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Latin 2 Fall 2021 Final Exam

Nomen: _____________________________________

Part I: Verb Synopsis

Part II: Multi-Choice Questions Grammar/Culture

1. In how many wars did Rome fight against Carthage?

a. One c. Three
b. Two d. Four

2. In order to be elected as consul, a Roman needed to be ____ years old.

a. 43 c. 30
b. 40 d. 50

3. Which political office possessed the power of veto?

a. Consul c. Tribunes
b. Praetor d. Quaestors

4. __________ was the traditional aristocracy that actually ruled Rome.

a. Patricians c. Plebei
b. Equites d. Coloni

5. The bodyguards of the magistrates, Lictors, carried _______ to denote the status of their charge.

a. Lituus c. Fasces
b. Securis d. Aspis

6. The Future Passive Participle is also known as the __________.

a. Gerundive c. Supine
b. Gerund d. Infinitive

7. Which of the following battles was the most tragic for Rome during the second Punic War?

a. Zama c. Trasimene
b. Cannae d. Nola

8. Which is the best translation for Bibendum est?

a. He was going to drink c. It must be drunk

b. It had to be drunk d. She must drink

9. When does the action of the present participle occur in relation to the main verb?

a. Same time c. Time after

b. Time before d. Never

10. Which of the following is the best translation of the participle in the following sentence, Unicornem magistris
pugnantibus dedisti?

a. Having fought c. Fighting

b. About to fight d. About to be fought

11. Which of the following is the best translation of the participle in the following sentence, Sententias dicendas
a. Needing to be said
b. Having been said
c. Saying
d. About to say
12. Which of the following is the best translation of the participle in the following sentence, Stirgae auxilium nobis relictis

a. About to leave behind c. Leaving behind

b. Needing to be left behind d. Having been left behind

13. How many Quaestors were there in the Roman government?

a. 10 c. 15
b. 12 d. 20

14. Which public officer was in charge of the upkeep for public buildings?
a. Aedile
b. Tribune
c. Quaestor
d. Consul
15. What part of speech are participles?
a. Verbal nouns
b. Verbal adjectives
c. Verbs
d. Nouns
16. What is the correct form for the participle in the following sentence, “A captivis ____________ fugeratis”?
a. Invasuris
b. Invasuros
c. Invasuri
d. Invasurae
17. To which part of speech do Infinitives belong?
18. Verbal adjectives
19. Verbal verbs
20. Verbal nouns
21. Prepositions

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