laking this drive akmg
3. Dispute Notice. ln the event of a Dispute, you or WDTmust first send to theother party a notice
of the Dispute that shaU include a written statement that sets forth the name, address arid contact
inf�tion ofthe party�iving it, the facts giving rise to the Dispute, and the relief (equested (lhe:
the essential fin din gs arid conclusions on which a n award, if a ny, is based. Dur1 ng the arbitration ,
the amount of any settlement offer made by WDT or you shall not be disclosed to the artlitrator until
after the arbitrator d,etermi�s the amount, if any, to whic!1 you or WDT is entitled. The discovery or
CE Compliance for Europe
He reby, Western Digital dOOares compliance of this equipment to the applicable Counc� Directives
of the European U nion , iocluding the EMC Directive (2014/30/EU) and the RoHS Directive {2011165/
Limited Warranty
WD warrants that the Product, in the course of its normaluse,willfor theterm defined below, be lreE
from �elects in material and worllmanship an� will conform to WD's specilication therefor. The term ,

withyour not_ebook cornputer lo a professional rlstallation cent�or a qualified serv�technician "Dispute NoUce'), The Dispute Notice to WDT must be addressed to: Western Digital Technologies, exchange of non-pnvileged information relevant to the Dispute may be allowed OOring the arbitration EU). The full textof the EU declaration of conform;ty isavailableat the fo,llowing lltemet address: rour l1m1ted warranty depends on the country rn which your Product was purchased. The term of yoI
North America whocan ass1styouwithyour storage upgrade. lfyou are a qual1fiedservicetechniaanarid require lnc., ATTN: Legal Department, 3355 Michelson Drive , Suite 100, Irvine, CA92612, U.S.A. {the 'WDT c Arbitration Fe es. W:DTshaH pay, or (ifap�l icable) reimburse you for, alt JAMSfllin g, l1mlted warranly is for 5 years in the North, South and Central America region, 5 years in the Europe
English 800 ASK 4WDC informa!ion on the ITTslallation oflhis product, search our knowledge base on the Webat http:// Notice Address'). The Dispute Notice to you wfll be sent by certified mail to the most recent address administration, and arbitrator fees for a ny arbitration rommenced (by you or WDT) pursuant to the Middle East andAfricaregion , and 5 years in the AsiaPacific regjon , unless otherwise required we have on file or otherwise in our records for you. If WDT and you do not reach a n agreement to provisions of this Agreement by law. The term of your �mited warranty period shall commence on the purchase dale appearing
(800 275 4932) Yourproduct includes 30days offree telephonesupport duringlhe warranty period.This 30-day resolve the Disputewithin sixty (60)daysafterthe Dispute Notice is received, you or WDTmay d Award in Your Favor. For Disputes in which you orwe seek $75,000or less in damages, on your purchase receipt. For any WO-brand Solid State Drive {SSD} product ('SSD Product'), the
Espanol +31 88 006 2 1 00 periodstarts on the dateofyour firsttelephone contact withWD technical support. E-mail support commence a n arbitration proceeding pursuant to this Agreement. Following submission and receipt exclusive of atto rneys fees an d �. if the arbitrator 's d ecision r�sults i n a n award _to you in an warranty period expiresat the end ofthe eartier ot (a)the stated time periodfor the SSD Product
is free for lhe entire warranty period and our extensiveknowledgebase is available 24r7. To help of the Dispute Nolice, each of us agrees toact in goodfaith to seek to resolve the Dispute before amount greater than WDT's last wntten offer, if any, lo settle the Dispute, WDT wiH: (1) pay you $1,000 identified above or (b)the po1nl at wh1ch your useof the SSD Product exceeds the stated endurance
us keep you informed of riew features a nd services, remember to register yourproductonline at commencing arbitration or the amount ofthe award, whichever is greater; (H) pay you twice the amount of your reasonable limit, as identified in the specifications for the SSD Product. Please n ote, it is possible for a SSD
South America httpJ/ 4. WAIVER Of CLASS ACTIONS AND CLASS ARBITRATIONS. YOU ANO WOT AGREE THAT attomey's fees, if any; and (iii) reirnburse you !Ol' anyexpenses (indudingexpertwitness feesan-d Product to be u_sed und er condition� which cause the media to wear out (and the warranty to expire)
Chile 1 230 020 5871 EACH PARTY MAY BRING DISPUTES AGAINSTTHE OTHER PARTY ONLY IN AN INDIVIDUAL costs) that your attomey reasonabtyaccrues for invesligating, preparing, and pursuing the Dispute prior to the expiration of the stated I� P:Bfiod_In the warranty period, as specified in the applicable
BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND ClASS ACTION WA!YER AGREEMENT CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR in arbitration. Except as agreed upoo by you a nd WDT ITT writing, the artlitrator shah determine the endurance specification. WD may at l!S discretion make extended warranties available for purchase.
Colombia 009 800-83247788 IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY. YOUR PURCHASE IS SUBJECTTO THE TERMS Of THIS REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION FEDERAL OR STATE amount of fees, costs, and expenses to be paid by WDT pursuant tothis Section 5(d). WD shall have no liability for any Product returned if WO determines that the Product was stolen
Venezuela 0800 1 00 2855 BINDING INDIVIDUALARBITRATION AND CLASSACTION WAJVERAGREEMENT (THIS CLASS ACTIONS, CLASS ARBITRATIONS, OR PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTIONS. e Attorney'� Fees. WD� will not seek its attorney's fees and expenses for any arbitration from WD or that �e asserted defect �} is not present, b) caood reasonably be. rectified because
Peru 0800-54003 'AGREEMENT"), AND OTHER TERMS AS APPLICABLE TO PARTICULAR PRODUCTS OR ACCORDINGLY, UNDER THE ARBITRATION PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN THIS AGREEMENT, commenced involving a Dispute under this Agreement Your rijlt to attorney's fees a nd expenses GNU General Public License ("GPL ") of damage occumng before WD receives the Prcxluct, or c) ,s attributable to misuse, improper
SERVICES. THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION THAT AN ARBITRATOR SHALL NOT COMBINE OR CONSOLIDATE MORE THAN ONE PARTY'S under Section 5(d)above does not imlt yourrightsto attorney's fees and expenses u nder applicable Firmware in corporated into this product may i nclude third partycopyrighted softwarelicensed under installation, alteration (including _removing OI' obliterating labels and opening or removing external
Uruguay 00 4 1 3 598 3787 REQUIRES THE RESOLUTION Of DISPUTES ON AN INDMDUAL BASIS, LIMITS YOUR ABILITY CLAIMS WITHOUTTHE WRITTEN CONSENT Of ALL AFFECTED PARTIES TO AN ARBITRATION law; n otwithstanding the foregoing, lhe arbitrator mayriot award duplicative awardsof attomey's the GPL or Lesser General Public Licen se ('LGPL'} {collective ly, 'GPL Software') and not Western endosures, including the mounting frame, unless the product Is on the 11st of limited user-serviceable
Argentina 0800 4440839 TO SEEK RELIEF IN A COURT Of LAW, AND WAIVES YOUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN CLASS PROCEEDING. fees and expenses. Digital's Erid User License Agreement.' In accordance with the GPL, if applicable: 1) the source code products and thespecific atteration iswilhin thescopeof the applicable instructions, asfound at
ACTIONS, CLASS ARBITRATIONS, ORA JURY TRIAL FOR CERTAIN DISPUTES. 5.Arbitration Procedure. If a party elects to �ence arb�ration , the arbitration shaU be governed f Opt-out. You may elect to opt-OU! (exciude yourself) from the final, binding iridividua1 arbitration for the GPL Software may be downloaded at no charge from or httppsupport.wd.corn}, accident or mishandling while in the possession of someorie other than WD.
