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February 17, 2021

Statistical Analysis
with Software
Module No. 2

BS Entrepreneurship

Kim E. Ganub
Instructional Course Module No. 1
Instructor: Kim E. Ganub

Subject Code : BUS STAT 1

Descriptive Title : Statistical Analysis with Software Application

I. Greeting/Salutation

Hello students, welcome to 2nd semester of academic year 2020-

2021. Given the current pandemic, face-to-face teaching were canceled
and as an alternative we use modular method. We will work together to
maintain health and safety standards, while sustaining the academic
excellence. Please reach out to us whenever you have questions. We are
here to support you every step of the way in your journey to the
graduation stage. Good luck and keep safe.

II. Course Description

This course is designed for students who are interested in

learning the basics of PSPP and its application in data management and
data analyses and expanding their understanding of statistical
inferences. In this subject, we will introduce the platform of PSPP and
focus on the application of PSPP in data analyses (descriptive statistics
and selected inferential statistics will be covered). Students will learn to
program using PSPP and interpret the result from PSPP. These courses
aim to empower students to act responsibly in their future roles related
to data reading, understanding, and interpreting.

III. Objectives
This module is designed for you to:

✓ Learn to construct frequency distribution and graphs.

✓ Learn to present and organize frequency distribution.
✓ Examine the shape of the distribution.

IV. General Instructional Guidelines

To my students, these are the guidelines based on the distance

learning that we follow. Kindly read the following.

1. You can reach me at this number 09972417111 for questions and

clarifications regarding with the topic and tasks allotted for the week.
You can still do transactions beyond the schedule. However, you need
to wait for the reply as the teacher has ancillary tasks to fulfill.
2. Use separate sheets of paper when answering activities of your self-
learning module. Write legibly. Make sure that your outputs are intact when
submitting. Take note of the set deadlines in order for you to be on time.
Extension for the submission of outputs can be given if reason/s are valid
such as imposed lockdown in your purok that prohibits your parent or
guardian to go to school.

V. Learning Outcomes
The learners are expected to be able to:
✓ Organize the scores into comprehensible form.
✓ Construct the frequency distribution table and graphs and
provide appropriate interpretation.
✓ Understand the use and misuse of the graphs.
✓ Learn to transform score into meaningful form.
VI. Pre-Test Evaluation

1. A normal distribution is:

A. Symmetric. B. Unimodal. C. Bell-shaped. D. All of the above

2. A bar graph is usually used with __________ data while a histogram is

used with _________ data.

A. Interval; nominal B. Ratio; scale C. Nominal; scale D. Nominal; ordinal

3. Imagine a researcher found that 65% of bystanders helped a female who

dropped her packages but only 32% helped a male that dropped his
packages. What type of graph would be appropriate to display this data?

A. Bar graph B. Frequency polygon C.Histogram D. None of the above.

4. If students in a college math class are given an exam intended for middle
school math students it would probably result in:

A. A positively skewed distribution. B. A ceiling effect.

C. A normal distribution. D. All of the above.

5. Professor Arenas recently administered a statistics exam and was

surprised to see that the distribution of scores was negatively skewed. What
would a negatively skewed distribution indicate for this example?

A. That most students did well on the exam but a few did very poorly.

B. That students were at the extreme; some did very well and others did very

C. That most students did poorly on the exam but a few did very well.
D. That there was very little variation in his class; everyone scored about the

VII. Discussions

Lesson 1

Introduction to Frequency Distributions

The results from a research study usually consist of pages of numbers

corresponding to the measurements, or scores, collected during the study.
The immediate problem for the researcher is to organize the scores into some
comprehensible form so that any patterns in the data can be seen easily and
communicated to others. This is the job of descriptive statistics: to simplify
the organization and presentation of data. One of the most common
procedures for organizing a set of data is to place the scores in a frequency

