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Republic of the Philippines


ROTC – Hunters Road, Barangay San Juan, Cainta, Rizal

Civic Welfare Training Service
ROTC-Hunters Road, Barangay San Juan, Cainta, Rizal

Attendance Sheet
College: Date: 11 / 11 / 21
Course /Year: BSE / 1st Year Section: 2M

What are the lessons How to apply lessons
learning from the topic learned from the topic
The lesson that I learned on this topic is We could apply all knowledge about this
about being prepared to a calamity on topic by participating in an earthquake
this kind of situation like we are facing a drill to understand what to do when the
worlds biggest problem which is Covid-19 earthquake is happening and how to
pandemic. And also how PWD’s more takecare of ourselves to be more safe. If
ready when this kind of problem happens. you have children, have the entire family
Because its not just an earthquake, practice an earthquake drill. Participating
there’s a lot of happening after it, like it in an earthquake drill will prepare you and
would cause a tsunami, landslide and your loved ones for what to do if you are
etc.. So this kind of webinar really help us not with them during an earthquake.
because we could learned a lot, we could Because I know that being prepared
be ready and save lot of lives. would lead us to save a lot of lives.

Preparedby: Flores,Cedric Andrei P. Checked by:

Approved by:
College: Date: 11 / 11 / 21
Course /Year: BSE / 1st Year Section: 2M

Proof of Evidence

Preparedby: Flores, Cedric Andrei P. Checked by:

Approved by:
Name: Flores, Cedric Andrei P. Date: 11 / 11 / 21

Section: 2M

Would you be ready when an earthquake hit tomorrow? What will

you do?
I think yes im ready! Because I have a knowledge about earthquake drill and thats
really helpful to study and understand, Because they would teach you some tips to do
when the calamity happens. This also show us to be prepared all the time because
we really don’t know when it will happen. So here are the tips that i learned and I
would do if the calamity happens, At first we should always be calm and think where
is the nearest place to be safe, while thinking cover your head and move under the
table or anything that can cover you and wait until the shaking stop. After shaking
stops check immidiate for damages and injuries needing immidiate attention and look
for a first aid kit. After move outside and look for a help.

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