Brazil 0800 891 7630 1. Disputes. The terms of this Agreement shall apply to all Disputes between you and Western by the rules of JAMS that are in effect at the Ume the arbitration Is in�iated (the "JAMS Rules"), procedure and waiverof ciass and representative proceedings specified in thisAgreement bysending obtained � �D for a nominal charge from'downl�gp! or by camng Customer Su�Ject to the limitations specifled above, yoursole_arid exdusive warrantyshall be, during the
Digital Tech nologies. lnc., a nd its affiliates (collectively, "'WDr). For the purposes of_this Agree_ment available at or by calling 1-800-352-5267, and under the rules set forth in this a written letter to the WDT Notice Address within thirty (30) days of your assent to this Agreement Supportwith1n three yearsof the date ofpurchase; 2) you may re-use, re-d1stribute, and modifythe period9fwarranty specified above a nd at WD'soption , the repairor replacement ofthe Product with
Europe (toll free where available) and subjectto the exclus100S provided in this Secl10n 1 , 'Dispute' shallmean any d1s�te, cla1m, Agreement. If there is a conflict between the JAMS Rules and the rules set forth in this Agreement, (including the purchase, download, ilstallation or other use of WDT products and services) that GPL Software ; 3) with respect solelyto the GPL Software , nowarrantyis provided, to the extent an equivalent or better Product. The foregoing warranly of WD shall extend to repaired or replaced
or action between you and WDT ansIng under or relating to all WDT products arid se rvices, the rul es set forth i n this Agre ement shall govern . You may, I n a rbitration , seek a ny a nd all re m edies spet?fies (i) �oor na�, (i) your maiJng address, arid {�i) your request to be excluded f�m the final, permitted by applicable law; and 4 ) a copyofthe GPL 1s included herewilh, may be obtained at http:// Productsfor lhebalanceof the applicable periodofthe. original_warranty or ninety{OO)dayslromthe
00800 ASK4 WDEU rouding without limitation hardware a nd software products, this Agreement, or other transaction ot�rwise available_ to you pursuant to f�eral, state, or locallaws.AllDisput�sshall be _resolved by b1nd1ng ind1V1dual arb1tration procedureand waiver ofciass and representative proceed1ngs specified, a nd may also be found at date ofsh1pment of a repaired or replaced Product, wh1chever 1s longer.
(00800 2754 9338) involving you aM WOT, whether In contract, warranty, misrepresentation, fraud, tort, intentional tort, a s1ngle neutral arti_1trator, a nd lxlth pa�s shallhave a reasonable_opportun1ty to participate ll the in thisAgreement. l n the event that youopt-out consistent with the procedure set forth above, al Modilication of or tampering with the Software, i ncluding but not limited to any Open Source The foregoing limited warranty is WD's sole warranty and is applicable only to products sold as n ew.
statute, regulation , ordinaoce, or a ny olher legal or equitable basis, and shan be interpreted to be selection of the artlitralor. The arb1_trator Is bound by the terms of this Agreement. With the exception other termsshah continlle to apply, ncluding the requirement lo provide pre-dispute notification . Software, _is solely at your own risk. Western Digital is n ot res.oo:nsible for any such modification The remedies provided h erein are in lieu of a) any a nd all otha' remedies a nd warranties, whether
given the broadest meaning allowable under law. YOU AND WDT AGREE THAT 'DISPUTE' AS of issues relating to the enforceab1l1ty of the �rbftration pro�sion , all issues related to this Agreement, 6. Severability. lf any provision in thisAgreement islound to be unenforceable, that provision shall be or tampenng. Western Digital win not su�rt a ny product in which you have or have attempted lo expressed, implied or statutory, induding but not limited to, any implied wa�a nty of m e rchantabil;ty
Asia Pacific +86 21 2603 7560 DEFINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY CLAIM OR CAUSE Of ACTION including the Agreement's scope arid the arbftrability of a Dispute, are for the arbitrator to decide h r t n c a modify the Software supplied by Western Digital. or fitness for a parti�lar purpose , a nd b) a ny and all obligat�s a nd liab11it1es of WD for _damages
CONCERNING THE ENFORCEMENT OR VALIDITY Of YOUR, WDT'S, OR EITHER Of OUR You may choose to engage i n artiitrat�hearings by telephone. Arbitration hearingsnot conducted :�::Y� th�:1b:: :a�:,l::� p:!���?� : ;s �:::-i ���'.7s�!. Warranty lnfonnation (All Regions Except Australia/New Zealand) including, but not l1m1ted lo acciden1!31, consequential, or special damages, or any finanaal loss, lost
LICENSORS' INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, INCLUDING CLAIMS Of (A) TRADE SECRET by telephone shalltake place in a loca)10r1 reasonablyaccessiblelrom your prinary residence, Ol' in 4 is found to be u nenforceable, this entireAgreement shallbe null a nd void. Obtaining Service profits or expenses, or lost data aris1ng out of or in connection with the purchase, use, or performaoo
Japan 0800 1 1 1 1 977 / 0120 934 453 MISAPPROPRIATION, (8) PATENT INFRINGEMENT, (C) COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND Orange Cou nty, Cal1fom1a, at your option. Regulatory Compliance WD values your business and always attempts to proOOe you the very best of service. If this Product of the Product even if WD has �en advised of the possibilily of such damages. I n the Un �ed States,
MISUSE, AND (D) TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT AND DILUTION a Initiation of Arbit ration Proceeding. If either you or WDT decide to artlitrate a Dispute, we agree ICES.003/NMB.003 Statement requires maintenance , either contact the dealer from whom you original� purchased the Product or some states do not allow exciusron or l1m1tations of incidental or consequential damages, so the
Australia 1 800 429 861 / 001 1 800 2275 4932 2. BiridingArbitration . You a nd WDTlurther agree: (a)to arbitrate all Disputes between the partles to the followi ng procedure:
Cet appareil numerique de la classe B est conforme a la normelCES-003 du Canada. This device visit our product support Web site at http1/ for information on how to obtain service limitations above. may not applytoyou.This warrantygives you specific legal rights, aridyoumay
pursuant to the provisions herein; (�) this Agreement memorializes a transaction in i ntersla\e (i) Write a Demand for Arbitration. The demand must include a d escription of the Dispute complies with Ca nadian ICES-003 Class B or a Return Material Authorization (RMA). If ii is determined that the Product may be d efective, you alsohave other nghtswhich varylrom state to state.
