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Abandoned Trailer Treatment

Fetty Productions
Jack Ettery, Charlie Cocking, Ethan Marshall, Grace Buckingham

Abandoned is about a teenager who has no family and recently lost his mum
and starts to develop mental health issues which sends him crazy...

Plot Summary
Our trailer will include multiple shots such as close ups, long distance, extreme
close ups, medium shots, establishing shots and two shots. We will be
including Elton Lightfoot to portray our character as the teenager who lost his
mother who will be going through multiple mental heal issues. We will also be
using Richard Simms as a therapist who tries to help Eltons character. The
music will start of all calming and will slowly start to build up due to the fact his
mental health is getting worse as the trailer goes on.


Act 1
In act 1 of our trailer (the first minute) you will see where the character lives
and will establish that the character is poor and alone, the camera will be
panning the camera at pictures of the mother hinting that the mother has
recently passed away. You will then see the character making his way to the
therapist whilst there are quiet voices in the background to hint that the
character has some mental health problems...
Act 2
In act 2 of our trailer (the second minute) you will see a broken-down
character who has lost everything: his dad and sister (years and years ago) and
recently his mother who he was close to as it was his last relative. We will see
Elton’s character talking to his therapist (Richard's character) and see that the
characters mental health is progressively getting worse as time passes as he is
starting to hear people's voices in his head (anxiety). We will then cut to the
character walking down a street and hear all the voices that are going through
his head to make the viewer feel uneasy. We will then see the character start
to run away from everything and everyone to a quiet spot in the woods where
he will sit down to try and relax.

Act 3
Finally, in act 3 of our trailer (the third final minute) we will see the character
star to lose his mind as he heads home whilst walking through Clevedon town
and seeing his mother which breaks the character as he freaks out and runs
home to grab a knife and track down his mum to kill him as he was lied to as
she was never dead.

Wrap Up
The final shot will show the character underneath a tree with a knife as the
camera starts to fade away from him and turns to black the the title shows up
at the end.

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