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Christ’s School AGM

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th January


Present: Jane Strobel, Steven Brightey, Vicki McGrail, Mike Greenwood

(Treasurer), Chris Fletcher, Clare-Louise French, Bernadette
Kennedy, Steve Mayer, Julie Chapman, Sue Urquhart, Sue Frank,
Richard Burke, Jenny Sneesby (Chair), Elizabeth Mends (Secretary)

Apologies: Helen Cox, Marie Hawthorne

1. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

2. PTA Roles
Huge thanks to Jenny who is stepping down as Chair of the PTA.
Sue Urquhart and Elizabeth Mends were nominated as the new co-Chairs
by Mike Greenwood and seconded by Vicki McGrail
Mike Greenwood has kindly agreed to stay on as Treasurer.
A new secretary needs to be appointed.

3. Treasurer’s Report
Mike distributed the accounts for the year to 31st August 2010. He
reported that there is a healthy balance of just over £8,500 in the account.

4. Fundraising for the New Build

As discussed at the previous committee meeting, PTA funds raised will go
enhancing the facilities in the new build and in particular providing books
for the library.
It was reported that the Amazon wishlist scheme is going well.

5. Quiz Night
Elizabeth reported that the Quiz Night will be on 11th March and the
proceeds will go towards enhancements to the library and facilities in the new
build at the school– first notice has gone out to all the parents on the PTA
e-mail list. All volunteers to help on the night will be welcome. The
committee was urged to spread the word to help make this a successful
event. It is planned that, this year, there will be a Silent Auction as well as the
Raffle which will hopefully raise more funds.

6. Summer Picnic
Provisional date 15th July 2011
Following the fantastic Summer Picnic organised by Kate Montagu – huge
thanks to Kate
Montagu for her hard work – the committee discussed ideas to encourage
people to attend,
For example, Battle of the Bands final.

7. PTA Donation in memory of Emlyn Wibberley

As discussed in previous meetings, it was agreed that the PTA will donate
the sum of £1,000 to add to the area around the Pond. Richard will liaise with
Ruth as to how the money should be spent, perhaps to provide fruit trees
for the area or a bench.

8. Further fundraising ideas

Chris Fletcher brought up the idea of holding a music-based event with
professional or semi- professional musicians from amongst the Christ’s
community or through contacts of the Community. The committee agreed this
would be an excellent idea and should be explored in the coming meetings and
in the interim.

9. Any other business

i. Rebranding the PTA

Richard Burke felt that the rebranding of the PTA would be an
excellent idea in order
to change the perception of the PTA and encourage others to come
along to
meetings to be part of the Christ’s community. It was agreed that
this should include a change of name and perhaps a “PTA”
presence or raising awareness of the “PTA”at school information events.
To be discussed further.

ii. Richard reported that there has been some discussion with the
surrounding schools
about the benefits etc of Academy status. There are some early
stage on-going discussions with other schools in the borough
about feelings on this. Parents will be kept up to date with any progress.
But he encourages parents to express their views on this perhaps via the
school Facebook page which is accessible on the school website.

iii. As he mentioned at a previous meeting, Richard Burke reminded

the Committee
that 2013 is the tri-centenary of Christ’s School and exciting events
will be taking
place in that year, such as a Ball and a service at Southwark
iv. There was much discussion amongst the committee about how we
can encourage
parents to have more involvement with the school community.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00 pm

The next meeting will be held on Monday 7th March at 7 pm in the Music Room

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