commerce; a nd (c) the Fede ral Arbitr�tion A� (9 U.S.C. §1, et seq.) govef!!S the interpretation �nd a nd the amount of damages sought to be recovered. You can find a copy of a Demand for will be given a n RMA number and instructions for Product return. An unauthorized return (i.e., one Australia/New Zealand
New Zealand 0508 555 639 / 00 800 2275 4932 enforcement of this Agreement. Notwithsta nding the foregoing, you may bring an i ndividual action Arbitration at ('Demand for Arbitration'). Safety Compliance for which an RMA�umber has not been issu�} will be returned to you at your expense. Authorized Nothing in this warranty modifies or excludes your legal rights under the Australian Competition
in lhe small claimsrourtofyourstate or municipalityif the action is periding only in thatcourt. (ii) Send three copies of the Demand forMiitration, plus the appropriate filing fee , lo: Approved for US and Canada. CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, UL 60950-1: Safety of Information returns must be sh ipped m an approved shipping container, prepaid and insured, to the address a nd Consumer Act or the New Zealand Consumer �ua_ranteesAct. This warranty idenlif"les WD's
ARBITRATION MEANS THAT YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHTTO A JUDGE OR JURY IN A COURT JAMS Technolo;Jy Equipment. For use only with a UL Listed PC. provided on your return paperwork.Youroriginal box arld packagingmaterials should be kept for preferred approach to_ resolving warra�ty claims which Is likely to be quick and simple for an parties
Russia 8 10 8002 335 501 1 PROCEEDING AND YOUR GROUNDS FOR APPEAL ARE LIMITED. The arbitrator may award 500North State College Blvd.,Suije 600 Approwe pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada. CANICSA-C22.2 No. 6C950-1, UL 60950-1: SOrete sloring or shipping your WD producl. To conctusivelyestablishthe periodof warranly, check the No other warranlies e1ther express or 1mplied by law, including but not limiled to those contained
you the same damages as a court sitting rt proper jurisdicUon could, a nd may award d eclaratory or Orange , CA92868,U.S.A. d'e(juipement de techndogie de l'infonnation . warranty expiration (serial number required) via WO shall have no liabilily in the Sale of GooosAct, are made with respect to the Product If you purchased your Product in
injunctive rellefOlllyin favor of the rldividual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to (Hi) Send one copy of the Demand IOI' Arbitration to the other party at the same address as the
Ill Ill 1111111180-36-08397
1 111111111111111 111 1111111111 provide reliefwarranted by that party's individual daim. The decision of the arbitrator shall be firial
and enforceable by any coortwith jurisdictionover lhe parties.
Dispute Nolice, or as otherwise agreed to by the parties.
b Hearing Format. In all healing formats, the arbitratorshall issue a written decision that explains
forlost data regardless ofthe cause, recovery oflostdata, ordata contained in any Productplaced
in its possession.
New Zealand for the purposes ol a business, you acknowledge and agree that the New Zealarid
Consumer Guarantees Act does not apply.

ln Australia , our goodscome with guaranteeslhat cannot be excludedu�e r the Australian Obtaining Service Garantieinfom,ationen finanzielle Verluste, Profitverlust oder Ausgaben sowie Datenverlust, die in Verbindung mil dem Kaul, Garantie limitee II prodotto WD comprende 30 giomi di supporto !ecn!co �ratuito du rante ii periodo di applicazione
Consumer Law. You a re entitled to a replacement or refund for a majorfarlure a nd compensation for WD valuesyour busiriess a nd alwaysattempts to prollideyou the verybest ofservice. Shouldyou lnanspruchnahme des Service dem Einsatz oder der Leistung des Produkts stehen, auch wenn WD auf die MBglichkeit solcher WD garantit que le prcxluit dans le cadre d'un usage normal, est exempt de defaut de materiau et de della gara112ia del prodotto. 11 periodo d1 30 giom1 ha 1�10 a_ partire dalla d�ta del primo rontatto
a ny other reasonably fylreseeable loss or damage. You a re also enti�ed to have the gOOOs repa�ed ericounter any problem, please give us a n opportun;tytoaddress it beforeretuming this Product. WD sch1itzt Sie als Kunden und isl immer bemiih!, Ihnen den bestrr&]�chen Service zu bieten. Wenn Schaden aufmerllsam gemacht wurde. main-d'oeuvre pour la duree def1nie ci-dessous et qu'ifonctionnera conformement aux specifications tel efon ico con l'ass1stenza tecn ica WD. Per ricevere 911 aggJOmame nti relalivi a funzion i e serv1zi ,
or re�aced_if goods rail to be of �cceptable quality and �e failure does not amount to a major failure. Most technicalsupportqueslions can be answered through our knowledge baseor e-mailsupport dieses Produkt gewartet werden muss, wenden Sie sicll �lweder an den Handler, bei dem Sie das GepriifteSicherheit de WD. La dureede votre garantielimiteevarie en fonction du paysd'achat du Prodult. La duree registrarsi on-li ne all'i ndirizzohttpJ/
½'hat con stItutes a major failure Is set out In the Australian Consumer law. service at httpJ/ If the a n swer is not available or, if you prefer, please contact WD at Produkt urspriinglich e rworben haben, od er besuchen SIe unsere Webs�e fur Produktsupportunter Maschirienlilrminformations-Verordnung 3. GPSGV: Der hochste Schalldruckpegel betriigt 70 db{A) de votre garantie limttee est de 5 a ns dans la region Am€rique du Nord, Centrale et du Sud, de 5 lnfonnazioni sulla garanzia
the applicable telephone number shown in the front of this document. httpJ/ Hier firiden Sie lnformationen zur l nanspruchnahme unseres Service und oder weniger gemii� EN ISO 7779, falls nicht anders g ekennzeichnet oder spezifiziert. ans dans la reQion Europe,Proche Orientet Afrique et de 5 ans dans la reQion Asie Pacifique, sauf
Warranty obl�ation legale rontraire. Celle p!'!riode de garantie limitee debute ii la date d'achat mentionnee Come ottenere assistenza
WD warrants that the Product, in the course of its normal use , wiM for the term defined below, be If you wish to make a daim, you should initially contact the d ealer from whom you original� wie eine RMA (War�n-RUcksendeberechligung) angefordert werde� kann . WH'd festg estellt, dass WD vi e grata per aver scelto un suo prodotto e tente ra sempre di soddisfame qualsiasi esigenza di
freB from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to WO's specifications. The term of pmchased the Product. lfyou are unable tocontact the dealer from whomyouoriginaHypurchased das Produkt defekt 1st, emalten Sie eine RMA-Nummer sowie Anwe1sungen zur RUCkseno'ung des Hiermn erlllart We stern DigItal die Konformitat dieses Geriits mit den anwendbaren RictiUinien des sur la facture. WD peut il sa seule discretion p roposer a la verte des extensions de garantie. WD ne
saurait €tre responsable d'un produit retoolTle s'ilpeutconclLJe que le produit a ete vole chez WD assistenza. Se questo prodotto ne cessila di manutenzione, rivolgersi al rivenditore presso i quale
your warranty is 5 years i n Australia a nd New Zealand, unless otherwise required by law. The term the Product, please visit our product support Web site at for information on how Produkts. Eine nicht autorisierte RUcksendung, (d. h. eine Senlilng, ffir die keine RMA-Nummer Rats der Europ1iischen Union, einschijelWch der Richtlinie 2014130/EU Uber die elektromagnetjsche e stata acquistato o v W co
of your warranty period shall commence on the purchase date appearing OI! your purchase receipt to obtai n service or a Return Mate rial Authorization (RMA). lfitisd etermined that the Product may e rteiltwurde,}wird zu lhren Las'.e n an Si e zuriickgeschickl.Autorisierte RUckse ndungen si nd im Vertriigfollke� und d er Rich�inie 2011165/EU zur Beschr1inkung d er Verwendung besUmmter ou que le dE!faut pretendu est a) non apparent, b) ne peut pas etre corrige raisonnableme nt su�e a
