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What I Need to Know

This module includes definition and illustration of triangle congruence postulates and determining
corresponding congruent parts of one triangle to another triangle using the triangle congruence
postulates. As you go over this module, you will learn how you can verify if two triangles are congruent
using fewer pairs of corresponding congruent parts. The lessons follow the standard sequence of the
course, but the pacing in which you read and answer this module depends on your ability.

The most essential learning competency aligned in this module is:

1. illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates

Objectives: After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. state and illustrate the SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates
2. determine corresponding congruent parts of one triangle to another triangle using the triangle
congruence postulates; and
3. represent real life situation using the concept of triangle congruence postulate

What I Know
DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each item carefully, then choose the letter of your answer and write
it on your answer sheet.

1. What triangle congruence postulate states that “if the two sides and an included angle of one triangle
are congruent to the corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the two
triangles are congruent”?
A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates
B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates

A) ∠P B) ∠Q C) ∠R D) ∠T
3. It is the side common to two angles of a triangle.
A) Included side C) Included side and angle
B) Included angle D) Included triangle
4. What do you call an angle between the two sides of a triangle?
A) Included side C) Included side and angle
B) Included angle D) Included triangle
5. What triangle congruence postulate states that “if the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the
three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent”?
A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates
B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates
6. What triangle congruence postulate states that “if the two angles and an included side of one triangle
are congruent to the corresponding two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two
triangles are congruent”?
A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates
B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates
7. What triangle congruence postulate can be used to prove that the two triangles below are congruent?

A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates

B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates
8. What triangle congruence postulate can be used to prove that the two triangles below are congruent?

A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates

B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates
9. What additional information is required for the two triangles to be congruent by ASA?

10. Given ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 ≅ ∆𝑋𝑌𝑍, which of the following triangle congruence postulates best explains the

11. Which triangle congruence postulate is shown in the figure below?

A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates

B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates

A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates

B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates

A) SSS Postulates C) SAS Postulates

B) ASA Postulates D) SAA Postulates

Lesson 1: Triangle Congruence Postulates

In Module 3, you learned that if two triangles have three pairs of corresponding congruent
angles and three pairs of corresponding congruent sides, then the two triangles are congruent.
However, given less corresponding congruent parts, two triangles can still be congruent using the
triangle congruence postulates.
Before we study the postulates, let's try to identify first the parts of a triangle in terms of their relative
Activity: Include me!
Direction: Given ∆ MDL, answer the following questions below about included angles and
included sides.

Included Angle is the angle between two sides of a triangle.
Included Side is the side common to two angles of a triangle.
What’s New
At this point of the module, you are about to go through Triangle Congruence Postulates. To understand
the concepts better, you need to answer the activity below.
Activity: Let’s Discover!
Directions: Observe and study the figures and answer the following questions below.

a. Name the congruent corresponding parts of the two triangles in each figure above.

b. Are the two triangles congruent? Why or why not?

c. What can you conclude in each figure?

What Is It
How did you find the previous activity? Have you noticed that you need at least three corresponding
congruent parts of two triangles to prove that they are congruent?
From the previous activity, each figure shows that two triangles are congruent through the following
triangle congruence postulates:
SAS (Side-Angle-Side Postulate) – If the two sides and an included angle of one triangle are congruent
to the corresponding two sides and an included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are
Example 1

SSS (Side-Side-Side Postulate) – If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of
another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.
Example 2

ASA (Angle-Side-Angle Postulate) – If the two angles and an included side of one triangle are congruent
to the corresponding two angles and an included side of another triangle, then the triangles are
Example 3

What’s More
Now, it’s your turn to apply the concepts on triangle congruence postulates.
Activity 1: “What am I?”
Direction: Name the postulate that guarantees congruency between each pair of triangles.

Activity 2: “Complete Me”

Direction: Corresponding congruent parts are marked. Indicate the additional corresponding
parts to make the triangles congruent by using the specified congruence postulates.

Let us determine how much you have learned from this module. Read and understand each item, then
choose the letter of your answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. Based on the figure to the right, is ∆ABD ≅ ∆ACD?

A) No B ) Yes, by ASA
C) Yes, by SAS D) Yes by SSS

For items 2-5, refer to the figure at the right.

2. What sides include ∠B?

A) ∠A B) ∠B C) ∠D D) ∠E
4. What angles include AC?
A) ∠A B) ∠C C) ∠A and ∠B D) ∠A and ∠C
5. What side is common to ∠D and ∠E?

6. What postulate can be used to prove that the two triangles below are congruent?

A) SSS Postulates B) ASA Postulates C) SAS Postulates D) SAA Postulates

7. What is the correct congruence statement for congruent triangles shown on the figure below?

8. Mike knows that in ∆MIG and ∆JAN, ,Which postulate can he use to
prove the triangles congruent?
A) SSS Postulates B) ASA Postulates C) SAS Postulates D) SAA Postulates

9. Carlo knows that What other information must he know to prove ∆ABC ≅
∆XYZ by SAS postulate? A) ∠𝐵 ≅ ∠𝑌 B) ∠𝐶 ≅ ∠𝑍 C) ∠𝐴 ≅ ∠𝑋 D) ∠𝐶 ≅ ∠X
10. If corresponding congruent parts are marked, what postulate explains ∆PIT≅ ∆DEN?

A) SSS Postulates B) ASA Postulates C) SAS Postulates D) SAA Postulates

11. Which of the following is NOT a method used to prove triangles congruent?

12. These are oftentimes used as frameworks that supported many works in construction and
considered as the most stable of all geometric figures.
A) Polygon B) Shapes C) Triangles D) Quadrilateral
13. What triangle congruence postulate states that “if the two sides and an included angle of one
triangle are congruent to the corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then
the two triangles are congruent”?
A) SSS Postulates B) ASA Postulates C) SAS Postulates D) SAA Postulates

14. What triangle congruence postulate states that “if the two angles and an included side of one
triangle are congruent to the corresponding two angles and the included side of another triangle, then
the two triangles are congruent”?
A) SSS Postulates B) ASA Postulates C) SAS Postulates D) SAA Postulates
15. What triangle congruence postulate states that “if the three sides of one triangle are congruent to
the three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent”?
A) SSS Postulates B) ASA Postulates C) SAS Postulates D) SAA Postulates
Additional Activities
Awesome! Before we end this module, let me give you some problems about triangle congruence
postulates. These problems allow you to think deeper and measure how far you have learned about
triangle congruence postulates.

Key Answers

Abuzo, Bryant, et. al. (2013). Mathematics Grade 8 Learner’s Module. Pasig City: Department of
Jose-Dilao, J. B. (2009). Geometry. Textbook for Third Year – Revised Edition. Quezon City: SD
Publications, Inc.
Laurie Bass, A.J. (2009). Prentice Hall Mathematics Geometry. Illinois: Pearson Education, Inc.
Nivera, G. C. (2014). Grade 8 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities. Makati City: Don Bosco Press, Inc.
Orlando Oronce, M. M. (2018). Exploring Math Textbook. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

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