DEFINITION: A frequency distribution is an organized tabulation of the

number of individuals
located in each category on the scale of measurement.
A frequency distribution can be structured either as a table or as a graph, but
in either case, the distribution presents the same two elements:

1. The set of categories that make up the original measurement scale.

2. A record of the frequency, or number of individuals in each category.

Thus, a frequency distribution presents a picture of how the individual scores

are distributed on the measurement scale—hence the name frequency

Lesson 3

Frequency Distribution Tables

The simplest frequency distribution table presents the measurement

scale by listing the different measurement categories (X values) in a column
from highest to lowest. Beside each X value, we indicate the frequency, or the
number of times that particular measurement occurred in the data. It is
customary to use an X as the column heading for the scores and an f as the
column heading for the frequencies. An example of a frequency distribution
table follows.

Example 1: The following set of N = 20 scores was obtained from a 10-point

statistics quiz. We organize these scores by constructing a frequency
distribution table.

8, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 6, 4, 9, 8,

7, 8, 10, 9, 8, 6, 9, 7, 8, 8

Frequency distribution table:

1. The highest score is X = 10, and the lowest score is X = 4. Therefore, the
first column of the table lists the categories that make up the scale of
measurement (X values) from 10 down to 4. Notice that all of the possible
values are listed in the table. For example, no one had a score of X = 5, but
this value is included. With an ordinal, interval, or ratio scale, the categories
are listed in order (usually highest to lowest). For a nominal scale, the
categories can be listed in any order.

2. The frequency associated with each score is recorded in the second column.
For example, two people had scores of 10 (X = 10), so there is a 2 in the f
column beside X = 10.

Notice that the X values in a frequency distribution table represent the

scale of measurement, not the actual set of scores. For example, the X column
lists the value 10 only one time, but the frequency column indicates that there
are actually two values of X = 10. Also, the X column lists a value of X = 5,
but the frequency column indicates that no one actually had a score of X = 5.

Lesson 4

Frequency Distribution Graphs

A frequency distribution graph is basically a picture of the information

available in a frequency distribution table.


When the data consist of numerical scores that have been measured on
an interval or ratio scale, there are two options for constructing a frequency
distribution graph. The two types of graphs are called histograms and
1. Histograms. To construct a histogram, you first list the numerical scores
(the categories of measurement) along the X-axis. Then you draw a bar above
each X value so that

a. The height of the bar corresponds to the frequency for that category.

b. For continuous variables, the width of the bar extends to the real limits of
the category. For discrete variables, each bar extends exactly half the distance
to the adjacent category on each side.

Figure 4.1 An example of a frequency distribution histogram. The same

set of quiz scores is presented in the frequency distribution table and
in a histogram.

Quiz scores:
,3,3, 2,1,5,

2. Polygons. The second option for graphing a distribution of numerical

scores from an interval or ratio scale of measurement is called a polygon. To
construct a polygon, you begin by listing the numerical scores (the categories
of measurement) along the X-axis. Then,

a. A dot is centered above each score so that the vertical position of the dot
corresponds to the frequency for the category.

b. A continuous line is drawn from dot to dot to connect the series of dots.

c. The graph is completed by drawing a line down to the X-axis (zero

frequency) at each end of the range of scores. The final lines are usually drawn
so that they reach the X-axis at a point that is one category below the lowest
score on the left side and one category above the highest score on the right
side. An example of a polygon is shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 An example of a frequency distribution polygon.


When the scores are measured on a nominal or ordinal scale (usually

non-numerical values), the frequency distribution can be displayed in a bar

1. Bar graphs. A bar graph is essentially the same as a histogram, except

that spaces are left between adjacent bars. For a nominal scale, the space
between bars emphasizes that the scale consists of separate, distinct
categories. For ordinal scales, separate bars are used because you cannot
assume that the categories are all the same size.

Figure 4. A bar graph showing the distribution of personality types in a

sample of college students.