from an authorized distnbutor or authorized reselle r. For any WO-brand S�rd State Drive (SSD) be defective, you will be given an RMA number and instructions for Product return . An unauthorized Voraus zu bezahlen, entsprechend zu versichern und in einer zul8.ssigen Versaridverpackung an gefahriicher Stoffe in Eleklro- und Elektronikgeraten . Oen vollstiindigen Text der EU­ des degats survenus avant la reception du produitpar WD, ou c) est attribuable a une utmsation ou
return (i.e ., one for which a n RMA number has n ot been issu ed) will be returned to you at your die au! lhren ROd<send eunterlagen a ngegebene Adresse zu richten . Der Originalkarton und das Konformitiitser11I1irung finden Sie unter der folgeriden l ntemetadresse : http://\ installation iricorrecte, a une altel"ation (y compris enlevem ent ou atteration d'etiquette et ouverture
product ("SSD Product"), the warranty period expires at the end of the earlier of: (a) the stated time ou deJX)se de boitier exterieur, y compris du cadre de montage, saul si le produit se trowe sur une zz
period for the SSD Product k!entified a�ve or (b) the point at �ich your use of the SSD Product expense.Authorized retums rnust be shipped in a n approved shippingcontaine r,prepaid and entsprech ende Verpacku n gsmaterial soll ten zu r Lage_rung u nd_��m Versa n d lhres �-Produkts stets �oducls/EUDoC liste d e produits a i_nlerve�tion limite€de l'utilisateur autorise€ et que l'altE!ration specifique entre torizz
exceeds the stated endurance limit, as identffied in the specifications for the SSD Product, Please insured, to the address provided with your RMA n umber. If following receipt of a qualifying claim aulbewahrt werden , Um festzustellen, ob lhre Gara nUe noch gult1g isl, priifen S1e die vertileibende dan� le cadre, des inst ructions applicables, indiquees sur, un accident ou une sicura
note, it is possible for an SSD Product to be used uilder conditions which cause the media to wear under this warranty, WD or the dealer from whom you originally purd!ased the Product determines Garanliedauer fllr das Produkt (Seriennummer erforderlich) unter http:1/ WD haftet
out (and the warranty to expire)prior to the expiratlon of the stated time period in the warranty period, that your claim is valid, VvO or such dealer shall, at its discretion , eilher repair or replace th e Product wederfiir den Ver1ust von Oaten, u nabhiingig von der U rsache, noch deren Wiederflerslellung oder rnanipulat10n 1ncorrecte par qui que ce soitd'autre que WD. Sous reserve des limitations ci-dessus,
Assistance technique et gara nlie limttee votre recours un �ue et exdusif en garantie sera pendant la wee d e la garantie mentiollllee ci­
as specified in theapplicable endurance specification . Proofofpurchase shall be required to be with an equivalent or better Product or refund the costof the Product to you. You a re responsible fur Oaten, die auf Produkten gespeichert sirld, die sich irn Besa von WD befinden . • Toutes reQions saufl'Australie et la Nouvelle ZE!lande dessus et au choix de WD, la reparation ou le remplacement du produit par un produit equivalent ou ccrn W
eligible for th is warranty a nd to establish the commencement �te of this warranty. Warranty service for any expenses associated with a daim under this warranty.The benefilsprovided toyou under BeschrlinkteGarantie
will not be provided unless the Product is returned to an authonzed distributor, authorized reseller this warranly are in addition to other rights and remedies available to you u nder the Australian superieur. La garantie de WD s'E!tend aux produits repa/"es ou remplaclis pour la duree restante de la
WD garantiert, dass das Prod�kt bei n0011aler Verwendung fiir _den unten a ngegebenen Zeltraurn IMPORTANT l Gardez ces informations garantie d'origine ou quatre-vingt-dix(90)jours il cornpter de ladate d'expedition d'un produit repa/"e
or regional WD return center where the Product was first shipped by WD: WD may at its discretion Compemion a nd Consumer Act or the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act, Your original box and frei von Material- und Verarbe1tlllgsfehlern isl und den diesbezligl1chen Spezifikat1orien von WD Ce disquedur a ete COOyU pouretre ilstallE! par un professionnel. LesmatE!riaux, lo;Jiciels et
make extended warranties available for purchase. WD shall have no l1ab1l;ty for any Product returned packaging materials shood be kepi for storing or shipping your WD prcxluct. To conclusively establish ou remplaCf.!,selon la du/"ee la plus longue.
entspricht. Die GUIUgkelt der bescllrii n kten Gara ntie isl abh1i ngig von dem Lan d, i n dem Sie das instructions rouramment inclus avec les disques durs intemes ne son! pas indus. WD recommande La garanlie limitee menUonnee est la seule garantie de WD et s'applique uniquement a des produits W zz norrn
il WD determines that the Product was (i) not purchased from an authorized distributor or authorized the periodofwarranty, check !he warranty expiration (serial number required) via Produkt erworben haben . Sofem nicht gesetzlich anderweitig geregelt, gilt die beschriinkte Garantie vivement de vousrendre dans un centre d'installation professimnel avecce disque dur et votre nodopera pecific W
reseller, (ii) not used in accordance wilh WOspecifications and in slruc!ions, (ii) not usedfor its httpJ/ vendus en tant que produits neufs. Les recours foumis ici sont donnes en lieu et place de a) tout
in der RegKlf! Nord-, Sud- urid Zentralamerika 5 Jahre, i n der Reg�n Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika ordinateur portable, ou d e faire appel il une personne qualifre€, pour vousaider il rnettre votre disque recours et toute garantie, expresse , implicite ou !egale, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter,toutegaranlie
intended function , or (iv)stolen lrom WD, or thatthe asserted defect a) is not present, b) cannot Western Digital Technologies, Inc. 5 Jah re und In der Region Asie1Vpaz1fischer Raum 5 Jahre. Die Gllttigkeit der besch riin kten Garantie dur il niveau. Si vous8tes une personne qualifie€ et avez besoin d'informations sur l'installation de implicite de valeurmarchande ou d'adequation ci un usage particulier, et b} toute obtigation et toute re
reason ably be rectified because ,ofda�ge OCOJrring before WD �es the Prodi.K:t or c) is 3355 Michelson Drive, SLite 100 beginnt ab dem auf der QuittullQ angeg ebenen Kaufdatum. WD isl berechligt, na� eigenem ce produit, con sultez notre base de con naissancesu r http://su�rt.wd. com. ca cifico
attri�ble to rnisuse, improper 1nstallat1on, alte:31ion (including remov1ng or obliterat1ng labelsand responsab�itE! pour des donvnages, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les dommages accidentels,
lrvine, Califomia 92612 Ermessen erweiterte Garant1ele1stungen zum Kauf a nzubieten . WD Ubemimmt ke1ne Haftung fiir Votre produit WDcornprend30jours d'assistance technique gratuite au cours de la periode de indirects ou speciaux,ou toote pertefinanciE!re, tout manque ii gagner oufrais,ou dormees perdues
openirig 9r re moving external e oclosures, mciud1ng the mounting frame, unless the product is on the E-mail: das zuriickgesendete Produkt, wenn WD feststeltt, dass das Produkt von WD g estohlen IWrde garantie qui s'applique a votre produit. La Pf!riode de 30 jours commence a la date de votre premier a la suite de ou �ee a l'achat, l'utilisation ou la mise en oeuvre du Produit, meme si WD a ete averti W ffri W
l1st ofl1m1ted user-serviceableproducts and the specific alteration 1s within the scopeof the applicable oder d_ass der a ngegebene Schaden a) nicht besteht, b) nicht behoben lYerden kann , da da� Geriit contact telephonique ave c l'assistance techn ique de WD. Pour oousaider a vous tenir informe de la possibilitE! de tels dommages.

