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Rhona J.



Physical fitness is the ability of your body's systems to work together efficiently in order for you to be
healthy and perform daily activities. Being efficient entails carrying out daily tasks with as little effort as
possible. A healthy person can complete schoolwork, take care of household responsibilities, and still
have enough energy to enjoy sports and other leisure activities.

Physical fitness is one of the most important components of maintaining a healthy body. All creative
artistic undertakings are built on it. Physical fitness is a concept that relates to a person's entire health.
Physical well-being requires mental well-being, which can be achieved through exercise and proper
nutrition. It is for this reason that a universal state of happiness has been identified. Physical and mental
health are important considerations. More than just bending our body is required for physical fitness. It
all boils down to cardiovascular and muscular endurance and strength, as well as a strong immune
system and, most importantly, a healthy mind. The COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime
catastrophe for the entire world. Extensive social distancing regulations are in place around the world,
restricting people's daily activities and eliciting global calls from governments to keep safe and stay at
home. Of course, this means that the majority of people will spend the most of their time at home.
Nowadays, the majority believe that having a physically fit body is the most important thing one can
have. Our daily lives, including where we live, eat, work, and play, all play a role in our health. Health
refers to one's physical, mental, and social well-being as well as the absence of disease. Being healthy is
the most important thing we can do in this pandemic since we need a strong immune system to combat
the virus, which is why I can't adopt being physically and mentally well without this subject. I've learnt a
lot about this topic, especially about food discipline in order to maintain my body weight in order to be
productive, fit, and healthy.

I learned that I should prioritize my physical fitness because it allows me to maintain a healthy and
active lifestyle. It is essential to understand the importance of fitness exercise in one's life. As a result, I
will always remember and apply all of the activities and experiences I acquired in this subject in my daily
life. I had a lot of fun while studying, and I was laying the groundwork for a strong and healthy physique
in the near future.

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