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Name: Maribeth P.


1. technical progress in the baking profession was started on what period of history

The world's oldest oven was discovered in Croatia in 2014 dating back 6500 years ago.
2. a tool used to cut and shape cookies and biscuits
Biscuit and doughnut cutter
3. this tool is used in greasing pans or surface of any baked products
4. it is used to flatten or roll the dough
 rolling pin
5. a tool used to grate cheese, chocolate, and other frest fruits.
6. Used to scrapes butter or mixture of food in side of a bowl.
7. A method cooking food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven.
8. Refers to a mixture of flour liquid and other ingredients stiff enough to be kneaded
9. What term is used in making holes over the surface of pastry using the tines of a fork.

10. An enclosed space in which food is heated, usually by hot air and also known as stack oven.
11. The microscopic organisms that produce carbon dioxide gas is known as what?
12. The first loaf pan was produced by whom?
George W. Knapp
13. A term used to make or press a decorative edge of a pie.
Leaf Edge
14. This refers to scattering bits or butter or other seasoning over the surfaceof a food.
15. a process of manipulating adough with a pressing motion plus folding and stretching until light
and springy.
kneading process
16. What is the ingredient that help product rise?
17. What leavening agents need an acid to activate?
Baking Soda 
18. what type of flour has the most glutten and is considered the strongest?

bread flour

19. what type of flour is the weakest?

Cake flour
20. a leavening agent that combines sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar.
Baking powder
1. all you have is a teaspoon, and the recipe calls for a tablespoon. How many times
should you fill the teaspoon?
three times
2. How many tablespoon in a cup?
3. How many cups can i get out in a gallon of milk?
16 cups
4. The abbreviation for degree Farenheit is?
5. Gal. is the abbreviation for?
6. How much is the double recipe for 1/8 tsp, vanilla?
1/4 tsp.
7. What is the cut recipe of 4c cornmeal and ¼ tsp. Salt?

8. Show many dozens in 72 pieces?

6 doz
9. This abbreviation qt.. is for?
10. What is the half of 2/3?
11. What is the half of 1 ½ cup?
¼ cup
12. What is ¾ cup plus ¾ cup?
1 1/2 cups
13. What is half of 2 2/3 cups of starch?

14. How many ounces in a pound?

15. A normal stick of butter is how many cups?

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