instructions, as found at, accident or misharidling while in the possession of beschadigt wurde, bevor es in den Bes1tz von WD gelangt isl, oder c) wah rend es sJch nicht Im Besitz des nouvelles fonctionnalites et des nouveaux services,n'oubliez pas d e vousJlsetire en l�ne sur W
someone other than WD. von WD befand, verursacht wurde durch Missbrauch, unsachgema� Installation, Anderungen (unter Par la presente, Weslern Digital declare que cet appareil est conforme aux directives de fUnion rifica W ltribu
PRODUCTS ARE COMPLEX AND FRAGILE ITEMS THAT MAY OCCASSIONALY FAIL DUE TO Tech nischer Support und beschran kte Garantie a nderem Enlfernen oder Zerstiiren von Etiketten und Offnen oder E nlfemen von Gehiiusen , es sei lnfom,ations sur la garanlie Europeenrie applicables, n otamment la Directive CEM (2014/30/UE) et la Directive RoHS sur les corn o
{A) EXTERNAL CAUSES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MISHANDLING, EXPOSURE Alle Regionen au!lerAustralien/Neuseeland 9enn , das Pr�kt ist auf der liste von benutzerwartbaren Produkten verzeichnet und die spezjfische Obtention de service Substances Dangereuses (2011165/UE). La dedaration de conformitE! auxnormes de rUE peutetre
TO HEAT, COLD, AND HUMIDITY, AND POWER FAILURES, OR {8) INTERNAL FAULTS . SUCH Anderung l1egt 1nnerhalb der Be1eicl1s der anwendbaren Anwe1sungen wie unter http://support. consultee a l'adresse intemet : http://www.wdc. com'products/EUDoC.
WD app/"eCie votre clientele et tente de vous foumir les meillairs services. Si ce Produit necesstte

FAILURES CAN RESULT IN THE LOSS, CORRUPTION, DELETION, OR ALTERATION Of DATA WICHTIG! Bewahren Sie diese lnformationen gut auf beschrieben), einen Unfall oderfalsche Handhabung. U nter Beachtung der oben genannten une intervention dr:i maintenance , vouspouvez contacter le vendeur chezqui vousavez achetE! le SJ
NOTE THAT YOU SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS, CORRUPTION, DELETION OR Dieses Laufwert;istfur die professionelle lnstallation bestimmt. Die Hardware, Software und Einsch@nkungen isl 1hr einz�er und ausschlie!!Jicher Anspruch w1ihrend d er Dauer d er genan nten Produit ou consulter noire site Web a l'adresse pour savoir comment obtenir W
ALTERATION OF DATA HOWSOEVER CAUSED, AND FOR BACKING UP AND PROTECTING Anweisungen, die Ublicherweise mlt Kits flir inteme Laufwerlle mtgeliefert werden, sind hier nicht eingeschriin kten Garantie und �ach Ermessen von WD eine Reparat�r oder ein Umtausch des Guida alla�a�nzia limitata e a.ll'assistenza tecnica periodo pecifica
DATAAGAINSTLOSS, CORRUPTION, DELETION OR ALTERATION. YOU AGREE TO d efekten Produkts durch ei n gleichwertiges oder besseresProdukt. FUfreparierte oder umgetauschte une assistance ou une autorisation de retour de materiel (RMA). s·� est determine que le Produit
enthalten. WD empfiehlt nachdriicklich, mlt diesem Laufwerll sowie lhrem Notebook zum Fachmann peut €Ire defectueux, vous recevrez un numero de RMA et des instructions pour le renvoi du Prodult. Tutte le regioni ad eccezione d1 Australia/Nuova Zelandia W
CONTINUALLY BACK UP ALL DATA ON THE PRODUCT, AND TO COMPLETE A BACKUP PRIOR bzw. zu einem qualif!Zierten Service-Tecllniker zu gehen , der Ihnen bei der Festplattenaktualisierung Produkte gilt entweder die Restlaufzeit der urspninglichen ProdiktgaranUe oder eine Garantiezeit W
TO SEEKING ANY GENERAL SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT FROM WO. von neunzig(90) Tagen. Es giltdie langere dieser beiden Fristen Les retours non autorises (c'est-a-dire ceux sans numero RMA) vous seront renvoyes a vos frais. Les
hilft. Wenn Sie selbst ein qualifizierter Service-Techniker sind und lnforrnationen zur lnstallation retoursautorisesdoivent etre e nvoyes da ns u n conteneu r con forrne, prepayes et assu res, a l'ad resse IMPORTANTE! lnfom,azioni da conservare
l n Australia, if the Prcxfuct is not of a kind ordinarilyacquired forpersonal,domestic orhouseholduse dieses Produkts benoligen, durchs�chen Sie unsere Knowiedge-Daten bank auf Die beschriebene, beschffin kte Garantie ist die einzige Garantieleistung �on WD und gilt foumiesu r vosdocuments de retour. Le carton et l'emballage d'origine doivent etre conservespour Questa unita € statasviluppata per installazioni professionall L'hardware, M software e le istruzioni
or consumption , provijed ii is fair and reasonable lo do so, WO limits its liabil;ty to �placement of the ausssclllie�lichfur als neu verllaufle Produkte. Die hiergenannten Leistung en werden erbracht solitamente fomili con i kit per unita inteme non sono inclu!:i. WD cons�lia vivamente di portare W
Productor supplyof equivalenl or better Product. This warranlyshall extend to repa1red or replaced an Stelle von a) j�lichen a nderen Garanlk:leistungen, ob a�sd�cklich, irnpliziert oder gesetzl� lestockage et l'envoide votre produit WD. Pour etablirde fai;on indiscutable la periode de garantie,
W§.hrend des auf 1hr WD-Produkt zutreffenden Gara nti ezeitraurns erhalten Sie 30 Tage lang gratis vE!rifiez la date d'expiration de la garantie (vous aurez besoin du numero de 5erie) il l'adresse http:// questa unitil e il cornputer nolebook presso un centrod'installazione professionale o un tecnico di
Productsfor the balance of the applicable periodol the original warranty or ninety(90}days from the technischen Support. Der 30-Tage-Zeitraum begi nnt am Tag lhres e rsten Te lefon kontakts rnit festgelegt, einschl1el1iicll aber nichtbeschffinlctaufjegliche mpl1zierteZusicherung der allgeme1nen assislenzaqualificato in gradodi eseguireoo upgrade dell'harddisk. l tecnici di assistenza qualilicati
