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BA-Broadcasting 2-3
Communication and Media Theories
Prof. Princess Esponilla

1. Identify the five most remarkable communication phenomena in your life?

2. What are the most important variables in those phenomena?

Talking about the most remarkable communication phenomena in my life, working on our research

which emphasizes the perception of the viewers and writers towards the character arc of Disney Villains

and its substantial background stories sticks to my memory the most. From the data gathering, our daily

meetings, interviewing our respondents, up to the final defense, we’ve practiced different levels of

communication. The opportunity that we had to communicate with different people allowed us to develop

our skills in approaching and responding to their diverse answers. As we seek their perception, we used

different methods such as survey questionnaires, messaging them through emails and setting up a schedule

for their interview. Above all these methods, the most effective was conducting an interview with them.

The questions that we raised were thoroughly delivered as we can ask them in real time, the interviewee

was able to answer us cohesively. Whenever we have clarifications or follow up questions, we can ask them

right away, the power of communicating to them face to face allowed us to understand their points and

opinions towards our topic.

Aside from conducting an interview with our respondents, the final part of having research which

is defending it to our panelist left a remark to me and my team. Preparing and practicing for our presentation

helped us to fully deliver our topic. Our answers from the questions of the panelist strengthened the

foundation and the essence of our research. These further clarify our vision in fulfilling and sending the

BA-Broadcasting 2-3
Communication and Media Theories
Prof. Princess Esponilla

message to those who’ll find it beneficial and essential.

Leaping from formal and heavy to informal and lighter communication, sharing our takeaways

during our sessions in our church helped me to further boost my self esteem in communication. The fact

that your thoughts and insights are welcome, valid, accepted and encouraged, I can further expound my

topics whenever I have the chance to speak and to testify. The topics that I chose to share were all written

in my notebook serving as my guide, just to be sure that I will not forget the important notes of my takeaway.

The process of sending my message to my receiver, which is also through a virtual conference, was clearly

delivered unless there will be interruption because of different external boundaries such as the unstable

internet connection, noise coming from the environment, and other distractions and disturbances.

Taking it to another level, another remarkable phenomena in my life is when I shared my silent

battles with my friend. The intimacy and closeness that we had brought and strengthened the trust that I

have that enabled me to put myself into the courage that I have been running to all my life. Knowing that

he was a sincere and genuine friend of mine, I was comfortable to communicate and vent out all of my

difficulties to him. He doesn’t respond to my insights and thoughts at all but the fact that he was there to

listen, accept and understand what I feel, was more than enough to know that speaking what’s in my

thoughts is necessary and fine for this would also help me to release the burden that I carry inside.

Last but not the least, encouraging myself during hard times like this is one of the communications

that helped me to continue on what I’ve been working on in my life. Reminding myself on what I should

BA-Broadcasting 2-3
Communication and Media Theories
Prof. Princess Esponilla

do and think of, encourages me to move forward. Before, when I am not used on talking to myself,

I overthink a lot, but meditating and taking a short time to think of what I’ve accomplished throughout the

day and having that time to rest pushes me to accept that it is natural to fail and make mistakes sometimes,

it is fine to take a rest for a whole day and my hard works deserve small tokens.

Communication drives us from having a lower self-esteem to walking and working for the better

version of ourselves. We may need e person that will be ready to hear us, a group of audience that will

listen to us and a peace of mind during the times that we need remind and encourage ourselves, remember

that it will not hurt us if we embrace the power of communication, its ability to bring our thoughts into life,

and the opportunity that it provides to express ourselves.

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