X f
A 10
B 5
C 20
Lesson 6

The Shape of a Frequency Distribution

Rather than drawing a complete frequency distribution graph,

researchers often simply describe a distribution by listing its characteristics.
There are three characteristics that completely describe any distribution:
shape, central tendency, and variability. In simple terms, central tendency
measures where the center of the distribution is located. Variability tells
whether the scores are spread over a wide range or are clustered together.
Central tendency and variability will be covered in later topics.

DEFINITION: In a symmetrical distribution, it is possible to draw a vertical line through

the middle so that one side of the distribution is a mirror image of the other (Figure 6.1).

DEFINITION: In a skewed distribution, the scores tend to pile up toward one end of the
scale and taper off gradually at the other end (see Figure 6.1).

DEFINITION: A skewed distribution with the tail on the right-hand side is positively
skewed because the tail points toward the positive (above-zero) end of the X-axis. If the tail
points to the left, the distribution is negatively skewed (see Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1 Example of different shape of distribution.

Figure 6.2 The population distribution of IQ scores: an example of anormal

For a very difficult exam, most scores tend to be low, with only a few
individuals earning high scores. This produces a positively skewed
distribution. Similarly, a very easy exam tends to produce a negatively skewed
distribution, with most of the students earning high scores and only a few
with low values.

Lesson 7

Percentiles, Percentile Ranks, and Interpolation

Although the primary purpose of a frequency distribution is to provide

a description of an entire set of scores, it also can be used to describe the
position of an individual within the set. Individual scores, or X values, are
called raw scores. By themselves, raw scores do not provide much
information. For example, if you are told that your score on an exam is X =
43, you cannot tell how well you did relative to other students in the class. To
evaluate your score, you need more information, such as the average score or
the number of people who had scores above and below you. With this
additional information, you would be able to determine your relative position
in the class. Because raw scores do not provide much information, it is
desirable to transform them into a more meaningful form. One transformation
that we consider changes raw scores into percentiles.

DEFINITION: The rank or percentile rank of a particular score is defined as the

percentage of individuals in the distribution with scores equal to or less than the particular

DEFINITION: When a score is identified by its percentile rank, the score is called a

Suppose, for example, that you have a score of X = 43 on an exam and that
you know that exactly 60% of the class had scores of 43 or lower. Then your score X
= 43 has a percentile rank of 60%, and your score would be called the 60th percentile.
Notice that percentile rank refers to a percentage and that percentile refers to a score.


To determine percentiles or percentile ranks, the first step is to find the
number of individuals who are located at or below each point in the distribution.
This can be done most easily with a frequency distribution table by simply counting
the number who are in or below each category on the scale. The resulting values are
called cumulative frequencies because they represent the accumulation of
individuals as you move up the scale.
Example 1:

In the following frequency distribution table, we have included a cumulative

frequency column headed by cf. For each row, the cumulative frequency value is
obtained by adding up the frequencies ( f ) in and below that category. For example,
the score X = 3 has a cumulative frequency of 14 because exactly 14 individuals had
scores of X = 3 or less (2+4+8=14).

The cumulative frequencies show the number of individuals located at or

below each score. To find percentiles, we must convert these frequencies into
percentages. The resulting values are called cumulative percentages because they
show the percentage of individuals who are accumulated as you move up the scale.

Example 2:

This time we have added a cumulative percentage column (c%) to the

frequency distribution table from Example 2.5. The values in this column represent
the percentage of individuals who are located in and below each category. For
example, 70% of the individuals (14 out of 20) had scores of X = 3 or lower.
Cumulative percentages can be computed by

VIII. Post-Test Evaluation Activity

Direction: Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper. Indicate your name
and your section on top of your answer sheet. Show necessary solution.
1. Find each value requested for the distribution of scores in the following
table. (2pts each)
a. n
b. ∑ 𝑋 X f
c. ∑ 𝑋 2
5 1
4 2
3 3
2 5
1 3
2. Draw a frequency distribution histogram for these data for the following
set of quiz scores: (5pts)
3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 7, 7, 3, 4, 5, 8,9,9,6,5,1,1,1,10,10