date of shipment of a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is biger. This warranty is WD's sole oder erforderlichen Gebrauchstauglichke� und b) jeglichen Verpflichtungen und Haftung se�ens WD WD n 'assume aurune responsabilite quant aux pertes de donnE!es, quelle qu'en
dem technischen Support von WO. Denken Sie daran , sich online unter httpJ/ zu soit leur cause, il la recuperation de donnE!es perdues, ou aux oonnees contenues dans tout Produit ch e voglia no i nformazioni sull'i nstallazione di que sto prodottoposson o effettua re u n a ricerca nena corn
manufacturer's warranly a nd is applicable only to Products soldas new. registrieren, damitwirSie Uber neu e Features urid Die nste auf dem Laufen den halten kiin nen. furSchiiden einschlie111ich aber nicht beschriinkt auf Neben-, Fdge- oder spezielle Sch1iden bzw. nostra kn ow1edge base sul Web all'i ndirizzo http://support.wd. com. W
mis en sa possession

o di qualsiasi perdita finariziaria, perdila di profitti o spese, nonche perdita di dati conseguen� haya comprado el producto. El plazo es de 5 aiios en la regi{>n de America d el Norte, Central y do se� de assist€ ncia teci1ica qualificada e precisar de informa¢es sobre a instala9iio deste como novos. Os recursos fomecidos aqui substilu em a) quaisquer e todos os outros recu rsos e de vervaldatum van de garantie (serienummer vereist) Ilia WD kan niet
all'acquisto, all'imp� o alle prestazioni del Prodotto anche se WD era al correntedella possibilita del Sur, de 5 alios en la regi6n de Europa, Oriente Medio y Africa y de 5 aflos en la regi6n de Asia produto, pesquise nossabasede conhecimento na Web, no http://support.wd.corn. garantias explicitos, im�icitos ou estatutcirios, incluindo, mas n§.o limitados a qualquer garantia aansprakelijkgesteld worden voor vertiesvan data, ongeacht de oorzaak, hel herslellen van verloren �
di tali daMi. Pac ifico, a menos que la ley lo establezca de otro modo. Este plazo del periodo de garantia limitada O seu produto WD inclui 30 dias d e su_porte tecnico gratuito durante o �rlodo degarantia aplicavel implicita de comerciabilk!ade ou de adequayiiopara qualquerfinalidade especifica e b) quaisquer data, ofdataopgeslagen in welk Productdan ookdat bij WD in bez� is geplaalsl .., W
comenzara a partir de la fecha de compra que aparezca en su redbo de compra. WD puede, a su para o seu produto. O perfodo de 30 d1as comeca na data do seu p rime1ro contacto telef6nico com o e todasas obrigag6es e re sponsabilidades da WD pordanos, inclu indo, mas naD limitadas a danos Beperkle Garantie
Con la presente, Western Digital dichiara la conformita di questa apparecd!ialura alle diretlive del sola discreci6n, poner a la venta garantias ampliadas. WD no tmdffi ninguna responsabttidad por apoio tecnico da WD. Para nos ajudar a mant€-lo informado sob re novas fun¢es e servil;:o, nao se acidentais, indiretos ou espec ificos, ou qualquer prejuizofina nceiro,lucroscessantes o u despesas, WDgararideertdat het product b ij normaalgebruik, volgens onderstaande garantiep eriode, vrij is WAt
Consiglio dell'Unione Europea applicabili, induse la Direttiva CompatibilM Elettromagnetica - E�C ni ngU n producto devuelto si d ete rmin a que el productofue robado de WD o que el d efecto decla rado: esqueiya de se registaron line n a nossapi1gi n a na We b: http://register.wd. com. ou perda d e dados resultante ou relacionada com a compra, uso ou desempenho do Produto, van gebreken in materiaal en vakmanschap en d erhalve vokloet acn de specificalies van WD. De v.;r
-{2014/30/UE) e la Direttiva RoHS (2011/65/UE). II testo i ntegrale della Dichiarazione di Conform1ta a) no esta rresente, b) no se puede corregirrazonablementedebido a que fue daliadoantes de que lnfonna�oes sobre a garantia mesmo se a WD liver side inforrnada sobre a possibilidade de tais danos. Nos Estados Unidos, termij n va n uw be pe rkle gara nti e ha ngt afva n h et la nd waarin uw proo'uct is aangeschaft. De term jn
� W
UE e disponibile all'indirizzo I nternet: http:/'products/EUDoC. WD recibiera el producto o c) es atribuible al mal uso, a una ilstalaci6n incorrecta, a alteraciones alguns estados niio permitem a exclusiio ou limitag6es de danosincidentais ou consequenciais, i
Oblen�iiode manuten�iio van uw beperllte garantie is 5 jaar in de Noord-, Zuid-, en Cenr.lle regionen van Ame_rika, 5 jaar i n rw
(inciuyendo la eliminaci6n oladestrucci6n d e etiquetas y la apertura o el desmontaje de carcasas A WO valoriza os seus neg6cios e sempre tenta oferecer a voce o melhor se rvil;:o. Se for necessc\ria sendo assim as �mita¢es acima podem nao ser aplicaveis ao seu caso. Esta garantia d8 direitos Europa, he! M1dden-Oosten en Afrika, en 5 jaar in de Aziat1scll-Pacifische regio, teflZIJ anders door
externas, a menosque el producto este en la lista de productos a losque el usuario puede dar legais especificos, sendo que voce tambem pode ter outros direitos que variam em cada estado. de wet voorgeschreven. Deze beperkte garantieperiodestart op de aankoopdatum zoalsvenneld W iw � nnacje
servicio limitado y que la atteraci6n especifica este dentro del c\mbito de las instrucciooesaplicables, manutem;ao deste Produto, entre em contato com o reveridedor de quern comprou o Produto, ou
Asistencia tecflica y gufa de la garantia limitada visite nosso Web site de suporte, para obter informa¢es sobre assistencia 'opde kassabon. WD ka n naar eigen oordeel uitgebreidegaranties te koopaanbieden . WD is W iczll<!
• Todas las regiones exceptoAustralia/NuevaZelanda como se describe en htlpJ/, a accidentes o a un mal manejo mientras estaba en ou uma Return Material Authorization -RMA {Autorizai,:a<) para d evolu9iio de material). Se for Por este meio, a Western Digital declara a conformidade deste equipamento com as diretivas niet aa nsprake lijk voor producten die warden g ereloumeerd wan neer WD be paalt dat he! product
posesiOO de alguien masque WD. En virtud de las limitaciones mencionadas y durante el periodo de apliC8veis do Conselho da U niiio Europeia, inciuindo a Diretiva(2014/30/EU) e a Diretiva (2011/65/ van WD is gestolen of dat he! genoemde defect a) niet aanwez� is, b) niet op redel ijke wijze kan poczyn rw
garantia especificado, sugarantia unica y exclusiva se@ la reparaci6n o sustituci6n del producto por determinado que o produto esta com defeito, voce recebera um mimero de RMA e as in�tru¢es EU). 0 texto complete da deciara9iio de conformidade da UE esta disponivel rio seguinte enderei;o lllOCq W f.b inform v.;r
i lMPO.RTANTEI Guarde esta informaci�n para devolve-lo. Uma devoluCaD nao autorizada (ou seja, sem um nllrTlero de RMA em1lido) worden verholpen doorschade die zich heeft voorgedaan voordat WD h et productonlving of c) te
Este dtSCO estadisetiadopara su instalaCIOn por un profesional No se induye el hardware, el otro equivalente o mejor, a discreci6n d e WD. La garantfa precedente de WD abarcaral05 productos lhe sera devolvk!a, e as despesas serao pagas por voce. As devolu¢es autorizadas devem da internet: http:/ wijten is aan misbruik, onjuiste in stallatie, wijziging (inclusi ef verwijdering ofvemietiging van labels
software y las instrucciones que suelen a compaliar los kits de dscos intemos. WD reromienda reparados o reemplazados dura nte e l mayor de losslguientes plazos: e l resto del plazo aplicable en het openen of verwijo'eren van extem e behuizingen, inclusief het bevestigingslrame, tenzij h et
de la garantfaoriginal o noventa(OO}dias a partir de la fecha de envio de un producto reparado o ser enviadas ao ende rei;o fomecido nos documentos de devoluySo em uma caixa de remessa W
que neve este disco ysu ordenador portcitil a un centro de instalaci6n profesional o a un tecnico de aprovada, previamente pagas e seguradas. A caixa original e os materiais de embalagem devem product op de lijst voor producten met beperkte onderfloudsmogel ijkheden voor gebruikers staal
servicio capacitadoque podrciayudarle con la actualizaci6n deldisco duro. Si usted es un tecnico de reemplazado, el plazoque sea mcls amplio. ser guardados para armazenamento ou para rernessa do produto WO. Para estabelecer de f�a Gidsvoortechn ische ondersteuni ng en beperklegarantie en de specifiekewijzlgi ng bi nnen de van toepassi ng zijno' e i nstrudies valt, zoals beschreven op rz hl
serviciocapacitado y necesita informaci6n sobre la instalaci6nde este producto,busque masayuda La garantfa limitada precedente es la Linica garantia de WD y se aplica Unicamente a los productos conclusiva o periodod e gara ntia, ve rifique a validade da garantia ( n ilme ro de serie necessc\no) n o
• Alie regio's met uitzondering van Australie/Nie uw-Zeeland httpJ/,ongelukofverlleerdehanteringterwijl het product in het bezit is van iemand flTi W iyl jwy±
en n uestra base de cooocimientos en vendidos como nuevos. Los recurses aqui descritos se olrecen en lugar de a} cualesquiera otros �rider� A WD niio tera nenhuma responsabilidade pela perda de dados, and ers dan WD. Onderh evig aan de bovenslaande beperking en betreftde en ige en uilsluiteride �
Su producto WD induye 30 dfas de soporte teGnico gratuito durante el periodo de garantia que aplica recursos y garant/as, ya sean explicitos, implicitos o legales, i ncluyendo, entre otros, la garantia BELANGRIJKI Bewaar deze lnformatie garanlie waartoe u gerechtigd bent het herstel of de vervanging va n het product door een equivalent
implicita de comerciabilidad o aptitud para un fin en particular, y b) todas y cada una de las mdependentemente da causa, �la recupe� de dados perd1dosou pelos dados conlidos em
a su producto. El periodo d e 30 dias principia en la feclla en que llame por primera vez al soporte qualquer Produto que seja colocado em sua posse. Deze schijf is ontworpen voor professionele in stallatie. De hardware, software en instructies die of beter product tijdens de hierboven vermelde garantieperiode , en dit naargoeddunken van WD nnacji rw
tecn ico de WO. Para ayudamos a manten erlo i nforrnado acerca de caracteristicas y servm obligaciones y responsabUidades de WD por dalios y perjuicios, incluyendo pero no limitarido a los normaal gesproken warden gel everd met pakketten voor inleme schijven zij n n i et meegel everd. De bovenstaande door WD geboden garanfie geldt voor herstelde of vervangen producten voor het iyl
nuevos, recuerde registrarse en linea, en daflosaccidentales, indirectos o especiales, o cualquierperdidafinanciera, perdida de utilidades Garantia lim itada WD raadt ten zeerste aan deze scllijf samen m et uw notebookcomp�er mee le nemen naar een reste rende deel van de oorspron kelijke garantieperiode , da n wel negentig (OO)dagen vanaf de datum
o gastos; o la perdida de informaci6n como consecuencia o con relaci6n a la compra, el uso o el AWD garante que o Produto, quando usado normalmente, estara, pelo periododefinidoabaixo, professioneel installatiecentrumofeen gekwali1iceerde technicusdie u kan helpen bij de upgradevan van verzending van een he rsteld of vervangen product,afhan keljkvan welke periode het langste is. iyt
lnformacl6n sobre la garantla funcionamiento del producto, aunque se haya notificado a WD acerca de la posibilidad d e que se Hvre de defeitos de material e mao-de-obra, e se enquadrara na especificaySo da WD. 0 periodo de
C6mo solicitar el servicio sua garantia limitada depende do pais no qual seu Produto foi oomprado. 0 prazo da sua garantia uw harde schiff. Als u een gekwalificeerde onderhoudsmonteur benten informatie nodig hebtover de � bovenstaande beperkte garan� is de enigegarantie die door WD geboden wordl en geldt Wy
produjeran dichosdalios y perjuicios. En Estados Unidos,algunos estados no permiten la exclusi6n installalie van dit product zoel<t u in onze kennisban k op internet: W echowyw
WO valora su compra y siempre trata de prestarle el mejor de los servicios. Si este producto requiere o las limil,aciones de dal10S y perjuicios indirectos, por lo tanto, las limitaciones precedentes tal vez �mitada e de 5 ar)Os na regiao da Ame�ca do Norte, do Sul e Central, 5 anos na regiiio da Europa, Gedurende de op uw producttoepassel ijk garantieperiode ontva� u gratis 30 dagentechnische W W