3. Construct a frequency distribution table for the following set of scores.

Include columns for cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage in your
table. (12pts)

Scores: 6, 7, 8, 9, 7, 9, 5, 7, 6, 9

IX. Application

Direction: Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper. Indicate your name
and your section on top of your answer sheet. Show necessary solution.
1. Every student in every year level in high school were given a shirt for their
respective year. Green shirt for first year, yellow for second year, red for 3rd
year, and blue for 4rth year students. Students were allowed to pick the size
of shirt that they want. To determine how many of each size shirt they should
order, the officer in charge look at the distribution from last year. The table
below depicts the distribution of shirt size selected last year.

X f
XS 20
S 36
M 59
L 29
XL 25
a. What is the appropriate graph to be used for showing the distribution.

b. Sketch the graph.

X. Terminology/Definition of Terms

1. Frequency Distribution - is an organized tabulation of the number of

2. Symmetrical Distribution - it is possible to draw a vertical line through
the middle so that one side of the distribution is a mirror image of the other
(Figure 6.1).
3. Skewed Distribution - is the scores tend to pile up toward one end of the
scale and taper off gradually at the other end (see Figure 6.1).
4. Skewed Distribution - A skewed distribution with the tail on the right-
hand side is positively skewed because the tail points toward the positive
(above-zero) end of the X-axis. If the tail points to the left, the distribution is
negatively skewed (see Figure 6.1).
5. Rank of Percentile Rank - The rank or percentile rank of a particular score
is defined as the percentage of individuals in the distribution with scores
equal to or less than the particular value.
6. Percentile - When a score is identified by its percentile rank, the score is
called a percentile.

XI. Summary

1. The goal of descriptive statistics is to simplify the organization and

presentation of data. One descriptive technique is to place the data in a
frequency distribution table or graph that shows exactly how many
individuals (or scores) are located in each category on the scale of

2. A frequency distribution table lists the categories that make up the scale of
measurement (the X values) in one column. Beside each X value, in a second
column, is the frequency or number of individuals in that category. The table
may include a proportion column showing the relative frequency for each
proportion = p =
The table may include a percentage column showing the percentage
associated with each X value:
percentage = p(100) = (100)
3. A frequency distribution graph lists scores on the horizontal axis and
frequencies on the vertical axis. The type of graph used to display a
distribution depends on the scale of measurement used. For interval or ratio
scales, you should use a histogram or a polygon. For a histogram, a bar is
drawn above each score so that the height of the bar corresponds to the
frequency. Each bar extends to the real limits of the score, so that adjacent
bars touch. For a polygon, a dot is placed above the midpoint of each score or
class interval so that the height of the dot corresponds to the frequency; then
lines are drawn to connect the dots. Bar graphs are used with nominal or
ordinal scales. Bar graphs are similar to histograms except that gaps are left
between adjacent bars.

4. Shape is one of the basic characteristics used to describe a distribution of

scores. Most distributions can be classified as either symmetrical or skewed.
A skewed distribution with the tail on the right is said to be positively skewed.
If it has the tail on the left, it is negatively skewed.

5. The cumulative percentage is the percentage of individuals with scores at

or below a particular point in the distribution. The cumulative percentage
values are associated with the upper real limits of the corresponding scores
or intervals.

6. Percentiles and percentile ranks are used to describe the position of

individual scores within a distribution. Percentile rank gives the cumulative
percentage associated with a particular score. A score that is identified by its
rank is called a percentile.

XII. Rubrics/Criteria for the Assessments Conducted

Direct Grading

XIII. References (Resources and Media)

Gravetter F. J., Wallnau L. B. (2009). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (9th Edition).
Toronto: Thompson.

Elliot A. C., Woodward W. A. (2007). Statistical Analysis Quick Reference Guidebook: With
SPSS Examples.

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