mantenimiento, comuniquese con el distribuidor al que le compr6 el producto orig1nalmente o vis1te no se apliquen en. sucaso.Estagarantia le otorga derechos legales especfficos, y es posible que Oriente Medio e Africa, e 5 anos na regiao do PacificoAsi8t1co, exceto quando expressamente ondersteuning voor lJW WO-product. Deze periode van 30 dagen begin op de dag van uw e:erste
n uestro sitio we b de soporte tecflico en httpJ/ para obtener informaci6n acerca de usted tenga tambierlotrosderechos que pueden variarde un estado a otro requerido por lei. 0 periodo de sua garantia lirnitada com�ra na_data de compra que _aparece telefon ische contact met d e technisch e ondersteu n ing va n WD. Vergeet u n iet on line te regrstrere n op doel, en ) alle verplichl!ngen en vorderingen van WD voor schade, met intleQrip van, maar niet W
c6rno solicitar servicio o una Autorizaci6n de devoluci6n de materiales {RMA). Si se determina que em seu recibo de compra. A WO pod e , por sua decisao, dispon ibil1zar garantIas e stend1das para, zodat we u op de he.ogle kunnen houden van nieuwe features en diensten. beperkl tot indirecte, incidentele, ofbijzondere schade, of schade door financiele vert1ezen , gederfde
�I producto tiene falla5: le entregaran_un nUmero de autorizaci6n de devofu0n de materiales e Por I� presente, Western Digital d�ara que este equipo_cumpte con las Directivas del Consejo de aquisi<;ao. A WD nao tera qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer Produto devolvido se a WO winst of�sparingen, of ver!oren data voortvloeie�e. uit,ofvertiandhoudende met de aankoop,
1nstrucciones pa ra rea!zar la devol1JC16n del producto. El producto devuelto s1n autorizaci6n {es decir, determina r que o Produto foi rout>ado da WD ou que a a nomalia declarada a) nae se confirm a, b) Garantie•informatie
la Um6n Europea que le son de aplrcaci6n, incluidas la D1rectiva CEM (2014130/UE) y la Directiva Voorservlce hel gebru1k, of de prestat1e van het Product,ook nrel 1nd1en WD op de hoogte is ge steld van de
un producto para el cual no se ha emitido un mimero de autorizaci6n de devoluci6n de materiales) le RoHS (2011165/1.JE). El texto completo de la declaraci6n de conformidad de la Union Eu ropea esta nao pode ser razoavelm�nte retificada porque o dano ocorreu antes d_a WD ter recebido o �f?ciuto, mogelij_kheid van derg elijke SC!'ade. In de Veren lg�e Staten staan somrnige �taten uitsluiting of
seradevuelto con cargo a usted. Las devoluciones autorizadas OObercin ser enviadas en un paquele disponible en la siguiente direcci6n: ou c)_E! atribuivel a ma ut1lizaCaD, 1n stala9iio 1ncorreta, allera980 (inclu1ndo a remoca.o ou el1m1na9iio WO hecht waarde aan uw zaak en zal altijd proberen u de beste service te bieden . Als di! prcxluct W iyt �
beperking van madentele of b1jkomende schade nret toe, zodat het mogel 1jk Is dat de bovenstaande

aprobadopara el envfo,con prepagado y asegurado, a la di recci6n provista con sus documentos de de etiquetas e abertura ou remoi;ao das caIxas extemas, i�us1ve da caIha de montagem, exceto onderhoud vereist, kunt u contactopnemen m et de dealer van wie u het product oorspronkelijk beperkingen in lJW geval niet gelden. Deze garantie biedt u specifieke rechten, en het is roogelijk dat
devoluci6n . Debercironservarla caja y materiales de empaque originales para almacenar o enviar se o produtoconstar na lista de produtos comassist€ ncia l1milada pelo usu8rio, esea al!erai,:a<) hebt gekocht of onze website voor productondersteuni ng op bezoeken W
su producto de WD. Para establecer d e manera conduyente el plazo de la garantla, verifique el especifica estiver dentro do ambito das i n struCo9s apli caveis, de acordo com h ttp://, voor informalie over he! verkiijgen van service of een Retum Material Authorization (RMA). Als u nog a ndere rechten hebt, aangezjen deze van staat totstaat verschinen
vencimiento de la garantia (necesitara el nlJmero de serie) en tttp:// WD no sera Guia de SuporteTecnico e Garantia Limitada acidente ou ma utilizai;iio enquanto estiver na posse de outras pessoas que niio a WD. De acordo word! vastgesteld dat het product defect is, ontvangt u een RMA-nummer en instructies voor :��:; �:1 :�:�� �:: :;:r�� ;� racl1
respon sable por la pefdida de datos, i nde pendi entemente d e la causa, de la recupe raci6n de datos Todas as regioes, excetoAustrcilia/Nova Zel§.ridia com as limita¢es espe cificadas acima, sua Li n ica e exdusiva garanlia sera, dura nte o periodo he! terugsturen van he! product. Retourzendingen waarvoor geen voorafgaande toestemming Hierbij vertdaart Western Digital dat haar apparatuur voldoet aan de RichUijnen van d e Raad van de
perdidos ni de los datos contenidos en cualquier producto que este en su posesi6n . da garanfia especificado acima e por opi;iio da WD, o reparo ou a substituicaodo Produlopor is verkregen (m.a.w. zonder RMA-nummer) worden op kosten van de koper geretoumeerd. Europese U nie, waaronder de EMC RichWjn (2014130/EU) en de RctlS Richtl ijn (2011165/EU). De poczyn za
IMPORTANTE! Guarde esta i nforma�o um Produto eqOivalente ou melhor. Agarantia anterior da WD se devera esterider aos Produtos Retourzendingen met voorafgaande toestemming moeten op kosten van de koper en verzekerd volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring is te vinden op de volgende website W OCi
Garantialimitada httpJ/www.wdc.corrJproducts/EUDoC. W zwr6coo
WDgarantizaque el producto, en el transcursode su utilizaciCfl normal y durante el plazoque Esta unidade esla projetada para a instala(:80 profissional. 0 hardware, software e instru¢es reparados ou substituidospara equilibrio do periodoaplicci.vel da garantia original ou noventa(90) verzonden worden in een goedgekeurde verzenddoos naar het adres dat in d e verzenddocumentatie
se define mas adelante, estara l1bre de defectos d e materiales o mano de obra y cumplira con la geralmente fomecidos com os kits da unidade intema nae est§.o inclusos. A WD recomenda que dias, a partir da data do envio d e um Produto reparado ou substituido, o que for mais longo vermeld staat. U dient de originele doos en verpakkingsmaterialen te bewaren voor opslagof orna pov.-i
especificaci6n de WD para el mismo. El plazo de la gara ntia limitada de pende del pais en el que vDCeleve esta unidade junto ao seu notebook a um centrode instalat;ao profissional ou a uma A garantia limilada prevista e a Unica garantia da WD e e aplicivel somente aos produtos vendidos verzending van uw WD product. Controleer, om definitief de garantieperiode le kunnen vastleggen , W
assislencia tecnica qualificada que possa ajud:!1-lo com a atualiza<;ao do disco rigido. SevDCefor niev..ta �

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